Summary of our market study

The French beauty salon market is estimated at over 3.5 billion euros

The global market is estimated at $156.4 billion in 2022, and is expected to grow by 4.7% between 2022 and 2030.

The French beauty salon market is highly fragmented, with independent salons in the majority, but branded networks are expanding rapidly. The market is also characterized by a high concentration in metropolitan areas, particularly the Paris region.

The pandemic has also encouraged an increase in DIY treatments, and beauty care at home.

Around 70% of women and almost 29% of men have been to a beauty salon.

The beauty salon market is not limited to women. Sales of men's skincare products in supermarkets are increasing by 5-7% a year.

Customers visit salons for facials, massages and waxing.

Consumers typically spend between 20 and 60 euros per salon visit. Women spend between 26 and 50 euros, while men tend to spend between 51 and 100 euros.

Some industry players

  • Groupe Rocher (Yves Rocher, Dr Pierre Ricaud): Pioneer in the beauty salon sector
  • JCDA (Body' Minute, Nail' Minute): Renowned for its express beauty treatments and no-appointment policy
  • Beauty Success Group (Esthetic Center, Beauty Full Nails)
  • Guinot Mary Cohr (Guinot, Mary Cohr)
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

A beauty institute is defined as an establishment offering its customers beauty treatments other than medical or paramedical ones, as well as non-medical beauty sculpting.

Beauty salons are therefore establishments offering beauty treatments including body care, facials, beauty treatments, waxing and other more specific treatments (UV tanning, pulsed light, etc.). They can be generalists, offering a wide range of services, or specialized, focusing on specific services (waxing, manicures, facials, etc.). In fact, the number of specialized institutes is on the rise, reflecting consumers' craving for specific treatments.

Beauty salons operate in a vastly competitive beauty market. Numerous players offer treatment services: perfumeries, cosmetics brands with their own stores, fitness and thalassotherapy institutes, massage salons, etc.

In France, the majority of businesses in this sector are small, independent structures: 80% of companies listed have no employees. While branded institutes belonging to large networks are therefore in the minority, they nevertheless capture a major share of sales and clientele, thanks to their territorial coverage and marketing resources (communication, loyalty programs, etc.).

After a logical dip in 2020 and a timid upturn in business in 2021, the French beauty salon market is back on the rise. In 2022, sales exceeded those established in 2019, before rising even further in 2023. The sector is benefiting from the French people's desire to take care of themselves, as well as from the still complicated relationship they have with their bodies: 47% said they didn't like their bodies in 2023, which may prompt them to resort to treatments to improve their self-image. Beauty salons are also adapting to customer needs in terms of naturalness, innovation and digitalization, in order to meet new expectations in terms of offerings and services.

However, this dynamic could be impacted by inflation, which could reduce consumers' budgets for this type of service. The market must therefore remain vigilant to ensure that the move upmarket does not deprive it of some of its clientele.

Worldwide, growth in the sector (CAGR, compound growth rate) could reach 4.7% per annum over the 2023-2030 period. This growth is driven by rising demand from both affluent and emerging countries, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

1.2 The growing global market

The global market for beauty salons and spas rebounded well from the Covid-** crisis, which saw it shrink by *%. Since then, the sector has returned to growth, reaching $***.* billion in ****. This momentum is set to continue, with an annual CAGR (***) of *.*% through to ****, reaching sales of over $*** billion. The spa segment is expected to grow slightly faster than the beauty salon segment, with an annual CAGR of *.*% for the former versus *% for the latter.

Global market for beauty salons and spas Worldwide, ****-*****, in billions of US dollars Source: ****

Overall market growth is driven by rising demand in the wealthiest countries (***), where rising household disposable incomes and the stress resulting from modern lifestyles are significant growth drivers for the sector.

1.3 French market reaches record levels, but watch out for inflation

Beauty salon activity is covered by two NAF codes.

The first, **.**B - Beauty care, includes :

Beauty advice and facial and skin care: make-up, anti-wrinkle treatments, aesthetic facial massages, etc. Aesthetic manicure and foot care Hair removal

The second, **.**Z - Body care, includes :

Body maintenance activities such as those provided by Turkish baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums, spas, weight-loss and slimming institutes, massage institutes, etc.

Excluded from the scope of the study are massages, medical treatments and the activities of health, fitness and body-building clubs and centers.

As on a global scale, the French beauty care market was severely impacted by the Covid-** crisis, recording a decline of almost **% in ****. But it quickly caught up with its pre-crisis level, even surpassing it by ****. In ****, the market stood at *.** billion euros, an increase of around **% compared to ****.

