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Summary and extracts
1 Market Overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Yogurt is a food product derived from the fermentation of milk. it is obtained through the action of specific lactic acid bacteria, mainly Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, which convert lactose (the milk sugar) into lactic acid. This fermentation process gives yogurt its creamy texture and characteristic slightly sour taste.
The value of the global yogurt market is expected to grow steadily between 2024 and 2029. Starting from $105.61 billion in 2024, it is expected to increase by 28.6 percent, reaching $135.82 billion in 2029 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.16 percent. Online trade is the fastest growing retail channel in the off-trade category, and is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.75% during the forecast period.
The European yogurt market is expected to grow steadily between 2024 and 2029, from a value of $31.85 billion in 2024 to $40.10 billion in 2029, with a total increase of 25.9% and a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.50%. In 2024, the European yogurt market accounts for 30.16% of global quotations, however, this shows that most of the market is located outside the European continent.
Between 2017 and 2022, the value of yoghurt production sold in Italy declined significantly, suffering a decrease of 34.5%, however, it is expected to grow steadily from 2023 to 2029, showing an overall increase of 20.8% in six years at a European CAGR of 3.20%. As for the market in recent years, the number of companies in Italy has declined by 19.91%, a sign of consolidation in the industry. However, the number of employees operating has remained stable, hovering around 34,000. This indicates that while the market has concentrated on fewer firms, the workforce has been maintained, due to higher productivity and absorption of employees by the remaining firms.
1.2 The Global Market
The value of the global yogurt market is expected to grow steadily between **** and ****. Starting from $***.** billion in ****, it is expected to increase by **.* percent, reaching $***.** billion in **** at a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.**% during the forecast period. Online retailers, including Amazon, Sainsbury's, Asda, and Tesco, represent the most dominated platforms in terms of overall grocery sales, including dairy products, globally. The sub-segment held a *.** percent share of the market in ****.
Value Global yogurt market World, ****-****, in US$ billion MondorIntelligence
Europe and Asia-Pacific held a significant share of the market, accompanied by an increase in sales through off-trade channels, which led to an increase in overall sales. Global yogurt consumption grew by **.** percent from **** to ****. Yogurt, an ancient food that has been part of the daily diet for thousands of years in various countries, saw Europe and Asia-Pacific as the top consumers globally, with a volume market share of **.** percent and **.** percent respectively in ****. India and China are identified as the major markets in the region, together accounting for **.** percent of total yogurt volume sales in the region in ****. The main factors driving market growth include high raw milk production, growing consumer preference for quality dairy products, and appropriate ...
1.3 The European market
The value of the European yogurt market is projected to grow steadily between **** and ****, from $**.** billion in **** to $**.** billion in ****, an overall increase of **.*% at a CAGR of *.**%.
European yogurt market value Europe, ****-****, in US$ billion MondorIntelligence
In the market, frozen yogurt stands out as the dominant segment, while drinkable yogurt emerges as the fastest growing segment. The market for frozen products is at an all-time high and demand for frozen products is increasing. Frozen products are easy to store and have a longer shelf life, which contributes to their dominant position over other segments. The European yogurt market is mainly driven by the "Plain" segment, which has the largest market share. This dominance is attributed to the high nutritional value associated with plain yogurts, which fuels the segment's growth. In contrast, the flavored yogurt segment is expected to register the highest compound annual growth rate (***) during the forecast period. This growth trajectory is driven by growing consumer preference for a diverse range of flavored yogurt options, which drives demand in this segment.
In ****, the European yogurt market accounts for **.** percent of global listings, while the rest of the world holds **.** percent. These figures highlight Europe's significant weight in the ...
1.4 The Italian market
The value of yoghurt production sold in Italy showed a decreasing trend between **** and ****, falling from €***.* million in **** to a low of €***.* million in ****, with an overall decrease of **.* percent over this period. However, a significant recovery was observed in ****, with a **.* percent increase over the previous year, bringing the value to ***.* million.
Value of yoghurt production sold Italy, ****-****, in millions of € Istat
The Italian yogurt market is expected to grow steadily from **** to ****, from ***.* million euros in **** to ***.* million euros in ****. This represents an overall increase of **.* percent in six years at a European CAGR of *.** percent.
