Summary of our market study

Since 2020, the global sport coaching and fitness market has experienced significant shifts, particularly accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has led to a loss of $13.9 billion for US gym and health clubs from mid-March to August 2020, with a significant number of gyms closing and the industry shedding around 500,000 jobs. In response to pandemic-related restrictions and changes in consumer behavior, there has been a notable rise in the digital and at-home fitness sector, with companies like Peloton Interactive seeing a sharp increase in annual sales, from 2018-2020 for example. The Personal Trainer Development Center (PTDC) reported a trend for trainers to move towards online services, with the percentage of trainers working online expected to increase post-pandemic. Health and fitness apps saw an 18% growth in downloads between Q1 and Q2 of 2020, and Americans invested an average of $95.79 in at-home fitness equipment during the same period, with 25% purchasing exercise bikes. Despite the challenges, the market has shown resilience and adaptability, with an underlying growth potential that remains strong in the digital and personalization spaces of fitness.

Dynamic Trends and Growth Trajectories in the US Fitness and Sports Coaching Market

The US fitness and sports coaching market has observed a consistent expansion over the recent decade, propelled by changing lifestyle preferences and an increasing emphasis on health and wellness. With a valuation reaching between $9 and $10 billion in 2021 and a growth rate averaging slightly above 0%, the sports coaching market alone is showcasing its resilience. Furthermore, the fitness market, encapsulating diverse sports centers, is contributing considerably to this upward trend, with the entire US fitness industry estimated to hold a value close to $28 billion. Gym memberships have seen a steady climb, registering a 40.8% increase from 2008 to 2019, highlighting the industry's robust appeal among consumers. The gyms and health clubs form the nucleus of the market, not only offering a space for physical activities but also personalized coaching services. Their growth, particularly evident in the number of memberships which ranged between 60 and 65 million just prior to 2019, indicates an evolving public inclination toward fitness and structured exercise regimes. Analyzing sports engagements draw attention to the varied participation between genders, with men consistently overtaking women, although the gap is showing signs of narrowing. Fitness activities claim the majority share, with more than two-thirds of respondents participating, underscoring the popularity of fitness-oriented exercises. The demand for personal training and coaching is twofold; it caters to the growing concern over obesity, with more than 40% of American adults over 20 years classified as obese, and simultaneously taps into the burgeoning health consciousness trend. This dual demand suggests a vast potential for the personal training segment, already valued at around $10 billion. Particularly, the personalization of fitness solutions appears to be shaping American exercise habits, with individuals investing significant sums over a lifetime into fitness-related expenses. When reviewing the health and fitness center market, we see a remarkable proliferation across the US, with more than 41,000 centers in operation as of 2019. Dominant players in the sector, like LA Fitness, Life Time, and ClubCorp, not only lead the US market but also occupy a prominent position globally in terms of revenue. Employment in this industry is following an upward trajectory, with fitness instructors numbering over 370,000 and nearly 60% employed within fitness and recreational sports centers. This workforce is anticipated to grow at a rate of 15.4% within the next decade. The market, however, is not homogenous. Diversity prevails in gym types.

Dominant Contenders Shaping the US Fitness Landscape

The fitness and sports coaching market in the United States boasts a range of influential players that have shaped the contours of the industry. Among the titans of the sector, several have become household names, each carving out their own niches and catering to diverse consumer demands from the luxury of boutique studios to the accessibility of high-value, low-price (HVLP) gym models.

