Summary of our market study

In France, despite the maturity of the market, sales of bottled water grew by 3.5%, reaching 2.5 billion euros in 2023.

The global bottled water market is growing at an annual rate of 7%, and is estimated to be worth $349 billion.

French drinking habits show a strong preference for still water. The market is growing at an annual rate of around 1.5%.

A noticeable shift towards healthier choices is propelling the expansion of the flavored water segment, which is growing strongly by around 14% to 15% and is tending to replace sugary sodas.

Innovations are appearing to make bottles more environmentally friendly, such as 100% recycled PET.

France has a strong trade surplus in bottled water. The coverage rate is between 145% and 150%.

Tap water is 300 times less expensive and the leading competitor to bottled water.

The main bottled water brands on the French market

  • Danone Eau: Evian, Volvic brands.
  • Nestlé Waters France: Perrier and Vittel brands.
  • Neptune (Groupe Alma): Cristaline brand, market leader.
  • Ogeu: regional brand
  • L'eau de Treignac: One of many small regional players
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
  • Last update :

Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1. Market overview and definition

In France, bottled water activities include still water (spring water, mineral water and water made drinkable by treatment), sparkling water and flavored water.

The global market is enjoying sustained growth , with an estimated annual growth rate of 5.9% between 2022 and 2030. Bottled water sales are highest in China. In France, the table water market grew by 22.27% between 2015 and 2023, making it a dynamic market. What's more, France is well positioned in terms of trade, with a very large trade surplus.

The French bottled water market is concentrated around historic leaders of international stature such as Danone Eaux France, Nestlé Waters France and Neptune (a subsidiary of the Alma group), whose Cristaline brand is the market leader. Most bottled water is distributed via hypermarkets and supermarkets.

These players face two major obstacles: theecological argument and the price argument. Without recycling, bottled water has a considerable environmental footprint due to its plastic container. As a result, market players have to contend with increased competition from tap water, which is both more ecologically responsible and much more economical.

The scandal surrounding the illegal purification of bottled water is causing a stir in the market, putting the various production groups in an awkward position with consumers who may turn their backs on bottled water and opt for tap water instead.

1.2. growing global consumption

The size of the global bottled water market is estimated at $***.** billion in ****. This market is dynamic and evolving positively, and should continue to grow over the next few years, with an annual growth rate of *. *% between **** and ****.

Evolution of the size of the global bottled water market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

The evolution of the size of the global bottled water market between **** and **** shows a steady growth trend in sales, from $***.** billion in **** to an estimated $***.** billion in ****. This steady growth reflects sustained demand for bottled water worldwide.

Bottled water consumption, by country World, ****-****, in millions of gallons Source: ****

China leads the way with an increasing share of consumption, rising from **% in **** to **% in ****, underlining growing demand in this densely populated country. The USA also retains an important place in terms of bottled water consumption, albeit slightly less than China, with an increase from **% to **% over the period studied. India is also emerging as a major consumer country, with consumption rising sharply from *% to **% by ****, reflecting significant growth in demand in this developing country.

1.3. A growing French market

Table water industry sales trend France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

Sales growth in the table water industry in France, from **** to ****, shows a positive trend, with a **.**% increase in sales over this period.

After a slight drop in ****, sales fluctuated until ****, before declining again in ****. Sales increase again in ****, followed by a sharp rise in **** and ****, with sales reaching *.*** billion euros, marking significant growth compared to previous years.

Percentage of French people consuming bottled water France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

The trend in the percentage of French people consuming bottled water between **** and **** shows a certain stability, with relatively limited variations over the years, with the proportion of consumers fluctuating between **% and **% over this period. The rest of the population opts for tap water.

Market share of bottled water sales by value France, ****, % sales Source: ****

Market share of bottled water sales by value in France in **** shows a predominance of plain still waters, accounting for **.*% of the market, followed by plain sparkling waters at **%.

Flavored sparkling waters and flavored still waters, although less important in terms of market share, also contribute significantly, with *.*% and *.*% respectively. This breakdown highlights the diversity of consumer preferences, with strong demand for plain still waters, ...

