Summary of our market study
Total sales generated by pizza consumption in France are estimated at between 4.5 and 5 billion euros in 2023
The global pizza market is worth over 130 billion dollars. The market is dominated by Western Europe and North America, which accounted for 74% of global sales.
The French market is experiencing an annual increase in volume of around 7-8% and an increase in value of around 5%.
The number of pizza outlets in France exceeds 20,000.
consumption trends in the French pizza market
France is a pizza-consuming country, with an average individual consumption of around 10 kilograms per year, placing it just behind the USA in the world consumption rankings.
Demand for pizzas is boosted by the proliferation of online sales and home delivery services. A significant proportion of French customers (60-70%) prefer to eat out rather than at home.
The fresh pizza segment is experiencing considerable dynamic growth, with actual final consumption of fresh pizzas generating between 330 and 340 million euros, representing an increase of almost 20% since 2014.
The industrial pizza segment is dominated by major brands and traditional distributors. Buitoni has a market share of over 35%, and Sodebo holds a 50% market share in the fresh pizza category.
Sales of delivery services have grown by almost 50% in just a few years, and it is estimated that they could triple over the next four years.
Frozen industrial pizzas can be purchased from around 4 euros, while artisanal pizzas in restaurants reach average prices of between 10 and 13 euros.
Some market players
- Del Arte is an iconic Italian restaurant chain, renowned for its artisanal expertise.
- Domino's Pizza and Pizza Hutoffer a fast-food experience.
- Buitoni and Dr. Oetker are important manufacturers
- Supermarkets offer customers both frozen and refrigerated pizzas
- Sodebo dominates the fresh pizza segment
- Ekim innovates the way with "pizza robots" that prepare pizzas to order in record time.
- Adial's Pizzadoor another player.
- UberEats and Deliveroo are platforms that facilitate connections between local restaurants and customers. For both companies, pizza tops the list of the most ordered products.
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Market definition and presentation
Pizza is an Italian recipe that originated in the 16thᵉ century in the Italian city of Naples. Its history even goes back to antiquity, when Mediterranean peoples cooked flatbreads topped with olive oil, herbs and sometimes cheese. It wasn' t until Europe discovered tomatoes in the 18ᵉ century that they were incorporated into the recipe, resulting in the pizza we eat today.
France occupies an important place in the market, as it is one of the world's leading pizza consumers. On average, a French person consumes almost 10kg of pizza a year.
As mentioned above, pizza is originally made from bread dough topped with various ingredients (tomato sauce, cheeses, olives, olive oil, for example) and baked in the oven. Production can be artisanal, semi-industrial or industrial, and is distributed through a variety of channels.
The main distribution channels are
- italian restaurants and pizzerias
- non-Italian restaurants
- supermarkets
- takeaway sales
- trucks and vending machines
According to CasaPizza, there are an estimated 21,000 outlets selling pizzas in France.
Changing consumer habits have played a decisive role in the dynamism of the market and its distribution channels. Digitalization, with the development of delivery platforms such as Uber Eats, Deliveroo or Just Eat, has profoundly changed the way the French consume pizza. As a result, more and more restaurants and pizzeria chains have developed these practices and set up tools to facilitate online ordering and delivery. Pizza isthe most popular savoury snack, with 44% of French people ordering it. What's more, the appearance of pizza vending machines in traditional distribution channels is a way of responding to growing consumer demand for fast, convenient solutions.
Thegrowth of franchises is another indicator of the evolution of the French pizza market. Brands such as Domino's Pizza, Pizza Hut and Del Arte have increasingly taken their place alongside independent pizzerias in the pizza market. They offer very attractive prices and have a massive presence throughout France.
The French pizza market is therefore dynamic, and continues to grow as it strives to adapt to new consumer expectations. It relies on several growth drivers: these include the digitization of the market and therise of online sales, vending machines, innovation and differentiation, as well as the move upmarket in products, with a"premiumization" of the offer, in particular with the growing use of top-of-the-range products (truffles, for example) or the development of organic, gluten-free or vegetarian pizzas.
