Summary of our market study

The sports coaching market in Europe is worth over 30 billion euros.

In France, the number of sports coaches is estimated at between 25,000 and 30,000. The French fitness market is worth around 2.5 billion euros.

With the rise of digital platforms, sports coaching has become more diversified and personalized, and many coaches are now self-employed.

Prices for personal coaching sessions range from €25 to €150 per hour, with the average rate around €60.

Around 35% of the French population is involved in fitness-related activities. The increase in physical activity between 2010 and 2022 is significant, rising from 54% to 70% of the population.

16% of French people use the services of a personal trainer.

It is estimated that French households spend 400 euros a year on sports goods and services.

Players in the sports training market

Matchmaking platforms

  • TrainMe connects customers with certified coaches.
  • aBC Coaching Sportif follows a similar model to TrainMe


  • FizzUp brings a digital dimension to the sports coaching market
  • Freeletics also operates in the digital space, offering personalized fitness training via its app.

Fitness giants

  • Basic Fit: A heavyweight in the gym sector, distinguished by its extensive network.
  • Neoness: Its acquisition by Keep Cool testifies to the rise of value-oriented fitness clubs.
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Introduction and market definition

Coaching involves personalized support aimed at helping the client achieve a goal. Coaches are available in a variety of fields, including personal development, professional development and sport. In the latter case, the coach generally works in a gym or at home, whether as a salaried employee or self-employed.

A sports coach can work not only as a self-employed entrepreneur, but also in gyms, associations, professional sports clubs and even health establishments such as EHPAD. This study also looks at the role of gyms and sports clubs. Fitness plays an important role here, as sports coaching, as it is perceived today, consists of helping customers to get back into shape through the implementation of adapted exercises.

The European sports coaching market is booming, with growth set to reach 3% in 2019. Markets are strongest in this part of the world, as well as in North America and Oceania, due to relatively high per capita incomes and greater awareness of the link between health and sporting activity. The French market is also on a positive trend, with growth of 1% in 2019.

As the sports market was hugely impacted by the Covid period, it is difficult to draw up a recent assessment, as post-Covid data are not available. We do know, however, that the market experienced a real brake during this period and suffered heavy economic losses. There is, however, reason for hope, thanks to the growing awareness among many French people of the importance of maintaining their bodies physically. This trend will enable the market to cope with greater demand than before the Covid period.

With the emergence of new coaching applications, performance measurement technologies and new methods of sports education, the sports coaching profession is going digital and evolving towards more personalized offers.

This study focuses on the sports coaching market in general, with a marginal focus on the online sports coaching market. However, a specific Businesscoot study on this market segment is available here.

The main players on the market are matchmaking platforms such as TrainMe or ABC Coaching Sportif, remote coaching applications such as FizzUp or Freeletics, and gyms such as Basic Fit or Neoness.

1.2 The European market

As the sports coaching market is in its infancy and lacks precise statistics, we'll look at fitness figures to get an order of magnitude and observe the evolution of the sports sector.

The European fitness market has shrunk by **.*% in ****, with sales of **.** billion euros, down sharply on ****'s figure of **.** billion euros. [***]

The number of sports clubs has hardly changed since ****, rising from **,*** to **,*** clubs in ****.

Evolution of the fitness market Europe, **** to ****, in billions and millions Source: ****

*.** billion euros in **** to *.** billion euros in ****

Fitness market size Germany, Great Britain, Spain, **** to ****, in billions of euros Source: ****

1.3 The French market

Fitness market sales France, ****-****, millions of euros Source: ****

Deloitte's various annual studies show a *% rise in the French fitness market between **** and ****. In ****, it will reach a value of *.*** billion euros. Unfortunately, we don't have any more recent figures than that, but we can observe a certain regularity with a gradual increase that corresponds to the rising percentage of French people wishing to exercise.

According tol'Observatoire de la Franchisethe market has grown by **% over the past ** years, corresponding to average annual growth of *.*% over the period. This growth is expected to continue at an average rate of *% per year until ****, leading to sales of *.* billion euros.


