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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Market overview

Hairdressers perform a variety of hygienic and aesthetic hair care operations, either in a salon or directly at the customer's home. This may involve cutting, coloring, perming... However, salons are tending to develop more and more ancillary activities, detailed in this study, such as the sale of beauty products and accessories.

In France, the market has been experiencing structural growth for a decade, with the exception of 2020, which saw the market hit hard by the health crisis. Indeed, between 2010 and 2019, sales in the sector rose by 26%, before falling radically in 2020 (-18% vs. 2019). The French market had a good year in 2023 and an even better one in 2024, and has exceeded its pre-void level since 2022. What's more,hairdressing is the most consumed of all beauty and well-being services in 2024, with a total budget of €189 devoted to hairdressing per year. Lomen spend an average of €245, compared to €143 for men.

Hairdressing market players can be segmented into 3 categories: independent salons, branded salons (such as Franck Provost, Pascal Coste, Dessange, etc.), and home-based or itinerant hairdressers. The latter are increasingly numerous, and compete with salons by offering generally lower prices.Even thoughcurrently concerns only one consumer in 5 more than 60% of those using home hairdressing services were former salon customers.

1.2 The global market

The global salon services market, which includes hair salon services, is estimated at $*** billion in **** (***), and is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.**% over the period ****-****, to exceed $*** billion in **** .

According to FortuneBusinessInsights, the hair salon sub-segment will account for **.**% of the total salon services market in ****. Assuming that this share remains the same in ****, from this figure and the previous one, it is possible to estimate the global salon market size at $*** billion in ****.

Global market size for salon services (***) France, **** - ****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

Several factors are driving or will drive market growth:

Diversification of professional offerings The rise of home services and mobile salons The transformation of certain salons into "social" places (***) The return of the "barber" trend The introduction of online booking platforms, which not only enable salons to better manage their resources, but also provide usable consumer data Rising consumer spending on hairdressing services

1.3 The domestic market

Hairdressing market players are listed under NAF code **.**A. This class includes :

washing, cutting, styling, dyeing, coloring, waving, straightening and similar services for men and women shaving and beard trimming

INSEE provides the size of the market in ****, as well as theannual sales indexfor the corresponding NAF code.

This market sizeamounted to *.*** billion euros in ****. This figure can be used to estimate the size of the market in **** in France, by multiplying it by the sales index for the year ****, also indicated by INSEE,then divided by the sales index for ****.note that the sales index is given here by month by INSEE, and that an average has therefore been taken to obtain the annual sales index.

Calculation details :

Market size **** = market size **** x (***)

Market size **** = *.** billion euros x *** .**/***.* = *.** billion euros

The same applies to the other years (***):

Hairdressing market size in France France, **** - ****, in billions of euros Source: ****

Sales have been growing structurally for a decade, with the exception of ****, when the market was hit hard by the health crisis (***).

Indeed, between **** and ****, the sector's sales rose by **%, before falling radically in **** (***). In ****, the market is up *.*% on the previous year, having been above its pre-covid level since ****.

This ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Hairdressing at the heart of French beauty/wellness spending

The following graph shows the evolution of the value index of actual household consumption for hairdressing every * years since **** (***)

Change in the value index of actual household consumption for hairdressing France, ****-****, base *** of previous year Source: ****

While the hairdressing consumption item has visibly lost importance over the past ** years (***), it remains the most consumed of all beauty and well-being services in ****, with a total budget of €*** spent on hairdressing per year.

Types of care, beauty and wellness services consumed on average per person France, ****, in Source: ****

A top spending priority for most French people

Hair styling remains a very important item of expenditure for the French, who place it at the top of their beauty/well-being budget, with **% of the population making use of it, even when the budget has to be reduced. According to the Kyu survey for the OPCO EP **** edition, when the household budget is tight, **% of the French population in **** will give priority to the hairdresser in their purchases, and **% of the population will not even consider reducing the frequency of visits to the hairdresser. Attitudes and choices regarding hairdressing expenses when household budgets are tight France, ****, in Source: ****

Gender differences Nevertheless, there is a real ...