Beauty care market sales, APE code **.**B France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

The body care market is less important than the beauty care market, but it has also experienced strong growth since the end of the Covid-** crisis. While it represented less than one billion euros in ****, it passed this milestone in **** before confirming in ****, at *.** billion euros. This upward momentum ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 French beauty salon habits and consumer behaviour

Women more accustomed, men increasingly concerned

The majority of beauty salon customers are women. **% of them have already visited a beauty salon, compared to **% of men. In all, half of all French people are beauty salon enthusiasts. [***]

While men are still in the minority among beauty salon customers, a growing number are turning to beauty professionals. **% believe that beauty is important, and are receptive to several types of treatment: **% are inclined to opt for a massage, **% for a facial and **% for a manicure or pedicure. In France, the four types of treatment most booked by men on the Treatwell platform in **** were haircuts, manicures, waxing and beard trimming. [***]

Worldwide, the men's cosmetics market is expected to grow by *% a year until ****, topping $*** billion in sales by that date. [***]

These figures are indicative of the growing attention men are paying to their appearance, and their increasing propensity to spend more on well-being and beauty care. For beauty salons, they therefore represent an increasingly attractive clientele, although women remain the majority target.

French consumer habits and behavior

There is little recent data on the relationship between the French and beauty salons. However, YouGov has carried out three studies, entitled "Les Français prennent-ils ...

2.2 The French and their bodies: a complex relationship

**% of French people say they won't like their bodies in ****, including **% of women and **% of men. The same reasons recur when it comes to explaining this complex: fear of having to get into a swimsuit in front of other people (***). [***]

Proportion of French people who like their body France, ****, in Source: ****

These complexes may encourage people to visit beauty salons to improve their self-image and body image.

However, more and more French people are also trying to free themselves from body-related injunctions. The Covid-** crisis and episodes of confinement, which for a time reduced the frequency of social contact, have prompted a number of people to change their habits. In ****, for example, **% of French women were waxing less than in ****. Compared with ****, the proportion of women waxing is down sharply for all body parts concerned. Half even say they are ready to stop waxing their legs or bikini line for part of the year.

change in the proportion of French women waxing France, ****-****, in Source: ****

The main reasons cited for stopping hair removal are to stop consuming products that are potentially bad for the skin (***). [***]

These new "body positivist" attitudes could prove detrimental to beauty salons, which risk losing some ...

2.3 New expectations for natural, transparent products

The French are increasingly attentive to the products they buy and their impact on them and the environment. In ****, the composition of a beauty product was the third most important purchasing criterion, at **%, behind price at **% and effectiveness at **%. **% of consumers are more inclined to buy a product that respects the environment, and **% say they are vigilant about a product's potential toxicity. [***]

Between July **** and July ****, the French organic beauty care market grew by *.*% in value, to ***.* million euros, and by *.*% in volume, while the overall organic hygiene-beauty market declined by *.*% over the same period. [***]

Consumers in search of "healthy" beauty, attentive to the naturalness or organic nature of their beauty products, are thus proving to be more and more numerous. These "wellness seekers" make up more than a quarter of the public (***).

Different types of beauty product consumers France, ****, in Source: ****

These new expectations are also reflected in the rise of DIY, or do it yourself, beauty products. The trend gained momentum during the Covid-** crisis and the lockdowns caused by store closures, and has not abated since. The sharing of recipes and tips on social networks encourages this phenomenon, particularly among young people: the hashtag #DIYBeauty counted over *** million ...

2.4 Significant seasonal demand

Based on Google Trends search data, it is possible to observe a seasonal effect in French demand . it is higher in the summer and at the end of the year, which can be explained by consumers' desire to visit such an establishment before the holidays or for the end-of-year festivities.this can be explained by consumers' desire to visit such establishments before the vacations or for the end-of-year festivities, two periods when social interaction is high. conversely, in January and October - slower times of the year - web searches for institutes are almost half the maximum recorded.

evolution of Google searches on the words "Beauty salon" France, ****-**** (***), highest value = *** Source: ****

Note: the graph above represents the proportion of searches for a given keyword (***). Thus, a value of ** means that the keyword was used half as much in the region concerned, and a value of * means that the data for this keyword is insufficient.

3 Market structure

3.1 Macroeconomic structure of the sector

The beauty salon market is highly fragmented in France, with a large number of companies, which has only increased in recent years: **,*** companies were registered under NAF codes **.**B (***) in ****, up **% on ****. However, this increase slowed in ****, when the number of companies remained virtually stable compared with ****.

Number of beauty salons France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****

The number of salaried employees in these businesses is rising at a similar rate, although the number of employees in the beauty care segment will fall slightly in ****, the first time this has happened in five years.

