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Summary and extracts
1 Market Overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Marmalade is a sweet food product made by cooking citrus fruits with sugar and water. According to European regulations, the term "marmalade" can only be used for citrus-based preserves, while the term "jam" is used for preparations with other types of fruit.
The global market for jams and preserves was valued at $8.76 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $10.82 billion by 2029, starting from $9.07 billion in 2024, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.58 percent between 2024 and 2029. With consumers' growing interest in healthy lifestyles, the use of jams has increased over the years. Companies producing these products focus on increasing fruit content and using sugar to make them attractive to consumers.
The European jam market is valued at $2.73 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach $3.13 billion by the end of 2029, with an annual growth rate of 2.78 percent between 2024 and 2029. In Europe, Italy ranks first among exporters with an advantage of more than 20 percent over the second, in fact it exports much more than it imports, strengthening the country's competitive position in the international market.
In recent years, the sold production of marmalade in Italy has shown significant fluctuations, with an overall growth of 24.9 percent . In this very mature market, incumbents are trying to maintain their market shares in products characterized by a low and slow rate of innovation. In addition, the market is highly concentrated, in fact, in mass distribution channels, the top three companies achieve almost half of the market share, the number of active companies has decreased while the number of employees has increased.
1.2 The global market
The global market for jams and preserves was valued at $*.** billion in **** and is expected to reach $**.** billion by ****, up from $*.** billion in ****, with a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.** percent between **** and ****. With consumers' growing interest in a healthy lifestyle, the use of jams has increased over the years. These products have become a basic necessity in the production of other foods such as cookies, smoothies, cakes, sandwiches, and salads. Companies producing these products focus on increasing fruit content and using sugar to make them attractive to consumers.
Global Market Value of Jam World, ****-****, in billions of $ MondorIntelligence
Among developed countries, the trend of eating better has taken over the jam market, where consumers are looking for healthier products without artificial additives and with reduced sugar content due to their harmful effects on health. To extend the shelf life of products, manufacturers are now inclined to use preservatives and natural sweeteners. The segment of high-quality products that use calorie-free sweeteners to replace sugar and natural preservatives is set to gain market share [***]. In addition, consumers are looking for new and less conventional flavors. For example, there are now sugar-free and gluten-free yeast-based jams. There is also a growing demand ...
1.3 The European market
The European jam market is valued at $*.** billion in **** and is expected to reach $*.** billion by the end of ****, with an annual growth rate of *.** percent between **** and ****.
European Jam Market Value Europe, ****-****, in € billion MarketDataForecast
In ****, the top European exporters of jam, in terms of volume, were Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Turkey and Germany. Italy exported the highest quantity with ***.* thousand tons, followed by France with ***.* thousand tons and Spain with **.* thousand tons. Belgium exported **.* thousand tons, the Netherlands **.* thousand tons, Turkey **.* thousand tons and Germany **.* thousand tons. Major Jam Exporters Europe, ****, in thousand tons UNComtrade
The largest importers of jam in Europe were Germany, France and the Netherlands. Germany imported the highest amount with ***.* thousand tons, followed by France with *** thousand and the Netherlands with **.*. Other significant importers include Spain (***).
Major importers of jam Europe, ****, in thousand tons UNComtrade
1.4 The Italian market
The Italian market is characterized by a rich culinary tradition, in which artisanal production and the use of high-quality ingredients play a key role. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on organic and zero-mile products, which has led to a renewed interest in homemade jams and small local businesses.
Assuming a CARG in line with the European one of *.**%. The value of theitalian jam marketincreases from ***.* million euros in **** to ***.* million euros in ****, marking a ** percent increase.
Italian Jam Market Value Italy, ****-****, in millions of € Istat, Businesscoot elaboration
Between **** and ****, the sold production of marmalade showed significant fluctuations, with an overall growth of **.* percent, from €***.* million in **** to €***.* million in ****. After a peak of ***.* million in ****, the value dropped sharply to ***.* million in ****. However, from **** onward, the sector saw a steady recovery, reaching a new peak in ****.