1.2 A global market dominated by large franchises in Europe and North America
The global pizza market :
Global pizza market World, ****-****, in billions of US dollars Source: ****
The global pizza market, which includes fast food, full-service restaurants, ***% home-delivered pizzas and takeaway pizzas, was worth $*** billion in ****, and is forecast to grow to $*** billion in ****.
The health crisis and various confinements account for a significant drop in ****, but the market resumed its substantial growth in subsequent years, fueled in particular by the availability of online ordering.
Growth was observed between **** and ****, which can be explained by increasing urbanization and the population's rising disposable income. The market is expected to grow again at a sustained pace in the future, thanks in part to the development of emerging countries and in part to the market's move upmarketthis is particularly true in Europe, with the introduction of organic ingredients, as well as the boom in home delivery, as mentioned above, which represents a significant growth driver.
Worldwide breakdown :
Breakdown of the global pizza market by region World, ****, in billions of US dollars Source: ****
The global pizza market is mainly concentrated in Western Europe and North America. In fact, pizza sales in Western Europe reached $**.* billion in ****, representing **% of global sales value. In North America, $**.* billion worth of ...
1.3. The national pizza market
In ****, nearly *.* billion pizzas were sold in France. What's more, the average price of a pizza is estimated at around **.** euros [***]Thus, we can determine the size of the pizza market in France to be: *.****.**= **.** billion euros.
The size of the pizza market in France is therefore worth around **.** billion euros for outlets such as Italian restaurants and pizza kiosks.
Pizza market size in France France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Ready-made meals
This new trend in ready-to-eat meals is booming, combining speed and convenience, saving consumers time and providing them with a variety of meals. Pizzas fall into this category . The sales figures for frozen food retailing are shown below .
sales trends in frozen food retailing France, ****-****, value index based on *** in **** Source: ****
In France, pizzas account for almost **% of the structure of French ready-made meal production, as shown below.
Structure of French ready-made meal production France, ****, in % of total value Source: ****
Frozen pizzas
Between **** and ****, sales of frozen pizzas will increase by +**.*% in value and +*.*% in volume.
Below is an analysis of sales trends for frozen prepared meals in supermarkets, by product. Pizza is the second most popular foodstuff in supermarkets, after potatoes.
Trend in supermarket sales by ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 French eating habits
Pizza occupies a very important place in the stomachs of the French.
In fact, as the graph below shows , pizza is France' s number one favorite snack food:
Savoury snack foods preferred by the French France, ****, in Source: ****
According to the graph below, pizza remains by far the French's number-one favorite snack, with almost **% of heavy users.
What's more, there's been a meteoric rise in the number of heavy users since ****, as shown in the graph below.
Growth in the number of heavy pizza users France, ****, in Source: ****
French pizza tastes and preferences
The French like different types of pizza, but particularly pizzas with cheese, such as *-cheese pizzas, Savoyard pizzas and Regina pizzas.
Preferred pizzas France, ****, % of total Source: ****
In addition, classic Italian pizzas are loved by almost **% of French people, according to the OpinionWay survey.
However, some pizzas and ingredients remain controversial, such as pineapple on pizzas, and are the subject of much debate.
French opinion on pineapple on pizza France, ****, in Source: ****
In addition, the toppings preferred by the French differ and can be found below:
French people's favorite pizza toppings France, ****, in number of searches Source: ****
An analysis of the number of monthly searches made in France ...
2.2 Sociological analysis of pizza consumers
We note that pizza consumers remain classified according to their generation and therefore their food consumption habits.
For **-** year-olds, pizza remains their favorite dish:
Ranking of dishes for **-** year-olds France, ****, in Source: ****
However, this tendency to love pizza tends to decline with age, as the graph below shows:
Pizza ranking by age France, ****, in Source: ****
We can therefore observe that older populations eat less pizza than their younger counterparts, as they have been less accustomed to this dietary trend in particular.