Beauty salon workforce France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****

In geographical terms, the number of businesses in the sector is higher in the most urbanized territories. This is particularly the case in Île-de-France, which accounts for almost **% of the total, but also in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Less densely populated regions, such as Centre-Val de Loire and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, account for just *.*% and *.*% respectively.

The South of France is also better endowed, which can be explained by living conditions that favor the use of beauty treatments (***).

3.2 The main players in the sector

The beauty salon market is organized around two types of salon:

Generalist institutes, which offer all types of personal care; Specialized institutes, which focus on a particular segment, such as waxing, manicure, make-up, etc. This enables them to focus their offer on more specific services, but also to highlight their superior expertise in this activity.

Institutes are surrounded by a large number of related players, who are also active in the care and beauty market. Their activities can be complementary to those of the institutes, giving rise to partnerships such as the one set up between Marionnaud perfumeries and l'Atelier du Sourcil, with the former offering several of the latter's products for sale since ****. [***]

But several also appear as direct competitors, due to very similar skincare offerings:

Cosmetics and perfume store Nocibé has deployed its own institutes to offer skincare services (***); Oh My Cream, which initially sold niche cosmetics brands, now has treatment areas in its thirty or so stores; Yumi, a cosmetics brand, launched Yumi Beauty Studio in ****, a high-end beauty institute concept; Seasonly, another cosmetics brand, has three treatment areas in Paris and has also deployed corners at Sephora in spring **** to offer customers **-minute facial massages. Giant L'Oréal ...

3.3 Franchising: a pillar of growth for beauty salons

Franchising is a major lever for the development of beauty salons. It enables you to rapidly roll out your network across the country, while ensuring uniformity of service. Franchisees benefit from the network's reputation, as well as from training, marketing and other advantages.

In ****, the number of franchised outlets in the "hairdressing and beauty" sector rose by *.*% to *,*** establishments, while sales increased by *% to *.** billion euros. [***]

The majority of beauty institute networks, both generalist and specialist, are opting for this model, with more or less substantial personal investment requirements. [***]

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Types and prices of services offered by beauty salons

Beauty salons offer a wide range of treatments, depending on their specialization. Here is a non-exhaustive list, with associated prices, as presented on the Wecasa services website.

Source: ****

4.2 Price trends in beauty salons

Consumer prices for beauty care have been rising almost uninterruptedly for many years. This growth was all the more flagrant in ****, +*.** pts for the annual index, due to widespread inflation affecting energy rates and many products, which prompted retailers to raise their prices to compensate for these rising charges.

This increase can also be explained by the desire of many institutes to move upmarket, through their expertise, personalized services and so on. As a result, their prices are rising. However, this trend is not generalized: many salons prefer to maintain a mid-range positioning with more attractive prices, so as not to deprive themselves of customers who can no longer afford to come to them. [***]

Consumer price index for body beauty care (***) France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****

4.3. Specialization, a growing trend

Opening a specialized salon, whether for hair removal, nails, facials and make-up, or high-tech beauty treatments, is an important differentiator. It enables smaller companies to stand out from the crowd andoffer customers very specific services that are more advanced than those offered by their generalist competitors.

Specialized institutes are booming. In the Île-de-France region, for example, the number of businesses listed under the name "onglerie" rose sharply between **** and ****: +**% in Paris, +***% in Hauts-de-Seine, +**% in Val-de-Marne, +**% in Seine-Saint-Denis.

number of nail salons in Île-de-France Île-de-France, ****-****, in units Source: ****

One of France's leading nail salons, L'Onglerie acquired Les bars à ongles... by V in autumn ****. A few months later, the group unveiled a new concept, L'Ongle & Le Regard, an establishment that combines nail and eye services, with a view to extending this strategy of specialization to other segments. [***]

For its part, Ieva Group, which owns the L'Atelier du Sourcil and Boudoir du Regard eyecare brands, has set up a subscription system that gives customers privileged access to its establishments.access to the establishments, receive personalized care packages, access to exclusive advice and more. The company had *,*** subscribers by spring ****, and is aiming for **,*** by ****. [***]

A generalist player, BodyMinute is not staying away from ...

4.4 Innovation and digitalization, symbols of new services for institutes

Innovation goes the extra mile

Innovation is an effective way for beauty salons to build customer loyalty, especially when customers are increasingly well-equipped at home: in ****, over ** million epilators and electric shavers for women were in circulation in France. **% of households owned an electric epilator. The range of electro-beauty appliances is expanding, and is proving popular with a growing number of brands. They offer increasingly sophisticated products, some of which were previously only available from professionals. [***]

Number of female hair removal appliances in circulation France, ****, in millions of units Source: ****

Against this backdrop, beauty salons need to move upmarket by offering innovative services that individuals can't provide themselves by equipping themselves at home.