1.4 Foreign trade in bottled water

Balance of trade for the bottled water market France, ****-****, in millions of dollars Source: ****

Over the period ****-****, the value of exports fell by *.**% from $***.* million in **** to $***.* million in **** .

Imports have also fallen slightly, from $***.* million in **** to $***.* million in ****.

Despite this decrease in trade, the coverage ratio is still well over ***, suggesting that the balance of trade in the French bottled water market is in surplus, and therefore that the value of exports exceeds the value of imports.

France's main customers France, ****, in millions of dollars Source: ****

Belgium is France's main customer in this market, with exports worth $***.* million. Germany and the United States follow close behind, with export values of $***.* million and $*** million respectively. The UK and Switzerland complete the list of major customers, although their imports of French products in this field are relatively less significant, with values of $**.* million and $**.* million respectively.

These figures underline the importance of trade partnerships between France and its European neighbors, as well as with the USA, in the bottled water sector. This breakdown of exports to different countries highlights the diversification of target markets for the French bottled water industry, contributing to its resilience and competitiveness on the international ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1. Water consumer preferences

Different types of water consumption France, ****, %, % Source : CIEAU In France in ****, the different types of water consumption reveal a marked preference for mixed water consumption, with **% of respondents declaring that they consume both tap and bottled water. The proportion of daily tap water drinkers(***). This variability in consumption preferences may be influenced by several factors, including confidence in the quality of tap water, environmental concerns linked to the use of plastic bottles, as well as individual habits and taste preferences.

Annual consumption of packaged water per capita France, ****-****, in L Source: ****

The figures show increasing per capita consumption over this period, rising from ***.* liters in **** to a peak of ***.* liters in ****, before declining slightly to ***.* liters in ****. Overall, annual per capita consumption of bottled water in France remains close to *** liters over the various years.

Market share of bottled water sales by volume France, ****, % sales Source: ****

The market share of volume sales of bottled water in France in **** highlights the predominance of still waters, representing a significant **.*% share. Plain sparkling waters follow with a market share of **. *%, while flavored sparkling waters and flavored still waters are less popular, totaling *.*% and *.*% respectively.

These data reveal a marked preference among French consumers ...

2.2 Focus on the consumption and purchase of bottled still water

Plain waters account for a significant proportion of volume sales of bottled waters, with a market share of **.*% (***).

Breakdown of still water spending by age group and family situation France, ****, in Source: ****

The breakdown of still water spending by age group and family situation in France in **** reveals some significant trends. People in their seventies and over represent the group with the highest share of expenditure, totalling **.*%, followed by families with a baby at **.*%. Families with a teenager/young adult and those in their forties also have relatively high spending shares, at **. *% and **.*% respectively.

Breakdown of still water expenditure by socio-professional category France, ****, % of total Source: ****

Lower-middle class households account for the largest share of expenditure, at **.*%, followed by upper-middle class households at **.*%.

Modest and affluent households have relatively lower spending shares, at **.*% and **.*% respectively. These data underline the impact of socio-economic status on still water consumption habits, with a prevalence of consumption in the middle- to upper-income segments.

Breakdown of still water expenditure by region France, ****, % of total Source : LSA The Paris region stands out as the region with the highest share of expenditure, accounting for **.*%, suggesting a high demand for still water in this densely populated area. The West ...

2.3. French people increasingly sensitive to innovation and ecology

Replacing sodas, the French are turning to flavored waters to quench their thirst. This market is therefore experiencing strong growth, with sales up **% in volume and **.*% in value, in rolling annual growth to May **, ****. Sparkling waters are the fastest-growing in volume terms, but account for a smaller proportion than flat flavored waters. This demand is set to increase with consumers' search for naturalness. [***]

In addition, the growing ecological awareness of the French is likely to have an impact on the bottled water market. While this may initially turn consumers away from tap water, it should also encourage them to look for recycled plastic bottles. * out of ** French people are also in favor of a deposit system for plastic bottles. This measure would make it possible to reuse bottles instead of throwing them into nature, but seems difficult to implement. [***]

The recycling rate for plastic packaging rose from **.*% in ****, to **.*% in ****. This is low compared to the EU **, whose recycling rate is almost **%. However, the growth of this habit among consumers can be observed markedly over the long term and marks the growing interest of the French in recycling. These new consumer habits are an important vector of change for the ...

