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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Market overview
The catering market is an integral part of commercial catering, alongside traditional restaurants, fast-food outlets, cafeterias and drinking establishments. This segment is closely linked to the events sector, with a diversified clientele comprising both professionals (welcome coffees, business lunches, cocktail parties, company seminars, etc.) and private individuals (weddings, christenings, etc.).) and private clients (weddings, christenings, etc.). Although caterers can offer a wide range of complementary services, such as decoration, service or entertainment, their core business remains the preparation of dishes or meals for delivery or pick-up.
The catering business is strongly influenced by seasonality. Google Trends searches show marked peaks in demand at the end of the year(November and December), corresponding to the Christmas and New Year celebrations, and a second, more moderate peak in spring, often linked to the wedding season. This link with weddings remains an important pillar of the business: catering accounts for 59% of spending on these events. Although the number of weddings has fallen slightly, from 242,000 in 2023 to 240,000 in 2024, their structuring role in demand remains undeniable.
The market is also marked by a notable geographical concentration. Over 50% of establishments registered under NAF code 56.21Z are located in regions such asÎle-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Aquitaine and Auvergne. These regions are attractive to industry players, attracted by high local demand and development opportunities.
Against this backdrop, consumer expectations are evolving, with increasing emphasis on quality and transparency. According to the CGAD 2024 barometer , 84% of French people consider"home-made" to be an essential criterion. This preference for authentic, locally-made products is part of a return to artisanal values, reinforced by a growing awareness of the importance of food origin and composition. For caterers, this represents an opportunity to enhance their know-how, but also a challenge in the face of competition from industrial products.
At the same time, the sector has to contend with severe economic constraints. Raw material inflation continues to weigh heavily on production costs, with spectacular rises such as cocoa (+104.1% in 2024) and seafood (+6.4% in one month). These increases, which are often difficult to pass on in sales prices, weaken the margins of players and force them to find innovative solutions to maintain their competitiveness without losing their customers.
Against this demanding backdrop, this study focuses on caterers organizing receptions (TOR), who offer tailor-made services including not only meal preparation, but also ancillary services such as table service or decoration. Self-service caterers (LS), available in supermarkets, will not be included in the analysis.
1.2 The global market
The global catering market was estimated at $*** billion in ****. According to IMarc, the global market is expected to develop positively over the next few years, with a CAGR of *.*% up to ****. These data enable us to estimate sales for the coming years:
Sales trends in the global catering market World, ****-****, billions of dollars Source: ****
A steady upward trend in world market sales is therefore expected until at least ****, when sales should exceed $*** billion.
1.3 The French market
In this section, we'll use theNAF **.**Z: Catering services.[***] This subclass includes The provision of catering services on the basis of contractual arrangements with the customer, at the location specified by the customer and for a particular occasion.
The organization of weddings, banquets, cocktail parties, buffets, lunches and various receptions at home or at venues chosen by the customer. INSEE gives us access to the sales index for this NAF code at base *** in ****. Given that we have sales excluding tax of *.*** billion euros in ****[***], we can deduce a trend in sales volume between **** and ****: (***) Size of the catering services market (***) France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****
Over this period, sales grew overall, although punctuated by significant fluctuations from one year to the next. Between **** and ****, sales increased by **.*%. Between **** and ****, an upward trend was observed, with values rising from *.** to *.** billion euros, indicating gradual market growth over these years. However, this upward trend was interrupted in ****, when sales fell significantly, reaching just *.** billion euros. This decline can be attributed to factors such as the COVID-** pandemic and associated restrictions, which led to a drop in demand for catering services due to event cancellations and restrictions on gatherings. In ****, a ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Demand typology: French food consumption habits
To adapt their offer, it is important for caterers to understand the food consumption habits of the French and their expectations regarding their diet. In this respect, a survey carried out by Deloitte in September **** provides many pointers.
