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Summary and extracts

1 Market Summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

Fruit juices are beverages made by pressing or extracting juice from fresh fruit. They can be consumed in their natural state or after being processed, such as pasteurization, to improve shelf life. Juices can be pure, concentrated, with or without pulp, and often contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, representing an important nutritional source.

The value of the global juice market reached $153.9 billion in 2023. The market is expected to reach $216.6 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.9 percent during 2023-2032. Increasing trends toward health and wellness, rising disposable incomes, significant product innovations and the introduction of new flavor varieties, expanding retail channels, and growing interest in natural ingredients due to their benefits are some of the main factors that are driving the market.

The European juice market is expected to grow steadily from 2024 to 2030, from $37.55 billion to $47.43 billion. This represents a 26.3 percent increase in six years, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.97 percent. In 2023, the 100% juice segment dominated the market.

As for the Italian market, it is expected to grow by 31.5% in the coming years. In addition ,the value of production sold increased by 10.8%, showing a recovery and significant growth in the last year. The number of active companies decreased by 22%, while the number of operating employees increased by 6.5%, this indicates a concentration of the industry, where fewer but larger companies dominate the market and need more staff to operate at higher production capacity.

1.2 The global market

The value of the global juice market reached $***.* billion in ****. The market is expected to reach $***.* billion by ****, with a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.* percent during ****-****. Increasing trends toward health and wellness, rising disposable incomes, significant product innovations and the introduction of new flavor varieties, expanding retail channels, and growing interest in natural ingredients due to their benefits are some of the main factors that are driving the market.

Fruit juice is a liquid extracted from various types of fruit through a process that typically involves squeezing, pressing or blending the fruit. it is a popular beverage valued for its refreshing taste and nutritional benefits. Fruit juices are often consumed as a source of vitamins, minerals and natural sugars. These juices can be found in a wide range of flavors, including apple, orange, grape, pineapple and others. The extraction process involves removing the solid components of the fruit, such as pulp and fiber, leaving only the liquid essence of the fruit. This liquid is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, and other nutrients, depending on the composition of the fruit. it is important to note that although fruit juice can provide valuable nutrients, it may also contain natural sugars ...

1.3 The European market

The European juice market is expected to grow steadily from **** to ****, from $**.** billion to $**.** billion. This represents a **.* percent increase in six years, with a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.** percent. In ****, the ***% juice segment dominated the market, capturing the largest market share. In ****, about **-**% of adults actively sought to reduce their sugar intake, highlighting widespread concern about this ingredient. In the United Kingdom, **% of women and **% of men who aimed to reduce sugar preferred foods and drinks with reduced or no sugar content. This trend toward healthier choices also extends to evening drinking occasions, with a growing interest in low-sugar, non-sweet flavors.

European juice market value Europe, ****-****, in US$ billion MondorIntelligence

As demand for juice in the region has increased, so have imports. In ****, the Netherlands, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Belgium emerged as the largest importers, collectively accounting for ** percent of European imports. Orange juice ranked first as the most produced juice in Europe, accounting for ** percent of the market. Other significant varieties include juice blends (***). They are obtained by suitable processes, such as sieving, grinding and crushing the edible part of the whole or peeled fruit, without removing the juice. Juice beverages, with up to ...

1.4 The Italian market

The forecast of the value of the Italian fruit juice market shows a steady growth trend from **** to ****. In ****, the projected value is €*.** billion, gradually increasing each year until it reaches €*.** billion in ****. This represents an increase of **.* percent over the period, at an assumed CAGR of *.** percent, like that of Europe.

Forecast of the value of the Italian fruit juice market Italy, ****-****, in € billion Company Register, MondorIntelligence

The turnover of fruit and vegetable juice companies in Italy showed a seesaw trend between **** and ****. Starting at €*.** billion in ****, it peaked at €*.** billion in ****, then gradually declined in the following years, with a slight rise in **** to €*.** billion. In ****, however, revenues declined significantly to *.** billion. Overall, from **** to ****, turnover decreased by **.* percent, indicating a substantial contraction in the industry.