2.4 France's favourite bottled water brands

France's favorite still water brands France, March ****, in Source: ****

Cristaline emerges as the most popular brand, closely followed by Evian and Volvic. All three brands enjoy strong popularity among French consumers, with high approval ratings ranging from **.*% to **.*%.

France's favorite sparkling water brands France, March ****, in Source: ****

Perrier stands out as the most popular brand, followed by San Pellegrino and St Yorre. These three brands enjoy relatively high popularity, with approval percentages ranging from **.*% to **.*%. However, sparkling water brands are less popular than still water brands.

Comparison of the level of appreciation of X bottled water brands according to gender France, March ****, in Source: Opinionway Marque préférée des Français survey conducted in March **** - Base: representative sample of *,*** French Internet users aged ** and over Overall, women show a slightly higher level of appreciation than men for three of the four brands studied, namely Cristaline, Evian and Volvic. Men, on the other hand, show a slightly higher preference for the Perrier brand. These variations in appreciation levels between genders could be influenced by a combination of factors, such as differences in taste perception, consumption habits, individual preferences and even marketing strategies targeted specifically at each gender.

2.5 Demand boosted by repeated heatwaves

Recurrent heatwaves have an impact on the bottled water market. Heatwaves, which are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change, have a direct effect on water consumption habits in France.

Number of heatwave days per **-year period France, ****-****, in number of days Source: ****

Analysis of the number of heatwave days per **-year period in France from **** to **** reveals an alarming trend towards more frequent and repeated heatwaves. As early as ****, an increase in the number of heatwave days was observed. However, the next two periods saw a much greater increase in the number of days, with ** heatwave days between **** and ****, and *** heatwave days between **** and ****.

Between **** and ****, the number of heatwave days per **-year period increased by ***%. This significant increase underscores clear climate change and its direct impact on the frequency of heatwaves in France.

During these hot spells, demand for bottled water rises considerably, as consumers seek to cool down and stay hydrated. The summer of ****, for example, will remain etched in the memories of bottled water distributors due to the exceptional weather conditions that encouraged record demand.

Repeated heatwaves and widespread warmth led to a marked increase in sales, propelling figures to remarkable levels. Between June ...

3 Market structure

3.1. value chain

The bottled water value chain begins with underground water collection, or with surface water for water that has been treated. Spring and mineral waters are consumable as they are, and undergo little treatment (***). Disinfection is prohibited. Water that has been made drinkable by treatment, on the other hand, must be disinfected to be fit for consumption.

The water is then bottled and distributed either to the catering and food trades, or to hypermarkets and supermarkets (***).

3.2 Number of companies and number of employees

Growth in the number of establishments registered under activity ****A "Table water industry" France, ****-****, in number of establishments Source: ****

The evolution of the number of establishments registered under activity ****A "Table water industry" in France from **** to **** shows a general stability, with a slight variation observed over this period. The number of establishments has remained relatively constant, hovering around ** to ** establishments, with a slight increase in ****, followed by a return to the **-establishment level in **** .

This stability suggests a certain maturity in the sector, where growth is not necessarily explosive, but rather maintained at a constant level. Factors influencing this stability could include steady and consistent demand for bottled water, as well as barriers to entry into the industry with players already well established in the market.

Evolution of the number of employees registered under activity ****A "Table water industry" France, ****-****, in number of employees Source: ****

The evolution of the number of employees in this market reflects a downward trend, marked by a *% decrease in the number of employees over the years. Indeed, the total number of employees fell from **** in **** to **** in ****, with annual declines observed each year over this period.

This trend can be interpreted as the ...

3.3 A highly concentrated market

Looking at the water market, we can see that it's fairly concentrated. Three groups hold more than three-quarters of the market: Neptune and Nestlé Waters, with **.*% each, and Danone, with **.*%.

Market share of leading water brands France, ****, in Source: ****

The market is divided between Danone, Nestlé and Neptune, for both still and sparkling waters. Danone and Neptune (***) are both French groups. Nestlé is a Swiss multinational.