In France, the non-club sports coaching market really took off in the early ****s. In ** years, the market has grown exponentially, and ***% personalized sessions with a home coach are no longer the preserve of the wealthy. It is estimated that by ****, the number of sports coaches will be between **,*** and **,***. Recruitment needs are also estimated at *,*** additional coaches for gyms alone [***].

Sports enthusiasts

The practice of sport, and in particular fitness, is on the increase in France. According toUNION sport & Cycle**% of French people took part in a fitness activity in **** (***), compared with ...

1.4 The impact of COVID-19 on the sports coaching market

The difficulties of the traditional sector

The year **** has been very complicated for sports coaching players, whether gyms or independent trainers. Indeed, these professionals suffered two periods of forced closure corresponding to the two periods of confinement from March to May and then from October to December ****. These difficulties were not offset by the reopening of gyms during the summer period, since this is an off-peak period for this activity. The rooms were only able to reopen in July ****. It's also worth noting that until March ****, a vaccination pass was required to visit the gyms, greatly reducing attendance.

Open and closed periods for gyms between March **** and June ****

Source: ****

The confusion surrounding the home coaching business during the second lockdown prompted many coaches to continue practicing despite the ban.

While established coaches are severely affected, the situation is even tougher for young graduates. The latter often start their careers in gyms, but these have been facing major financial difficulties since March and have therefore stopped recruiting.

This situation is made all the more complicated by the fact that the average career of a sports trainer lasts * years, not least because of the physical wear and tear associated with the profession.

The ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 French sporting habits

Frequency of practice

In ****, the INJEP counted **% of French people aged ** and over who had taken part in at least one physical activity or sport in the last twelve months; in ****, this figure rose to **%, a rather positive stagnation given the health context. A survey carried out in December **** confirmed this upward trend, with **% of French people declaring that they would take part in some form of physical activity during the year.

Do you currently practice a sport, whether personally, in a club, association or hall? France, ****, % Source: ****

In terms of frequency of practice, according to a **** Odoxa survey, **% of respondents practiced at least once a week. **% practiced, but more exceptionally, once a month or less.

Frequency varies according to the sport. Thus, with regard to Fitness, according to an INJEP study carried out in ****:- **% of respondents practiced fitness less than once a week- **% once or twice a week- **% said they practiced * to * times and finally- **% four times a week or more.

This was the activity practiced most regularly.

**% practicing

Women are therefore the main clientele

Most popular sports France, ****, % of total Source: ****

The French also intend to spend an average of *h** more per week on physical activity ...

2.2 A practice that varies by gender and age

Growing demand from women

The growth in the practice of sport in France comes mainly from women. Of the ** million French people who take part in a sporting activity on an occasional basis, women now account for more than half, according to a January **** Union Sport & Cycle study. * million of them claim to be "ready to start or resume a sporting activity". Symbolizing this growth, between **** and ****, the number of new women's sports licenses rose by **%. Leople's favorite sport is fitness (***), followed by running and yoga.

Proportion of athletes by gender France, ****-****, in INJEP

Practice varies by age

Profile of regular athletes France, ****, in Source: ****

According to the Odoxa study, gender is no longer a significant variable. The main difference in sports participation lies in the age of those surveyed.

In ****, a large majority of under-**s take part in a sporting activity at least once a week (***). This figure falls sharply with age, from **% of regular sportsmen and women in the **-** age group to **% in the **-** age group, and just **% in the **+ age group.

The influence of environment

The practice of sport is also largely correlated with social background, according to theOdoxa. Indeed, **% of CSP+ are regular ...

2.3 French people's expectations

Demand for coaches

The demand for sports trainers is significant in gyms (***), which are struggling to recruit, not least because of the boom in independent coaching[***].

More broadly speaking, the rise of sports coaching is a good illustration of the major trends at work in society. On the one hand, the French want to be happy and healthy, which can be encouraged by sport. On the other hand, individuals are looking for personalized content and efficiency in the actions they undertake. The personal trainer responds fully to this need, focusing entirely on his client's needs for concrete, rapid results. [***]

Impact of confinement

Confinement has had a very negative impact on the mental and physical health of a majority of French people. Nearly **% of French people say they feel in poorer mental health after two years of restrictions.

