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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The adult diaper market encompasses a wide range of absorbent products designed to meet the needs of adults suffering from incontinence. These products include full-face diapers, anatomical diapers, pants, as well as inserts or straight diapers.

Urinary and fecal incontinence are often linked to aging and weakening of the bladder muscles, but also to certain pathologies such as diabetes or Crohn's disease. As the population ages, these problems are becoming increasingly prevalent. In France, the proportion of the population aged 65 and over rose from 15.8% in 2000 to 21.3% in 2023, accentuating demand for these products.

The French market is experiencing sustained growth, reaching 330 million euros for supermarkets in 2023, up 10.8% on 2022. Globally, this booming sector, estimated at $10.9 billion in 2021, has a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3% and is set to reach $33.6 billion by 2032. This dynamic is fuelled by increased diversification of the product range, communication strategies designed to make the subject less dramatic, and growing consumption in supermarkets.

Nevertheless, some obstacles remain. Nearly 43% of French people regard incontinence as a taboo subject, sometimes limiting the use of these products. What's more, the market is still dominated by a handful of players: Tena will have a 43% market share in 2023, followed by Always Discreet (19%), with a combined 62% of the sector.

Faced with rising inflation - with the price index for personal hygiene products rising from 98.5 in 2021 to 110.96 in 2024 - and technological innovations such as the remote-controlled sphincter launched in 2024, the sector must adapt. Consumers expect products that combine comfort, discretion and optimal absorption to overcome these challenges and meet the varied needs of users.

1.2 A growing global market

The global adult diaper market is expanding rapidly, driven by an aging population, growing awareness of incontinence-related issues and the development of healthcare infrastructures.

In ****, this market was valued at $**.* billion, and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.*% to reach $**.* billion by ****. Key regions for this expansion include Asia-Pacific, particularly China and India, where growing awareness of healthcare and incontinence is driving demand. At the same time, technological advances such as improved absorbent materials and innovations like smart diapers are transforming products to better meet consumer expectations. The market is also marked by increased demand for environmentally-friendly solutions, with diapers that are biodegradable or made from sustainable materials. This shift towards eco-friendly products reflects the changing expectations of consumers, who increasingly favor sustainable alternatives.

Finally, the market is made up of major players such as Kimberly-Clark, Unicharm and Procter & Gamble, but also of local manufacturers who stand out by offering customized and innovative products, particularly in the ecological and premium segments. This dynamic makes the adult diaper market a strategic opportunity for manufacturers and distributors worldwide.

evolution of the global adult diaper market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars CAGR=*.*% Source: ****

The graph below shows the ...

1.3 In France, competition drives up adult diaper sales

A growing market

According to a LSA Conso article published in ****, the size of the incontinence products market in supermarkets (***) is *** million euros, up **.*% in value terms on ****.

trend in the size of the incontinence market in supermarkets France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

This graph shows the evolution of the size of the incontinence market in supermarkets and hypermarkets (***) in France between **** and ****, expressed in millions of euros. There is a general upward trend over this period, with the market rising from ***.* million euros in **** to *** million euros in ****, representing total growth of **.*% over six years.

Growth is steady between **** and ****, reaching ***.* million euros. In ****, the market peaks at ***.* million euros, which could be linked to a particular situation, such as the increase in consumption during the health crisis. However, a decline is recorded in ****, bringing sales down to *** million euros, indicating a possible temporary slowdown. In ****, the market rebounds strongly, reaching *** million euros, marking a new peak and testifying to a solid recovery.

Several factors may explain this overall growth. On the one hand, an ageing population is generating growing demand for these products. On the other hand, animproved offer in supermarkets and greater consumer awareness of these ...

1.4 International trade in adult diapers

The Harmonized System of Customs allows access to French imports and exports of adult diapers. The chart below is based on the code ******** entitled "Hygienic articles, e.g. incontinence articles (***)".

Balance of trade in sanitary products including adult diapers France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

With the exception of ****, France's foreign trade balance for this type of product is in deficit. Exports are tending to fall, while imports appear to be more variable. The COVID-** crisis has had no real impact on French foreign trade in this type of item.

