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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

In the Muslim religion, halal refers to everything authorized by Sharia, or Islamic law, as opposed to haram, which is prohibited or impure. The prohibitions of the Muslim religion include the consumption of alcohol, drugs and pork (including the pork gelatin used to make sweets), as well as " blood, the dead beast or the beast on which one has eaten. ( Sura 5 of the Koran), i.e. any meat from an animal that has not been slaughtered alive.

Thus, according to Muslim rites, to be halal, the animal must be turned towards Mecca, its throat cut and bled by a Muslim who pronounces sacred words. In Spain, as in the rest of the European Union, legislation requires animals to be stunned before slaughter. However, derogations are possible.

In 2020, on a global scale, the halal food market segment represented 57.8% by volume, making it the largest halal market segment in comparison with other halal sectors such as cosmetics, clothing, "muslim-friendly" tourism... With over 1.7 billion Muslims worldwide, the halal meat market is set to continue growing in the years ahead.

while the percentage of Muslims in Spain is 2.3% of the country's minority religions, far ahead of the Catholic religion which accounts for around 68.4% of the total population, the halal meat market is growing well beyond that. On the one hand, Spain's meat industry is highly recognized internationally, exporting part of its production to Muslim countries. On the other hand, Muslim tourism accounts for 11.2% of total spending, and Spain is a veritable hub of European tourism.

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Current and projected size of the halal food market
  • Share of each segment in the halal market

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Latest news

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  • - Annual decline in the pork ham market: 2% to 3% in volume since 2015
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  • fleury Michon's "nitrite-free" market share: 62% of sales.
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  • Family-owned group
  • Fleury Michon sales in 2022: 795 million euros (up 12.6%).
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  • Retail share of Fleury Michon sales: 85%.
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  • Price increase introduced in July: 4% full-year.
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  • Company net income in 2022: 2.4 million euros (versus 4 million the previous year).
  • Closure of the Plélan-le-Grand site in Brittany at the end of April, employing 101 people.
  • Share of nitrite-free charcuterie ranges in value sales: 33%.

Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Fleury Michon
Nestlé Nidal
Matedero de la Plana
Kühne + Heitz

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the halal meat market | Spain

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