Mental consequences of health crisis French, ****, in percent Source: ****

**% of French people say they feel more sedentary, and **% feel they have put on weight

Physical consequences health crisis French, ****, in percent Source: ****

French motivations

We are witnessing the development of "health sports", the result of individuals' growing awareness of the importance of taking care of themselves and keeping fit. This realization often occurs ...

3 Market structure

3.1 The sports industry

The different activities

The sports branch mainly covers the activities of sports clubs (***).

Sector (***) Activity Main characteristics Sports clubs (***) Operation of multidisciplinary or specialized sports clubs (***). Mainly associative structures, the vast majority of which employ fewer than * people. The group also includes a number of professional clubs (***) with a much larger economic surface area, illustrating the diversity of the group. Sports facilities management (***) Operation of facilities designed to host sporting events (***), organization of indoor physical activities. Mainly private commercial companies with fewer than ** employees who own the sports facilities they use. Examples include gyms, fitness centers, etc. Sports and leisure instruction (***) Training in sports activities (***) provided by teaching structures or other means, including self-employed teachers. Mostly associative structures with fewer than ** employees. They include, for example, training centers for professional sportsmen and women, and leisure centers offering courses to various publics (***). Other recreational and leisure activities (***) Training in sporting activities (***) provided by teaching structures or other means, including self-employed instructors. Mostly associative structures with fewer than ** employees. They include, for example, training centers for professional sportsmen and women, and leisure centers offering courses to various publics (***). Fitness centers (***) Operation of fitness and body-building clubs and centers. Almost exclusively private structures. The ...

3.2 Geographical location

Number of sports clubs by region

NAF code **.** covers the activity of sports clubs. It excludes sports lessons given by independent teachers and trainers (***). Data for **** are not yet available on Urssaf, and ****/**** do not provide clear figures due to the health crisis.


Source: ****

Sports clubs are established unevenly across France. Unsurprisingly, the largest regions (***) have more sports clubs than the northern regions. This phenomenon, in addition to the size of the regions, can be explained by the milder weather, which makes it easier to practice outdoor sports on a regular basis.

Numbers teaching sports and leisure activities by region

The map below shows the workforce corresponding to NAF code **.**Z "teaching of sports disciplines and leisure activities". It covers :

sports training (***), camps offering sports training, courses in gymnastics, horse-riding at academies or schools, swimming, martial arts, card games (***), yoga, etc sports instructors, teachers and independent professional trainers

Training may be provided in a variety of settings, such as unit or customer training facilities, educational establishments or by other means, but this chart does not take into account sports training provided in schools and universities.


Source: ****

The territorial distribution of sports and leisure activity instructors is largely concentrated in ...

3.3 Market players

Sports coaching platforms

Traditional agencies / sports coaching groups: these offer state-certified sports coaches. They are carefully selected, registered and hold a sports educator's card. Examples: Ownsport, Personal sport trainer, ABC Coaching Sports platforms and startups specialized in sports, often using geolocation via smartphone applications. They offer direct contact with coaches. However, these platforms rarely check diplomas, and do not take responsibility for the trainer's social security and tax declarations. Advertising sites or digital platforms which, among other things, enable you to find a coach and offer his or her services. This poses a problem in terms of transparency.

Mergers and acquisitions in the sports coaching market

Source: ****

There have been numerous financial transactions in the sports coaching market, with the acquisition of gyms by investment funds and the liquidation of one player, FULL FITNESS. Although the Covid-** crisis halted this trend, it has resumed since ****, especially as many gym groups are in serious financial difficulty. It was against this backdrop that NeoNess was acquired by Keep Cool in July ****.

Other players have raised funds over this period, such as TrainMe and its ***,*** euros. The startup is developing an on-demand coaching offer throughout France and Europe. It also expanded its scope with ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 A wide range of products and prices

The sports coaching offer, being personalized, is adapted to a variety of audiences [***] with different objectives (***):

primary prevention for people who are not accustomed to practising sport and those who are sedentary prevention for pregnant women, aimed at preventing certain illnesses or risks, and improving childbirth conditions targeted secondary prevention for older people

Varied prices

Prices vary according to region and trainer. Rates range from ** to *** euros per hour, with an average rate of ** euros before tax reduction for one hour's training. Prices vary widely according to location, number of people in the class, trainer, etc.

