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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The term "vegetable meat" refers to a plant-based food used as a substitute for meat that is very similar in color, smell and texture to meat. The most commonly consumed types in the market are:

-Seitan: made from wheat flours with high gluten concentrations such as semolina or durum wheat

-Wheat muscle: produced with gluten powder and legume flour

-Mopur: very similar to wheat muscle that involves the addition of yeast

Vegetable meat has the advantage of being cholesterol-free and having high levels of dietary fiber, phytosterols and lecithins.

The global vegetable meat market had grown to be worth $6.67 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach 16.7 billion in 2026. Between 2016 and 2026, this is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 16.37 percent.

At the Italian level, as stated by the Unionfood association, in the last year the market grew by 3.7 percent compared to the year 2020. This growth is justified by the fact that more and more Italians prefer vegetable meat for health reasons (76%) and ethical reasons (63%). In the year 2021, 37.9% of Italian households made vegetable meat part of their food choices, thus reaching an estimated 22 million consumers.

The market trend is to focus on research and development activities to create foods that are increasingly similar, not only in nutritional terms but also in taste and flavor, to meat with more and more raw materials. Today, vegetable meat is made from plant proteins such as legumes, but it is expected that by 2025 we will be able to use mushrooms, unicellular algae, and yeasts as raw materials. In addition, it is expected that by 2032 plant meat can be produced in the laboratory directly from animal cells.

1.2 The global market

The plant-based meat market has been booming in recent years. In ****, the value of the plant-based meat market worldwide was estimated at $*.** billion. This figure is estimated to increase steadily in the coming years and reach about **.* billion in ****. Between **** and **** this is estimated to grow at a CAGR of **.** percent. This market remains a niche market in relation to the meat market, with *** million tons produced in **** , including *** million tons of pork, with a market value of about $*** billion, although **** saw for the first time a *% reduction in global tototal production after two decades of steady growth. [***].

Vegetable Meat Market Value Evolution World, **** - ****, in billions of euros Source: ****

Specifically, wanting to divide the market into * main macro areas we can see that :


A large part of the population has shifted to a sustainable diet, which has increased the sale of meat substitutes. According to the European Commission's newsletter, overall meat consumption in the EU will decrease in the coming years, from **.* kg per capita in **** to **.* kg in ****. Europe is expected to continue to dominate the market with a *.* percent CAGR by **** [***] North America According to a report published by KBV Research , the North American market for meat ...

1.3 The Italian market

The plant-based meat sector in Italy has been expanding rapidly in recent years. The reasons for this trend are, as we shall see, changes in consumer behavior in terms of environmental responsibility and the increase in vegetarian and vegan diets.

As for the market for plant-based products, these are expected to grow significantly in the coming years. In the graph we can see that there will be a growth in the size of the market affecting all major products, including milk, yogurt and meat.

Market size Vegetable products, by product Italy, **** and ****, in millions of USD Source: ****

Value of sales of vegetable products Italy, **** - ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

In the sector, sales are dominated by milk products (***). Oat milk has had the most growth in the category in recent years.

Sales breakdown of vegetable products Italy, ****, in millions of euros Source : Smart Protein Project Regarding plant-based meats,the sector is largely dominated by plant-based meats followed by tofu and cured meats. Value Plant-based meat sales, by type Italy, **** - ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

1.4 Covid-19 Impact

The Covid -** pandemic has greatly accelerated plant-based meat consumption, both globally and in Italy.

Many of the plant-based production entities argue that the pandemic is highlighting the links between public health issues and animal meat consumption: the situation gives consumers a compelling reason to switch to plant-based foods. Given the presumed origin of Covid-**, which is a zoonosis, thus resulting from animal-human contact, there has been a sharp increase in consumer attention to the conditions under which animals are kept in establishments and wildlife markets (***) [***] .