In terms of meal preferences, only **% of French people eat out, and **% order their meals in. The rest eat at home:
Meal preferences France, September ****, in Source: ****
When it comes to changing eating habits, the French take the financial criterion as one of the most important considerations in view: In fact, one in two French people say that budget is the number * brake when it comes to changing eating habits:
Budget at the heart of French concerns France, September ****, in Source: ****
After budget and the desire to please oneself, health comes in *rd place in the context of French food choices: in fact, **% of respondents would be willing to modify their eating habits in the event of health problems or allergies, for example.
Health in food France, September ****, in Source: ****
According to the data, French people skip lunch and dinner very little, while **% of French people say they never eat breakfast.
France's favorite dishes France, ****, % of total Source: ****
Home-made" is becoming a quality ...
2.2 Corporate events, a major demand for catering services
Caterers organizing receptions have a rather varied clientele; between individual and corporate customers, or private and public clientele, demand remains fairly high. According to anINSEE report on caterers organizing receptions, we can draw up a breakdown of caterer sales according to different customers.
Breakdown of sales by customer for caterers and other food services France, ****, in Source: ****
In ****, businesses accounted for almost **% of catering and restaurant customers. Businesses therefore account for the largest share of sales, with a contribution of **.*%. This preponderance of sales to businesses can be attributed to various factors, such as corporate events, business meetings and catering services offered at seminars and conferences.
Public authorities account for the second largest share of sales, contributing **.*%. This category includes catering services provided to public administrations, educational establishments, hospitals and other government institutions. This significant share of sales reflects the continuing demand for catering services in the public sector.
Finally, private customers account for a substantial share of sales, with a contribution of **.*%. This category covers catering services for private events such as weddings, birthdays, family celebrations and other personal celebrations. Demand for private catering services reflects social and cultural trends, as well as individual entertainment and dining preferences.
Breakdown of ...
2.3 Weddings, a significant demand for catering services
Weddings are particularly important events in the catering industry. The quality of the food and beverages served at the reception is one of the key elements contributing to the success of a wedding. Catering services therefore play a major role in fulfilling the gastronomic wishes of future brides and grooms, offering personalized, refined menus tailored to individual preferences.
Growth in the number of weddings France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****
Overall, there is a tendency for the number of weddings to fluctuate over the years, with relatively moderate variations on the whole. Between **** and ****, the number of marriages celebrated rose slightly by *.**%.
Between **** and ****, the number of marriages appears to be on a slight downward trend, with figures hovering around the average of previous years. This period could reflect socio-economic and demographic factors influencing marriage decisions, such as economic instability, changes in attitudes towards marriage or demographic trends such as an ageing population.
In ****, a sharp drop in the number of weddings is observed, which can be attributed to the impact of the COVID-** pandemic and containment measures that have restricted celebrations and social gatherings.
However, from **** onwards, a recovery seems to be underway, with a notable increase in the number of ...
2.4 A market with fairly seasonal demand
Evolution of the search "Traiteurs" on google France, ****-****, index Source: ****
Note: The graph above represents the proportion of searches for a given keyword in a specific region and for a specific period, compared with the time when the rate of use of this keyword was highest (***). Thus, a value of ** means that the keyword was used half as much in the region concerned, and a value of * means that the data for this keyword is insufficient.
French demand for catering services is thus strongly influenced by seasonality. The graph above illustrates this phenomenon perfectly: there is a peak in searches between November and December each year, for the end-of-year festivities. There's also a smaller peak inApril, perhaps linked to Easter.
Search peaks are lower in **** due to the Covid pandemic.
3 Market structure
3.1 Value chain
Source: ****
To prepare the dishes that will be served to consumers, caterers first source their raw materials from a wide range of suppliers.
Some caterers recover unused foodstuffs from events and donate them to associations for redistribution to people in need.
