Summary of our market study
The French decorating market is estimated at 13 billion euros in 2023, and the furniture market at 13 billion euros
The global interior design market, valued at 131 billion dollars
The pandemic had a 'very positive impact on the home furnishings (+9.0%), garden (+10.0%), household appliances (+5.0%) and DIY (+13.0%) sectors
Online sales account for around 50% of the total.
Trends in the French home decoration market and consumer behaviour
The lighting, decorative objects and home textiles sectors represent around 1.9 billion euros, 2.4 billion euros and 2.4 billion euros respectively.
The average annual budget for interior decoration is 532 euros. Men spend an average of 644 euros per year, and women 444 euros.
Traditional furniture superstores account for half the market share.
French furniture production exceeds 8.25 billion euros.
Interior design market players
- Ikea
- Conforama and But were acquired by Austrian company Mobilux and are now market leaders in France
- Maisons du Monde
- Alinéa
- Casa France
- home24 and, pure players in e-commerce.
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Market overview and definition
The interior decoration market in France encompasses several types of products: lighting, decorative objects, home textiles, table decoration items, table linens... The scope of this study excludes the furniture, carpets, household appliances and wallpaper markets, for which specific Businesscoot studies exist:
France's interior decorating market is therefore vast, encompassing manufacturers, retailers, DIY specialists, furniture specialists, large-scale geit also attracts many new players, some of whom are far from being specialized in home decoration at first glance, such as Zara Home.
The global market is growing and is set to remain so in the years ahead, with an average annual growth rate of around 5.13% over the period 2023-2028. Market growth is driven in particularby rising urbanization rates and global growth driven by developing countries.
In 2022, the French interior decorating market seems to be relatively resilient to less favourable economic conditions, proof of the attachment of the French to their comfort and home furnishings. ais to their comfort and interior design, even if confinement dealt a heavy blow to the entire home sector in 2020.
The market is highly concentrated, and is also characterized by the resilience of consumption in physical outlets, with the multiplication of the latter in many forms, even if the rise of the online sales channel cannot be overlooked, nor its influence in the purchasing decision process. the growth of online purchasing is a significant lever for the sector: by 2022, it is estimated that 50% of sales in the home furnishings and decoration market will be made online.
1.2 A growing global market
The global interior design market is estimated at $***.* billion in ****.
Global interior design market (***) World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****
It is expected to grow moderately over the next five years, at a rate of *.**% per year. As a result, the market is expected to reach sales of $***.** billion in ****.
1.3 French market size
By ****, the decoration and furnishings market in France will be worth almost ** billion euros, divided roughly equally between furnishings and interior decoration, which are worth **.** billion and **.* billion euros respectively. A specific Businesscoot study dedicated to the French furniture market is availablehere.
Breakdown of interior decoration market size by product type France, ****, in % of value Source: ****
Estimated size of market segments
Luminaires and sundries
In ****, the lighting and sundries market accounted for **% of the home decoration market, or *.*** billion euros .
The tableware market
This segment accounts for **% of the Echos segmentation mentioned above. The market for decorative objects and home textiles is estimated at *.*** billion euros in ****.
The home textiles market
The market for decorative items and table linens is estimated at *.*** billion euros in ****.
The floor and wall coverings market
The lighting and sundries market will account for **% of the decoration market in ****, or *.* billion euros .
1.4 Impact of Covid-19
The covid-** pandemic was generally beneficial for home furnishings. In fact, all sectors grew over the period:
The impact of Covid-** was hard felt in the physical distribution network (***). This negative phenomenon was partly offset by a big recovery during the deconfinement, with the prospect of a summer at home for many consumers. This phenomenon was also offset by a spectacular increase in online sales.
1.5 Foreign trade in home furnishings
Foreign trade in luminaires
To establish the trade balance for lighting fixtures, we use the Harmonized System of Customs and more precisely code ****: Lighting fixtures... The Trademap website allows us to retrieve the data available in the table below.