Let's analyse whether there is a gendered difference in pizza consumption and appetite:
Gendered pizza consumption? France, ****, in Source: ****
Pizza is virtually universal in the sense that it makes no gender distinction.
Let's also look at the socio-economic category of French pizza lovers:
We can see that level of education has an impact on taste for pizza.
Sociological analysis of pizza consumers France, ****, in Source: ****
In fact, on average, people with no qualifications consume less than **% of pizzas than those with a Bac +*, for example.
2.3 Demand drivers: quality as the first choice criterion
Let's take a look at how pizzas are eaten.
Pizza: the best place to eat in all contexts
Pizzerias are the favorite savory snacking place for the French, as shown in the graph below:
French people's favorite savory snacking places France, ****, % of total Source: ****
When faced with a choice, consumers will prefer bakeries, followed by pizzerias (***).
Let's also take a look at consumer choices in France's favorite savory snack foods:
Delivered snack foods preferred by the French French, ****, in Source: ****
Similarly, in the canteen, pizza remains one of France's favorite dishes, just behind steak frites, as shown by the IFOP canteen survey.
Pizza: a dish that brings people together
Pizza is a dish that is usually eaten at convivial moments. It is often eaten with family, friends or on vacation, as the survey below shows.
The occasions envisaged for eating pizza France, ****, in Source: ****
As the graph above shows, pizzas can be associated with sporting events. For example, during Euro ****, we were able to record peaks in pizza sales. Each peak corresponds to a match day for France.
Pizza sales peaks on match days for France during Euro **** France, ****, in volume index vs. median volume in **** Source: ****
More than * out of ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Pizza market organization
The structure of the pizza market in France is shown below:
Source: ****
Production that differs according to the type of player
Pizza production differs according to the type of player.
Restaurants and pizzerias such as Del Arte or BigMamma often offer products prepared on site, using fresh ingredients. Baking is sometimes done in full view of the customer, using a wood-fired, gas or electric pizza oven. Fast-food restaurants, such as Domino's Pizza or Pizza Hut, which mainly offer pizzas for delivery or takeaway, use a semi-industrial production method. The dough used is produced in a factory, then the pizzas are prepared on site. In the case of supermarkets, pizzas are produced industrially and then deep-frozen or refrigerated.
However, a number of players are emerging with a business model based on a different type of production:
The French start-up Ekim, which has developed "pizza robots", offers a different kind of product, with pizzas made quickly (***) that are neither frozen nor reheated, and are marketed in a different way.the pizzas are neither frozen nor reheated, and are sold in outlets open ** hours a day, such as train stations, airports and shopping malls. [***]
While production methods vary widely from one player to another, ...
3.2 The different distribution channels
The pizza market is divided as follows:
Breakdown of the pizza market in France France, ****, in Source: ****
Pizzas can therefore be sold through a variety of channels, divided into * main categories: specialist restaurants (***), institutional catering, trucks, pure-play delivery companies and vending machines.
The rise of vending machines
Although vending machines are still in the minority, they are developing rapidly. France is the leading market for automatic pizza dispensers, with the largest number of machines in operation. Adial is one of the leading companies in this sector, with its "Pizzadoor". by **% compared with ****, for a total of *,*** dispensers installed by this brand, with the market doubling in **** to €***,*** that year, for **,*** pizzas sold[***].
The rise of home delivery
In addition, the pizza and home delivery markets are strongly correlated: in ****, and for several years now, pizzas were the most ordered dish in France, as mentioned above, with **% of purchasers ordering pizzas, ahead of burgers and sushi.
Meal delivery sales and market share in commercial foodservice France, **** - ****, in billions of euros and as a percentage Source: ****
3.3 The industrial pizza segment
Leading brands and traditional distributors in the industrial pizza segment have their pizzas made in large production units in France. These sites are supplied with raw materials every day: cheese from Holland or Germany, potatoes, tomatoes and meat of French or European origin fill the production lines run by employees. According to France TV Info, in ****, a plant with * production lines and *** employees is capable of producing **,*** pizzas a day:
The dough is first made using flour, water and oil in large vats that mix these ingredients. The dough is then processed, before resting for around thirty minutes in a swing and being flattened for topping. The production line then automatically places the tomato sauce on the dough base. Additional ingredients, such as olives or ham, are often added by hand.