Turnover of fruit and vegetable juice production companies [***] Italy, ****-****, in billion € Istat, Companies Register

Not all the main companies operating in the sector are registered under this Ateco code, so for completeness we also present the anadment of the pdozione of juices in Italy, elaborated by grouping all the main commodity codes concerning juices. It should be noted that production is significantly higher than national consumption, the reason for this discrepancy ...

1.5 Imports and Exports

From **** to ****, Italian exports of fruit juices increased steadily, from $***.* million to $***.* million. Imports also grew, from $***.* million in **** to $***.* million in ****. The coverage ratio, which measures the ratio of exports to imports, showed changes: it dropped from *.** in **** to *.** in ****, then rose to *.** in **** and stabilized at *.** in ****. This indicates that despite the increase in imports, Italy continues to export significantly more fruit juices than it imports, maintaining a positive trade balance in the sector.

Exports, imports and coverage rate of fruit juices Italy, ****-****, in US$ million UNComtrade

In ****, Germany was the main recipient of Italian fruit juice exports, accounting for **.** percent of the total. This was followed by France with **.** percent and the Netherlands with *.** percent. The United States and Austria imported *.**% and *.**% of Italian exports, respectively. Poland and Japan made up *.**% and *.**%. The remaining **.**% of exports are distributed among other countries. These data show that a significant portion of exports are destined for European markets, with Germany and France together absorbing more than a third of Italian fruit juice exports. Main destination countries for fruit juice exports Italy, ****, in % UNComtrade

In ****, the Netherlands was the main source of fruit juice imports for Italy, accounting for **.** percent of ...

1.6 Inflation suffered by the sector

The fruit juice sector in Italy has faced several challenges due to inflation. Rising costs of raw materials, energy and transportation have had a direct impact on the profit margins of manufacturing companies. To compensate for these increases, many companies have increased the selling prices of their products, thereby reducing the purchasing power of consumers and making fruit juices less affordable for a portion of the population. In response to these difficulties, some companies have invested in innovation to differentiate their products, introducing new flavors, more convenient formats, and products made with organic or high-quality ingredients, thus justifying higher prices. At the same time, they have sought to improve operational efficiency by optimizing production processes, reducing waste, and adopting more energy-efficient technologies, allowing them to contain costs and keep selling prices competitive. To maintain consumer loyalty and attract new consumers, companies have stepped up their marketing and promotions activities, using discounts, special offers and targeted advertising campaigns to incentivize purchases despite rising prices. In addition, some companies have formed partnerships with local fruit producers to ensure a more stable and cost-controlled supply of raw materials, while also promoting sustainability and the consumption of zero-mile products.

Producer price index for fruit juice ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Overview of demand

Average monthly household spending on juice in Italy has shown a steady decrease from **** to ****. Starting from *.** euros in ****, spending fell slightly to *.** euros in **** and then more significantly to *.** euros in ****. The downward trend continued in subsequent years, with spending of *.** euros in ****, *.** euros in ****, and finally *.** euros in ****. Overall, from **** to ****, the average monthly expenditure on fruit juices decreased by **.* percent, suggesting a decline in Italian households' interest or ability to spend on this product.

Average monthly household expenditure item for fruit juices Italy, ****-****, in current &euro Istat

Fruit juice production in Italy fluctuated significantly from **** to ****. In ****, production was ****.* million liters, but decreased significantly to ****.* million liters in **** and further to ****.* million liters in ****. In ****, there was a slight recovery at ****.* million liters, followed by a larger increase to ****.* million liters in ****. In ****, production reached **** million liters. Overall, from **** to ****, production decreased by *.* percent, but the recent period shows an upward trend, indicating a possible recovery of the sector. The difference between consumption and quantity produced is found in exports. Production realized in quantity of fruit juices Italy, ****-****, in millions of liters Istat, Businesscoot elaboration

The sold production of fruit juices in Italy showed a variable ...