3.2 Number of companies and number of employees
Growth in the number of establishments registered in the ****Z activity "Catering services" France, ****-****, in number of establishments Source: ****
Over the ****-**** period, an overall growth trend in the number of establishments is observed, with an increase of **.*%. In ****, a slight decrease is observed, with the number of establishments falling to ****. This decrease could be influenced by various factors, but may be particularly linked to the Covid-** pandemic. In ****, a notable upturn is seen, with a significant increase in the number of establishments to ****, demonstrating the sector's resilience and ability to adapt to the challenges previously encountered. The growth trend continues in ****, with the number of registered establishments rising to ****.
Change in the number of employees registered in activity ****Z "Catering services" France, ****-****, number of employees Source : Urssaf Over the ****-**** period, variations in the number of employees are observed, reflecting changing market dynamics. In ****, the number of registered employees was **,*** , then in ****, a slight increase is observed with the number of employees rising to **,***, suggesting moderate employment growth in the sector. However, in ****, a significant decline is recorded, with **,*** registered employees. This decline can be attributed to various factors such as the economic repercussions of the COVID-** pandemic, ...
3.3 Geographical distribution
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes,Île-de-France, Provence andAquitaine account for almost **% of catering establishments in France.
3.4 A fragmented market with intensifying competition
Key players
Compass Group Plc, Sodexo, Aramark Corporation, Elior Group, Delaware North, Westbury Street Holdings, Ovations Food Services, Thompson Hospitality, Dine Contract Catering, Olive Catering Services[***]
A relatively fragmented market
According to Les Echos, the French catering market is fragmented , with virtually all players subject to strong competition and low market share. Generally speaking, all French caterers have sales of less than *** million euros.
Intensifying competition drives market concentration
Pic-interalso stresses the intensification of competition, explaining that caterers not only have to adapt to competitors already present on the market, such as low-cost caterers, but also have to face up to new entrants who may overshadow them.these include artisan bakers and butchers, as well as supermarkets with their self-service caterers, who are renewing their offer by offering catering products at very attractive prices.
Another way of adapting to this competition is to set upa national network of caterers, like the Traiteurs de Francenetwork. network, which brings together over ** French caterers who organize receptions, the aim being to have a highly diversified offer and centralized services. The association has a number of objectives, including
The definition of a common charter to promote the catering profession; Building a national network of caterers; Responding ...
3.5 Self-service catering on the rise
The self-service catering market continues to grow, despite a slowdown in the double-digit increases seen in previous years. With sales up *.*% to *.* billion euros, this segment remains a heavyweight in the fresh non-dairy produce market. This resilience is due to its diversity of categories and its ability to meet the growing demand of consumers in search of convenience. The boom in self-service delicatessen products illustrates a change in eating habits, with the consumption of ready-to-eat dishes becoming the norm in French households.
This trend is accompanied by a structuring of the market dominated by a few key players, such as Sodebo, Lustucru and Mix Buffet, who stand out with a well-honed industrial offering and a strong presence in supermarkets. Among the most dynamic products, fresh pasta has enjoyed uninterrupted growth over the past seven years, illustrating the growing importance of practical solutions perceived as qualitative by consumers. This dynamism is also underpinned by innovations in packaging and recipes, designed to appeal to customers in search of variety and authenticity.
Self-service deli sales France, ****, € billion Source: ****
The rise of self-service catering raises strategic questions for traditional caterers, who must adapt their offer to this change in consumer behavior. The rise of these ...
3.6 Inflation on imported food raw materials is passed on to caterers
In November ****, food commodity prices accelerated sharply(***) and seafood prices are impacting traditional dishes and buffets. This inflation is putting caterers in a difficult position, as they must either absorb these costs or pass them on in their prices, thereby reducing their competitiveness and affecting consumer demand.