Prices may vary according to the following criteria:

The trainer's experience: the price of a personal sports coaching session in the gym or at home can reach prices in excess of €***, depending on the trainer's experience. Frequency and number of sessions: professionals in the sector generally offer a sliding scale of prices to build customer loyalty, offering **, ** or ** sessions. Others prefer to offer a session based on the number of sessions purchased. Prices are also heavily degressive when there are two or more participants, with a marginal increase in the session price of around ** to **%. The type of training the person is looking for: the ...

4.2 More and more self-employed coaches: the importance of accreditation

The autonomous nature of many coaches, combined with the proliferation of offers and platforms, means that accreditation and qualifications are increasingly important. While there are no compulsory diplomas in the profession, it is highly recommended to have a serious, recognized training program in order to practice sports coaching.

Possible qualifications

The Brevet professionnel de la jeunesse, de l'éducation populaire et du sport (***), specializing in gymnastic activities, fitness and strength. This is the key to supervising sporting activities, whether in an association, a club, a company, a local authority, an establishment for the elderly, etc. A professional bachelor's degree in sports activities, specializing in fitness, health and well-being. This training enables students to provide advisory services and personalized follow-up and coaching in the fields of fitness, health and well-being. This professional degree prepares professionals capable of leading, managing and directing a sports coaching structure. A bachelor's or master's degree in Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives (***). Possible career paths, depending on the specialization chosen: trainer, sports educator, activity leader for all, etc. Diplôme d'État supérieur de la Jeunesse, de l'Éducation Populaire et du Sport (***). This diploma trains professionals in management functions, enabling them to ...

4.3 Digitalization: the emergence of a free online offering

The digital offer is usually free for customers: following a tutorial on YouTube won't cost the user anything; it's only the (***) purchase of derived products or services that remunerates the trainer. Similarly, most performance-tracking applications are free or virtually free, and here too, remuneration is based on derived products and services.

The Internet has revolutionized the sports coaching market, making it possible to find sessions close to home, compare offers, find a suitable group, acquire new equipment and find more affordable coaching.

The Internet has democratized access to sports coaching, but it is also a competitor for the trainers themselves. Smartphone applications and websites offering complete, personalized sports programs with follow-up over several weeks or even months are springing up all over the web, and are becoming increasingly elaborate, taking more and more customers away from direct sessions with a trainer.

The professionalization of videographers on these platforms means that the quality of the videos they offer is constantly increasing. As aresult, trainers need to keep up to date, or risk seeing a large part of their audience leave for free alternatives such as the apps, tutorials and other coaching channels available on YouTube [***].

Top-selling health and fitness apps on the ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulatory and tax framework for the coaching business

Diplomas required

In France, the profession of trainer, as a paid activity involving the supervision of a sporting activity, requires accreditation and a state diploma. In order to give certified sports lessons, the trainer must therefore hold one of the following diplomas:

Brevet Professionnel d'Éducation de la Jeunesse, de l'Éducation Populaire et du Sport (***) DEUST Métiers de la Forme Bachelor's or Master's degree in STAPS

Taxation of coaching activities

The development of sports coaching is closely linked to the tax reduction for personal services.

Underarticle *** of the French General Tax Code, the employment of a certified trainer in the home entitles the trainer to a tax advantage of **% of the expenses incurred, up to a maximum of one million euros.this is subject to a ceiling per tax household (***).

More precisely: a tax reduction of **% if the tax household is taxable, or a tax credit of up to **% if the tax household is not taxable.

This ceiling can be raised if the household includes children, people over ** or disabled people.

In ****, the rise in VAT from *% to **.*%, and now **%, mechanically led to a drop in revenues, hard felt by professionals in the sector.

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • TrainMe
  • ABC Coach Sportif
  • FizzUp
  • Les Cercles de la Forme
  • Freeletics
  • Neoness (Group3S)
  • L’Usine
  • Tibo Inshape - D2AM
  • Basic-Fit
  • Urban Sports Club
  • Domicil'gym
  • Pro Trainer
  • Wecasa
  • Coach Hunter
  • OwnSport
  • Just Coaching
  • BLC Coaching
  • CoachClub
  • Coach4
  • Decathlon Coach courses Pilates
  • Sportn You

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