  • LA Fitness stands as one of the juggernauts in both the US and global fitness industry. As a company that offers a comprehensive range of services, including personal training, group classes, and a plethora of workout equipment, LA Fitness caters to a broad customer base seeking a full-service gym experience.
  • Life Time takes pride in its upscale approach to fitness, often being located in affluent neighborhoods. Their centers are more than just gyms - they are lifestyle hubs featuring a suite of amenities from pools to cafes, all of which align with their high-end branding and holistic health approach.
  • ClubCorp is slightly different in its core offering, operating more as a network of private clubs that provide a luxurious and exclusive experience. ClubCorp's establishments often include fitness facilities, but also expand to golf courses and country clubs, focusing on a premium members-only model. 
  • Planet Fitness : at the other end of the spectrum are the HVLP clubs, withPlanet Fitnesss being a standout example due to its rapid growth and mass-market appeal. Planet Fitness breaks the mold of traditional gyms by promoting a 'no judgment' atmosphere and by keeping its membership costs delightfully low, thus democratizing gym access.
  • Anytime Fitness occupies a sweet spot by combining convenience with affordability. Its 24/7 operating model and widespread presence offer gym-goers unprecedented access to fitness facilities at their preferred times, without breaking the bank.
  • Crunch Franchise also contributes to the HVLP landscape with its own formula of offering high-quality gym experiences at competitive prices, along with a range of classes and personal training services that have become synonymous with the modern workout culture.

In the realm of specialized boutique studios, CrossFit, Orangetheory Fitness, and 9Round have become significant players. CrossFit is almost its own category of fitness with a cult-like following and a focus on varied, high-intensity, functional workouts. Orangetheory thrives on its science-backed, heart-rate monitored training sessions, while 9Round takes a more niche approach by concentrating on kickboxing-themed workouts. 

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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Coaching refers to the practice of providing a personalized support for the realization of the client’s improvement aimed at achieving a goal. Coaching has been traditionally associated with sports, although there are different areas one would want to improve, such as the personal or professional spheres.

Referring to the most popular type of coaching, the sports one, it is possible to affiliate the latter with fitness instructors or personal trainers. Although the definition of coaching is slightly different from the one of trainer, for the scope and delimitation of the market study, we will refer to all three figures.

The sport coaching market in the US has shown considerable growth in the last ten years, representing one of the fastest growing industries, as a number of macro trends affecting consumers’ behaviors, lifestyle and choices have proven to be positively impactful towards the rise of the market. According to Ibis the US sport coaching market size in 2021 has reached 9.3 billion dollars and it has grown 0.2% per year on average between 2016 and 2021

The fitness market, on the other hand, involves all sports centers where one can engage in physical activity related to the well-being of the body. Typically, fitness centers provide the resources for individual exercise, group classes, personalized coaching, and relaxation through for example spa and Zen rooms. 

We can therefrore say that the coaching and the fitness markets are inevitably interrelated and are likely to move in similar directions and, within the scope of this study, we will therefore treat them and their figures as such.

1.2 US’ market outlook

Considering that the definition of Fitness is "striving for and achieving a good physical condition" [***], the concept by itself cannot be considered as a standalone market and will thus be affiliated, within the scope of this study, with the broader sports coaching and fitness clubs markets as these are the physical places were Fitness can be practiced and achieved. 

That is the reason why we say the the Fitness Market includes all sports centers where one can achieve a good physical condition and consequently better health.

The sports coaching market indeed can be defined as including different types of facilities, from athletic ones to schools and other educational institutions which provide athletic training to individuals or groups. Considering that most of these activities have to be carried out in health and fitness clubs (***), throughout this study the two industries will be considered as one.

According to Ibis the US sport coaching market size in **** has reached *.* billion dollars and it has grown *.*% per year on average between **** and ****.

Moreover, the global market is expected to grow by *.** billion dollars between **** and **** at a CAGR (***) of around *%.  

Sport Coaching Market USA, ****-****, in billion $ Source: Ibis CAGR (***): +*.*%

The market size of the ...

1.3 COVID-19 Effect and Growth of Digital and at-home Fitness

The COVID-** Pandemic has inevitably affected many different sectors, some of which will never be the same. The Fitness and Sports Industries, in particular, have been extremely impacted by the health crisis which can be considered as the biggest disruption these industries have ever faced. 

The IHRSA estimated that the US gym and health club industry lost $**.* billion from mid-March to August **, **** as more than **.*** gyms and health clubs have been closed because of COVID-** as of May ****. [***]. Morevoer, many gyms were forced to file for bankruptcy due to these disruptions, among which ** Hour Fitness, one of the strongest players in the industry until ****. 

