Summary of our market study
The French bakery and patisserie market is estimated at 13 billion euros.
The French bakery market reflects the country's cultural affinity with bakery products.
92% of French people eat bread, but bread consumption has fallen from 160 grams a day to 120 grams. Despite this drop, many French people still consume bakery products frequently, with 45% eating bread every day.
All French people (98%) regard croissants as a symbol of their national identity. Viennese pastries such as croissants and pains au chocolat are eaten by 74% and 70% of French people respectively.
Although supermarkets and bakeries compete with each other, artisan bakeries account for 62% of sales. Artisanal bakeries are either independent stores or franchises.
France has over 27,000 bakeries and patisseries, employing around 132,000 people. The average amount spent per visit to a boulangerie is between 2 and 4 euros, with around 25% of visitors spending more than 5 euros.
40% of the population appreciate the variety of bread types, incorporating between 5 and 10 different kinds into their diet. Sales of organic bakery products have risen in just a few years from 324 million euros to 546 million euros.
Bakeries have integrated sandwiches and other meal options, becoming more attractive at peak lunchtimes.
Regulations governing the use of the terms "boulangerie" and "boulanger" ensure that products are made on site, without the use of frozen dough.
Players in the French bakery-pastry market
- Banette and Campaillette are renowned networks of independent bakeries.
- Marie Blachère, Louise and Ange are franchises offering a range of standardized products
- Mie Câline and Brioche Dorée
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of study
The bakery-pastry shop is a local business offering a wide range of products such as bread, Viennese pastries, cakes and pastries, sometimes even sandwiches and hot or cold drinks.
People have been eating bread since ancient times. In France, it wasn't until the Middle Ages that baking really became a profession. It was first organized into guilds from the 13ᵉ century onwards, and then gradually we began to speak of French bread-making.
Bread, and particularly the baguette, is a heritage and know-how widely recognized worldwide as a French specialty. As a result, in 2022, the baguette was listed by UNESCO as a World Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
The bread recipe is simple. You need water, flour, yeast and a little salt. To obtain the best possible bread, bakers proceed as follows: kneading, shaping, fermenting, baking and selling.
In France, the bakery and patisserie sector is booming, and is considered an indispensable business by most French people. Every day, nearly 16 million baguettes are produced in France. Bakeries produce almost 2.5 batches a day to meet consumer demand.
Bakeries can be found all over France, in both urban and rural areas. It's also a job-creating sector, with nearly 3,000 jobs created between 2022 and 2023, for example.
Despite a growing decline in French bread consumption, bread remains a staple on the table, with almost 19% of French people claiming to eat it every day. Pastries are also an important part of the French diet, with almost 57% of French people buying them at least once a month.
Despite these traditional roots, bakeries and patisseries also know how to reinvent themselves and broaden their offer to meet new consumer expectations: diets, lifestyles, organic products... For bakeries, it's also a question of maintaining sales in the face of fierce competition from other distribution channels such as supermarkets or the network of neo-bakeries.
There are many different types of player in the bakery-pastry market, divided notably between industrial and artisan production. In this section, we'll be concentrating on the artisanal bakery-pastry sector.
1.2 Growth in the global baking market
Firstly, we can observe the size of the global bakery products market, which is largely correlated with the size of the global bakery-pastry market.
We can see that the global market is growing, with a CAGR of almost *.**% forecast between **** and ****.
evolution of the global bakery-pastry market size World, ****-****, in $Bn Source: ****
To get an idea of the geographical distribution of the bakery and confectionery market, we can look at bread consumption by country.
The graph below shows which countries consume the most bread worldwide. They are largely present in Europe, with Turkey, Serbia and Bulgaria making up the top *. France is not on the podium, with almost ** kg of bread consumed per person per year, i.e. almost four times less than the Turks, for example.
Top ** countries with the highest bread consumption World, ****, in kg of bread Source: ****
This trend is confirmed by the graph below, which cross-references exports by zone in ****. Exports are mainly to the European Union, with **% of market share.
Zones of French bakery/pastry exports World, ****, as % of total Source: ****
1.3 Domestic market growth accelerates
Let's take a look at the French bakery and patisserie market.
The graph below shows that the French bakery and patisserie market is growing, with sales of **.* billion euros in ****.
sales trends and projections for bakeries and patisseries France, ****-****, in € bn Source: ****
Below, we can see the breakdown of BVP sales by product type . Baguettes are by far the segment with the highest sales, as shown in the graph below.