The Customs website also provides a breakdown of these flows by supplier and customer countries.

Imports of adult diapers France, ****, in Source: ****

The main importing countries for French hygiene products such as incontinence products are Germany and Belgium, with **% and **% respectively. The United Kingdom completes the podium with **% of French exports.

The main customer countries for French exports are detailed below.

Adult diaper exports France, ****, in Source: ****

Likewise, France's supplier countries are all members of the European Union. In first place are the Netherlands, followed by Germany and Belgium. Foreign trade in hygienic products such as incontinence products therefore takes place mainly within the European market.

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The nursing home sector drives the incontinence market

The Ehpad sector has been on a roll in recent years, and a good way to see this is to analyze the sales of the main players in this market over the last * years and note the increase.

Sales trends in France for the main market players France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

2.2 Demographic factors

Several demographic factors have been identified in relation to bladder weakness, such as old age: The older we get, the more health problems such as urinary incontinence appear, due to reduced muscular capacity and age-related physiological changes.

The aging population: already a reality...

Proportion of French population aged ** or over France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

...which will continue to be a growth driver for the future of the sector

Population projections to **** in millions of inhabitants, France, ****-****, as a % of total population Source: CNSA (***) based on INSEE The aging of the French population is real, as this graph shows. While thoseaged ** andover will represent only *.*% of the population in ****, their weight in the French population will double to **.*% in ****. This aging is linked to longer life expectancy and the arrival of baby-boomers at retirement age: * factors favoring the number of potential consumers for adult diapers.

The increase in the number of dependent elderly people can be seen in the graph below, which illustrates the rise in the number of APA beneficiaries. TheAllocation personnalisée d'autonomie (***) who are dependent or in loss of autonomy, and therefore makes it possible to visualize the rise in the number of dependent elderly people. In ...

2.3 The French and urinary incontinence

In December ****, IFOP conducted a survey of French people on their perception of incontinence. We'll look at the results below.

Do you consider incontinence a taboo subject? France, December ****, in Source: ****

Incontinence is frequently regarded as a taboo subject, with **% of respondents to the IFOP survey considering it to be rather taboo, or even completely taboo. However, **% of French people consider it not to be taboo at all, and **% not at all. We can therefore imagine that companies in the sector, as well as public authorities, have every interest in raising awareness on the subject, in order to make it less and less taboo.

In your family, friends or professional circle, do you know people affected by urinary incontinence? France, December ****, in % Source: ****

**% of survey respondents say they don't know anyone in their circle affected by incontinence. However, given the proportion of French people affected by this phenomenon, we can imagine that this is essentially due to the fact that the main people concerned don't talk about it. Nevertheless, there remains a relatively high proportion of respondents who know at least one person in their circle affected by incontinence.

Which of the following benefits could you expect from a technology ...

2.4 Comfort and absorption come first

As all the online comparators point out, this product is still taboo, and for many people suffering from incontinence, taking the step of buying protection is quite difficult. That's why the challenge for brands is to succeed in consolidating this growing demand, so that it actually becomes a purchase. Indeed, the sector's main challenge is to succeed in provoking purchases, notably by demystifying the issue and lifting the taboo surrounding bladder weakness.Demand therefore needs to be reassured. Here are the criteria that emerge from comparisons, and which seem to be of the utmost importance to consumers:


This is obviously the consumer's first criterion: bladder weakness is above all a source of great discomfort, the sensation of being wet is humiliating, and the customer wants to avoid it by purchasing. Absorption capacity varies with each diaper and each urinary problem.


Protection must be comfortable to wear. This may seem obvious, but customers want to be free from incontinence, and an uncomfortable diaper will remind them of their disability as they move around. in this respect, size is of the utmost importance, and the offer must meet a varied demand in terms of sizes, so that customers can find the ...

2.5 Typology of sufferers

If urinary incontinence and anal incontinence are grouped together, *.* million people are affected by this disease[***]. In fact, *.* million people are affected by urinary incontinence and * million by anal incontinence. However, counting is a tricky business, and varies widely depending on the honesty of respondents (***).