Moreover, given these circumstances, **% of Americans are currently planning to cancel their gym membership thus further sinking the already suffering sector. Indeed, as a consequence of this, and of the fact that most Americans (***) have lost confidence and trust in the gym environment based on what they know of COVID-**, and are therefore not likely to go back at least for the next * months, around ***.*** workers of the industry lost their job. [***]. 

All of these circumstances brough about by the crisis have contributed to the emergence and the fast growth of an already existing phenomenon which gained ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 Sport engagement

The sport coaching market is hard to define and synthetize, as no clear perimeter is set around the scope of the market. Indeed, throughout the demand analysis, different determining factors will be analyzed, which are belived to have an impact on the overall fitness and wellness industry.

The number of people engaged in sports on any give day in the United States can give an exemplification of the prospects for the market. A steady trend can be observed for the male share of sport engagements throughout the period ****-****, whereas women have moved from a stable **.*% for the first years to an **% in **** with a peack of **.*% in ****. Male have shown throughout the period consistent greater participation in sport and exercise activities compared to females, however, the latter segment is increasingly taking part in these types of activities.

Share of population engaged in sports and exercise per day, by gender USA, ****-****, in % Source: ****

Additionally, a specification of the engagement by category of activity can provide a deeper overview of Americans’ preferences. Fitness activities, as it is visible, have shown the greater interest and participation rate with **.*% of the respondent engaged in the latter. 

Participation Rates in Exercising, by type of ...

2.2 Potential growing demand for fitness

Demand for personal training and coaching is expected to benefit from the two sides of the coin of American society. In the last ** years two phenomena have indeed been progressively affecting Americans: on one side the obesity and overweight rates have grown and on the other exercising rates and the general interest of the population in health issues have increased. The two can fall under a bigger trend, which interests both sides of the coin: awareness and prevention of health-related diseases.

High Overweight Rate

According to Centers for Disease Control, from ****-**** to ****-**** an increasing trend in obesity has been recorded in the US. Between **** and **** **.*% of Americans over ** years of age were declared obese [***]. This, even though a sad reality, surely represents an opportunity for the fitness and training industry because of the potential market size which could be reached in this specific market.   

Another relevant set of data, illustrated by the graph below, is the concerning number of states in the country with obesity rates at **% or higher in **** which was the highest since **** and perfectly represents the trend of increasing obesity in the US. 

Number of States with adult obesity rates higher or equal to **% USA, ****-****, ...

2.3 Personalization is changing Americans' approach to exercise

According to the latest survey of MyProtein Americans spend circa USD ***,*** in their entire life time for fitness related expenses, which when decomposed on a monthly basis, highlights the increasing relevance that customization is having on purchasing habits and choices of American citizens. [***]

Fitness purchases, by category US, ****, in % Source: ****

Moreover, even if consumers spending on personal trainers is not excessive at the moment, the US market potential for personal trainers is considerable and the current market size of this segment amouns to ** billion dollars [***]. The future evolution of the market is expected to be impacted by growing demand for customized workout plans. After all, exercising is connected to ones’ health, and health is at the forefront of the personalization industry. Moreover, the current situation and the first wave of the COVID-** pandemic have signifcantly contributed to foster the growth of this segment, through online fuition of personalized excercise plans. 

3 Structure of the Market

3.1 Health and Fitness centers continue to grow in the US

The US gym market, which includes both health and fitness centers, is among the largest in the world, having reached in **** a figure of **.*** centers [***]. The market is undoubtedly saturated, as it counts a considerably large number of facilities and has shown a steady growth between **** and ****, however, Ibis estimated an expected increase in market size of *.*% by the end of ****. 

Number of Health and Fitness Centers USA, ****-****, in number of centers Source: ****

Despite the high number of gyms spread all over the country, it is possible to establish a market dominance of three players as of ****, since data for **** were missing due to the closing period that many centers undertook due to local regulation to face the COVID-** emergency. [***]

LA Fitness Life Time ClubCorp

Their dominance is not limited to the US territory, as by revenue generated all three are in the top health clubs and gyms worldwide.

    Top Health and Fitness Centers, by revenue USA, ****, in millions Source: Club Industry  

Additionally, according to the US Bureau statistics in **** there were ***.*** fitness instructors in the US, and circa **,*% of them were employed in fitness and recreational sports centers. The employment figure is forecasted to reach a **.*% growth in ...