Balance of trade in interior decorating fixtures France, ****-****, in billions of US$ Source: ****
Foreign trade in luminaires and lighting fixtures saw a notable increase between **** and ****, with imports rising from US$*,***.** million to US$*,***.** million and exports rising from US$***.** million to US$***.** million. However, in ****, a slight decline was observed, with imports falling to $****.** million and exports to $***.** million.
The main suppliers for this segment in **** are China (***). The main export partners (***).
Foreign trade in household linen
As for the trade balance in lighting fixtures, we use Trademap, with code ****: Bed linen, table linen, bathroom linen and kitchen linen.
Balance of trade in household linen France, ****-****, in billions of US$ Source: ****
Main supplying countries (***) Main customer countries (***).
Foreign trade in curtains, glazing and related items
As for the balance of trade in household linen, we use Trademap code ****: Glazing, curtains and interior blinds as well as curtain and bed valances, in all types of textile materials.
foreign trade trends France, ...
1.6 The impact of Covid-19
Confinement motivates renovation projects
According to a poll conducted by Opinion Way from May ** to **, **** for renovation design agency Little Worker reported by Le Parisien, **% of French people want to invest in making their homes more pleasant, and **% want to do the same to make them more comfortable.
What kind of work are you planning to do in the near future? France, May ****, % of respondents planning to renovate their home
Aesthetics come first in the list of renovation intentions, followed by practicality (***), then living spaces.
On the other hand, due to the closure of physical stores during the first confinement, sales have shifted from physical to digital channels. According to Business Wires, in March ****, the number of Internet users buying online for the first time climbed by **%.
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Culturally strong French demand
Interior design is part of French culture, and as such, the sector occupies an important place in the hearts of many French people. In ****, **% of French people said they attach importance to their interior design.
The importance attached to interior design varies greatly depending on the room in the house. For example, the living room is decorated first (***).
Importance of decoration by room France, ****, in Source: ****
The following chart shows the types of furnishings prioritized by the French:
Prioritized furnishings France, ****, in Source: ****
An analysis of priority furnishings shows a preference for decorating living spaces, which accounts for **% of choices. The purchase of new furniture and household appliances follow closely with **% each. Decorative items are also a priority for **% of respondents. Finally, refurbishing the kitchen or bathroom is a concern for **% of those surveyed.
French buying behavior
When buying furniture and home furnishings, the two main criteria are price (***), demonstrating the importance the French attach to having a beautiful, well-decorated interior, with quality items. This is also shown by the fact that the *rd most important criterion is style, at **%. [***]
Criteria for choosing furniture and home furnishings Europe, ****, in Source: ****
When it comes to sources of inspiration, the top three sources ...
2.2 A sector strongly linked to the real estate market
The interior decorating market is closely linked to the real estate sector, which has been contracting in recent months.
Older homes The number of transactions in older homes rose steadily over the years between **** and ****, then fell by *.*% in **** to reach *.** million transactions in ****. We can see that in ****, at the height of the pandemic, sales volume was slightly down on the previous year. Between August **** and August ****, the number of sales of pre-owned homes is estimated at ***,***, **% less than in **** . This very significant drop in the number of sales of pre-owned homes seems to accentuate throughout ****.
Number of sales of existing homes France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****
New housing
In terms of new housing sales, we can see a significant drop in the number of sales orders and reservations since the beginning of ****, coinciding with the arrival of the pandemic.
from the first quarter of **** through to the second quarter of ****, housing marketing (***) continued to decline significantly, reaching levels lower than those recorded during the COVID crisis.
Between the first quarter (***) of ****, we observed a significant **.*% reduction in new housing reservations, a trend that looks set to continue in the first two quarters of ****. This points to a sharp decline ...
2.3 Cyclical demand
Demand for decoration appears to be a cyclical phenomenon.
Trends in interest in "decoration" searches France, ****-****, Google index Source: ****
The graph above represents the proportion of searches for the keyword "décoration" in France over the last five years, compared to when the rate of use of this keyword was highest (***). Thus, a value of ** means that the keyword was used half as often in the area concerned.
Over the past six years, we have observed a strong seasonal pattern for this search, with a main peak at the end of the year (***), driven by the approach of the festive season.