Urinary incontinence

In women, the prevalence of urinary incontinence increases with age; according to Sphère-santé, **% of women aged ** to ** suffer from incontinence, **% of women aged ** to ** and **% of women over **. three-quarters of urinary incontinence sufferers are women. [***] According to Ameli, even */* of women over ** are affected.

For men, the figures are lower. Only *% to *% of men over ** are affected by urinary incontinence, a proportion which rises to **% over the age of **. [***] Prostatic pathologies, such as prostate cancer, are a key trigger of urinary leakage in men. In France, some **,*** prostates are removed due to cancer, with around **% of men experiencing persistent incontinence problems (***) following the operation. * to *% of patients would even require surgery to control these urinary problems.

This prevalence in women is due to anatomical differences between the two sexes: the length of the urethra is longer in men than in women, the male prostate gland acts as an obstruction to urine flow at ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A highly concentrated market

The incontinence market, as shown in this graph, reveals a marked but evolving distribution of market shares. Tena remains the undisputed leader with a **% share, but its position is eroding slightly, losing *.* percentage points on the previous year. Still solid, this dominance could be threatened if the brand fails to counter the offensive of its competitors.

Always Discreet, in second place with **%, grew modestly by *.* points. This modest advance reflects a dynamic strategy based on product innovation and omnichannel marketing campaigns. Private labels, meanwhile, account for **% of the market, recording a notable *.* point rise, reflecting a growing consumer preference for affordable, competitive products.

Other brands, although marginal with only *% of the market share, grew slightly (***). This low share reflects the concentration of the market around a few major players, but points to the possibility of new entrants or niche players gaining a foothold, particularly in specific segments such as ecology.

Finally, the ecological offer remains in its infancy, despite impressive growth in volume and value. With just *.*% of sales, it is struggling to establish itself in the face of well-established behemoths, but it could, in time, play a key role in transforming the market. This sector, although dominated by Tena, is ...

3.2 Value chain

Manufacturers of major brands

Most of the companies mentioned above (***) have their own production facilities, particularly in France.

Hartmann, for example, produces over *** million adult diapers at its plant in Lièpvre in the Haut-Rhin region of France. The site employs around *** people. Ontex, meanwhile, manufactures its incontinence products in Dourges in Pas-de-Calais at its plant, which opened in December **** and produces up to *** million pieces a year.

Most adult diapers are made from cellulose wadding. [***]. The latter is obtained from paper pulp and forms the absorbent part of the diaper. Absorbent beads complete the bottom of the diaper to ensure a watertight seal. The manufacture of an adult diaper is then completed with elastics, plastic or paper bands and top or bottom sails

Private label manufacturers

Some companies produce exclusively for B*B. In France, the leader in this segment is AMD: this French company was founded in **** by Philippe Pagès and Frédérick Réquier. It expects sales of €*** million by ****, selling all types of adult diapers. The young company has won the adult diaper market at AP-HP (***). [***].

Indirect competition

Beyond the different varieties of adult diapers (***) and other accessories, such as :

Penis pouches, for men suffering ...

3.3 Risks associated with diaper composition

The health issue

One survey after another warns of the dangers of disposable diapers, and parents are becoming increasingly alarmed. All reveal the presence of toxic residues and worrying quantities of allergenic, reprotoxic and carcinogenic substances. In particular, a report by the French agencyAnses has established that several regulatory levels of chemical substances are exceeded in baby diapers, which can prove dangerous for babies.

As a result, some parents are reconsidering their habits. The first publication by ** Millions de consommateurs in **** had contributed to the downturn in the market, which fell from *** million euros in **** to *** million euros in ****. [***]

The environmental challenge

In France, *.* billion diapers are thrown away every year, representing ***,*** tonnes of waste that is proving complicated to process.

Disposable diapers account for **% of household waste from households with children aged *-*. On average, a baby uses between * and * diapers a day. This means that, from birth to the age of two and a half, a child needs almost *,*** diapers, which, according to Planétoscope, corresponds to over a tonne of waste per child. And this waste is particularly polluting: in a landfill, diapers take almost *** years to decompose. [***]

So, in response to the considerable waste generated by disposable ...