BVP sales breakdown France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Similarly, we can analyze market share by type of pastry.
Market share by volume of best-selling industrial pastries France, ****, in Source: ****
2 Demand analysis
2.1 The French are major consumers of bakery products
Bakeries and patisseries are a key French savoir-faire. Baguettes are recognized internationally as part of France's heritage.
According to the IFOP survey below, the French are particularly proud of the French know-how and culture of the baguette, especially those who buy their baguettes from an independent artisan baker (***).
French pride in baguettes France, ****, in Source: ****
Following on from this, in ****,UNESCO recognized the baguette as part of its Intangible Heritage of Humanity, reinforcing the sense of pride felt by the French population, as shown in the graph below.
UNESCO recognition of the baguette as intangible heritage France, ****, in Source: ****
In France, as shown in the graph below, people tend to be very attached to buying their bread from an independent artisan baker at nearly **%, followed by the hypermarket-supermarket at just **%.
When you choose to buy your bread from an independent artisan baker, what are the two main reasons? France, ****, in Source: ****
This desire tobuy bread from an independent artisan baker is correlated in particular with the main reasons why they buy this bread, namely : for its superior quality (***) or to defend the tradition of real French bakers, cited by nearly **% of French people.
When you choose to buy your bread from ...
2.2 Bakeries at the heart of French people's daily lives
Below is an analysis of trends in French bread consumption. Almost */* of French people have reduced their bread consumption compared to five years ago.
French bread consumption trends France, , in %
As for the frequency of pastry purchases, particularly in bakeries and pastry shops, almost **% of French people say they eat pastries at least once a month, a downward trend of * points compared to ****.
Frequency of pastry purchases France, ****, in Source: ****
Bread is most often eaten at lunchtime (***).
Bread consumption times France, ****, in Source: ****
As mentioned above, the French are very attached to bread. In the graph below, we can analyze the breads preferred by the French. We can see that the classic baguette is France's favorite bread.
French people's favorite breads France, ****, % of total Source: ****
We're seeing a rise in the number of meals eaten in bakeries. In ****, almost **% of French people will dine in a bakery, compared with just *% in ****.
2.3 Persona of the bread consumer
Let's take a look at the persona of the French bread consumer.
The graph below shows that bread consumption among **-** year-olds is constantly falling, while bread consumption among **-** and **-** year-olds is constantly rising.
Bread consumption trends France, ****, in Source: ****
Consumption by SPC
According to FEB, bread consumption is highly dependent on CSP. Three consumption profiles can be drawn according to CSP, and which types of bread are over-represented in the diet of people from this CSP:
Managers: boule or pavé, pita, bagel, focaccia, burger bread, tortilla, panini Employees : burger bread, wrap, ciabatta, kebab bread, panini Workers : sandwich bread, burger bread, kebab bread
Managers eat more non-traditional breads, while workers eat breads associated with low-cost meals.
2.4 French preferences
Below, we take a closer look at French bread preferences.
French bread preferences France, ****, % of total Source: ****
Furthermore, according to the QualiQuanti study, we can draw up a top * list of French baguettes:
The Baguette Tradition Classic Baguette The cereal baguette
Similarly, a top * for special breads:
Wholemeal bread Country bread Grain bread
2.5 Focus on bread consumption
Let's take a closer look at French pastry consumption.
First, let's look at France's favorite pastries. In ****, fruit tarts (***), strawberry tarts and éclairs / religieuses will be the most popular desserts, followed a little further down the list by mille-feuille, traditional flan and Paris Brest.
France's favorite pastries France, ****, in Source: ****
On the basis of a single portion, the French are prepared to spend an average of between * and * euros. On average, they spend *.** euros on a pastry.
The maximum amount for your favorite pastry France, ****, in Source: ****
For the French, patisserie is also a fun activity. It allows them to enjoy moments of conviviality with their loved ones.
Opinions on the practice of patisserie France, ****, in Source: ****
When they buy a pastry, nearly **% of French people think it's important that it's made with seasonal products, but also that it's made with local's also important that it's made with French products, and that it's as light as possible.
Important criteria when choosing pastries France, ****, in Source: ****
3 Market structure
3.1 Bakery value chain
Below is an analysis of the bakery-pastry value chain.