On these production lines, preparation constraints are rigorous: production follows very precise specifications given by the major chains, which detail the recipe right down to the weight of each ingredient used to prepare the pizza. These producers generally generate a very low margin in relation to their production costs. These sites can sometimes offer similar preparation stages to artisanal pizzerias, such as wood-fired baking, before being packaged or frozen at ...
3.4 The Italian restaurant and pizzeria segment
Let's take a look at the pizzeria and Italian restaurant segment. Below, we can see the average sales of pizzerias according to whether they are franchised or independent.
Average pizzeria sales by business model France, ****, in thousands of euros Source: ****
According to Toute la Franchise, the pizza market is dominated, in terms of number of units, by independents, who account for **% of the more than **,*** pizzerias in France. Franchised pizzerias account for just **% of the total, yet it's pizzeria franchises that are driving the sector's growth.
a number of factors explain this discrepancy, the main ones being : Brand awareness: Large networks generally benefit from advantageous locations (***), and the reputation of one restaurant benefits the whole network, creating a cumulative effect conducive to the development of a brand image. Standardized processes : The standardization of ingredients, portion sizes, recipes and prices from one restaurant to the next all contribute to the sense of security generated by these brands, which offer an unchanging product range. Higher margins: This standardization of recipes also boosts margins through economies of scale. Indeed, higher order volumes enable us to offer attractive prices. Each ingredient is calibrated to optimize profitability. Sophisticated marketing operations: because of their considerable financial resources, ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Product typology
While the common denominator in all pizza offerings is a dough covered with ingredients and baked in an oven, there are many different types of pizza, distinguished by a number of factors, the main ones being
production method: industrial (***), semi-industrial or artisanal pizzas cut : whole pizza, triangular slice, rectangular slice, square slice ingredients: tomato sauce, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, ham, peppers, pineapple, chorizo, etc.
Certain recipes can be found in a large number of pizza distributors, including the following:
margherita: tomato, mozzarella, olive oil and basil the Queen: tomato, mozzarella, mushrooms and ham four-cheese: mozzarella and * other cheeses calzone: pizza turnover containing mozzarella, ham, tomato, mushroom and sometimes egg hawaïenne: tomato, mozzarella, ham, pineapple savoyarde: potatoes, cream, bacon, cheese
Sweet pizzas, particularly chocolate pizzas, are also on the rise.
However, it should be noted that there is a real diversification in the range of pizzas on offer, with a real diversity in the toppings chosen.
4.2 Average prices on the rise but vary according to distribution channel and location
The prices of pizzas vary according to the different distribution channels: here's a table summarizing the different prices. obviously, prices tend to vary according to the toppings used on the pizzas. What's more, pizza products are moving upmarket, which means higher prices.
Average pizza price by distribution channel
Pizza sales volumes have grown strongly, by +**.*% since **** and +*.*% compared to ****.
However, it is important to note that while volumes are increasing, this is not the case in all distribution channels. In fact, there have been shifts between the various pizza distribution channels, to the benefit of the most affordable ones. In ****, *.** billion units were sold.
The average price recorded by the Pizza Index was €**.**, compared with €**.** in ****.
Pizza price indices by distribution channel France, ****, in euros Source: ****
Consumer price indices are also on the rise, as inflation rates continue to rise in France.
Consumer price index for pizzas, quiches and cereal-based ready meals (***) France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****
Inflation and its impact on prices
Pizza remains a favorite among the French. nearly *.* billion pizzas were eaten by French consumers in ****, a figure **% up on **** and above all *% up on ****, the last reference year before the health crisis. However, this high inflation has ...