2.2 Geographical distribution of demand

In ****, average monthly household spending on juice in Italy showed regional variations. Households in the South and Islands spent the most, averaging *.** euros per month. In the Northeast and Northwest, spending was slightly lower at *.** euros. Households in the Center had the lowest spending, with an average of *.** euros per month. These data indicate a greater propensity to spend on juice in southern and island regions than in northern and central regions.

2.3 Demand drivers

In ****, the breakdown of dynamic year-over-year spending of sectors in Italy shows that the other fresh fruit sector dominates with **% of total spending. Citrus fruit accounts for ** percent, while nuts make up ** percent. Fruit juices and other processed fruit have *% and **%, respectively. These data indicate a strong preference of Italian consumers for fresh fruit, particularly non-citrus fruit, with a smaller share of spending going to fruit juices and other processed fruit.

Distribution of spending Dynamic year-on-year breakdown of compartments Italy, ****, in % ISMEA

Over the period ****-****, demand trends by breakdown in Italy show different trends. Citrus and fruit juice volumes decreased by *.* percent and *.* percent, respectively, while nut and other processed fruit volumes increased by *.* percent and *.* percent. Spending on citrus decreased by *.* percent, but increased for other fresh fruit, nuts and other processed fruit, each by *.* percent and *.* percent. Prices increased for citrus, other fresh fruit, other processed fruit, and juice, with the most significant increase for other fresh fruit (***). Demand trends by breakdown Italy, ****-****, in % ISMEA

2.4 Trend in demand for fruit juices

Online searches for juice in Italy between July **** and July **** show a generally decreasing trend. Starting from an index of **.* in July ****, searches gradually decreased, reaching a low of **.* in December ****. There were some fluctuations, with slight increases in some months, such as January **** (***) before declining again in the following months, remaining around **-** points from February to July. Overall, the index decreased by **.* percent from the peak in July **** to the low in December ****, indicating a significant decline in online interest in juices. The numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the graph in relation to the region and period indicated. A value of *** indicates the highest frequency of searches for the term; ** indicates half as many searches. A score of *, on the other hand, indicates that not enough data were found for the term.

Trend of online searches for fruit juice Italy, ****-****, index Google Trends, Businesscoot elaboration

The geographical distribution of online searches for fruit juices in Italy over the period analyzed shows a clear predominance of southern regions. Basilicata leads the ranking with an index value of ***, followed by Puglia (***). These data show a greater propensity to search for fruit juices in southern regions ...

2.5 New trends in demand

In recent years, the juice market has seen significant changes, influenced by various factors such as growing health awareness, consumer preferences, and innovation in the food industry. Here is a detailed overview of the main trends: *.Growing Demand for Natural and Organic Products

Healthand Wellness: Consumers are increasingly health-conscious and prefer juices without preservatives, artificial coloring, and added sugars. Organic Products: Demand for organic juices is on the rise, with increased interest in certified products that guarantee the absence of pesticides and other chemicals.

*. Functional Juices

Addition of Superfoods: The inclusion of ingredients such as ginger, turmeric, spirulina and other superfoods is a growing trend. These juices not only provide vitamins and minerals, but also offer functional benefits such as improved immune system and anti-inflammatory properties. Probiotics and Prebiotics: Some manufacturers are introducing juices with probiotics and prebiotics to promote gut health.

*. Innovation in Flavors and Combinations

Exotic Combinations: Consumers are curious to try new flavors and exotic combinations, such as mango and maracuja juice, or pomegranate and acai. Local and Traditional Flavors: In parallel, there is a return to traditional Italian flavors, such as lemon from Sicily, blood orange from Sicily, and peach from Emilia-Romagna.

