Summary of our market study

The French marina management market is worth around 520 million euros.

The French marina market comprises 473 coastal marinas and 556 river marinas.

The boating industry as a whole recorded a sales volume of over 5 billion euros, with an annual growth rate of 5%.

Over 90,000 boating licenses are issued each year, 80% of them coastal licenses.

The pleasure-boat fleet totals over 1 million registered craft.

There are more than 630 new boat registrations in inland waters every year, most of them motorboats.

Environmental sustainability has become a priority, with over 100 marinas awarded the Blue Flag label.

The market is driven by the development of recreational boating, which is growing thanks to the second-hand boat market and rental services.

In 2021, around 74% of the fleet will be motorboats.

The Brittany and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur regions are home to around half of all registered pleasure boats.

Marina managers, chambers of commerce, semi-public companies, yacht clubs and private entities play an essential role.

Players in the marina market

  • The Compagnie des Ports du Morbihan manages a network of 17 marinas.
  • Port Adhoc: a private-sector pioneer and subsidiary of NGE.
  • Alizée Soft and Solution Plaisance offer specialized software solutions for improved marina management.
  • Nautical clubs and associations are essential community players in the marina landscape.
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Boating is becoming increasingly popular, with nearly four million pleasure boaters and almost 11 million water sports enthusiasts.

Boating began to develop in the 19th century, with the deployment of the railroads, which made it easier for the French to reach the coast. Then, in the 20th century, boating intensified thanks to the rise of the motorboat and the democratization of water sports, making these activities accessible to a wider public.

This growth in yachting activities accelerated the development of marinas, created to welcome visitors and provide them with adequate infrastructures.

In France, until 1983, the operation of marinas was the exclusive responsibility of the State. The decentralization laws of 1983 and 1984 gradually transferred this responsibility for marinas to local authorities.
The latter choose whether to run their harbors on a public-private basis or under a concession he management of marinas is subject to public service obligations.

A marina may be maritime, fluvial or lacustrine, depending on whether it is located on the sea, river or lake. They are reserved for pleasure boats, which may be sail or motor-powered. River marinas are generally smaller in size, while sea marinas are larger in terms of activity.

Marinas don't just welcome boats; they are also places where people live, exchange ideas and enjoy each other's company. In addition to mooring services, these ports offer a multitude of activities, such as boat hire, sailing schools, catering and shopping facilities, maintenance areas, etc.

In 2024, there will be 473 marinas, with a total of 250,000 berths. These marinas are constantly adapting to French demand for yachting activities. Numerous initiatives have been developed in France to encourage the French and democratize the practice of sailing and water sports in general.these include boat shows such as the Grand Pavois in La Rochelle, and student sporting events such as the EDHEC Boat Race.

The management of marinas faces many challenges, not least the need to meet the growing expectations of yachtsmen in terms of services and facilities. Boaters are looking for modern infrastructures and quality services, such as clean sanitary facilities, water and electricity supply points, as well as recreational and sporting activities. In response to these demands, many marinas are investing in modernizing their facilities and introducing digital services, such as mooring reservation and availability monitoring applications.

The management of marinas is also facing up to the challenges of sustainable development, and more and more ports are turning to sustainable management methods, with labels such as the Blue Flag or certified ports such as Ports Propres.

1.2 The global marina market

In the course of the analysis, it will be important to analyze the statistical values available for the yachting sector (***) has been analyzed in the light of data provided by the ICOMIA[***].

Before looking specifically at the yachting sector, here's a comparison of the types of boats present in the world marine fleet, and their geographical distribution.

World marine fleet, distribution by type World, ****, % of total Marine industry *Motorized units eb/efb*Fb motorized and other rigid units

World marine fleet, geographical breakdown World, ****, in Confederation of the Nautical Industry

These two graphs give a general overview of the types of boats produced worldwide (***) and the geographical areas where the nautical share is most significant. It's interesting to note that the USA accounts for **% of the world fleet, but we'll see that it's not necessarily the leader when it comes to marinas.