4.3 Supply trends and development avenues
The market's move upmarket
The popularity of pizza and the market's recovery in value can be explained in part by the move upmarket, which is a significant growth driver. Pizzas now include high-quality ingredients (***), as well as pizza customization[***]
Generally speaking, consumers are increasingly demanding fresh, healthy, quality products. This trend concerns the snacking market as a whole, which also includes burgers and sandwiches, so that the "luxury snacking" sector is developing rapidly. As an example, to meet this growing demand, La Boîte à pizza has developed an operation called "la pizza des grands chefs" in ****, thanks to which star chefs come up with new products. [***]
This trend is in line with the expectations of consumers, who are increasingly choosing their pizza based on qualitative criteria.
Trends in consumer expectations France, ****, in Source: ****
For decades, pizza has attracted entrepreneurs and consumers alike thanks to its very low cost. Today, pizzerias with a premium marketing positioning will consequently bank on very high sales volumes to compensate for the lower margins linked to theuse of quality or local products.
Digitalization of the market
Faced with the growth of online ordering, the Internet's place in consumer habits, and the influence of digital tools and ...
5 Regulations
5.1 An industrial segment subject to strict food hygiene regulations
In France, food hygiene is governed by a number of national and European regulations .
They apply to all establishments handling foodstuffs, including pizzerias. These rules are designed to guarantee food safety, prevent the risk of contamination and protect consumer health.
The Hygiene Package - European regulations
The Hygiene Package is a European regulation. It applies to theentire agri-food chain, from primary animal and plant production, through the agri-food industry, the food trade and transport, right up to distribution to the end consumer. This legislation has its origins in the Commission's White Paper on food safety, drawn up after a succession of food crises. This hygiene legislation came into force on January *ᵉʳ, ****.
It includes:
Regulation (***) n°***/****: This regulation establishes the general principles and requirements of European food legislation. It lays the foundations for traceability and requires that food placed on the market is safe. Regulation (***) n°***/****: This text sets out the general rules governing food hygiene for all operators. It imposes the obligation to ensure irreproachable cleanliness of premises, equipment and foodstuffs themselves. Regulation (***). Establishments such as pizzerias, which use cheese and charcuterie, must comply with these specific requirements to guarantee the quality of ingredients.
Traceability and self-control obligations
Traceability : Any professional ...
5.2 Regulations for setting up a pizzeria / food truck
While no specific qualifications or diplomas are required to open a pizzeria, it is essential to obtain a restaurant license, as well as a liquor license if alcoholic beverages are sold. The small restaurant license allows you to sell drinks with an alcohol content of less than **° (***), only on the premises during meals. The licence restaurant, on the other hand, authorizes the sale of alcoholic beverages of any category for consumption on the premises. At least one member of the restaurant staff must have received training in food hygiene.
Theuse of wood-fired ovens in pizzerias is also regulated. The decree of September **, **** specifies that "the system for evacuating combustion products must comply with the requirements of standard NF DTU **-* of februaryvrier ****", and gives figures for the maximum temperature inside the oven, and the distance between combustible materials and the oven face.
In the case of pizzas sold by food trucks, the vendor is required to hold a "carte de commerçant ambulant" issued by the relevant "Centre de formalité des entreprises". Legalstart then describes a number of different scenarios:
For installation on a private road, the amount of duty to be paid is decided by the owner of the land; In ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Del Arte (Groupe Le Duff)
- Pizza Paï (Agapes Restauration)
- Sodebo
- Big Mamma
- Domino's Pizza
- Pizza Hut France
- Magna
- Cerelia Groupe
- Dr Oetker
- Marie (LDC Groupe)
- Caesars Pizza
- Five pizza
- Api Tech (Mentor Groupe)
- Südzucker
- Pizza City
- Buitoni (Italpizza Group)
- Buitoni (Italpizza Group)
- Kioske à Pizza
- Speed Rabbit Pizza
- Tablapizza (Groupe Le Duff)
- Le Kiosque à Pizza
- La Boîte à Pizza
- Basilic & Co
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