To achieve this, Dépil Tech has chosen to turn to laser hair removal, which beauty salons are entitled to perform following a regulatory change enacted in May ****. Dépil Tech is rolling out its offer in its establishments, and has invested ***,*** euros in testing and validating laser machines from German manufacturer Asclepion. Thanks to this new service, the chain aims to win growth points for its franchisees, who can be trained in laser machines at the Dépil Tech center in Nice. [***]

In ****, Guinot unveiled a new ...

4.5 Organic and natural products on the rise

Organic and natural skincare and cosmetics are increasingly popular with French women. In ****, a survey carried out by the Slow Cosmétique label, which advocates more natural and authentic cosmetics, showed that **% of women surveyed had already purchased this type of product in the past year. had already purchased this type of product in the past year, with **% renewing their purchases every quarter. Preserving their health appeared to be the primary criterion justifying this behavior.

French women's behavior towards organic and natural cosmetics France, ****, in Source: ****

This trend is gradually taking hold in beauty salons, which are becoming aware of the new expectations of their clientele. Several brands are promoting their practices in this direction:

Citron Vert uses only organic products, of natural origin and made in France, thanks in particular to its partnership with the Phyt's brand; Yves Rocher promotes a more responsible and natural approach to beauty. The group launched its "Act Beautiful" CSR program in March ****, which sets out its main commitments[***] Mademoiselle Bio offers all-organic skincare in its eight boutique-institutes.

The movement is more deeply rooted in independent salons, which enjoy greater freedom to gear their offer entirely to these new trends. Some, like Les Louves Beauté ...

5 Regulations

5. Regulations

Beauty salons are defined by law as professionals offeringprofessionals offering their clientele beauty treatments other than medical and paramedical ones, and comfort beauty sculpting without a medical purpose. (***).

The beauty sector is subject to strict regulations, as detailed below. [***]

Opening a beauty salon

Opening a beauty salon requires a a CAP "Esthétique-cosmétique parfumerie"diploma, an brevet professionnel "Esthétique-cosmétique-parfumerie", a baccalauréat professionnel "Esthétique-cosmétique-parfumerie", a brevet de technicien supérieur (***) ; or to work under the supervision of a holder of such a certificate.

Two legal forms are particularly well-suited to this type of project:

SAS (***) ; SARL (***).

To calculate the costs involved in setting up a company, you need to take into account registry fees, the declaration of beneficial owners, publication in the JAL and the registration of a trademark. [***]

Displaying prices

A beauty salon must comply with consumer law. Every product on sale must be labeled with a price tag, and must be displayed both inside and outside the store. A receipt must be provided for any amount over €**. Beauty salons must also be equipped with a computerized cash register compliant with the new **** standards.

Massages restricted since ****

Since ****, massages can only be provided by paramedical ...

6 Positioning the players

6 Company segmentation

6.2 Analyse financière du marché

Afin de suivre l'évolution du marché des instituts de beauté, nous avons sélectionné ** entreprises du secteurs et nous avons réccupéré leurs données financières sur Pappers.

En ****, le chiffre d'affaire global de notre échantillon était de *.** millions et atteint *.** millions en ****, ce qui correspond à une hausse de **% du chiffre d'affaire en deux ans. Cette forte hausse peut s'expliquer par un retour progressif au niveau d'activité pré-covid **. Une minorité (***), ce qui conforte l'hypothèse d'un retour au niveau d'activité d'avant crise.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un graphique représentant l'évolution annuelle de *l'EBE et du CA de notre échantillon.

EBE: "L'Excédent Brut d'Exploitation (***), un indicateur clé de la santé financière d'une entreprise, se focalise sur la rentabilité brute en excluant les éléments financiers et exceptionnels. Cette mesure, calculée à partir du chiffre d'affaires moins certaines dépenses opérationnelles, offre un aperçu précieux de la viabilité du modèle d'entreprise, hors influences externes comme la politique de financement. L'EBE, souvent comparé au résultat d'exploitation, se distingue par son exclusion des charges non opérationnelles, donnant une perspective unique sur la capacité de l'entreprise à générer des flux de trésorerie ...

  • BodyMinute
  • L'Onglerie
  • L'Atelier du Sourcil (Ieva Group)
  • Nocibé (Douglas Groupe)
  • Marionnaud France
  • Groupe NOVI
  • Groupe Rocher (Yves Rocher)
  • Guinot
  • Dépil Tech
  • Mary Cohr
  • Citron Vert
  • Institut Esthederm (Naos)
  • Pyrène
  • BodySano
  • Une heure pour soi
  • Carlance
  • Le Comptoir du Visage
  • Le comptoir du Regard
  • Relooking Conncept

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