Italian yogurt market value forecast Italy, ****-****, in millions of € Istat, MondorIntelligence, Businesscoot elaboration
The turnover of companies in the Italian dairy industry, specializing in the hygienic treatment and preservation of milk, showed a swinging trend between **** and ****. After an increase from **.** billion in **** to **.** billion in ****, the industry experienced a significant decline in ****, dropping to **.** billion, a decrease of **.* percent from its peak in ****.
Turnover of companies in the dairy industry, hygienic treatment, milk preservation [***] Italy, ****-****, in billion € Istat, RegistroAziende
The categories present in the sold production of yogurt are as follows, and they have these percentages within the ...
1.5 Imports and Exports
Between **** and ****, Italy showed an increasing trend in both exports and imports of yogurt. Exports increased from **.* million in **** to **.* million in ****, registering an increase of **.* percent. However, imports had a much more pronounced increase, rising from ***.* million in **** to ***.* million in ****, a growth of **.* percent. The coverage ratio, which measures the ability of exports to cover imports, has remained consistently low during this period, fluctuating between *.** and *.**. This figure indicates that Italy relies heavily on imports to meet domestic demand for yogurt, with exports covering only a small fraction of imports.
Exports, Imports and Yogurt Coverage Rate Italy, ****-****, in millions of € UNComtrade
In ****, France was the main destination country for yogurt exports from Italy, absorbing ** percent of the total. Albania and Malta followed, with **.** percent and **.** percent, respectively. Germany, Belgium, Slovenia and Austria account for smaller shares, varying from * percent to *.** percent. The other countries collectively make up a significant portion of the market, accounting for **.** percent. These figures indicate geographical diversification in Italian yogurt exports, with a strong presence in Europe and good distribution in other international markets. Main destination countries for yogurt exports Italy, ****, in % UNComtrade
In ****, Greece was the main source of yogurt imports to Italy, ...
1.6 Inflation suffered by the sector
The yogurt industry has been affected by inflation mainly through increased production costs due to higher prices of raw materials such as milk, fruit and sugar, as well as energy and transportation costs. As a result, many companies have had to raise retail prices to offset these costs, but in order not to lose customers, some have adopted the strategy of "shrinkflation," reducing package sizes without lowering prices. Inflation has also affected consumer behavior, with consumers becoming more price-sensitive and reducing their purchases of premium yogurt, preferring cheaper products or those on offer. In response to this trend, manufacturers have launched innovative new products, such as yogurts with less sugar or fortified with protein, which are often sold at higher prices due to their added value. Companies in the industry have sought to contain costs by improving supply chain efficiency and reducing operating costs through production process optimization and automation. In addition, some have explored new opportunities through mergers and acquisitions to benefit from economies of scale and strengthen their market position. At the same time, collaborations with large retailers have enabled them to develop private label products, thus offering cheaper alternatives to consumers.
Dairy industry producer price index, hygienic treatment, ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Overview of demand
The average monthly expenditure of Italian households on yogurt showed an upward trend from **** to ****. Starting from €*.** in ****, spending increased steadily, reaching €*.** in ****, with an overall increase of **.* percent over the period.
Average monthly household expenditure item for yogurt Italy, ****-****, in current &euro Istat
Annual yogurt production in Italy between **** and **** showed a stable trend, with slight variations from year to year. Starting from ***,*** tons in ****, production dropped to ***,*** tons in ****, but then picked up again, reaching a peak of ***,*** tons in ****. In ****, production declined slightly to ***,*** tons. Overall, yogurt production in Italy has maintained a slightly positive trend, increasing by *.* percent between **** and ****, indicative of stable domestic demand and a relatively robust production sector. Annual yogurt production Italy, ****-****, in tons clal
2.2 Geographical distribution of demand
In ****, the demand for yogurt in Italy showed a rather balanced geographical distribution among different regions of the country. The Northeast and Northwest recorded the highest demand, both with a value of *.**, indicating a higher propensity for consumption than the rest of the country. The Center followed with a value of *.**, while the South and Islands showed lower demand, with a value of *.**. This distribution suggests a greater concentration of yogurt demand in northern regions, with more moderate interest in southern and island areas.
