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1 Market Summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

Fruit juices are beverages made by pressing or extracting juice from fresh fruit. They can be consumed in their natural state or after being processed, such as pasteurization, to improve shelf life. Juices can be pure, concentrated, with or without pulp, and often contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, representing an important nutritional source.

The value of the global juice market reached $153.9 billion in 2023. The market is expected to reach $216.6 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.9 percent during 2023-2032. Increasing trends toward health and wellness, rising disposable incomes, significant product innovations and the introduction of new flavor varieties, expanding retail channels, and growing interest in natural ingredients due to their benefits are some of the main factors that are driving the market.

The European juice market is expected to grow steadily from 2024 to 2030, from $37.55 billion to $47.43 billion. This represents a 26.3 percent increase in six years, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.97 percent. In 2023, the 100% juice segment dominated the market.

As for the Italian market, it is expected to grow by 31.5% in the coming years. In addition ,the value of production sold increased by 10.8%, showing a recovery and significant growth in the last year. The number of active companies decreased by 22%, while the number of operating employees increased by 6.5%, this indicates a concentration of the industry, where fewer but larger companies dominate the market and need more staff to operate at higher production capacity.

1.2 The global market

The value of the global juice market reached $***.* billion in ****. The market is expected to reach $***.* billion by ****, with a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.* percent during ****-****. Increasing trends toward health and wellness, rising disposable incomes, significant product innovations and the introduction of new flavor varieties, expanding retail channels, and ...

1.3 The European market

The European juice market is expected to grow steadily from **** to ****, from $**.** billion to $**.** billion. This represents a **.* percent increase in six years, with a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.** percent. In ****, the ***% juice segment dominated the market, capturing the largest market share. In ****, about **-**% of adults actively sought to ...

1.4 The Italian market

The forecast of the value of the Italian fruit juice market shows a steady growth trend from **** to ****. In ****, the projected value is €*.** billion, gradually increasing each year until it reaches €*.** billion in ****. This represents an increase of **.* percent over the period, at an assumed CAGR of *.** percent, like that of ...

1.5 Imports and Exports

From **** to ****, Italian exports of fruit juices increased steadily, from $***.* million to $***.* million. Imports also grew, from $***.* million in **** to $***.* million in ****. The coverage ratio, which measures the ratio of exports to imports, showed changes: it dropped from *.** in **** to *.** in ****, then rose to *.** in **** and stabilized at *.** in ****. This indicates ...

1.6 Inflation suffered by the sector

The fruit juice sector in Italy has faced several challenges due to inflation. Rising costs of raw materials, energy and transportation have had a direct impact on the profit margins of manufacturing companies. To compensate for these increases, many companies have increased the selling prices of their products, thereby reducing the ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Overview of demand

Average monthly household spending on juice in Italy has shown a steady decrease from **** to ****. Starting from *.** euros in ****, spending fell slightly to *.** euros in **** and then more significantly to *.** euros in ****. The downward trend continued in subsequent years, with spending of *.** euros in ****, *.** euros in ****, and finally *.** euros in ****. Overall, ...

2.2 Geographical distribution of demand

In ****, average monthly household spending on juice in Italy showed regional variations. Households in the South and Islands spent the most, averaging *.** euros per month. In the Northeast and Northwest, spending was slightly lower at *.** euros. Households in the Center had the lowest spending, with an average of *.** euros per month. ...

2.3 Demand drivers

In ****, the breakdown of dynamic year-over-year spending of sectors in Italy shows that the other fresh fruit sector dominates with **% of total spending. Citrus fruit accounts for ** percent, while nuts make up ** percent. Fruit juices and other processed fruit have *% and **%, respectively. These data indicate a strong preference of Italian consumers ...

2.4 Trend in demand for fruit juices

Online searches for juice in Italy between July **** and July **** show a generally decreasing trend. Starting from an index of **.* in July ****, searches gradually decreased, reaching a low of **.* in December ****. There were some fluctuations, with slight increases in some months, such as January **** (***) before declining again in the following months, ...

2.5 New trends in demand

In recent years, the juice market has seen significant changes, influenced by various factors such as growing health awareness, consumer preferences, and innovation in the food industry. Here is a detailed overview of the main trends: *.Growing Demand for Natural and Organic Products

Healthand Wellness: Consumers are increasingly health-conscious and prefer ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Italian market structure

The number of enterprises active in fruit and vegetable juice production in Italy has shown a steady decrease from **** to ****. Starting from *** enterprises in ****, the number dropped to *** in **** and continued to decline each year, reaching *** in ****, *** in ****, *** in **** and finally *** in ****. Overall, from **** to ****, the number of enterprises decreased by ...

3.2 Value Chain

*. Growing and Harvesting Fruits:

Cultivation: This step involves choosing fruit varieties to grow, orchard planting, plant management, irrigation, fertilization, and crop protection from diseases and pests. Harvesting: Once the fruits are ripe, they are harvested. This can be done manually or with the aid of machinery. The timing of harvesting is ...

3.3 Distribution channels

Juice distribution channels are varied and consist of a number of stages and players, each of which plays a crucial role in getting the product from the producer to the end consumer. Here is a detailed description:

*. Production

Farmers and growers: They cultivate the fruit needed for juice production. Processors: ...

3.4 The main players in the market

The largest companies present in fruit juice production are as follows:

Conserve Italia: It is the largest domestic production group of fruit-based beverages and canned vegetables (***), with total sales of about *** million euros in fiscal year ****-**, at least a quarter of which comes from the juice and beverage sector. The ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Supply analysis

Types of Fruit Juices:

Juice flavors:

table { width: ***%; border-collapse: collapse; } th, td { border: *px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: *px; } th { background-color: #f*f*f*; }

4.2 The price analysis

Between June **** and June ****, the consumer price index for fruit and vegetable juices in Italy increased by ** percent. Starting from a value of ***.* in June ****, the index has grown steadily with few monthly declines. The sharpest increase occurred between October and December ****, where the index rose from ***.* to ***.*. This upward trend ...

4.3 New supply trends

In the juice market, new supply trends reflect a growing focus on health, sustainability and quality ingredients. Here is a detailed description of the main emerging trends:

Organic and Natural Juices: Demand for organic products is on the rise, with consumers preferring juices free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organic juices ...

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 Juice regulation

In Italy, regulations and legislation on the production and sale of fruit juices are influenced by both European and national regulations, with the aim of ensuring the quality, safety and proper labeling of products. One of the main European regulations is Directive ****/**/EU, which sets the rules for fruit juices and ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Market segmentation

  • Parmalat
  • Conserve Italia: Cirio, Valfrutta, Yoga, Derby
  • La Doria
  • Zuegg
  • Refresco
  • San Benedetto
  • Fruttagel
  • Pfanner
  • Pago
  • Hans Zipperle

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Global juice market value
  • Major exporters of fruit juices in the world
  • Major juice importing countries
  • European juice market value
  • Major exporters of fruit juices to Europe
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Conserve Italia: Cirio, Valfrutta, Yoga, Derby
La Doria
San Benedetto
Hans Zipperle

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the fruit juice market | Italy

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