The two **** Ateco Prodcoms concerning the jam sector were considered for this analysis:
[***] Citrus jams and marmalades. [***] Other jams and marmalade
Sold production of marmalade Italy, ****-****, in millions of € Istat
The sold production of jam in Italy showed a variable trend between **** and ****, starting from *** thousand tons in **** and returning to *** thousand tons in ****, with a minimum peak ...
1.5 Imports and Exports
Italy's jam imports increased from ***.* million euros in **** to ***.* million euros in ****. At the same time, exports grew significantly from ***.* million euros to ***.* million euros over the same period. The coverage ratio, which measures the ratio of exports to imports, shows an overall increase, rising from *.** in **** to a peak of *.** in ****, then stabilizing slightly at *.** in ****. This indicates that Italy exports much more than it imports, strengthening the country's competitive position in the international jam market.
Imports, Exports and Jam Coverage Rate Italy, ****-****, in millions of € UNComtrade
In ****, Germany is the main destination market for Italian jam exports, accounting for **.** percent of the total. It is followed by France with **.** percent, while Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, Austria and the US cover shares ranging from *.** percent to *.** percent. Other countries account for **.**%, indicating a significant distribution. Main destination countries for jam exports Italy, ****, in % UNComtrade
Germany is the main supplier of marmalade to Italy, accounting for **.** percent of imports. It is followed by Spain (***). Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands contribute between *.** percent and *.** percent. The "Others" category covers **.** percent, indicating diversification in sources of supply. Main countries of origin of jam imports Italy, ****, in % UNComtrade
1.6 Inflation suffered by the sector
The jam market has suffered from inflation mainly due to rising costs of raw materials, energy and labor. Adverse weather conditions and rising energy prices have increased production and transportation costs. In addition, inflationary pressures have led to higher wage demands, further increasing operating costs. Finally, higher demand for food during periods of crisis contributed to higher prices. These factors combined led to an overall increase in jam prices.
Industry producer price index - monthly data - base ****=*** for other processing and storage of fruits and vegetables [***] Italy, ****-****, index Istat
The index showed a significant increase between January **** and December ****. Starting from a value of ***.* in January ****, the index reached ***.* in December ****, marking an increase of **.* percent. During this period, the index experienced particularly large peaks between August **** and January ****, with values exceeding the *** threshold. This trend reflects continued growth in production costs in the industry.
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Overview of demand
Data on spending per jam in Italy between **** and **** show a seesaw trend, with spending varying slightly each year. After a decline from *.** euros in **** to *.** euros in ****, a recovery is observed, reaching *.** euros in ****. This final **.* percent increase from **** may reflect an increase in consumer prices.
Item of expenditure (***) per jam Italy, ****-****, in current &euro Istat
In ****, the main production of marmalade in Italy focused mainly on "Other jams and marmalades" with ***.* thousand tons, while "Citrus jams and marmalades" totaled only **.* thousand tons. Main productions sold of jam Italy, ****, in thousand tons Istat
In **** [***] Citrus jams and marmalade**.**%. Breakdown of production value sold Italy, ****, in % Istat
Consumption of sweets:
Among children aged *-* years, the number of consumers is *** thousand, representing **.*% of that age group. This percentage increases slightly among *-** year olds, reaching **.*%, the highest value among all age groups. As age increases, the percentage of people who consume sweets regularly tends to decrease. Adolescents aged **-** have a percentage of **.* percent, falling further to **.* percent among **-** year olds and **.* percent among **-** year olds. Among adults, the percentage continues to decline: **.*% for **-** year olds, **.*% for **-** year olds, and **.*% for **-** year olds. The consumption ...
2.2 Demand drivers
Greater affordability compared to big brands is the main driver, with **% of consumers citing this factor. Offers and promotions follow with **%, indicating that pricing and discount strategies are important in attracting customers. **% of consumers believe that products from retailer brands are good to eat, highlighting a positive perception of the quality of these products. Finally, **% appreciate the good assortment of products.
Drivers of purchasing products from private label Italy, ****, in % GreatItalianFoodTrade
The "legal" product names are:
Marmalade: to be called as such, marmalade must be composed of water, sugar and juice, pulp, segments or puree of citrus fruits for a minimum of ** percent on a kilogram of product. In fact, according to European directives, marmalade can only be made from citrus fruit: lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and the like, nothing more; Jam: is made with water, sugar and pulp or puree of various fruits that must be present for at least ** percent; "extra" jam: the percentage of fruit pulp rises to a minimum of **% while the amount of sugar remains at **%; "Light" jam: in this case we are talking about jams and preserves that contain no added sugar (***). Compote: a product with a very high concentration of fruit, with a very ...