3.4 Focus on a sub-segment: the bladder weakness market

The bladder weakness market, a specific sub-segment of the incontinence market, is particularly dynamic for pharmacies. With sales of **.* million euros, this segment grew by *.*% over the previous period. Although lower than the overall incontinence market, this growth reflects the growing importance of medical products and those recommended by healthcare professionals in specialist channels.

In terms of volume, the market represents * million units sold, an increase of *.*%. The average price, meanwhile, was **.** euros, up *.*%, reflecting a constant move upmarket and innovation. These trends confirm that demand, driven by the ageing population and associated medical needs, is moving towards increasingly specific and adapted solutions.

Laboratory market share behind these products France, ****, in Source: ****

The breakdown of market shares reveals a concentration around a few dominant players. Paul Hartmann, the undisputed leader, has a market share of **.*%, followed by Essity at **.*%. These two players account for almost **% of the market, leaving little room for competition, although laboratories such as Lille Healthcare, Ontex Healthcare and Labo Marque Verte maintain a significant presence. Innovation is therefore essential to stand out in such a concentrated market.

Top * products/brands France, ****, in Source: ****

The ranking of the best-selling products confirms this focus on technical solutions adapted to ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Product ranges

The website, a specialist in treatments, solutions and advice for urinary disorders, offers the following range of adult diapers:

Absorbent briefs, which can be worn like panties or briefs to absorb leaks; Complete diapers, also known as adult diapers. The full-face diaper is fastened with two adhesives on the sides, and is suitable for moderate to heavy incontinence; Anatomical protectors, or anatomical diapers, are diapers held in place by a mesh panty; Belted protectors, or belted diapers, are fitted with a belt and have an absorption rate absorption rate equivalent to a full diaper; Men's shells, or incontinence briefs, are worn like conventional briefs; Straight incontinence pads are generally used in addition to full-face diapers;

4.2 Prices

By distributor

Prices on the sphere-santé.com website are shown in the table below.

The other product ranges also vary between the same price brackets, with the exception of straight protectors, which are slightly less expensive per unit.

However, there are far fewer different varieties of the latter products. Between ** and ** different products can be found for absorbent briefs, nappies and anatomical pads, compared with ** to ** different varieties for belted pads, men's shells and straight pads.

On e-commerce sites such as, you'll find more anatomical pads, sometimes sold in packs. These are less expensive individually, with entry-level prices of around ** cents each in this category.

Consumer Price Index

TheInseeconsumer price index for class **.*.*.* isas follows - Body hygiene, wellness and beauty products, which includes adult diapers, is shown in the chart below:

Consumer price index for personal hygiene, wellness and beauty products France, ****-****, in index Source: ****

Prices for this product category therefore vary little. However, from **** onwards, there will be a relatively substantial rise, which will continue into ****. The reason for this is the inflation that has taken hold in the country this year, impacting most products, and thus apparently personal hygiene, wellness and beauty products. Rising ...

4.3 Supply trends

As previously mentioned, ANSES, the French national agency for food, environment and occupational health and safety, has issued a report on the importance of environmental considerations in the manufacture of adult diapers. This report, which in its **** edition highlighted the presence of hazardous substances in products, shows a notable change in its **** edition[***]

In the midst of a diversification strategy, suppliers have seized on these fundamental changes to turn them into a strong commercial argument. According to LSA Conso, manufacturers are clearly showing their green credentials. Always and Tena have both always and Tena have both opted for a more natural offering, to appeal to female consumers in particular. A strategy that seems to be bearing fruit, if we observe the very positive evolution of the market.

for example, Tena® is committed to environmental initiatives by limiting its waste production. Other brands, such as Abena®, are also making commitments.To date,Abena is the only European manufacturer of single-use personal hygiene products to have obtained an eco-label for all products in its incontinence range (***).

Other forms of service are also emerging in the diaper market. There are, for example, rental services for washable diapers, washed in dry cleaners and delivered to ...

