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- Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts
1 Market Overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
In Italy, pizza represents more than just a dish: it is a symbol of the country's culinary culture and tradition, an element of national pride that has spread throughout the world, adapting to different tastes and styles. However, despite its many international variations, Italy remains the cradle of authentic pizza, with unparalleled diversity and quality. The Italian pizza-making tradition is expressed through a rich variety of doughs, sizes, formats and baking techniques, each with its own specificities and roots in different regions of the country. The segment of frozen pizzas and ready-to-use doughs is booming. The productors of frozen pizzas have invested significantly in research and development to offer products that come as close as possible to the quality of a pizza made in a pizzeria. This includes using high-quality ingredients, adopting slow rising techniques for the dough, and using wood-fired or stone ovens for baking prior to freezing to maintain the authentic taste and desired texture.
In 2023 the global pizza market reached a total value of 148.6 billion dollars. In the medium to long term, the industry is expected to grow. For the 2023-2032 the market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.45 percent by virtue of which it could reach a total value at the end of the period of 219.9 billion dollars.As for the frozen pizza segment, the world market is estimated at $17.6 billion in 2023. Again, the segment is expected to grow. For the period 2023-2032, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) higher than that of the general market and equal to 5.3 percent is projected. By the end of the period, the global frozen pizza market could reach a total value of $28 billion.
This study focuses on the specific pizza market in Italy, analyzing consumption trends, competitive dynamics and growth prospects for the sector. For information on related markets, see the specific studies available in the Businesscoot catalog.
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