2.2 Determinants in choosing a hairdresser

Mid-range and independent salons are the most popularAccording toOpcoep, only *% of the French population use high-end salons, while the remaining **% entrust their hair tomid-rangeor entry-level salons. as the majority of customers are loyal to their hairdresser, this distribution varies very little. There is, however, a small minority (***) who change salon range depending on the technical nature of the service required.

Breakdown of population by salon range frequented France, ****, in Source Opcoep Independent salons are much more popular than chains (***). This may be due to greater trust in the hairdresser, a greater sense of proximity, or a greater number of stores. Response to the question: "What type of salon do you prefer to go to?" France, ****, in % Source: ****

Consumers are increasingly turning to the weekIn line with consumers' quest for efficiency, and hairdressers' marketing and communication efforts, there is a rebalancing of appointments between weekends and weekdays. Customers seem to increasingly prefer weekdays, to take advantage of less popular and more convenient time slots, by taking advantage of teleworking, RTT or breaks in their day. **% of hairdressers questioned in the Kyu/OPCO EP survey in **** claim that their customers book more during the week than before.

Preferred appointment times France, ****, in Source: ...

2.3 Trends in the French hairdressing market

Following the Kyu survey for OPCOEP carried out in ****, the following trends can be observed:

Population interest in these different hairdressing trends France, ****, % of population Source: ****

* major trends seem to emerge from this survey:[***]

Economic concerns focused on pricesThe inflationary economic climate, coupled with the loss of salon-going habits, is creating a negative dynamic for hairdressers' pricing practices. As a result, prices are being called into question, with sharp increases not always justified by improvements in quality. With services now considered too expensive, consumers are increasingly turning to at-home solutions, as studied earlier in our analysis, or to better-quality services to justify this increase. The search for qualityConsumers are better informed today. **% of salons surveyed said that their customers were more demanding today, as they were better informed than before about existing products, treatments and techniques. Growing interest in natural products and authenticityThe combined trends of more natural, lower-maintenance styles and "hair-positivity", which encourages the proud wearing of white, curly locks and the limited use of chemical products, are taking pride of place in the consumption habits and influence of salon customers. Hairdressers are adapting to these trends, which were propelled during the covid, when salons were closed and customers ...

2.5 France's favourite hair salons

The graph below is based on OpinionWay's survey of French people's favorite brands in February ****. These are respondents' answers to the question "Do you like this or that hairdressing salon?" for each brand, with the percentage corresponding to the proportion of respondents who answered "yes".

Franck Provost is France's favorite hair salon, with **.*% of those surveyed saying they liked it. Intermède Coiffure was the salon least appreciated by the French in the broader **** panel, with only *.*% of respondents saying they liked it. In the **** panel, it was JC Biguine, with **.*% of respondents saying they liked it.

The discrepancy between the approval ratings of the three hair salons preferred by the French and the others can be explained by the - even greater - gap in brand awareness. In fact, over **% of respondents know each of the top three salons, while the figure for the next three salons is only **%.

France's favorite hair salons France, March ****, in Source: ****

The graph below shows a comparison of the level of appreciation of the * hair salons preferred by the French according to the gender of respondents. Predictably, female respondents' ratings are higher than their male counterparts, with a difference of around ten points.

Comparison ...

3 Market structure

3.1 An increase in the number of establishments

Number of establishments

In ****, the sector will have ***,*** establishments, compared with ***,*** in ****, representing an increase of *.*%, the biggest increase in almost ** years. In ****, during the health crisis, the number of establishments also rose by *% compared to ****, showing that the confinements caused by covid-**, which prevented hairdressers from doing business for several months, did not lead to a decline in the number of establishments in the sector.