3.4 Distribution mainly through supermarkets

Bottled water is distributed via three main channels: supermarkets for home consumption, the catering trade for consumption in bars and restaurants, and other retail outlets (***).

Market share in value of still water distribution channels France, ****, % Source: ****

The chart above highlights the dominance of large traditional retailers such as hypermarkets and supermarkets, which hold a dominant share of bottled water distribution.

Hypermarkets lead the way with **.*%, closely followed by supermarkets with **. *%. Together, these two distribution channels account for a significant share of the still water market in France.

On the other hand, online and local distribution channels, as well as specialists, play less important roles in still water distribution, although they may offer specific market niches.

3.5 A market impacted by the vagaries of the weather

The bottled water industry in France is facing increasing challenges due to the vagaries of the climate, particularly water shortages which have intensified in recent years due to drought.

According to data collected, nearly * billion liters of mineral water are drawn from France's underground aquifers every year[***]. However, since the beginning of the year, several manufacturers have been forced to reduce their withdrawals due to the alarming drop in water levels. Well-known brands such as Wattwiller, Volvic, Vittel, Perrier and Hépar have had to adjust their production, leading to stock-outs and price increases on supermarket shelves.

In May ****, Nestlé Waters had to shut down two of its boreholes in the Vosges region of France due to unfavorable weather conditions. As a result, production of Hépar water was severely impacted, representing a significant **% drop in production capacity. These shortages have had a direct impact on consumers, who are finding it hard to find certain brands of bottled water on the market.

And yet, despite companies' efforts to reduce their environmental footprint, experts are warning that water resources could become depleted in the long term. Hydrologist Emma Haziza points out that industrial withdrawals are not sufficient to recharge the water tables, ...

3.6 Illegal water purification techniques on the French market

It all began in December ****, following a report of fraud within the Source: ****

following this report from an employee at an Alma Group factory, the Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (***) launched an investigation. The investigation revealed that the company was subjecting its mineral waters to treatments that did not comply with regulations: injection of iron sulfate and industrial CO*, microfiltration below authorized thresholds, as well as the mixing of water qualified as "mineral" or "spring" with water from the network, i.e. tap water.

For years, therefore, certain waters were sold as "spring" or "natural mineral" but were treated in a non-compliant manner, despite the bans in force. A joint investigation by Le Monde and Radio France revealed that almost a third of French brands, including some belonging to Nestlé, were involved in these practices. These non-compliant treatments are mainly due to occasional bacterial or chemical contamination. Normally, spring and natural mineral waters should not be subjected to disinfection processes, as they come from preserved underground sources.

This survey reveals the widespread use of these non-compliant techniques, affecting millions of consumers who have been misinformed, or even deceived, for ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1. The different bottled waters available

The range of bottled waters available on the French market is fairly varied, with still waters, sparkling waters, flavored waters, etc. Still waters are the most widely sold in France (***).

The different still waters :

Types of water Characteristics Examples Mineral waters Underground in origin, they are bottled at their source. Natural mineral water is microbiologically sound and has a unique composition of mineral salts, stable over time. In fact, it's the only water with the health-promoting properties recognized by the French Academy of Medicine. Vittel and Evian are mineral waters. Spring waters Underground in origin, spring water is drinkable in its natural state and bottled at source. Unlike mineral waters, they are not required to have a stable mineral composition. Cristaline is a spring water. Water made drinkable by treatment Underground or surface water that can be treated in the same way as tap water, including disinfection. This category is not widely marketed in France The Smartwater brand marketed by Coca-Cola is a water made drinkable by treatment.

The different types of sparkling water : Types of water Characteristics Examples Natural sparkling water the gas comes from the very source of the water, linked to the earth's volcanic activity. Perrier and Quézac ...

4.2. Bottled water prices on the rise

Consumer price index for mineral and spring waters France, ****-****, index base *** in **** Source: ****

The consumer price index for mineral and spring waters in France, for the period **** to ****, shows significant fluctuations.