*. Innovative Formats ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Italian market structure

The number of enterprises active in fruit and vegetable juice production in Italy has shown a steady decrease from **** to ****. Starting from *** enterprises in ****, the number dropped to *** in **** and continued to decline each year, reaching *** in ****, *** in ****, *** in **** and finally *** in ****. Overall, from **** to ****, the number of enterprises decreased by ** percent, suggesting consolidation in the industry and potentially more market concentration among a smaller number of players.

Number of firms active in fruit and vegetable juice production [***] Italy, ****-****, in number Istat

In ****, the legal form of enterprises active in fruit and vegetable juice production in Italy is dominated by limited liability companies (***). Joint stock and limited partnerships make up **.**%, while general partnerships account for *.**% and limited partnerships *.**%. Other partnerships other than SNCs and SASs make up *.** percent. Co-operative societies, excluding LLCs, account for *.** percent, while social cooperative societies make up only *.** percent. These data indicate a prevalence of more flexible business structures and limited liability, with a significant presence of small entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals in the sector. Legal form of companies active in fruit and vegetable juice production Italy, ****, in % Istat

The number of employees working in fruit and vegetable juice production in Italy showed an upward trend ...

3.2 Value Chain

*. Growing and Harvesting Fruits:

Cultivation: This step involves choosing fruit varieties to grow, orchard planting, plant management, irrigation, fertilization, and crop protection from diseases and pests. Harvesting: Once the fruits are ripe, they are harvested. This can be done manually or with the aid of machinery. The timing of harvesting is crucial to ensure that the fruits are at the right level of ripeness for pressing.

*. Transportation and Storage:

Transportation: The harvested fruits must be transported from the fields to the processing plants. This must be done quickly to avoid perishability of the fruits. Storage: Fruits can be temporarily stored in cold storage to maintain their freshness until processing.

*. Processing and Processing:

Cleaning and Preparation: The fruits are washed and prepared for pressing. This may include removal of skins, seeds or other parts that cannot be used. Squeezing: The fruits are squeezed to extract the juice. This can be done using different techniques, such as cold pressing or the use of extractors. Filtration and Pasteurization: The juice is filtered to remove any impurities and then pasteurized to remove microorganisms and extend shelf life.

*. Bottling and Packaging:

Bottling: The juice is bottled in sterilized containers. This may include glass ...

3.3 Distribution channels

Juice distribution channels are varied and consist of a number of stages and players, each of which plays a crucial role in getting the product from the producer to the end consumer. Here is a detailed description:

*. Production

Farmers and growers: They cultivate the fruit needed for juice production. Processors: The companies that transform the fruits into juice through juicing, pasteurization and packaging processes.

*. Wholesale distribution

Wholesalers: They buy large quantities of juice from processors. They may specialize in food or beverage products. Distributors: Operators who buy product from wholesalers or directly from producers and distribute it to retail outlets. They may include local, regional or national distributors.

*. Retail channels

Supermarkets and hypermarkets: Large chains that retail a wide range of food products, including juices. They are often the main channel for higher volume sales. Grocery stores and convenience stores: Smaller outlets that offer a limited selection of products, including juices. Specialty stores: Such as organic or natural product stores, which may offer specific or niche juices, such as organic, no added sugar, etc. Farmers' markets and stalls: Direct sales from producers to consumers, often found in rural areas or weekly markets.

*. Food service channels

Bars and ...

3.4 The main players in the market

The largest companies present in fruit juice production are as follows:

Conserve Italia: It is the largest domestic production group of fruit-based beverages and canned vegetables (***), with total sales of about *** million euros in fiscal year ****-**, at least a quarter of which comes from the juice and beverage sector. The group is an agribusiness consortium that brings together more than ** fruit and vegetable cooperatives in Emilia-Romagna. Conserve Italia is the absolute leader in the juice and beverage sector, with a ** percent production share. It operates under four different brands: Yoga, Valfrutta, Derby Blue and Jolly Colombiani.

