Summary of our market study
The French fruit and vegetable market exceeds €28 billion
The value of global fruit and vegetable production has increased by 23% in ten years. The market is mainly focused on vegetables, with Asian regions, particularly China, dominating production.
The French segment of this market has seen notable expansion, with sales in specialist stores reaching 4.67 billion euros by 2022.
Consumers prefer seasonal and locally sourced produce.
The early produce sector in France is highly fragmented. The major food retail chains hold most of the market share.
France is an importer of early produce. The share of imports in consumption has been stable since 2020.
Consumer preferences in the French fruit and vegetable market
Sustained demand for fresh produce has propelled the early produce segment to maintain a strong market presence. This dynamic segment, which includes stores specializing in fresh fruit and vegetables, capitalizes on consumers' constant desire for freshness.
While consumption by value rose by around 10%, the volume consumed fell slightly, as consumers are prepared to spend more for less. Rising prices have also affected consumption.
Seasonality and provenance are important purchasing criteria for 64% of consumers
After a period of steady growth, the market for organic products is set to decline by 5.19% in 2021, and even more in 2022.
Organic products are also gaining ground, with modest but steady growth in the segment, despite a slight reversal in recent years. The desire for a diet that is more respectful of health and the environment can be found in all socio-professional categories, with a particularly strong trend in the upper classes, where around 85% of those questioned said they were ready to increase their consumption of fruit and vegetables.
Every French household buys between 80 and 86 kg of fruit and vegetables a year, spending in excess of 460 euros.
Despite fluctuations in consumption volume and a slight decline in the consumption of organic produce, the size of the market is estimated at around €1.8 billion.
Retail sales of fruit and vegetables in specialized stores total around €4.7 billion.
Early produce market players
- Auchan, Carrefour, Leclerc Intermarché Super U. These food retail giants offer consumers a wide range of fruit and vegetables.
- Grand Frais, a franchise that has succeeded in carving out a place for itself by emphasizing the freshness and quality of its products.
- France Primeurs, Laurance Primeurs, SAPAM and Chrono Primeurs, just some of the many wholesalers who supply the market.
- Potager City and La Ruche Qui Dit Oui , specialists in short distribution circuits These networks have won over a growing segment of consumers eager to consume products whose origins are known and whose travel distances are kept to a minimum.
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Presentation and definition
The early produce market covers the production, harvesting and distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables. Early marketers market fruit and vegetables sourced from wholesalers or local growers.
Les primeurs are the third-largest fruit and vegetable distribution channel in France, and account for a tiny share of market sales, far behind supermarkets. Out-of-home consumption and producers' own consumption round out the sources of fruit and vegetable consumption in France.
The early produce business appears to be on a very positive trend, with sales almost doubling in eight years. This dynamic is all the more impressive given that the French fruit and vegetable market is not following quite the same trend.
France imports a significant proportion of its fruit and vegetables, not only to compensate for a climate that is not conducive to the cultivation of certain foods, but also to meet a diverse demand.
On average, French households buy around 80 kg of fresh fruit and 86 kg of fresh vegetables each year, for a budget of over 460 euros per household. French households, concerned about food quality and environmental issues, are buying more of their fruit and vegetables from the greengrocer, which is helping the channel to gain market share.
Highly fragmented and highly competitive, the early produce market is still dominated by a handful of wholesalers in its distribution segment, with nearly half of all fresh fruit and vegetables distributed in France by wholesalers on and off the market.
The early produce market remains intrinsically subject to the vagaries of climate and weather, which explains the occasional surge in prices, not to mention the international economic situation, the price of raw materials and fuel, and so on. Players in the early produce market are seeking to position themselves in the organic sector, which has now become an essential part of the food sector.
1.2 The world early produce market: current situation and main characteristics
Trends in the value of global fruit and vegetable production World, ****-**** FAO
the value of fruit and vegetable production has risen by **% in ** years.
The early produce market comprises two segments: the sale of fresh fruit in specialized stores and the sale of fresh vegetables in specialized stores. According to the FAO, fruit production will rise from *** million tonnes in **** to *** million tonnes in ****.
Vegetable production has risen from **** million tonnes in **** to **** million tonnes in ****. World fruit and vegetable production is therefore dominated by vegetables.
evolution of global fresh fruit production World, ****-****, million tonnes CAGR: +*.*% Source: ****
evolution of world fresh vegetable production World, ****-****, million tonnes CAGR: +*.*% Source: ****
Fresh fruit and vegetable production is largely dominated by Asia, which alone accounts for **% of fruit production and **% of vegetable production. China is by far the largest producer of fruit and vegetables.
World fruit production by region World, ****, million tonnes Source: ****
World vegetable production by region World, ****, million tonnes Source: ****
1.3 Growth in the fruit and vegetable market and dynamism in the fresh produce business
Fruit and vegetable production has increased significantly in value in recent years, while production volume has fallen slightly. Despite this downward quantitative trend, the value of produce remains high, reflecting sustained market demand. In this context, early produce seems to benefit from this dynamic, capitalizing on the constant demand for fresh produce and maintaining a favorable market position.