2.4 Demand for interior luminaires
Overall consumption on the decline
Household consumption of lamps has been falling sharply since **** after a period of steady increase. It fell by **.*% between **** and ****.
Consumption of lighting fixtures rose between **** and ****, before following a downward trend between **** and **** (***). However, the year **** marks a powerful comeback in consumption, with an increase of **%.
Actual household consumption of lamps and lighting equipment France, ****-****, in millions of current euros Source: ****
The consumer segment therefore appears to be losing ground for lamps and light bulbs. Household consumption of lamps and lighting fixtures is expected to exceed *.* billion euros in ****, making it a major outlet. What's more, the French have changed their relationship with lighting, viewing it as a decorative element in its own right.
Connected object consumption drives demand
Connected light bulbs also represent a growth opportunity. In ****, the French market for connected objects exceeded one billion euros, reaching *.** billion euros, up +**% on ****. This double-digit growth was driven in particular by the "Smart Home" segment, which grew by +**% and accounted for **% of the market. [***]
Cyclical demand benefits winter months
The final trend to be observed in consumer demand is cyclicality. Lamps and bulbs are particularly popular in winter, when darkness falls earlier, people spend ...
2.6 Les jeunes et les enseignes de décoration d'intérieur
Les enseignes de décoration les plus populaires France, ****, en % Opinionway
Les enseignes de décoration avec le plus d'avis négatifs France, ****, en % Opinionway
Les Français et leur connaissance des enseignes de décoration France, ****, en % Opinionway
Il est indéniable qu'Ikea occupe une place prépondérante dans le cœur des jeunes consommateurs, avec un impressionnant taux de satisfaction de **%. Cette enseigne jouit également d'une notoriété incontestable, car la totalité des personnes interrogées en ont déjà entendu parler. Ce succès peut s'expliquer par la présence omniprésente d'Ikea sur le marché ainsi que par sa stratégie marketing judicieuse, qui cible efficacement les jeunes adultes en leur proposant des produits modernes et accessibles.
En deuxième position, on retrouve Gifi et But, qui recueillent le soutien de **% des répondants. Cependant, il est important de noter que Gifi affiche un taux de désapprobation légèrement plus élevé, avec **% des personnes interrogées déclarant ne pas l'apprécier, tandis que But semble jouir d'une plus grande popularité, sans aucun rejet apparent.
Maisons du Monde, pour sa part, parvient à séduire un pourcentage significatif de jeunes consommateurs, avec un taux d'appréciation ...
3 Market structure
3.1 A highly concentrated French market with a large number of players
There are many types of players in the French interior design market:
Home furnishings superstores; Specialized home furnishings and decoration chains; Bazaar and destocking chains; Pure-players: Amazon, La Redoute; Decoration specialists.
Home furnishings superstores account for the largest share of the home decoration market, with **% of sales in ****, followed by home furnishings and decoration stores, with **%. Bazaar and destocking chains are also very dynamic in this market, concentrating **% of sales.
Market share by type of player France, ****, in Source: ****
on the other hand, specialists and online retailers are experiencing more difficulties on the market, due to an often more restricted offer for the former and difficulty in distinguishing themselves for the latter.
A market struggling to find itself
The market is extremely dense, with a huge variety of products. As a result, it inevitably attracts a range of players with very different strategies. Alongside home specialists such as Ikea and Saint Maclou, who are stepping up their interior design offerings, we see the arrival of foreign discounterflying Tiger, and finally the development of a home furnishings offer by brands originally far removed from decoration, such as Zara Home.
3.2 France's favorite brands
A survey conducted by EY-Parthenon reveals the French people's favorite home furnishings and decoration retailers in ****:
France's favorite home furnishings and decorating chains France, ****, in satisfaction scores Source: ****
In first place is the Ikea brand, appreciated by **. *% of those surveyed. This is followed by Maisons du Monde with **.*%. Amazon (***) rounds out the podium with **.*%.