This has led to a preference toward plant-based meats, which was already in place in **** but has seen an acceleration, and a reconfirmation, in the pandemic and post-pandemic period. In the United States, the product with the greatest growth trend in the first months of the pandemic was vegetable meat with a +***.*.[***]

During the same period in Italy, there was an increase in the number of vegans and vegetarians from *.*% in **** to *.*% (***). In the North there is a high concentration of vegans, especially in Emilia Romagna and Lombardy, while in the Center-North the vegetarian diet is more widespread, with Tuscany in first place [***].

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Characteristics of the Question

Italians' appetite for plant-based and environmentally friendly food is on the rise. Generally, we can find * main drivers driving the increase in demand for plant-based meats.

-The increase in the number of vegans and vegetarians

This segment of the population is undoubtedly the one that buys vegetable meats the most. This lifestyle is quite widespread in Italy with almost * in ** people defining themselves as vegan or vegetarian. As for vegetarians, people who have declared themselves as such are *.* percent of the population, while vegans are *.* percent for a total of about * million people. More women than men choose a vegetarian regimen (***). Among vegans, however, the situation is reversed: men are *.*% versus *% of women. There are also those who say they do not currently follow a diet free of animal products but have done so in the past: they are * percent of men and *.* percent of women[***].

Vegetarians and Vegans in Italy, percentage of the population Italy, **** -****, in percent Source: ****

Percentage of Vegetarians, by age group Italy, ****, in percent Source : Italy **** Report, p. ***.  

- Environmental and health sustainability

Another aspect that strongly influences demand is the increasing importance given by consumers to sustainable production practices. In fact, one of the factors ...

2.2 The benefits attributed to vegetable meat

Vegetable meat has several environmental, health, and ethical advantages that underlie its burgeoning success with Italian consumers

Environmental advantage

Meat consumption has a strong environmental impact. According to United Nations data, greenhouse gas emissions from the sector amount to **.* percent of the world total (***), far more than aviation or shipping, which each account for less than * percent of emissions.

Vegetable meat production requires seven times fewer resources than real meat production. For example, peas or brown algae, widely used in the synthesis of artificial meats, require far less water than raising livestock (***). [***]

Health benefit

In a report on the future of the meat market, analysts at British bank Barclays said, "Animal protein is becoming increasingly controversial, as it is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, is energy intensive and generates a lot of waste, not to mention being implicated in many health problems. The main health risks associated with eating animal meat are several including:

**% of the *,*** human pathogens are of animal origin (***). **% of emerging animal diseases can infect humans. Livestock farming is responsible for the outbreak of animal diseases (***). Heavy use of antibiotics in animal husbandry contributes greatly to the emergence of resistant bacterial strains. Overconsumption of animal ...

2.3 Spending Habits

Consumer habits have changed profoundly in recent years, and plant-based products play a key role in these changes. Indeed, more and more consumers have decided to turn to ***% plant-based products. If, especially in the early ****s, the consumption of these products was due to wanting to follow the "fashion" of the moment, today the consumption of these products is under the banner of a balanced, tasty, safe, and sustainable diet. [***]

Suffice it to say that in the last * years, * out of ** Italians have changed the way they eat and **% consume more fruits and vegetables and **% less animal protein. [***].

The way of approaching plant-based products, which are considered healthy, good and friendly to the planet, has also changed, with more than * in * (***).

The main reasons they consume them are nutritional content (***) and, of course, environmental protection are also important.

Why Italians choose plant-based products Italy, ****, in percent BVA -DOXA

Another key aspect is that after trying plant-based products the first time, Italians like them and return to consume them (***). And among those who choose them regularly, that is, *-* times a week, the under-**s prevail. [***]

What Italians look at when they buy plant-based products Italy, ****, in percent BVA -DOXA

Regarding vegetable ...

2.4 Geographic Distribution of Demand

Geographically, it can be seen that the vegetarian diet is uniformly present throughout the peninsula with a greater prevalence in the islands and the central-north while vegans are concentrated in the northern regions and particularly in the Po Valley. The data were collected by Everli, the online grocery marketplace, at the end of **** and indicate that Emilia Romagna and Lombardy are the most vegan regions nationwide while vegetarians are present mainly in Tuscany in the provinces of Florence, Livorno and Pisa. On the other hand, the cities where more vegan food is consumed are Bologna, Milan, Pavia, Bergamo, Modena and Parma.