Yacht density worldwide and in Europe We're interested here in the number of pleasure boats in Europe and the rest of the world, and this graph shows which countries have the most pleasure boat units in Italy and the rest of the world. This data is important because it enables us to understand the extent to which different countries ...

1.3 The French seaport operations market

The nautical sector is made up of an industrial part, which ensures the production of pleasure boats and the equipment of boats and sailors, and a service part, which includes trade, maintenance and insurance.

Theoperation of marinas is therefore part of the nautical industry.

Since the covid years, the boating industry has seen a strong rebound. This can be explained by the fact that, faced with travel restrictions and the need for social distancing, many people have turned to pleasure boating, leading to an increase in boat sales. As a result, by the ****-**** season, sales have already reached *.** billion euros, approaching the ****-**** figures.

growth in sales for the boating industry France, ****-****, € billion Source : Boatindustry CAGR: *% per year over the period

Marinas are among the most dynamic segments of the marine industry ::(***)

Marinas: +*.*% for €*** million in **** Services: + *.*% for *,*** million euros in ****

There are some ** million pleasure boaters a year, served by a large number of port facilities: [***]

*** port facilities on the French coast (***) *** inland waterway harbors (***)

Marina activity:

The marina market will represent nearly ***,***,*** euros in ****.

Ecologie.gouv offers a comparison of maritime and river ports (***), which clearly highlights the greater importance of maritime marinas over river ports.

Below ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand for water sports

There are almost * million regular boaters and nearly ** million water sports enthusiasts.

Since the Covid, boat rentals and sales have been on the rise, attracting more and more consumers.

There are several ways to enjoy pleasure boating: owning one or renting one. given that there are more people with a license than there are boat owners, the boom in boat rental or sharing services is on the rise.

The evolution of boating licenses

evolution of the distribution of boating licenses **** - **** France, ****-****, in number of boating licenses Source: ****

The number of boating licenses issued in France remains stable and rather high, with just under **,**** licenses issued in France in ****.

There are several types of boating license. The most widespread is thecoastal option. This license allows you to sail at sea, along the coast, up to * nautical miles. It is valid for navigation at sea, on lakes and enclosed waters.

The"inland waterways option" license is for navigation on rivers, canals and lakes.

Breakdown by type of license France, ****, in number of licenses Source: ****

Let's also look at the distribution of the pleasure boat fleet by engine type. We can see that motorboats are the most represented.

Breakdown of the pleasure ...

2.2 The role of nautical events in accelerating demand

Boat shows play a central role in the evolution and dynamism of demand for boating in France.

They are key events for industry professionals and boating enthusiasts alike, directly influencing interest in marine novelties and innovations.

The best-known of these was SNIP, which saw its last edition in December ****, and will be replaced in **** by Nautic en Seine.

Number of visitors per boat show France, ****, in thousands of visitors Source: ****

With almost **,*** visitors to the Grand Pavois in La Rochelle, boat shows in France play a fundamental role in developing demand for boating.

In addition, student sailing events, such as Course Croisière EDHEC, facilitate access to sailing for a wider, often novice, public. They enable many young people to experience sailing for the first time, thus contributing to the democratization of boating:

number of participants in student sailing events France, ****, in number of participants Source: ****

What's more, institutions are increasingly putting the spotlight on the oceans. French President Emmanuel Macron, for example, wants to make **** the Year of the Ocean, including the organization of the *ᵉ United Nations Ocean Conference in Nice. The aim is to set up a health indicator for the oceans and sea that would take into account ...

2.3 Sociological analysis of boaters

First of all, we can see how oftenthe French go to the sea.

Nearlya third of French people go to the seaside several times a year, and only *% every day.

how often do you go to the seaside? France, ****, in Source: ****

Let's take a closer look at the sociological portrait of people who go to the seaside.