3.3 "Made in France" production and number of companies and employees in the sector
While French furniture production seemed to have been in structural decline for a decade, the years **** and **** saw the sector grow drastically, with manufacturing rising from *.** billion euros in **** to *.** billion in ****.
Value of French furniture production France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****
Share of European consumers who believe local products are available in furniture and decoration Europe, ****, in Source: ****
Geographical breakdown of business
To study the evolution of market players, we took into account the following NAF codes:
**.**Z Manufacture of office and store furniture **.**Z Manufacture of kitchen furniture **.**A Manufacture of interior furnishing seats **.**B Manufacture of other furniture and related furniture industries
number of companies France, ****-****, in thousands of units Source: ****
The graph above shows that the number of furniture manufacturing companies is unstable. Its strongest growth recorded over the ****-**** period is between **** and ****, with a **.*% increase in their number. In the two years following ****, the number of companies declined. However, **** marks another leap forward, with **% more companies than the previous year.
evolution France, **** - ****, in thousands of units Source: ****
In this graph, we have only used data from **** onwards, as the data for some previous years seemed questionable. It can be seen ...
3.4 Distribution still predominantly physical
Physical stores remain the main distribution channel
Physical stores are the primary distribution channel in the interior design sector: **% of French people still prefer to visit a physical store:
Preferred purchasing locations for home furnishings France, ****, in Source: ****
The timid rise of the Internet
In ****, the leading e-commerce sites in the home furnishings and decoration category are Amazon, Ikéa and CDiscount. La Redoute and Conforama rank *th and *th respectively. Online purchases of furniture and home furnishings are divided between pure players and the e-shops of physical retailers. [***]
With regard to home decoration, the most popular items purchased online were bed linen (***)[***]
Online purchases by product type France, ****, in Source: ****
The internet is changing not only the structure of home furnishings distribution, but also the customer's purchasing journey. For example, **% of consumers use the internet to scout and compare prices and products before even visiting a store. As a result, the sector is gradually moving towards a multi-channel distribution model, in which consumers interact both with the physical point of sale and with websites before finalizing their purchase. [***]
The share of online purchases of the aforementioned products must have increased since ****, as, during the two confinements, the French refocused around ...
3.5 Online distribution, the new growth driver for retailers
Trend in online furniture sales France, ****-****, in billions of euros SOURCE: l'Ameublement Français
The online furniture segment is experiencing slight but steady growth. Sales have risen from *.** billion euros to *.** billion euros between **** and ****.
Preferred online shopping sites for home decoration France, ****, in Source: ****
Amazon (***).
The online distribution of furniture is intensifying, and this is true for all players: furniture superstores, specialist retailers, DIY superstores, mid-range/high-end furniture retailers. There are even pure players.
Retailers, especially pure players, are using virtual reality. Virtual reality can be used in a variety of ways in the interior design sector. For example, it can be used to enable customers to virtually visualize how a piece of furniture or other interior design element will fit into their living space before making a purchase. This can be particularly useful for online purchases, where it can be difficult to get an idea of how a product will fit into a physical space. Virtual reality can be used to enable customers to virtually "visit" showrooms and interior design stores, even if they are not physically present on site. This can be particularly useful in times of pandemic, or if a customer lives in an area far ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Product categories
If we take a look at the websites of the various furniture and decoration chains, we can distinguish several product categories in the interior design market. Take, for example, the website of Maisons du Monde, a major player in the sector:
Decorative objects and home textiles Bed linen Household linen Table linen Decorative linens Furnishings, lighting and appliances Storage furniture Bedding Occasional furniture Tables and desks Seating Kitchen furniture Bathroom furniture Lighting (***) Sofas and armchairs Tableware Tableware (***) Culinary accessories (***)
4.2 Interior design prices
The great diversity of interior design products on offer, as described above, logically implies a very wide range of prices, depending on the type of item in question. This makes it very difficult to give an overview of prices on the interior design market. Nevertheless, we can consider the major price trends in the interior furnishings market.