Source: ****

3 Market structure

3.1 Characteristics of the Italian market

The Italian vegetable meat market appears to be highly fragmented. There are some big players in the food industry that have decided to produce vegetable meat to extend and complete their vegan/food offerings. Then there are also several innovative start-ups, Italian and otherwise, that are trying to create a disruptive effect on the market through the introduction of new production processes in order to gain market share to the detriment of established companies.

The following table is intended to provide an overview of the most important companies in the market by turnover.

source : Zerbinati

There are several types of meat substitutes in the Italian market. The most popular type is soy, both for its high nutritional values and longevity in the market. In recent years, the sales value of soy meat has grown at a CAGR of +*.*%, making it the highest value type of vegetable meat. It is followed by grain-based meat, which has seen similar and slightly lower growth. Vegetable meat is also growing with a similar CAGR to soybean or wheat meat (***) albeit at lower values. This is followed by in vitro meat which, due to expensive and complex production processes, has not yet been able to spread ...

3.2 The Production of Vegetable Meat

Vegetable meat production is a complex process that requires several crucial steps.

In addition to the rather exotic classics such as tofu, tempeh (***), more and more processed products such as veggie burgers and mince are available, which look, smell, taste, and texture like meat, but are made from plant-based ingredients.

This resemblance to meat requires a complex production process. Plant proteins, concentrates or protein isolates from soybeans, peas, sweet lupins, wheat or potatoes, or even mold mycoproteins are mixed with water, spices and additives after being extracted or harvested. The resulting mass is pressed in an extruder through nozzles, applying heat and high pressure, until it reaches a meat-like consistency and the desired shape. Salt, spices, yeast extract, and flavorings provide flavor, while beet juice, red currant juice, iron oxide, or leghemoglobin, a red blood-like dye from the root of the soybean plant, as well as substances that keep the color intact such as ascorbic acid, provide color. Stabilizers, such as methylcellulose, are added to achieve the desired consistency. Some analyses performed by ÖkoTest also show that vegan burgers may be contaminated with mineral oil components and contain small amounts of genetically modified soy. [***].

vegan meat protein is derived mainly from ...

3.3 Distribution channels

Regarding distribution channels, if we analyze sales of vegetable products by channel we can see that there is a clear predominance of supermarkets and hyperstores (***) as of **** with an estimated **% growth over the next * years. Great growth is also estimated for convenience stores, which, thanks to their low-cost offerings, are attracting more and more consumers, with an estimated increase in sales over the next * years of about **%.

Size of the plant-based foods market in Italy in **** and ****, by distribution channel Italy, **** - ****, in millions of euros Market Research Future

The online and delivery channel deserves special mention next. There is an increasing tendency to buy plant-based products, and as proof of this, the percentage of Italians who consume vegan dishes outside the home is growing, ordering them, for example, at restaurants (***).

Despite the fact that it is still within the home that the highest consumption of veg food is recorded. there is an increase in orders of vegan dishes at home through food delivery (***) [***].

In addition, according to the Just Eat Observatory, the number of vegan restaurants is growing steadily (***).

Vegan dishes have become very popular on Just Eat recording a **% increase in **** over the previous year. Among the most ordered ...

3.4 New supply trends

*D printed vegan meat

Scionti of Italy founded NovaMeat in ****, in Spain, to achieve a sustainable and nutritious alternative to animal products. The company's goal is to offer an alternative to burgers, nuggets or veggie patties with products that have the fibrous texture typical of steak or chicken. Using tissue engineering and bio-printing, they have created a product made from water, yellow beans, vegetable oils, flavorings and seaweed, with the same texture, appearance and nutritional properties as animal products. With this technology, the company has been able to replicate chicken nuggets, ground beef and tuna, and a product similar to beef steak for some time now.