We can see that seafarers are more likely to be under ** than ** and over.

change in age of seafarers France, ****, in % Source: ****

In addition, French seafarers are more likely to be in the CSP+ category .

change by socio-professional category France, ****, in Source: ****

Let's also look at the distribution of pleasure boat registrations.

In this way, we can analyze the breakdown by legal status, so that nearly two-thirds of registrations are legal entities.

Distribution of pleasure boat registrations by legal status France, ****-****, in Source: ****

What's more, when analyzing the breakdown of registrations, we can see that almost **% of registrations are by retired people and others with no professional activity.

Distribution of registrations by CSP profile France, ****-****, in Source: ****

As for registrations by legal entities, most are leasing companies .

Leasing companies have taken on a growing role in the French boating sector, responding to ...

2.4 A fleet to match demand

There has been an increase in the distribution of vessel fleets.

evolution of fleet distribution France, ****-****, in number of boats Source: ****

We can also analyze the boat fleet by propulsion type.

Liveaboard sailboats are the most produced boats in France, accounting for nearly **% of total French boat production.

Breakdown of French production by boat type France, ****, in Source: ****

There are also different lengths of boat, and the most common are smaller boats under * meters.

Breakdown of registered fleet by boat length France, ****, in number of boats Source: ****

Finally, the two regions with the highest number of registered boats are Brittany and Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur.

Number of registered boats by region France, ****, in numbers Source: ****

3 Market structure

3.1 Marina management methods and challenges

Local authorities choose how to manage their ports, and there are two main types of port operation:

public-private partnership: in this case, the local authority directly manages port operations, although this is less common. concession operation: more widespread

All marina managers have public service obligations, and must ensure that regulations and services are correctly applied. They must also follow precise specifications.

The manager collects fees according to the services offered, the main one being mooring.

A port council also represents all users in each port: it includes yachtsmen, representatives of the concession holder, the local authority, staff and other users, to manage port affairs (***)

Source: ****

Concession operation :

Various players can operate a marina under concession:

chambers of commerce and industry (***) semi-public or private companies yacht clubs: yachts are important customers for marinas, as they generate significant economic benefits. associations

The segmentation in *.* and the company profiles at the end of the study give several examples of marina operating modes.

In ****,ICOMIA (***) published a note on the challenges of public service delegation when a public contract binds an operator to the public authorities. Two points are highlighted: [***]

Competition between operators Viable market for the operator, otherwise risk of mismanagement, hence the need ...

3.2 Marinas

Let's take a look at the different types of marinas in France.

There are two types of port: seaports and river ports.

A seaport is located on the coast and accommodates seagoing vessels, serving as an interface for the transport of goods and passengers between land and ocean. A river port, on the other hand, is located along a navigable river, linking land areas far from the coast with major shipping lanes.

In France, there are more seaports than river marinas.

Distribution of marina types in France France, ****, in number of ports Source: ****

Let's now look at the distribution of marinas by capacity.

In France, only ** marinas can accommodate more than *,*** boats. The majority of these are"medium-capacity" marinas (***).

Distribution of ports by capacity France, ****, in number of ports Source: ****

Below is a breakdown of the number of ports by geographical area. Brittanyand the Eastern Mediterranean are the regions with the most ports.

Number of ports by geographical area France, ****, in number Source: ****

Similarly, and quite logically, they remain the regions with the most port berths.

Number of port berths by region France, ****, in number Source: ****


3.3 Marina operations professions

Marina operations play an essential role in the development and management of nautical infrastructures.

Marina management is based on a balance between seasonal and permanent staff.

Permanent employees, such as maintenance technicians, ensure the continuity of operations throughout the year, guaranteeing the smooth running of infrastructures and the safety of boaters.

Seasonal workers, on the other hand, are often recruited during the peak summer season, providing the flexibility needed to cope with increased activity, particularly in terms of reception, customer service and entertainment. They account for *% of the workforce, according to the graph below.