2.3 Geographical distribution of demand
Northern regions show a higher average expenditure of €*.**. In contrast, the central regions show a lower average expenditure of *.**€. Finally, the center follows with *.**€, the average expenditure per household in the north is up to **.**% higher than in the south. This distribution suggests a greater propensity to consume chocolate in northern areas than in southern areas.
2.4 Trend in jam demand
The trend of online searches for jam in Italy between **** and **** shows considerable variability, with significant peaks and troughs. In June ****, the index was **.*, the highest value recorded during the period under consideration, followed by a decline in July and a recovery in August of the same year with an index of **.*. In subsequent months, the index showed fluctuations, falling to **.* in December ****. In early ****, interest remained relatively stable with slight increases and decreases, but without reaching the peaks observed the previous year. From June **** to June ****, the index continued to fluctuate, with the lowest value of **.* recorded in April ****. From May to June ****, there is a slight increase from **.* to **.*. Jam searches have seen high levels of interest in certain months, correlated with periods of higher consumption such as summer and the holiday season. The numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the graph in relation to the region and period indicated. A value of *** indicates the highest frequency of search for the term, ** indicates half of the searches. A score of *, on the other hand, indicates that not enough data were found for the term.
Trend of searches for marmalade Italy, ****-****, index Google Trends, Businesscoot ...
2.5 New trends in demand
3 Market structure
3.1 Italian market structure
ATECO code **.**.** refers to enterprises engaged in the production and preservation of fruits and vegetables, excluding juices. Although the code includes the production of jams and marmalades, it also includes the production of some other fruit- and vegetable-based foods.
Number of active enterprises by "other processing and preserving of fruits and vegetables" Italy, ****-****, in number Istat
The number of active enterprises in the sector showed a downward trend from **** to ****. In ****, there were **** active enterprises, but this number dropped to **** in ****. This represents an overall decrease of *.*% over the period. After a significant decline between **** and ****, from **** to **** firms, the number of firms showed a slight recovery in ****, reaching ****, and then stabilized around **** in the following years. While the number of firms is decreasing, the turnover of the industry is increasing. The market is now entering a consolidation phase, with larger companies buying smaller ones to benefit from the specific expertise of the Italian market. Unilever's alliance with Italian company Menz & Gasser in **** is an indicator of this trend. The agreement involves the acquisition of the production site by Menz & Gasser through a business transfer procedure and the expansion of production through a long-term supply contract guaranteed by Unilever, which ...
3.2 Value Chain
*. Procurement of Raw Materials
Fruit Cultivation: Purchasing fresh fruit from local farms or orchards. Sugar and Additives: Purchase of sugar, pectin, citric acid and other necessary additives. PackagingMaterials: Obtaining jars, lids, labels and packaging materials.
*. Primary Processing
Harvesting: Harvesting and selection of ripe fruit. Cleaning and Selection: Washing of fruit and removal of impurities or damaged parts. Cutting and Pitting: Preparing fruit by cutting and removing stones or seeds if necessary.
*. Production
Cooking: Cooking the fruit with sugar and other additives to achieve the desired texture and flavor. Blending: Making sure the mixture is well cooked and the ingredients are well integrated. Sterilization: Sterilization of jars and lids to ensure they are free of contaminants.
*. Filling and Packaging
Filling: Pour the hot jam into the sterilized jars. Sealing: Ensure jars are tightly sealed to prevent contamination. Labeling: Apply labels with product information, lot numbers and expiration dates. Cooling: Allow the jars to cool by creating a vacuum seal.
*. Quality Control
Testing: Performing quality checks for taste, texture and pH levels. Inspection: Checking that all jars are sealed properly and labels are applied correctly.
*. Distribution
Storage: Storing finished products in a warehouse under appropriate conditions. Logistics: Coordination ...