Number of establishments in the sector France, **** - ****, in units Source: ****

Geographical distribution

The map below shows the distribution of the ***,*** establishments in the hairdressing sector in ****. We can see a greater number inthe south of France and in the Paris region.

Source: ****

However, it is interesting to compare the proportion of the profession's establishments by region with the proportion of the French population by region. Overall, the proportions are similar, with the exception of the Paris region, Occitania and the PACA region.

Source: ****

Distribution by size of urban unit

Over **% of hairdressing establishments are located in urban areas of over ***,*** inhabitants (***). It is also interesting to note that **.*% of establishments are located in rural communities.

Breakdown of establishments by size of urban unit France, ****, in Source: ****

Breakdown of establishments by number of employees

A ...

3.2 A decline in the sector's workforce

While the number of companies in the sector is tending to increase (***), the trend is reversed in terms of workforce, as the following graph shows. At December **, ****, there were ***,*** people working in the sector, a slight increase of *% compared to ****, but a *.*% drop compared to ****.

Sector workforce trends France, **** - ****, in units Source: ****

The breakdown by type of establishment is as follows:

Independent: ***,*** employees, or **.*% of the workforce (***) Branded: **,** employees, i.e. **.*% of the workforce (***) home-based: **,***, or **% of the workforce (***)

Breakdown of workforce by type of establishment France, ****, in Source: ****

If we look at the breakdown of the workforce by status, we can see the high proportion of employees who are not salaried. This is due to the high proportion of hairdressers who own their own salons and employ few or no salaried staff. In fact, more than nine out of ten self-employed hairdressers are managers (***) or collaborating spouses and other non-salaried employees.

Breakdown of working people by status France, ****, in Source: ****

the hairdressing sector is also highly feminine, with **% of employees being women. However, this proportion is tending to decrease, since women represented **% of the workforce in ****.

3.3 Hair salon networks

Only *% of establishments are part of a brand network (***), chain salons account for **% of employer establishments.

conversely, while home hairdressing establishments account for **.*% of total establishments, they represent only *% of employer establishments, which shows that the vast majority of home hairdressing establishments are made up of self-employed people.

Breakdown of establishments by type France, ****, in Source: ****

Source: ****

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3.4 The weight of different sources of income

Hairdressing services account for the vast majority of the sector's sales.The *nd source of revenue is the sale of products (***), constituting an additional source of income for the employing establishments.

Breakdown of sales by activity France, ****, in Source: ****

Moreover, the majority of hairdressing revenues are generated by services for women (***)

Breakdown of sales by service category France, ****, in Source: ****

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Price analysis

Hair salons offer a wide range of services, especially for women. Prices generally vary according to the quality of the service, the region where it is performed (***).

In ****, the average price of a standard shampoo-cut-styling service for men is **.* euros, while the average price of a shampoo-cut-styling service for women is **.* euros[***]

However, these prices vary from region to region. In particular, prices are much higher in the Île-de-France region than in the rest of France, for both men's and women's services, as shown in the graph below:

Shampoo + haircut prices in Paris and the provinces France, ****, in euros Source: ****

Prices also vary according to salon type. Branded salons are generally more expensive than independent hairdressers, who in turn are more expensive than home hairdressers (***).

Shampoo - cut - style prices France, ****, in euros Source: ****

other services are also available, such as hair straightening, perming, weaving, extensions, wedding and event styling, skin and hair care, and beard trimming in barber shops, for example. Customers can also buy products (***)

4.2 Significant price trends

The following two graphs show the evolution of prices for women's and men's and children's hairdressing services over the past decade.

We can see a continuous and similar rise in prices for women's hairdressing and men's and children's hairdressing services (***).

We can also see an acceleration in price rises from **** onwards. (***). By ****, annual growth is *.*% for women's services and *.*% for men's and children's services.