What's more, we're witnessing a new style of bakery: " neo-bakeries". These are a more structured network of bakeries and patisseries. They have fewer independents, and are organized into networks. These regional networks, such as Feuillette, Mariette and Marie Blachere, now account for **% of the market's value, with around *% of the number of outlets. [***]
3.2 The number of bakeries is falling, but the sector continues to recruit
The number of bakeries and bakery-pastry shops (***) has been declining since the early ****s. In fact, France now has just***** bakeries and patisseries in ****, down from ***** in ****. However, the number of employees has continued to rise, testifying to the continuing attractiveness of this profession, with many apprentices in particular: there were***,*** employees in **** versus ***,*** in ****.
Number of bakeries
Geographical distribution of activity
The regions with the highest concentration of bakeries and boulangeries-pâtisseries are Île de France (***).
Geographical distribution of bakeries and pastry shops France, **** Source: ****
By cross-referencing these data with the population of each region, we can get an idea of the competitive intensity within each region:
Hauts-de-France and Ile-de-France are the regions with the fewest bakeries/pastry shops per inhabitant. It is important to note, however, that in Ile-de-Frances, there are marked disparities between the Paris region and the outer suburbs.
What's more, bakeries are almost equally distributed between urban (***) areas.
Location of bakeries France, ****, in Source: ****
3.3 The bakery profitability model
Below, we can analyze the formation of prices and margins for a bakery.
First, we can see the contribution of raw materials to the sales of an industrial bakery on the graph below.
Share of raw materials in industrial bakery sales France, ****, in Source: ****
In addition, let's take a look at the various expenses to which a bakery is subject.
Expenses for a bakery account France, ****, in % Source: AgriMer Source: ****
Finally, let's look at the products that make up a bakery-patisserie's profits.
Income from a bakery-pastry account France, ****, in % Source: France AgriMer Source: ****
Thanks to data provided by Insee, we can study the sector's average profitability. The bakery-pastry sector is relatively unprofitable, with an operating income rate of around *%.
Source: ****
The financial performance of bakeries and patisseries varies according to a number of factors specific to each outlet. Pedestrian traffic, geographical location, the diversity and renewal of the offer, as well as sales promotions, all play a key role.
3.4 Bakers' competitors
3.5 The bakery trade
Let's take a look at the bakery profession.
On the graph below, we can analyze the main perceived advantages of the bakery profession.
Perceived benefits of the bakery profession France, ****, in Source: ****
The three main disadvantages are: long, staggered working hours, a heavy workload, and the fact that pay is more variable than in other professions.
Disadvantages of the bakery profession France, ****, in Source: ****
What's more, parents are increasingly inclined to encourage their children to study to become bakers.
In ****, **% did so, while in ****, **% will.
Propensity to encourage their child to become a baker France, ****, in Source: ****
4 Offer analysis
4.1 The different types of products
Bakeries and patisseries have a very broad offer, which can be broken down into several formats: bakery/patisserie (***), bakery-only and bakery/viennoiserie. Bakery/pastry accounts for the bulk of the offer, with **% of the market value in ****, while bakery/viennoiserie and bakery-only represent *% and **% respectively.
Breakdown of different value propositions France, ****, % of total Source: ****
Bread is, of course, the main item on the bakery offer. While the most representative are baguettes and traditional breads, there are many other types of bread sold in bakeries. Standard breads (***). [***]
Viennese pastry products
These are bakery products whose production technique is similar to that of bread, but whose ingredients are fatter and sweeter (***). They are made from leavened or flaky dough. The most common viennoiseries are croissants and pains au chocolat, which account for **% and **% of viennoiserie sales by volume respectively. [***]
Pastry products
Patisserie products are cakes and sweet preparations that are most often eaten as desserts. Patisserie products can be sold in individual portions (***). The most common ingredients used are sugar, egg, flour or milk. Patisserie has enjoyed a revival in recent years, with the emergence of star pastry chefs such as Pierre Hermé and Cyril Lignac creating a veritable craze for these ...
4.2 Rising prices for bread and other bakery products
Inflation remains a major concern for bakery and patisserie managers in France in ****.