Prices of imported food raw materials in France France, ****-****, index *** in **** Source: ****
This graph illustrates the evolution of food commodity prices over the period from **** to ****, with a base of *** in ****. There has been a marked increase in recent years, culminating in an index of *** in ****, an increase of **% compared to ****. After relative stability between **** and ****, prices surged noticeably from ****, coinciding with tensions in global supply chains and a post-COVID recovery. The rise continues until ****, accentuated by inflation in tropical commodities and seafood. This inflationary context puts additional pressure on caterers, who must adjust their pricing strategies to absorb these increases while maintaining their competitiveness.
4 Offer analysis
4.1 A diversified offering with a wide price range
Caterers are aware that demand is relatively dominated by the corporate and events sectors, so the offer is generally relatively upmarket, with products that can be adapted to customers' needs (***). The aim is usually to offer food that is healthy, easy to eat, tasty and aesthetically pleasing.
Service prices are available after requesting a quote. These services include
Reception organization(***); Meal delivery for companies(***); Amuse-bouche delivery(***); Organization of dinners(***); Convention organizations(***).
According to the Traiteur.Mondevis website, caterer prices depend above all on the services offered. Here's a table summarizing thebudget per persondepending on the services offered:
Increased competition in the sector is leading to lower margins, which in turn is prompting players to lower their prices. On average, the prices charged by France's leading caterers to private customers are as follows:
Source: ****
4.2 The catering market: professionals increasingly committed to sustainable development
Against a backdrop of growing awareness of environmental issues, professionals in France's catering sector are increasingly committed to a sustainable transition. Faced with the challenges posed by ecological and societal concerns, these players are actively seeking innovative solutions to reduce their environmental footprint and promote more responsible practices. The initiatives and strategies adopted by these professionals are varied in order to meet consumers' growing expectations in terms of sustainability and respect for the environment.
Introducing the "Zero Waste Catering" concept:
The "zero waste" movement is emerging as a concrete response to growing environmental concerns, aiming to significantly reduce, if not eliminate, waste production. This approach revolves around five fundamental principles, known as the "*Rs": Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Return to the Earth. By challenging our consumption habits and promoting a circular economy, the zero waste movement embodies a philosophy designed to promote responsible, sustainable consumption.
Relevance for caterers:
For caterers, the transition to a zero-waste approach is of particular importance. As suppliers of food for large numbers of people at events, they play a key role in the production of waste, whether it's food scraps, packaging or disposable crockery. Adopting a zero-waste approach has significant benefits, including reducing food waste ...
4.3 Caterers specializing in the "healthy" segment
With concerns about health and well-being playing an increasingly important role in French lifestyles, the catering market is evolving to meet these new expectations. A significant trend is emerging with the advent of caterers specializing in the "healthy" segment, catering to customers seeking balanced, nutritious food choices. French consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of a healthy, balanced diet for their health, which translates into a growing demand for more virtuous food options. In this context, "healthy" caterers are positioning themselves as key players, offering menus and services focused on the quality of ingredients, the freshness of products and the variety of healthy dishes.
Examples of "healthy" caterers:
Sweetandnuts is a caterer specializing in healthy, eco-responsible cuisine, featuring a meticulous selection of fresh, organic produce, carefully chosen from local producers. All presented in a unique, warm and relaxed setting, offering an exceptional culinary experience.
Source: ****
Founded in **** by Dominique Gassin, an Australian-born naturopath, Judy embodies a qualitative philosophy centered on "the taste of good products and the conscious choice of what is good for oneself, for others and for the planet".
At Judy's, Dominique offers recipes that follow the principles of naturopathy. She designs an inclusive menu, offering ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Regulatory framework
According to and, in terms of professional regulations, lhealth and safety standards are very restrictive. These include
The cold chain must not be broken; Transport and storage in refrigerated trucks which must be carried out rigorously.
Failure to comply with installation standards (***) will result in immediate closure of the establishment. Visit sanitary inspectionson the premises or on transport, are frequent.
There is also mandatory hygiene training according to article L***-*: "The operation of establishments producing, processing, preparing, selling and distributing food products may be subject to the presence on the staff of these establishments of a person who can provide proof of specific training in hygiene.tablissements d'un personne pouvant justifier d'une formation spécifique en matière d'hygiène alimentaire adaptée à l'activité de l'établissement concerné."