Parmalat - Santal: In the ****s, the company diversified its interests in the juice sector by launching the Santal line, developed in both retail and HoReCa channels, covering all the main market segments. It currently holds a ** percent global share. The Parma-based group is known for its commitment to healthy products and for being the first to launch ACE juices. In addition to the classic line of juices and beverages, the company offers Santal Plus (***), as well as iced tea under the Santal Tea brand. The company is also very active in the HoReCa channel, where it offers a wide range of juices and ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Supply analysis

Types of Fruit Juices:

Juice flavors:

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4.2 The price analysis

Between June **** and June ****, the consumer price index for fruit and vegetable juices in Italy increased by ** percent. Starting from a value of ***.* in June ****, the index has grown steadily with few monthly declines. The sharpest increase occurred between October and December ****, where the index rose from ***.* to ***.*. This upward trend continued in ****, peaking at ***.* in March ****. Whole-of-collectivity consumer price index of fruit and vegetable juices [***] (***) - monthly data Italy, ****-****, index Istat

From **** to ****, the Consumer Price Index for the Whole Community of Fruit and Vegetable Juices in Italy showed a significant increase. In ****, the index was **.*, while in **** it reached ***.*, indicating an increase of **.* percent. After a slight decrease from **** to ****, where the index fell to **.*, there was an upward trend and a surge between **** and ****, culminating in a notable increase in ****. This sharp rise in recent years reflects changes in production costs, distribution, or changes in demand.

Consumer price index for the whole community of fruit and vegetable juices [***] (***) - annual averages Italy, ****-****, index Istat

4.3 New supply trends

In the juice market, new supply trends reflect a growing focus on health, sustainability and quality ingredients. Here is a detailed description of the main emerging trends:

Organic and Natural Juices: Demand for organic products is on the rise, with consumers preferring juices free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organic juices are often certified by recognized bodies and guaranteed to be free of artificial ingredients. Cold-Pressed Juices: These juices are made using a technology that extracts the juice without using heat, thus preserving nutrients and vitamins to the maximum. This method prevents oxidation and degradation of nutrients, providing a fresher, more nutritious product. Functional Ju ices: There is an increase in demand for juices fortified with functional ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, probiotics and antioxidants. These juices are designed to offer specific health benefits, such as improving digestion, boosting energy or strengthening the immune system. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Packaging: Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of the products they buy. Companies are responding with eco-friendly packaging, such as bottles made from recycled plastic, glass or compostable materials. In addition, many companies are adopting sustainable practices in production and logistics. Premium and Artisan Juices: There is growth in the premium ...

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 Juice regulation

In Italy, regulations and legislation on the production and sale of fruit juices are influenced by both European and national regulations, with the aim of ensuring the quality, safety and proper labeling of products. One of the main European regulations is Directive ****/**/EU, which sets the rules for fruit juices and similar products intended for human consumption. This directive defines what is meant by fruit juice, fruit juice from concentrate and fruit nectar, specifying composition requirements and limiting the addition of sugars.

In Italy, Legislative Decree No. *** of August *, ****, transposes the European directive and includes details on technical production specifications, hygiene and quality requirements, and control procedures. Italian regulations also provide penalties for those who do not comply, which can range from fines to suspension of production activities.

Regarding composition, fruit juices must consist of *** percent fruit, with no added sugars or sweeteners, although the use of citric acid and ascorbic acid to regulate acidity is permitted. Juices from concentrate must be reconstituted with potable water, maintaining the essential characteristics of the original juice. Fruit nectars may contain added sugar, but must meet a minimum fruit content that varies according to the type of fruit.

Labeling of fruit juices must be ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Market segmentation

  • Parmalat
  • Conserve Italia: Cirio, Valfrutta, Yoga, Derby
  • La Doria
  • Zuegg
  • Refresco
  • San Benedetto
  • Fruttagel
  • Pfanner
  • Pago
  • Hans Zipperle

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