4.4 The remote-controlled sphincter: A danger for the adult diaper market

Trends in the incontinence market in **** reveal a profound transformation, driven by major technological innovations and an increased focus on meeting patients' specific needs. Among the most significant advances, the Artus artificial sphincter, developed by Affluent Medical, marks a decisive turning point. This device, successfully implanted for the first time in February **** in Prague, offers a revolutionary solution for severe urinary incontinence. Designed to replace the failing natural sphincter, it is based on cutting-edge electromechanical technology. Implanted in just ** minutes via a minimally invasive procedure, it is controlled by a remote control that allows the patient to open or close the silicone sleeve surrounding the urethra. This dynamic personalization, which adapts to each individual's lifestyle, enables patients to return to a normal social life, without depending on absorbent protection. [***]

This innovation, still in the clinical trials phase, testifies to a considerable R&D effort. In ****, Affluent Medical plans to extend these trials to seventy patients in Europe, with a view to market authorization by ****. This move highlights a paradigm shift in the approach to incontinence solutions, away from traditional devices, often deemed inconvenient and difficult to use. [***]

The aging of the population, a key factor in the growing demand in this ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Social security and mutual insurance reimbursements

Reimbursements for urinary protection

The Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie may reimburse all or part of the purchase of urinary protection in the case of chronic illness or to keep hospitalized patients at home. [***].

The Caisse d'Assurance Retraite et de la Santé au Travail (***), which depends on the beneficiary's income.

Finally, mutual insurance companies may also reimburse the purchase of adult diapers.

Reimbursement of other solutions

When it comes to alternative solutions to urinary and/or fecal incontinence, perineal reeducation is reimbursed by the French social security reimbursed by social security when prescribed by a doctor and carried out by a physiotherapist or midwife. Anti-incontinence drugs are partially reimbursed, with reimbursement rates varying widely from one product to another. Finally, incontinence equipment such as catheters are reimbursed at ***% by social security in cases of serious pathology, and at **% otherwise. [***]

5.2 Production standards

Manufacturers of adult diapers must comply with the European Union's REACH regulation. This requires companies to manage the risks associated with the use of chemical substances in the creation of the product, or the presence of such substances in the article sold. Companies must declare chemical substances in the product design.

The standards applicable to all hygiene products also apply to adult diapers. With this in mind, the composition of the product must be displayed on the packaging and safety measures [***].

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

6.2 The analyst's eye


The adult diaper market in France is booming, fueled by an aging demographic and growing awareness of incontinence-related issues. In ****, it was estimated at *** million euros for supermarkets alone, with growth of **.*% compared to ****. This market is part of a global context of rapid development, projected at a CAGR of *.*% to reach $**.* billion by ****. Despite this dynamic, taboos persist around incontinence, still holding back some consumers.

Major trends:

trend *: Demand is driven by the elderly, and this segment of the population is growing. In ****, the proportion of the French population aged ** or over was **.*%, rising to **.*% by ****.

*nd trend: The subject of urinary incontinence remains taboo for almost one French person in two. According to ifop in ****, **% of French people consider incontinence a taboo subject.

trend *: The incontinence market is highly concentrated. In ****, a single company(***) holds **%, and the top two companies in the sector hold **% of market share.

*th trend: A sector not spared by inflation. The consumer price index for personal hygiene, wellness and beauty products, which includes adult diapers, rises from **.* in **** to ***.** in ****.


Technological advances in this field could pose a problem for adult diaper sales. For example, in ****, Affluent medical introduced a ...

  • Essity
  • Ontex
  • Kimberly-Clark
  • Hartmann
  • Abena
  • Coloplast
  • Sanygia
  • Triple W (DFree)
  • Incontinence Protection
  • AMD
  • Carrefour Groupe
  • Intermarché ITM Les Mousquetaires
  • Lidl France
  • E.Leclerc
  • Casino Groupe
  • Wuka Wear
  • Petites Culottées
  • Dans Ma Culotte
  • Love & Green
  • Riccobono Groupe Lenglet Imprimeur

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