Types of contract in marinas France, ****, as % of total Source: ****

The recruitment of seasonal workers also depends on the size of the port in question. Indeed, more seasonal workers are recruited in smaller ports, which are often overwhelmed during the peak summer season.

Distribution of jobs by type of port France, ****, in Source: ****

3.4 Analysis of port services

The primary function of a marina is to provide a shelter for parking pleasure boats, as well as various technical services. Residents may be year-round or temporary.

For yachting professionals, marinas have a commercial function: sales, repairs, maintenance, services, etc.

The main services available in a marina include :

a harbor master's office, which manages the harbor, welcomes vessels and distributes navigational information (***) availability of drinking water and electricity sanitary facilities

More often than not, you'll also find :

fuel pumps a launching dock for smaller boats a lifting crane for larger boats

In a survey carried out in ****, Merr.gouv provides information on the equipment rate of sea and river ports. The larger the port, the better equipped it is.

Equipment rate of sea and river marinas France, ****, in Source: ****

Below is a summary diagram of the different services offered in marinas.

Source: ****

Maintenance is a routine operation carried out periodically on pleasure boats to ensure they are in good working order.

Some of a boat's systems, such as the engine, transmission and hull, may be damaged by wear and tear or weather events , requiring repair.

Refit is a maintenance operationcarried out on a yacht to renovate or modernize its equipment.

Winter ...

3.5 The role of nautical federations in France

Boating and yachting federations play a fundamental role in the development and regulation of the French nautical industry. They provide a framework for the practice of boating, support innovation, and encourage the growth of the sector through their involvement in regulation, promotion and boater training.

Confédération du Nautisme et de la Plaisance

Created in ****, it represents * million yachtsmen within sports federations, clubs and associations. The CNP's work aims, among other things, to reconcile respect for the freedom of nautical practices and uses with that of the marine environment necessary for these same uses.

FIN (***)

FIN is the main organization representing manufacturers in the French nautical sector, including boat builders, equipment manufacturers, distributors and rental companies. Its mission is to promote the economic and technological development of the marine industry.

French Marina Federation

The French Federation of Marinas is the official and recognized representative of marina professionals in dealings with public authorities.

It federates France's maritime, river and lake ports. It represents the various players in the yachting industry, and leads discussions on changes in the sector.

There are also sports federations and user federations and associations that play a role in the French boating industry.

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Typology of marinas

Seaside marinas feature one or more breakwaters to protect boats from swell or storms.

In most cases, boats are moored on floating pontoons (***). Some harbors may also have mooring areas requiring a boat to get ashore.

There are also dry berths (***).

When marinas are used, the berths are located as close as possible to (***) the owners' residences.

Distribution of marinas by size range

France, Survey **** published in ****, in number of berths

Source: ****

4.2 Pricing port berths


Berths cannot normally be marketed for more than one year (***). Except in cases where the yachtsman in question has contributed financially to the construction of the harbor - in which case he can have a berth for a maximum of ** years. [***]

In practice, prices depend on:

Boat length Time of year Length of stopover The package chosen

Average annual price (***) of berths according to port type and boat length France, ****, in euros Source: ****

Seaports and river ports have prices positively correlated with vessel length. Seaports offer higher prices than river ports.

Estimated average price per meter by port typology France, ****, prices in euros Source: ****

The most attractive regions, where supply is limited, can also post higher rates.


Journaldunet lists the most expensive marinas in France (***):

Daily prices range from around €** to €** (***) in high season. Annual prices range from around €*,*** to €*,*** .

In the most popular ports, waiting times for berths can be very long (***).

According to the Band of boats website, harbors in the Var region are generally more expensive for year-round rentals, ahead of those in Languedoc-Roussillon and the Atlantic.