Initially set at *** in ****, the index showed slightly downward variations until ****. However, from **** onwards, an increase is observed, with the index exceeding *** for the first time (***) on the previous year

There may be several reasons for this recent rise in prices. Firstly, producers have passed on higher plastic prices to consumers, taking advantage of the market's oligopolistic structure to do so. In addition, in force since January *, ****,the EGalim law imposes limits on promotional advantages designed to reduce the selling price of a foodstuff to the consumer.[***] Lastly, companies in the sector faced increased challenges related to water supply, which could have been reflected in consumer prices.

Source: ****

There are significant price differences depending on the product category. For example, spring waters generally cost between ** and ** centimes per liter for a *-bottle pack, while mineral waters tend to cost between ** and ** centimes per liter.

4.3 Bottled water renews itself

More environmentally-friendly bottles

Since the ****s, plastic water bottles have been made entirely from PET (***), a fully recyclable material. Once sorted, crushed and melted to form granules, the bottles can be reused to make pens, clothing or other bottles.

However, the reality is quite different, as a large proportion of discarded bottles are still not recycled (***). In France, nearly ** million plastic bottles are thrown away every day. Less than half of these bottles are recycled, even though they could all be recycled. [***] The waste generated by the consumption of bottled water is therefore considerable.

Brands are tackling this problem by developing innovative packaging for their products. Vittel, for example, has launched its first ***% recycled PET ** cL bottle in ****. The plastic in consumed bottles comes entirely from recycling, creating a virtuous circle where waste becomes resources. Other brands are moving into this segment: this year, Nestlé Waters increased the proportion of recycled plastic in its ** cl and ** cl Vittel and Contrex bottles to **%, and to **% in its flavored varieties. [***]

The bottle solidarity cap, launched by Cristaline in ****, was another revolution in the water bottle market. This reduces pollution by preventing the cork from being misplaced in nature. The brand was awarded the ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Current regulations

Quality criteria

Water is subject to specific regulations(***) which distinguishes, under this term, three types of water according to their origin, their stability and the treatments to which they have been subjected:

natural mineral water ; spring water ; water made potable by treatment.

Three types of bottled water:

Water made drinkable by treatment, in accordance with current regulations, may come from underground or surface resources. It must comply with the quality criteria applicable to tap water (***) and may undergo all treatments authorized for tap water, including disinfection. They are not widely marketed in France. Under current regulations, natural mineral waters and spring waters are exclusively of underground origin and must be microbiologically sound. No disinfection treatment is permitted.

However, in order to eliminate undesirable or toxic elements of natural origin (***). The exploitation and bottling of natural mineral waters and spring waters are subject to prefectoral authorization.

Spring water, water made potable by treatment and mineral water are not subject to the same quality criteria:

Spring water and water made potable by treatment must meet the same quality criteria as water delivered to the consumer's tap. They can be consumed without risk throughout a person's life. Natural mineral water must meet specific regulatory ...

5.2 Recent regulations concerning plastic bottles

Regulators are also trying to reduce the ecological impact of plastic bottles. In line with the EGalim law and the European directive adopted in March ****, several deadlines have been set to reduce the environmental impact of plastic bottles.

The EGalim law banned the use of plastic water bottles for school catering from January *, ****. [***]

The European directive on the environmental impact of certain plastic products, passed in March ****, also sets a collection target of **% of all plastic bottles by ****.

These will have to contain at least **% recycled plastic by **** and **% by ****. What's more, by ****, caps on bottles of less than three liters will have to be attached to the bottle. These new regulations require producers to adapt their production facilities. [***]

6 Positioning the players

6. Segmentation

  • Alma Sources (Groupe Alma - Neptune) Roxane Groupe
  • Ogeu Groupe
  • Nestlé Waters
  • Cristaline
  • Abatilles Eaux Minérales d'Arcachon
  • Mont Roucous
  • Hepar (Nestlé Waters)
  • Fiji Water
  • Evian (Danone Groupe)
  • Volvic (Danone Groupe)
  • Badoit (Danone)
  • Perrier (Nestlé)
  • Contrex (Nestlé Waters)
  • Les Thermes de Vittel
  • Fiée Des Lois (Intermarché Groupe)
  • BE WTR
  • Jolival
  • Antartic
  • Eau de Treignac

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