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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The word "Halal" refers to everything that is permitted in terms of behavior, language, clothing and food in Islamic culture, with a focus on meat from animals slaughtered according to different principles; meat must adhere to much harsher and stricter regulations, according to the basic principles of Islamic law. Beginning with how the meat is slaughtered, there are a number of principles to be followed. In this regard, meat must be prepared according to specific rules, such as ensuring the welfare of the animal until its sacrifice, killing animals while they are still alive, and minimizing unnecessary pain... It all revolves around respect and animal welfare; it is also what gives the Islamic faith its greatest credence, as it is based on genuine regard for the animal and its dignity until death. Pork is abolished.

There are about 2.5 million Muslim consumers in the Italian Halal sector; by 2026, there will be 230 million Muslim visitors worldwide, and Italy, as one of the most popular tourist destinations, would certainly be impacted. The possibilities for development are intriguing and allow us to look forward to the expansion of the Italian industrial fabric and the various potentials for entering new foreign markets. Indeed, exports to the Islamic world are growing in importance, and halal certification, when combined with the Made in Italy label, is a good qualification for addressing emerging markets, giving a boost to Italy's internationalization efforts. In Italy, many meat companies are Halal certified. Meat is often sold in specialized butcher shops and is also beginning to be found on the shelves of popular supermarkets.

it is important to note that halal food goods in general, include confectionery, canned and frozen foods, dairy products, organically labeled products, and prepared and take-out foods, as a result of changing lifestyles of young Muslims. New technologies, both production and traceability, have also made it feasible to produce halal goods in foods, medicines and cosmetics that were previously impossible due to residual alcohol or pork gelatin.

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the halal meat market | Italy

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