Sales index trends for fruit and vegetable retailing in specialized stores France, ****-****, index base *** in **** INSEE
Change in fruit and vegetable retail sales in specialized stores France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: INSEE and INSEEProcessing: Businesscoot The market size of this activity is estimated at *.** million euros in ****.
Sales have almost doubled over the past eight years!
Growth in the value of French fruit and vegetable production France, ****-****, in millions of dollars FAO
The value of French fruit and vegetable production has increased by **% in ** years.
French fruit production trend France, ****-****, in millions of tons FAO
Fruit production has tended to stagnate since ****. In ** years, it has fallen by **%.
French vegetable production trend France, ****-****, in millions of tons FAO
After a relative stagnation in vegetable production, we have seen a significant increase in ****: +**%.
1.4 Foreign trade: France remains a net importer
France is a net importer of fruit and vegetables, with a coverage rate that tends to remain remarkably stable. Despite the richness of its agricultural terroir, growing demand throughout the year and the diversity of food preferences among French consumers have led the country to depend in part on imports to meet its fresh produce requirements. This commercial dynamic is part of a context in which the coverage rate, although subject to seasonal variations, demonstrates relative constancy, reflecting the market's ability to adjust supply and demand while maintaining a regular supply of fruit and vegetables.
French vegetable trade balance France, ****-****, in billions of dollars and as a % of sales A COMTRADE
French fruit trade balance France, ****-****, in billions of dollars and as % of sales ONE COMTRADE
The coverage rate on the vegetable market is significantly higher than on the fruit market. This is explained by the seasonality of fruit and the diversity of fruit consumed in France.
France's main vegetable suppliers France, ****, in millions of dollars A COMTRADE
France's main fruit suppliers France, ****, in millions of dollars ONE COMTRADE
Spain is France's leading supplier of both fruit and vegetables.
Main destinations for French vegetable exports France, ****, in millions of ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Fruit and vegetable consumption
Purchasing criteria for fresh fruit and vegetables France, ****, in percent Franceagrimer
The seasonality of the product seems to remain the main criterion for buying fresh fruit and vegetables for the French, with **%, although it is closely followed by provenance with **%. These are major issues for consumers, not least as a result of current environmental debates and the importance attached to ethical production.
Growth in household fruit consumption by value and volume France, ****-****, in percent Franceagrimer We can observe a clear discrepancy between consumption by value and by volume, since despite a sharp increase in consumption by value (***). This means that despite a higher budget for fruit, households are consuming less of it.
Change in household vegetable consumption by value and volume France, ****-****, in Franceagrimer
Consumption of vegetables by value has risen faster than consumption by volume: if we compare **** with the average from **** to ****, we find **.*% growth in value versus *.*% in value.
In ****, a survey conducted by the Interprofession des fruits et légumes (***) and FranceAgrimer in France revealed that french confidence in vegetables was **% and **% in fruit, stable compared to **** after an increase in ****. fresh fruit and vegetables maintained a high level of trust, placing them at the ...
2.2 Booming consumption of organic products
Agence Bio reports on a survey of French consumers of organic produce. This survey, which we'll be using throughout the application section, concerns all organic products, but it shows that **% of regular organic consumers (***) consume organic fruit and vegetables, so the more general results of this survey, reported here, remain very good indicators for understanding organic fruit and vegetable consumers[***].
What emerges is that the French are consuming less and less organic produce : only **% say they have eaten organic produce at least once a month over the past year, which is ** percentage points less than in ****.
Consumers of organic products in the last ** months France, **** - ****, in % Source: ****
The proportion of people who have not consumed an organic product all year has almost doubled in comparison with the previous year, reaching **% in ****.
However, there has been an increase in consumption among regular consumers of organic products: almost a quarter of these consumers estimate the proportion of organic products in their diet at over **%, which is ** percentage points higher than in ****.
**% of those questioned said they had changed their eating habits in the past year. However, only **% claim to have bought more organic products.
How have you changed your eating habits? France, ...
2.3 Lower consumption of animal proteins
A drop in French meat consumption partly due to awareness-raising campaigns
While **% of proteins consumed in France are of animal origin, the trend is clearly downward. French eating and consumption habits are changing. By ****, **% of French people are ready to reduce the amount of animal protein they consume [***]. In addition, actions are being taken by the government and by associations to encourage the French to reduce their meat consumption. These have been prompted by factors such as awareness of the carcinogenic nature of excessive meat consumption (***) and by revelations concerning abusive or unregulated farming conditions on the part of certain animal breeders...
The rise and development of new consumer movements impact demand
New movements advocating the reduction or even abandonment of meat consumption are appearing and developing.