The geographical distribution of dairy cattle farms in Italy shows a strong concentration in the north of the country. The regions with the largest number of herds are Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol (***). In contrast, regions such as Valle d'Aosta, Liguria and Molise have no registered dairy cattle farms. In the central and southern regions of Italy, the number of herds is significantly lower, with Tuscany, Marche and Umbria each having fewer than *** herds. This indicates a clear predominance of dairy production in the northern regions, while the southern and island regions show a much more limited presence.
2.3 Demand drivers
In ****, the composition of spending in the dairy industry in Italy shows a varied distribution among different product categories. Fresh cheeses (***) make up a smaller portion of spending, with butter at *.* percent being the smallest item among the major dairy products. This distribution reflects a preference for cheeses, particularly fresh and hard cheeses, within overall spending in the industry.
Composition of expenditure in the dairy industry Italy, ****, in % IsmeaMarkets
In ****, the geographical breakdown of spending on milk and dairy products in Italy shows a fairly balanced distribution among the different macro-regions. The South and Sicily account for the highest share with ** percent of total spending, followed by the Northwest with ** percent. The Center and Sardinia cover ** percent, while the Northeast accounts for ** percent. This distribution suggests a relatively even demand across the country, with a slight predominance of consumption in southern regions. Geographical distribution of spending on milk and dairy products Italy, ****, in % IsmeaMarkets
In January-June ****, domestic purchases of milk and dairy products in Italy showed different dynamics compared to the same period in ****. In terms of volume, fresh milk declined significantly by *.* percent, while yogurt increased by *.* percent, reflecting a growing preference for the latter. Cheese and dairy products showed ...
2.4 Trends in yogurt demand
The trend of online yogurt searches in Italy between **** and **** shows considerable variability, with peaks and troughs in different periods. In ****, searches peaked in September (***). These data suggest some seasonality in interest in yogurt, with peaks at the beginning of the year and fall, and more noticeable declines in the summer months and at the end of the year. The numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the graph in relation to the region and period indicated. A value of *** indicates the highest frequency of search for the term, ** indicates half of the searches. A score of *, on the other hand, indicates that not enough data were found for the term.
Trend of online searches for yogurt Italy, ****-****, index Google Trends, Businesscoot processing
Data on the geographic distribution of online yogurt searches in Italy in **** reveal significant regional variability. Basilicata shows the highest interest, with an index of ***, followed by Marche (***) record lower values. This suggests greater interest in yogurt in some less populated areas than in Italy's large metropolises, with strong interest in the country's central and southern regions.
2.5 New trends in demand
In recent years, the yogurt market has seen a number of significant changes in demand, driven by a combination of health trends, preferences for natural ingredients, and the emergence of new consumer segments:
*. High Protein Yogurt
Trend: The growing focus on health and wellness has led to increased demand for high-protein yogurts, often marketed as post-workout snacks or meal replacements. Examples: Greek and Icelandic (***) yogurts have become particularly popular due to their high protein content and thick, creamy texture.
*. Vegetable and Lactose-Free Yogurts
Trend: With the rise of vegan, vegetarian and lactose-free diets, the demand for plant-based alternatives to yogurt has grown. These products are often made from almond, coconut, soy, oat or cashew milk. Examples: Yogurts made from coconut or almond have gained popularity, not only among vegans, but also among consumers looking for lighter, more easily digestible options.
*. Organic and Natural Yogurt
Trend: Preference for organic and natural products continues to grow, with consumers seeking yogurt made without the use of pesticides, antibiotics or hormones, and without artificial additives. Examples: Brands offering organic yogurt with few ingredients, such as organic milk and active cultures, have seen growing demand.
*. Yogurt with Probiotics and Benefits for Intestinal ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Structure and dynamics of the Italian market
The number of enterprises active in milk derivatives production in Italy showed a steady decrease between **** and ****. Starting from *,*** enterprises in ****, the number dropped to *,*** in ****, an overall reduction of **.* percent in six years. This contraction indicates a consolidation of the industry due to economic difficulties, mergers, acquisitions, or closures of small businesses. The trend reflects a market that becomes progressively more concentrated, with fewer and fewer active players.