For a **-meter boat, in **** it cost :

***€ to moor on the South Atlantic coast (***) ****€ in Brittany (***) ****€ in ...

4.3 The growing importance of sustainable development in marinas

Sustainable development is becoming increasingly important in marinas. The aim is to reconcile increased marina capacity with a sustainable development approach.

There are four main priorities for the next six years:

Carbon neutrality by ****: offshore wind farms, energy transition in the maritime sector... Biodiversity by **** : management of marine protected areas... equity by **** : strengthen partnerships between local authorities and the State... economy by **** : boost the competitiveness of the blue economy...

Clean ports

Clean Port" certification is the only worldwide environmental certification specific to marinas. The ISO ***** "Clean Port " standard is a sign ofenvironmental excellence in marina environmental management.

It reflects a strong desire on the part of marina managers to make concrete commitments in favor of the preservation of aquatic environments and the sustainable development of coastal and marine activities.

The process is divided into five stages:

environmental diagnostic study Measures to combat chronic pollution Implementation of measures to combat accidental pollution, save water and energy Training port personnel Raising awareness among port users

The Blue Flag label

Developed in France by the Teragir association, Blue Flag is aninternational label for sustainable tourism. Each year, it rewards beaches and marinas that consistently implement a tourism policy that respects the environment and people. ...

4.4 Boat rental and collaborative offers

Boat rental

There are three main types of boat rental in France:

Bareboat charter: some companies offer bareboat charter for periods ranging from one day to several weeks... Skippered or crewed charter: for inexperienced yachtsmen, some charter companies offer boat hire with a professional crew... Long-term charter: offered by charter companies associated with banks...

The development of digital platforms that put people in touch with each other has considerably transformed the habits of boaters and enabled them to broaden their practices. [***]

As a result, new types of use have developed:

Co-navigation or shared navigation: shared navigation enables private individuals to share a sea outing with the owner of a boat Boat rental between private owners: boat rental between private owners enables non-owner yachtsmen to rent a boat, by the day or for a longer period, from an owner yachtsman. If the owner authorizes it, it is sometimes possible to benefit from the services of a professional skipper on board. Dockside yacht charters: dockside yacht charters give private individuals access to floating accommodation for a few nights. Depending on the offer, it is possible to rent an entire unit or just one cabin. Shared boats: this involves sharing the use of a ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

UNAN (***) provides a practical guide to the administration of marinas.

" Since the decentralization laws of ****, municipalities have been responsible for creating, developing and operating seaports used mainly for pleasure boating. the other local authorities (***) are responsible for yachting facilities in ports under their responsibility, i.e. fishing and/or commercial ports.

Article L****-* of the French Transport Code: Communes or, where applicable, communities of communes, urban communities, metropolises or conurbation communities are responsible for creating, developing and operating seaports whose main activity is pleasure boating. They are also responsible for developing and operating commercial and fishing ports transferred to them.

NOTRe law:" Law no. ****-*** of August **, **** on the new territorial organization of the Republic, known as the NOTRe Law, specify that communities of communes and agglomerations become competent authorities by right in place of member communes. Only communes not belonging to an intercommunal grouping retain jurisdiction. "

Port management: " The manager may be either theport authority itself, when the local authority manages the port using its own resources (***), or a third party to whom it has entrusted the management of the portthird party to whom it has entrusted management.

There are two types of management in France: ldirect managementwhere ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Port de la Rochelle
  • Port de Concarneau
  • Loire Atlantique Pêche et Plaisance
  • Compagnie des ports du Morbihan
  • Brest’aim
  • Cercle nautique et touristique du Lacydon
  • Port Adhoc
  • Marinov
  • CCI Var
  • Alizée Soft
  • Solutions Plaisance
  • InSilio
  • Association des Usagers des Ports de Pornic
  • Boat Club de France
  • Port de Lorient - Sellor
  • Izysea
  • Port Camargue
  • Sodeports
  • Port Cergy
  • Société Publique Exploitations Ports de la Manche

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