Top * concerns of bakery and patisserie managers France, ****, in Source: ****
The production price of bakery products (***) has been rising steadily for almost ** years. In fact, at base *** in ****, the producer price index for bakery products reached over *** in ****. [***]
Producer price index for bread, pastries and viennoiserie France, ****-****, base ***=**** Source: ****
Bread prices
The price of bread is often tracked and used in France to demonstrate the rising cost of daily living and inflation. Indeed, if we look at the consumer price index data for bread provided by INSEE, we see that the index reached ***.** in **** (***). [***]
Bread consumer price index France, ****-****, base *** = **** Source: ****
Bread prices in bakeries have been on the rise since ****. In fact, the graph below shows an increase in the proportion of bakeries charging more than €*.** for bread.
Trend in the proportion of bakeries charging more than €*.** France, ****-****, in Source: ****
Other bakery products
The price of other bakery products has followed a similar pattern to that of bread, with a sharp increase over the last twenty years. With a base of *** in ****, the consumer price index for other bakery products reached ***.* in ****. [***]
Consumer price ...
4.3 Expanding the offering
Bakery catering
The consumption of bakery products is becoming increasingly frequent at lunchtime, and to cater for this, bakeries are now offering an ever-expanding range of sandwiches, as well as bakery catering formulas. Many are also creating on-site catering areas to complement takeaway sales. [***]
Bakeries can draw on the many competitive advantages of this new catering offer: fast, convenient and often less expensive. In fact, the average bill for a bakery meal is €*.**, compared with €*.** for a conventional restaurant. [***]
To meet new customer expectations, bakeries and patisseries are offering an increasingly wide range of savoury products:
Percentage of bakeries and patisseries offering different types of products France, ****, % (***) Source: ****
Organic products
The French are moving towards organic consumption, particularly for organic bread, which gained * points between **** and ****.
Which organic products do you consume? France, ****, % of total Source: ****
Consumers are buying more and more organic products through the various distribution channels listed below:
Where do you mainly buy these organic products? France, ****, % of total Source: ****
However, while this market offer is increasingly coming onto the market, it remains largely incomplete for people who consume organic products on a weekly basis.
Organic bakery offer for weekly organic consumers France, ****, in Source: ****
4.4 Upscale and luxury patisserie offerings
There are * types of patisserie in France. Pure patisseries don't have stable sales volumes, which is why they are increasingly diversifying their offerings. patisseries and chocolateries offering handmade confectionery and chocolates generally do well during the festive season. catering patisseries , on the other hand, have understood the importance of diversifying their offer, and now offer savoury products in addition to basic pastries. Pizzas, quiches and sandwiches tend to appeal to a wider category of customers, ensuring good sales. Last but not least, tea room pastry shops are in good shape, and more and more of them are riding the luxury pastry trend. In this section, we'll take a closer look at the latter.
The luxury patisserie segment continues to win points in the hearts of consumers, who are above all looking for originality in what they buy(***). Establishments under the brand name of a renowned patissier have truly revolutionized the sector. **% of French consumers base their purchases on the reputation of the establishment or patissier. We know that prices are much higher than those offered in supermarkets, but this doesn't seem to put off artisan-gourmet consumers.
In order to stay as close as possible to their customers, some of them have ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Commercial regulations
Each bread category displayed must be accompanied by a label at least ** cm long and at least *.* cm high, attached to the base of the rack where the bread is displayed. This sign must contain the following information:
Exact name of bread category Weight in grams for bread sold by the piece Sales price (***) Sales price by weight for loaves sold by the piece (***).
In addition, all bakeries must display a poster entitled "Bread prices", showing all the different prices of breads offered for sale, with: their precise denomination, weight, price per piece, price per kilogram.
Source: ****
5.2 The "bakery" appellation
The use of the terms "boulangerie" or "boulanger" has been regulated since the late ****s, by law no. **-*** of May **, ****, determining the legal conditions for the exercise of the profession of artisan baker.[***]
The use of the designations "boulangerie" and "boulanger" is reserved exclusively for professionals who knead their own bread. The text thus stipulates that "professionals who do not themselves knead, ferment and shape the dough from selected raw materials, as well as bake the bread at the point of sale to the end consumer, may not use the designationthe dough and loaves may not be frozen or deep-frozen at any stage of production or sale".[***]
There are therefore two conditions for the use of these designations:
All bread-making stages must take place at the point of sale to the end consumer. Breads may not be frozen or deep-frozen at any stage of production.
Penalties for infringement of these rules are a fine of up to €**,*** and/or imprisonment for up to two years
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