Number of enterprises active in the production of milk derivatives [***] Italy, ****-****, in number Istat
In ****, the majority of enterprises active in milk derivatives production in Italy are limited liability companies, accounting for **.** percent of the total. Sole proprietors, freelancers and the self-employed make up **.** percent, followed by cooperative societies with **.** percent. General partnerships (***) have a smaller presence, while joint stock companies and limited partnerships account for only *.** percent. Other business forms, including other types of partnerships and other residual business forms, make up a very small part of the total. This distribution indicates a predominance of more formal and complex corporate structures, such as LLCs and cooperatives, over simpler legal forms. Legal form of companies active in the production of milk derivatives Italy, ****, in % Istat
The number of people employed in ...
3.2 Value and production chain
Source: ****
Yogurt is made from whole, partially or fully skimmed milk and fermented by inoculation with special acidifying microorganisms. The steps in the preparation of yogurt, from milk to final product, are listed below:
Pasteurization: the milk is pasteurized to prevent deactivation of the bacteria. It also denatures the whey proteins. Adjustment of milk composition and mixing of ingredients: sweeteners, stabilizers and skim milk powder are added to prevent milk protein coagulation. Homogenization: this step is intended to ensure stable consistency, but does not apply to all yogurts. Heating: this step determines the thickness of the yogurt. Cooling and inoculation: In this step, the warm mixture is inoculated with the live bacterial culture. Incubation: incubation ensures an optimal balance of bacteria. The yogurt is solid at a pH of *.*. Longer incubation results in increased acidity and a sour taste. Cooling: When the desired pH is reached, the yogurt is cooled to end the fermentation process. Addition of fruit and flavors: In order for the yogurt to go away, fruit is added to the bottom of the jar and the inoculated yogurt is placed on top of the fruit before fermentation. For Swiss-style yogurt, fruit is mixed into the yogurt after the ...
3.3 Distribution channels
Yogurt distribution takes place through a variety of channels, each of which plays a crucial role in bringing the product to the end consumer. The channels are as follows: Large-scale retail trade (***) Large-scale retail, which includes supermarkets, hypermarkets and discount stores, is the main channel for selling yogurt. This channel is widespread and accessible, allowing consumers to find a wide range of products in one place. In supermarkets, consumers can choose from different brands, variants of yogurt, including private label yogurt, often at competitive prices. Large retailers also offer frequent promotions, making yogurt an affordable option for families and price-conscious consumers. Specialty Stores and Organic Grocery Stores Specialty stores, such as those selling organic products, are an increasingly important distribution channel, especially for those seeking high-quality, organic yogurt or yogurt with special features such as lactose-free or innovative ingredients. These outlets, although less common than supermarkets, attract a public willing to spend more for products perceived as healthier and more natural. In these food boutiques, consumers find artisanal yogurts, often produced locally and with a focus on sustainability. Online Sales The online sales channel has seen significant growth in recent years because of the convenience it offers. Consumers can purchase yogurt ...
3.4 The main players in the market
The main Italian yogurt production companies are as follows:
Granarolo: This is one of Italy's leading dairy groups, based in Bologna and founded in ****. The company is known for producing a wide range of dairy products, including milk, yogurt, cheese and butter. It manages an integrated supply chain involving more than *** Italian dairy farmers, ensuring strict control over product quality along all stages, from milk collection to distribution. In recent years, the company has implemented a strategy of expansion and innovation, with a focus on internationalization and sustainability. In fact, it has initiated an investment plan that includes the technological renovation of its ** production plants and the creation of an innovation center in Bologna.
Muller:This is a German multinational dairy specialist founded in **** in Bavaria. The company is best known for its yogurts, but also produces butter, UHT milk and milk powder. It has established itself as a market leader in several European countries, including Germany and the United Kingdom, and also has a significant presence in Italy, where it has been active since ****. In Italy, it has revolutionized the yogurt market through its innovative approach, introducing creamy, flavor-rich products that have redefined consumer perceptions.
Danone: French multinational, a world ...
4 Supply analysis
4.1 Type of the offer
The supply of yogurt in the market is extremely diverse and segmented, reflecting the different needs and preferences of consumers. The types of offerings are as follows:
Finally, on average, a jar of "standard" Italian yogurt weighs about *** grams including about *** ml of product. However, many variations are possible. The format can be adapted to the target audience and vary according to the type of product. Plain yogurt and Greek yogurt can even go up to ***-gram packaging[***].