3.3 The main players in the market
The main producers of marmalade in Italy are as follows:
Rigoni di Asiago: This is an Italian company that has its roots in the Asiago Plateau. Founded in ****, the company began with honey production thanks to Elisa Rigoni, a young widow with nine children, who took over her husband's apiary. Elisa's honey, known for its sweet, floral taste, soon became famous throughout Italy. Over time, the company expanded its product range to include organic jams, natural sweeteners and hazelnut spreads. Rigoni di Asiago was one of the first Italian companies to switch to organic farming in the ****s, avoiding the use of herbicides, pesticides and additives, and following low environmental impact production methods to ensure the traceability and sustainability of its products. The company is still run today by Elisa's descendants, who keep alive their love of nature and tradition. It is committed to offering high-quality products that respect both the environment and the health of consumers. This commitment is demonstrated by the recent acquisition of Saveurs & Nature, a French producer of organic chocolate, which has enabled the company to expand its offerings in the organic confectionery market (***).
Zuegg: Italian family business with a long history in fruit processing. Established in ...
4 Supply analysis
4.1 The products offered
4.2 Price trends in the market
Trends in the Price Index for Jams, Jams and Honey:
Price index for jams, marmalades, and honey [***] consumer index for the whole community (***) - annual averages Italy, ****-****, index Istat
From **** to ****, the price index for jams, marmalades and honey in Italy showed a significant increase. Starting from a base of ***.* in ****, the index has grown steadily, reaching ***.* in ****. This represents an increase of **.* percent over eight years. The sharpest increase occurred between **** and ****, with growth of nearly six points, followed by a further jump of more than ** points in ****.
4.3 Future trends accessible
The jam market is evolving rapidly with several emerging trends for ****. Here are the main ones:
Organic and Natural Products: There is a growing demand for organic and natural products. Consumers prefer jams and marmalades made with organic ingredients, free of pesticides and chemical additives. Companies such as Rigoni di Asiago and Alce Nero offer a wide range of organic products that meet this market need.
Reduced Sugar Content: Awareness of the risks associated with excessive sugar consumption has led to an increase in the supply of low-sugar or no-sugar added jams. For example, Santa Rosa has launched a line of jams with ** percent less sugar than the market average. Hero Light is another brand that offers jams with reduced calories.
Innovation in Flavors: Consumers are looking for new flavors and innovative combinations. Gourmet jams, which include exotic ingredients such as spices, herbs, and liqueurs, are becoming increasingly popular. Agrimontana, for example, offers jams with premium ingredients that satisfy the most discerning palates.
Sustainability: Sustainability is a growing priority for consumers. Companies are adopting sustainable practices in both production and packaging. This includes using local fruit to reduce their carbon footprint and adopting eco-friendly packaging. Valfrutta, for example, is committed to ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Regulations
In Europe, chestnut jams, marmalades, jellies and purees are defined by Directive ****/***/EC implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree No. ** of Feb. **, ****. [***]
Jam is legally defined as a mixture of pulp and/or puree of one or more fruit species, sugar and water. The minimum amount of pulp and/or puree varies depending on the fruit, but generally cannot be less than *** grams per **** grams of finished product. In addition, the amount of pulp/purée used in a ****g jam must be greater than or equal to:
*** grams for redcurrant, sorb, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, rosehip and quince jam. *** grams for ginger jam *** grams for the cashew apple ** grams for passion fruit
Extra jam also follows the same logic, but with a minimum pulp content of *** grams per *,*** grams of finished product. The amount of pulp/pulp used for a ****g EXTRA jam must be greater than or equal to:
*** grams for redcurrant, sorb, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, rosehip and quince jam. *** grams for ginger jam *** grams for the cashew apple ** grams for passion fruit
Jam is a mixture of one or more products made from citrus fruits (***), water and sugars. The minimum amount of citrus fruit used in the ...
6 Positioning of actors
6.1 Segmentation
- Menz & Gasser
- Rigoni di Asiago
- Zuegg
- Hero Italia
- Santa Rosa
- Conserve Italia: Cirio, Valfrutta, Yoga, Derby
- Alce Nero
- Sole Frutta
- NaturaSì
- Biotobio
- Ortofrutticola Genovesi e Anversa
- Bell Italia
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