The rise in **** can be explained by price compensation for losses during confinements. Also, hairdressers had to increase their costs and therefore their final prices during the health crisis, due to the implementation of measures in salons (e.g. hygiene kit, disinfectant, disposable towels and bathrobes, masks, visors.leFigaro].

The rise in **** can be explained by the *.*% inflation in France over the year[***].

Change in annual consumer price index for hairdressing services France, **** - ****, in index points (***) Source: ****

Change in annual consumer price index for men's and children's hairdressing services France, **** - ****, in index points (***) Source: ****

4.3 Service diversification

According to UNEC, **% of hair salons will have introduced a new service by ****. By ****, this proportion had risen to **%, and to *.*% in ****, reflecting salons' desire to respond better and better to customer expectations and to stand out from the crowd, justifying their prices.

The following chart shows the top * new services implemented by hairdressers in ****, and from **** to ****. The most frequently cited new services in **** are cranial massage (***): its rate of citation divided by * in **** perhaps shows that this service is already well established and/or that it is going out of fashion.

The most popular new services France, **** - ****, in Source: ****

Nonetheless, barber services are still very much in the spotlight among the new services on offer. This is symptomatic of an underlying trend in the French market: the development of offerings for men. The success of the La Barbe à Papa franchise, which has only been in existence since **** and already has over *** salons by ****, shows this too. [***]

In addition, **% of salons will offer beauty services such as facials, nails, make-up, etc. in ****, compared with **% in ****.

4.4 Home hairdressing continues to gain ground

The hairdressing profession has gradually evolved with the creation of the auto and micro-entrepreneur status in ****. More and more hairdressers have chosen to set up as home-based hairdressers rather than as salon-based hairdressers (***). By ****, home-based hairdressing will account for **.*% of the sector's business, compared with **.*% in ****.[***]

Thus, in ****, over **,*** hairdressing establishments are registered as home hairdressing, a number that has been rising steadily since ****. In this sense, it is very interesting to note that the growth in the number of home hairdressing establishments is more than * times greater than that of the total number of hairdressing establishments (***)

Number of home-based hairdressing establishments France, **** - ****, in units Source: ****

Avise Info explains this phenomenon in part by the crisis in city centers, which has prompted salon-based hairdressers to develop new solutions to meet demand unsatisfied by the absence of a salon. But it's above all the lower costs that can prove particularly attractive, since it's not necessary in this case to own a business.

In addition, applications like Wecasa and platforms like Viadom have been developed to put hairdressing professionals in touch with private individuals.

5 Regulations

5. Regulations

Installation conditions

Legal Start lists all the conditions required to set up as a hairdresser. First and foremost, you need to have sufficient professional qualifications to be able to practice the trade:

a professional or master's diploma in hairdressing A professional certification diploma directly related to the field of hairdressing

All recruitment and business start-ups require proof of qualification. An unqualified person may practice this profession, provided they are under the permanent supervision of a qualified person. [***]

The person must also meet the conditions of good repute - not be prohibited from directing, managing or administering a business - and must not have been prohibited from exercising a professional or social activity as a result of an offence. [***]

Installation preparation course (***)

Until ****, anyone applying for registration in the trades register (***) was required to complete a training course to prepare for setting up in business. This provided information on the conditions for setting up, the various financing options available for the business and the different management techniques needed to ensure the survival of the business.

However, since the Pacte Act of May ****, this training course has become optional.

Price and product regulations

Hairdressers may be required to use certain toxic products. Laws ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Player segmentation

  • Provalliance (Holding)
  • Valessio - Coiffeur Paris
  • Camilia Coiffure
  • La Kage
  • Gizzly Barber Shop
  • The Haircut
  • Wecasa
  • Viadom Coiffure Viasphère
  • Domicile Beauté
  • Frank Provost (Provalliance groupe)
  • Dessange International
  • John Nollet
  • Hairgum Laboratoire Ariland
  • Planity
  • Planity
  • Jean Claude Biguine (Cinderella)

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