Yogurt is created through the process of spontaneous or controlled acidification of milk that produces its organic fermentation. Acidification occurs through the breakdown of lactose into two elements: glucose and galactose also producing lactic acid. Fermentation is initiated by the fermentation of lactic acid belonging to two main bacterial strains, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Malolactic fermentation must be present at a rate of at least * million per gram consumed, live. The lipid fraction of fermented products is about the same as that of raw milk, while the proteins are partially hydrolyzed and therefore more digestible. Compared with cheese, whey protein (***) in yogurt remains in the product, while the co-presence of lactose and lactic acid makes trace elements such as calcium and phosphorus ...
4.2 Price trends
Between July **** and July ****, the consumer price index for yogurt in Italy increased by **.* percent, from ***.* to ***.*. After a significant peak of ***.* in December ****, the index showed some volatility, with slight fluctuations between ***.* and ***.* between January **** and July ****. Despite these fluctuations, the index has maintained an upward trend from **** levels, stabilizing around ***.* in the second half of ****. This suggests an overall increase in prices, although less marked than the peaks observed in ****.
Yoghurt consumer price index [***] for the whole community (***) - monthly data Italy, ****-****, index Istat
Between **** and ****, the consumer price index for yogurt in Italy showed an initially stable trend, with a slight decline from **.* in **** to **.* in the three-year period ****-****. However, a significant increase of *.* percent occurred in ****, bringing the index to ***.*. This increase was followed by a further marked increase of ** percent in ****, reaching an index of ***.*. Overall, from **** to ****, the index increased by **.* percent, showing a significant upward trend in yogurt prices in the last two years. Consumer price index of yogurt for the whole community (***) - annual averages Italy, ****-****, index Istat
This table provides a detailed overview of prices for different types of yogurt, including natural, fruit, Greek, vegan, lactose-free, and yogurt desserts. ...
4.3 New trends in supply
The yogurt market is undergoing a dynamic transformation driven by new trends reflecting changes in consumer preferences, technological innovations, and a growing interest in wellness. Below is a detailed description of the main trends in yogurt supply:
*. High-protein yogurt
Interest in active and healthy lifestyles has prompted consumers to seek high-protein yogurts. This trend includes yogurts fortified with whey protein or casein, aimed at both athletes and those seeking a more balanced diet. These products are often positioned as post-workout snacks or as part of a protein-rich diet, such as the ketogenic diet.
*. Vegan yogurt
The growing focus on veganism and reduced dairy consumption has given rise to a wide range of plant-based yogurts. Common alternatives include almond, soy, coconut, oat, and cashew yogurts. These yogurts not only meet the needs of those on a vegan diet, but also appeal to consumers who are lactose intolerant or simply looking for lighter, more digestible alternatives.
*. Functional yogurt
There is an increase in demand for yogurt with additional health benefits, such as advanced probiotics, prebiotic fiber, vitamins, minerals, and adaptogenic ingredients. These products aim to support specific bodily functions, such as strengthening the immune system, digestive health, or stress reduction, ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Yogurt regulation
The regulation and legislation of the production and sale of yogurt in Italy is based on a set of regulations at both national and European levels, with the aim of ensuring food safety, product quality and correct consumer information.
At the European level, Regulation (***) No. ****/**** governs the provision of food information to consumers, regulating the labeling of yogurt, which must clearly indicate the sales name, list of ingredients, net quantity, expiration date or minimum storage life, storage conditions, name or business name of the food business operator, and nutritional information.
In Italy, in addition to European regulations, there are specific provisions regulating the production and sale of yogurt. Legislative Decree No. *** of January **, ****, establishes rules on the labeling, presentation and advertising of food products, supplementing the provisions of European regulations. The Ministerial Decree of April *, ****, defines yogurt as a product obtained from the fermentation of milk by specific live microorganisms, mainly the lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, stipulating that in order to be marketed under the name "yogurt," the product must contain at least ** million live bacteria per gram of product at the time of consumption. The Ministerial Decree of January **, **** regulates the name of "yogurt" and composition ...
6 Positioning of players
6.1 Market segmentation
- Parmalat
- Granarolo
- Galbani
- Danone
- Sterilgarda
- Latteria Soresina
- Centrale del latte d'Italia
- Mila
- Muller
- Yomo
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