3.2 Geographical distribution is consistent with “healthier states”

Number of gyms per state

Gym and health clubs presence has increased considerably throughout the years, although not in a uniform manner across the entire United States. Indeed, the number of facilities varies greatly from state to state, the range goes as high as to reach in **** circa **** gyms in California to a little over ** in Wyoming. [***]. In the graph below an overview of the top ** states with the greatest number of gyms and health clubs is represented.

Number of Gyms and Gyms Per Capita USA, ****, in number of gyms and gyms per capita Source: ****

Exercising in the different states

Despite the statistical data on the number of gyms and subscriptions (***), a relatively smaller percentage of individuals who sign up for a gym membership do follow through. Indeed, it has been estimated that **% of new members do not make it past * months, **% not past * and *% do not make it past the end of the month. [***]

Colorado represents the state where the highest percentage of adults met national guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities – **,*% which is far higher than the national average of **,*%. These data and the ones represented in the graph below come from an in-person annual national survey conducted ...

4 Supply Analysis

4.1 A number of structure sizes and offerings

Gyms can differ greatly based on the size, the programs offered and consequently the perceived value for the customer (***).

One can identify three major types of training facilities:

Source: ****

In addition to the layout, the services provided vary greatly, specifically in terms of number and type.

Source: ****

Workouts can indeed involve a limited or unlimited number of participants, can be specifically oriented towards a body part or general, they can be personal or not.

An increasing number of health clubs are advertising in their offering one to one coaching, in a way that wants to be an evolution of the typical personal training services. (***).

4.2 Two forces transforming the traditional landscape

Traditional gym offerings as we once knew them are disappearing or rather facing increasing competition due to the boom of two alternative facilities.

High-value, low price clubs (***) Boutique fitness studios

These two forces are believed to stand at the far opposite sides of the spectrum, targeting extremely different consumers, sparking in them a diverse interest. On one side boutique are highly specialized studios offering a limited number of classes which typically focus on one sector (***) [***].

The two solutions combined have increased their number in the US territory considerably in the years ****-**** going from circa *.* to **.* millions.

Number of Boutique and HLPV centers USA, ****-****, in millions Source: ****

A closer look into HVLPs

A segment of the fitness industry which has been transforming the existing offering of lower price gyms is HVLP studios. According to Ben Midgley – CEO of Crunch Franchise - these facilities are well equipped and offer a variety of classes which enables them to have a higher value proposition in the eyes of the end consumer.

Generally, a HVLP gym has a large structure and a number of additional amenities to the basic ones (***), for the lowest accessible price. Typically, indeed, the monthly membership of these gyms is ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Fragmented regulation

It is hard to establish general guidelines and principles concerning the regulatory framework of health clubs, as it varies greatly from state to state. Thus, the first step to take is to understand the required business permit and license to open a business in a specific state. A common point would be to comply with building permits and health department requirements, which though also differ at a national level. 

Additionally, many states have introduced a mandatory legislation which requires the possession of an AED (***), which is a health device that will be used in case of heart attack. [***]

Indeed, when deciding to open ones’ own business and specifically a gym, various factors need to be taken into account:

Tax rates Licensing fees Labor costs

According to Investopedia, the three best cities to open a gym, following those parameters are:

- Sioux Falls, South Dakota

- Charlotte, North Carolina

- Salt Lake City, Utah

6 Positioning of the Main Actors

Positioning of Main Actors

In order to better visualize the data highlighted by the tables in section *.* and to grasp the differences between the two types of Fitness centers which are dominating the market (***) the following positioning map can be useful. The upper right corner – in which the most popular boutique studios are positioned – identifies high specialization and high prices, which reflects the positioning of those type of facilities. On the other hand, the lower left corner - in which the top three HVLPs are positioned - is characterized by low prices and low specialization which, as mentioned before, are the defining characteristics of these types of clubs.

  • SoulCycle
  • CrossFit
  • Orangetheory
  • Anytime Fitness
  • Planet Fitness

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