The French law on the modernization of the economy (***). Penalties for exceeding these terms have been reinforced.
Since the New Economic Regulations Act and the Grenelle * Act, listed companies have been obliged to communicate on the impact of their activity on the * main criteria of CSR. Ecology and the wasteful use of plastic cutlery, for example, are now part of the information provided by listed companies.
5.2 Reglemntation
Loi Garot:The law of February **, **** lays the foundations for measures to combat food waste, including provisions such as a ban on denaturing foodstuffs that are still consumable and the obligation for supermarkets over ***m² to enter into donation partnerships. It also establishes a hierarchy of actions to be taken to reduce waste, including :
*. Preventing food waste;
*. Use of unsold food for human consumption, through donation or processing;
*. Recovery of unsold food for animal feed;
*. The use of unsold produce for agricultural composting or energy production, notably through methanization, in accordance with Article L***-**-* of the French Environment Code.
Since January ****, this Garot law has been extended to food manufacturers and catering professionals.
Source: ****
In December ****, the Traiteurs de France association updated its internal regulations, now requiring candidate companies to hold European health approval and commit to serving a minimum of **% home-made products (***). These criteria aim to raise quality and hygiene standards within the profession. [***]
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
The startup Alchimii (***) is also present on this market. Comprising some ** independent caterers, Alchimii is considered the*st caterer in Franceaccording Alchimii's main activity is tobuy catering services and resell them to customers. The company takes care of delivery, and also offers complementary services such as the supply of beverages, kitchen equipment and even the search for a venue for the event.
6.2 The analyst's eye
The delicatessen market is a complex and demanding sector, in which it is becoming increasingly difficult to assert oneself. Between the persistent inflation of raw materials, which is squeezing margins, consumers who are increasingly demanding in terms of transparency and artisanal quality, and ever more stringent standards, such as those recently introduced by the Association des Traiteurs de France, this market requires players to have a high level of recently introduced by theAssociation des Traiteurs de France, this market requires players to be adaptable and highly demanding in order to penetrate and prosper.
Major trends:
*st trend: Google searches (***). The post-Covid upturn in corporate events is also helping to structure demand.
*nd trend: The transition to veganism is gaining ground in France, with a notable increase: **% of French people say they are ready to adopt a vegan diet for a month in ****, compared to **% in ****. This trend reflects a growing awareness of the environmental, ethical and health issues associated with food. Consumers are turning more towards plant-based alternatives, supported by a growing and diversified offer in the food sector.
*rd trend: The collaborative working day is the most frequently organized event at S* ****: it accounts ...
- Potel et Chabot
- France Prestige Services
- Elysée Réception
- Réception Prestige
- Rousseau Event Traiteur
- Curty’s
- Dalloyau
- Riem Becker Groupe
- Raynier Marchetti (Groupe Butard)
- Kieffer
- Joubin Traiteur
- Lenôtre (Sodexo Groupe)
- Valentin Traiteur Groupe
- Momense Potel et Chabot (Accor Groupe)
- Dalloyau
- Butard Groupe
- La Truffe Noire
- Sysco Groupe - Davigel
- Les traiteurs de France
- Maître Coq (LDC Groupe)
- Paris Society (Accor groupe)
- Pierre Martinet
- Traiteurs de Paris
- Jeusselin
- Mix Buffet
- Loste Groupe - CA Traiteur et salaison
- Pignol
- Hediard
- Festins de Bourgogne
- Cirette Traiteur
- Traiteurs de Paris
- FICT Fédération Indépendante des Charcutiers Traiteurs
- Traiteur événementiels
- Karl's traiteur Antilles
- Maison Alexandre Traiteur Paris
- Le Cercle Traiteur
- Tipiak Traiteur Pâtissier
- Paso Traiteur (Fleury Michon)
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