The company is able to print a ton of vegetable meat per hour and with competitive and non-prohibitive production prices.

There are environmental sustainability benefits here as well in that if **,*** liters of water are used to produce * hamburger, the company uses **-**% less water for the same nutritional value. [***]

Vegetable meat production from industrial waste

An Israeli start-up founded in ****, More Foods, has developed an innovative method to produce vegetable meat from pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Peculiarities of this product, would be the very short ingredient list and the total absence of the most ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 The different types of vegetable meat

There are several generations of meat substitutes. Each generation has brought a form of technological innovation over the previous one, with the common thread always being the desire to look more and more like animal meat.

*st generation

These are products that do not resemble animal products. They are those that have existed for a long time and are used in the daily diet of people who have chosen a meatless diet. They are the products such as tofu or derivatives.

Second generation

These are the products that come in traditional meat forms: steaks, cutlets, croquettes, sausages, etc. They are presented in these formats because consumers who wish to switch to a more plant-based diet often need guidance when it comes to rebalancing their plate. Offering formats that are easy to understand in terms of cooking and meal integration removes this obstacle. However, meat specialists are not always attuned to the fact that these plant-based products use the same names as their industry, and new names for plant-based alternatives are expected to appear in the coming years. In this product segment, Bonduelle is a particularly ambitious French player. In particular, the Nordic group has launched VeggissiMmm! falafels in the fresh ...

4.2 Price Analysis

The following table provides a non-exhaustive overview of what are the most popular products in Italy.

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulation

Meat substitutes are subject to a number of regulations governing the production and transportation of food for human consumption. Therefore, the following regulations apply to the production and transportation of these food products:

Regulation (***) No. ***/**** of the European Parliament and of the Council of April **, **** on the hygiene of foodstuffs. Ordinanceof July **, **** amending the Ordinance of May **, **** on the hygiene rules applicable to certain food products and preparations intended for human consumption. Ordinanceof July **, **** establishing the technical and hygienic conditions applicable to the transportation of foodstuffs. Ordinance ofJuly * , **** on the hygienic rules applicable to establishments for the storage of certain foodstuffs OJ of July **, ****. Ordinance of May *, **** regulating the hygiene of food products delivered directly to the consumer.

On the other hand, meat substitutes are not affected by the specific meat market regulations such as :

Ordinanceof April *, **** establishing conditions for the approval of establishments for the storage of animal food and food of animal origin. Ordinanceof December **, **** on the sanitary regulations applicable to retail, storage and transportation activities of animal products and foodstuffs containing them. Ordinanceof July **, **** amending the Ordinance of March **, **** on the conditions to be met by slaughterhouses for the production and placing on the market of fresh meat ...

5.2 Meat Sounding

In the European Union, only a product derived from slaughtered animals can be called meat. The European Novel Foods Regulation requires a technical assessment of the safety of meat analogues for humans, animals and the environment. EFSA conducts an assessment of potential nutritional, toxico- cological or allergenic hazards and recommends a decision to the Standing Committee, after which the European Commission and member states may raise specific safety concerns before a final decision on approval is made. The European Union Parliament in October **** rejected a request from representatives of the European meat industry to deny producers of plant-based alternatives the ability to call their products "hamburger," "sausage," "meatballs," or "steak." A ban already in place in, for example, France. In practice, therefore, it will be possible to continue labeling plant-based alternatives with appellations such as veggie burger, veggie sausage, lentil patties, or soy steak. In the past, the call for a ban on the use of the term "milk" for plant-based products, or butter, had been successful and the ban for this category of products is still in place, but times have changed and another approach has been chosen for meat. Because the European Parliament voted against an EU-wide regulation of ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Nestlé Italia
  • Bonduelle Italia
  • Unilever Italia
  • Beyond Meat
  • Redefine Meat
  • Valsoia
  • La Linea Verde
  • Carrefour Italia
  • Esselunga s.p.a
  • Lidl France

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