Consumers are increasingly looking for alternative proteins, adopting vegetarian or "flexitarian" diets (***), for a variety of reasons. Environmental considerations, the changing relationship between humans and animals, high consumer prices and various food scandals are just some of the reasons for these changes in consumption. [***]
This gradual but clear-cut change in consumption habits and diets logically favors the consumption of vegetables and plant proteins. Examples include legumes, cereals and soy. The fresh produce segment within ...
3 Market structure
3.1 The role of greengrocers in the fruit and vegetable sector
The fruit and vegetable sales sector is organized around the following players:
Producers Wholesalers and traders Local networks and short distribution channels Specialized distributors and greengrocers Mass retailers (***)
Specialized fruit and vegetable distribution value chain
3.2 Les primeurs, France's third-largest fruit and vegetable distribution channel
In terms of sales of fresh fruit and vegetables, the early produce sector lags far behind supermarket distribution. In fact, supermarkets, hypermarkets and own-brand supermarkets(***) alone will account for over **% of sales in ****.
Breakdown of household fruit and vegetable consumption by distribution channel France, ****, in Franceagrimer
Early produce accounts for *% of French fruit and vegetable purchases.
There are a number of reasons for this large difference between supermarkets and specialist retailers. Firstly, supermarkets charge lower prices than specialist outlets, offer a comparable range of products and are present in a very large part of France. In recent years, supermarket chains have increasingly turned to organic produce.
As for the primeur market, although it benefits from an image of quality and proximity to customers, it has to raise its prices, as it is not able to buy in the same proportions as the mass-market players.
3.3 The primeur market is highly fragmented
The primeur market is made up of two types of players: independents and primeurs operating under the same banner. The independents make up the bulk of the retail fabric, and are often found in city centers. However, fresh produce superstores are a real threat, as they enjoy both a good image with consumers and greater bargaining power than wholesalers.
The number of establishments in the specialized fruit and vegetable retailing sector has been rising steadily since ****, driven by the desire of major groups to grow, but also by a large number of independent store openings. The year **** marked a break with a slight drop in the number of establishments and employees.
Number of establishments in the specialized fruit and vegetable distribution sector France, ****-**** Source: ****
Number of employees in the specialized fruit and vegetable distribution sector France, ****-**** Source: ****
3.4 Geographical distribution of primeurs in France
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Breakdown of production and products preferred by the French
French fruit and vegetable production
According to FranceAgriMer, France produced *,***,*** tonnes of vegetables in ****, from a cultivated area of ***,*** hectares divided into ***** farms, and *,***,*** tonnes of fruit grown on ***,*** hectares.
Breakdown by volume of most consumed vegetables France, ****, % (***) Source: ****
Fruits most popular with French consumers France, ****, % Source: FranceAgriMer LSA and Toluna Potatoes and tomatoes are the most popular vegetables in France. As for fruit, strawberries are the most popular.
4.2 Organic and conventional fruit and vegetable prices
Every year, the Familles rurales association conducts a survey on the price and consumption of fruit and vegetables in France. TheObservatoire du prix des fruits et légumes à l'été **** provides us with very precise information, some of which will be relayed in this section.
Fruit prices:
The table below reports the average price in euros of the panel of organic fruits selected by Familles Rurales, for * kg of each fruit. The average price of organic fruit is **% higher than that of conventional fruit (***).
Vegetable prices:
Familles Rurales also reports the average price per kilo of the vegetables below. The average price of organic vegetables is **% higher than that of conventional produce (***)
5 Regulations
5.1 Hygiene package and sanitary supervision
There's no diploma required to work as a greengrocer, although training courses such as the CAP primeur and Certificats de Qualification Professionnelle are available. Essential skills include in-depth knowledge of distribution channels, products and customer preferences, as well as rigorous order and stock management. Good interpersonal skills, availability and excellent health are also essential, given the demanding working hours, averaging ** hours a week. In terms of regulations, compliance with safety, hygiene and health standards specific to fruit and vegetables is imperative. Setting up as a greengrocer does not require a diploma, and since January ****, business start-up formalities have been carried out via the INPI's one-stop shop, simplifying registration procedures in the national business register. Price regulation, strictly regulated display of prices, and periodic checks on weighing equipment are also important aspects of professional regulation.
The distribution of fruit and vegetables is strictly governed by European health regulations for the agri-food sector. In ****, a set of standardized regulations came into force across the European Union, known as the "Hygiene Package". These regulations provide a framework for the entire industry and all its players: producers, distributors and consumers.
This regulation is made up of several texts:
food Law (***) Regulation (***) n°***/**** Regulation (***) n°***/**** Regulation ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- E.Leclerc
- Carrefour Bio
- Terroirs d'Avenir
- La Vie Claire
- Les Comptoirs de la Bio
- Casino Groupe
- Auchan groupe
- Grand Frais (Prosol)
- Potager City
- La Ruche Qui Dit Oui (Equanum)
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