As far as consumer prices are concerned (***). [***]
Consumer price index for interior furnishings France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****
Light bulbs and fixtures
Household consumer prices for lighting fixtures have been falling since ****, with a sharp drop between **** and **** and some stability since. Prices had peaked in ****, so this drop is more a return to normal. The price of LEDs has fallen particularly sharply, making them increasingly attractive to households and businesses.
The consumer price index measures the average price level of luminaires consumed by households.
India luminaire consumer price index France, ****-****, in index base *** **** Source: ****
Here's an overview of prices on theLeroy Merlina major player in the distribution of lamps and bulbs on the French market:
interior lighting :
Lamps: between €*.** and €*,*** for the most designer lamps. Desk lamps: between €*.** and €*,*** Bedside lamps: between €*.** and €*,***.* Hanging lamps: from €*.** to €**,***.* for chandeliers. Wall lights: between ...
4.3 Supply trends
DIY (***)
According to LSA conso, **% of French people resorted to DIY in ****, reflecting a trend towards "handmade" consumption.**% have done so for economic reasons, **% to change their way of consuming, and **% to better protect the planet[***]
Connected interiors
Recent technological developments have enabled Ikea to launch an augmented reality (***) app that lets customers virtually place furniture in their homes. The launch of Ikea's AR application could herald a breakthrough in online furniture sales, as the company looks to meet the needs of younger generations. Ikea is also working on the development of an ever more connected home, via "connected buttons" that can trigger a multitude of actions. [***]
In addition, manufacturers have begun to integrate technology into furniture and decorative items. Examples of connected products include nightstands with integrated wireless charging stations or connected speakers.
In-store experience, showroom, pop-up store
More and more physical stores are focusing on the customer experience within the store itself to boost sales. In addition to making a purchase, the store must enable the customer to live an experience, to project himself, to stroll around and, in short, to have a good time.
This is the case of the MADE.COM boutique, a British player in the ...
5 Regulations
5.1 European regulations on general product safety
There are no regulations specific to interior decoration. However, this market is subject to rules that apply to a wide range of products.
The General Product Safety Directive is a European directive whose aim is to guarantee a high level of safety for products distributed on the European market. [***]
According to this directive, a product is considered safe if it complies with the safety provisions laid down by European law, thus preventing defective products from being placed on the market. It applies to products not covered by specific sectoral regulations, such as cosmetics, toys, etc.
Under this directive, manufacturers are required to
to market only safe products inform the consumer of the risks of a product (***).
When selling new furniture, it is compulsory to label a certain number of characteristics :
Price and list of items offered for this price, such as whether or not delivery is included, main materials, manufacturing process, finish, etc. Overall dimensions, Eco environmental contribution, Biocidal properties, If the furniture is made of leather, there is additional information on the animal species and, more generally, on the type of leather, If the furniture is made of textile, the label must show the name and percentage by weight of ...
6 Companies
6.1 Segmentation
- Ikea France
- Conforama France
- BUT International
- Gifi France
- Maisons du Monde
- Casa France
- Centrakor Stores
- home24
- La Redoute AMPM
- Habitat France
- La Foir'Fouille
- Le Marché aux Affaires
- Action France
- Alinéa
- Castorama France (Kingfisher)
- Leroy Merlin France (Adeo)
- ITM Equipement (Bricorama, Bricomarché, Brico Cash)
- Stokomani (Zouari Groupe)
- Tikamoon
- Gautier Meubles
- Maison Thevenon
- Boconcept
- Roche Bobois Groupe
- Petite Friture
- Poterie de la Madeleine Anduze
- Sarah Lavoine Maison
- Zanotta (Cassina, Haworth Lifestyle Design Group)
- Cassina (Haworth Lifestyle Design Group)
- Knoll
- JJA Groupe
- EK France
- Silvera Design
- Pinton Ateliers
- Tissus des Ursules
- Manufacture de Meubles d'Argentat - Pierre Yovanovitch
- B&M France
- Hema
- Maxi Bazar (Zouari Groupe)
- Normal
- Noz Arrivages
- Roger Pradier
- Madura
- Sommer Needlepunch
- Solmur
- Images corp
- Art du Marbre Concept
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