Summary of our market study
French dietary supplements market exceeds €2.6 billion
The global dietary supplements market is estimated to be worth over $164 billion by 2022, with an annual growth rate of 8%. The United States dominates the market.
Trends in the French dietary supplements market
Over the past few years, the market has shifted. French consumers recognize dietary supplements for their many health benefits, particularly in remedying dietary deficiencies. Women over 35 are the main consumers.
One notable trend is the growth of probiotics and organic supplements. The probiotic supplements segment is valued at over 220 million euros in France.
France's aging population is driving demand.
The production and distribution of dietary supplements in France involves a multitude of players, from ingredient suppliers to dietary supplement manufacturers.
The market is made up of multi-skilled specialists, consulting specialists, major nutrition and cosmetics groups, and pharmaceutical laboratories.
Pharmacies and parapharmacies account for almost half of total sales, but specialty stores are also very present, particularly organic food stores.
Some players in the dietary supplements market
- Juva Santé
- Léa Nature
- Arkopharma
- Boiron
- Danone, Nestlé and L'Oréal are also present on this market
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of study
Dietary supplements are foodstuffs providing a concentrated source of nutrients to supplement the diet, marketed in dose form. They may contain various ingredients (vitamins, minerals, plants and herbs...) and be marketed in a variety of formats (capsules, tablets, powder...), to meet a wide range of objectives: fighting stress, fatigue, digestive disorders, slimming, skin and hair beauty, sports performance.
However, they fall somewhere between food and medicine, and although they cannot claim to have a therapeutic effect, they are recommended, particularly by health professionals. The uncertainties surrounding dietary supplements are further heightened by the warnings regularly issued by scientific committees on certain components of supplements, which sometimes call into question their benefits, or even denounce cases of side-effects.
The global market is set to grow by 8.4% a year between 2021 and 2030, thanks to growing public awareness of the importance of their health and accelerating lifestyles, which are driving demand for effective, vitalizing products. The sector is largely dominated by the United States.
In France, the market is also experiencing strong growth,rising by 87% between 2013 and 2022. On the production side, there are many specialized and multi-purpose players, such as Arkopharma and Juvamine. On the distribution side, sales are divided between pharmacies, parapharmacies, supermarkets and direct or online sales.
Like the wider foodstuffs industry, dietary supplements are today affected by trends towards naturalness and personalization, leaving the door open for new, smaller players to position themselves in this renewing a developing market, players are seeking to diversify their offer and capture the most promising segments. This study deals with dietary supplements as a whole, although there is a specific study on dietary supplements for sport.
1.2 A buoyant global market with good growth prospects
PrecedenceResearch estimates the size of the global market at nearly $*** billion in ****.
They forecast a CAGR of *.*% per year between **** and ****, with the market expected to generate around $***.** billion worldwide by ****.
Global dietary supplements market size World, ****-*****, in billions of dollars Source: ****
Growing awareness of the importance of diet to health is driving growth in the sector. Changing dietary habits, combined with an ever-increasing desire for efficiency, are driving demand for supplements.
According to France's national dietary supplements union, the United States was the world's leading market for these products in ****, accounting for more than a third. Europe followed with **% of the market value (***). We don't have more recent figures for the breakdown, but it hasn't particularly changed in recent years.
Global market share breakdown World, ****, as a percentage of market value Source: ****
With a global market estimated at $***.* billion at that date, the European market thus accounted for $**.* billion in ****. While Italy is the biggest European market, along with France and Germany (***), it is the Eastern European countries that are experiencing the strongest growth. These countries, which are less advanced in their development phase, are naturally experiencing a greater increase in demand for these products, particularly plants and ...
1.3 A fast-growing national market
Sales (***) of dietary supplements France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Observation of the national market shows very rapid market growth: from **** to ****, the market grew by **%.
Market share breakdown France, ****, in percent Source: ****
This growth can be explained by the French's increased attention to their well-being and health, with dietary supplements enjoying a positive image among the French. Naturalness, personalization and the health segment are very buoyant trends.
1.4 International trade
It's complicated to study dietary supplements as a whole, as this segment encompasses a wide variety of products classified under different customs codes. However, we can analyze part of it and look, for example, at trade in vitamins and provitamins, which make up a large proportion of dietary supplements and are grouped under the following code:
****: Provitamins and vitamins, natural or synthetically reproduced, including natural concentrates, as well as their derivatives used principally as vitamins, whether or not mixed together, and whether or not in any solution
French foreign trade was in surplus until ****, when, despite stable imports, the balance turned into a deficit due to a sharp rise in exports.
French foreign trade in vitamins and provitamins France, ****-****, in millions of US dollars Source: ****
The Netherlands is the leading importer of French vitamins and provitamins.
Destinations of French exports of vitamins and provitamins France, ****, as a percentage of export value Source: ****
Imports come mainly from the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and China.
Main countries of origin of vitamin and provitamin imports France, ****, as a percentage of import value Source: ****
2 Demand analysis
2.1 French consumer profile
Consumer behavior
In this section we use both the **** and the **** Opinionway for Synadiet surveys, as some relevant questions were removed from the much shorter **** edition. The year of the data analyzed is indicated in each graph. We will also use Synadiet data for the **** key figures.
Responses to the question: have you ever consumed dietary supplements? France, ****, in % Source: ****
Data from a survey of *,*** people by OpinionWay indicates that **% of respondents had already consumed dietary supplements, this figure was **% in ****. Food supplements are therefore becoming increasingly popular. [***]
Most users have a punctual consumption, linked to the seasons or to events specific to the individual (***). Finally, around **% of consumers said they had only tried dietary supplements once. It is also relevant to note that over **% of French people have a good image of dietary supplements.
In ****, only *% of French people said they would consume food supplements continuously throughout the year.
Duration of dietary supplement use France, ****, in Synadiet
Over **% of dietary supplement consumers use them for a very long time (***).
Majority profile: women over **
Response to the question: have you ever taken dietary supplements, by gender? France, ****, in Source: ****
There is a clear difference in the frequency of dietary supplement consumption, ...
2.2 Health, the main reason for consuming dietary supplements
Benefits of dietary supplements as perceived by the French
The French widely recognize the health benefits of dietary supplements, particularly when it comes to compensating for dietary deficiencies: **% of French people think they can be useful in this context. **% of French people also think they can be useful at certain times of life, when the body is changing or more fragile.
Recognized benefits of dietary supplements Source: ****
The most popular dietary supplements :
Dietary supplements consumed by the French France, ****, in Synadiet
Most dietary supplements consumed are vitamins and minerals.
Reasons for consuming dietary supplements
Naturally, the reasons for purchase are linked to the perceived benefits of dietary supplements, with **% of supplement consumers justifying their purchase by an indication to strengthen their natural defenses. **% used them to get back into shape, and **% for their skin or hair.
For which indications have you already consumed dietary supplements? France, ****, in Source: ****
The three main reasons for taking dietary supplements are to boost natural defenses for health issues, to get back into shape (***) or for beauty indications.
Top ** reasons why the French consume dietary supplements France, ****, in percent Source: ****
The motivations of dietary supplement consumers seem to focus more on the theme of well-being and ...
2.3 France's ageing population should drive demand in certain segments
As we have already shown, senior citizens consume dietary supplements on a regular basis, and many of the reasons given for taking these products relate to old age (***). The aging of the French population is therefore a direct factor in the growing demand for dietary supplements designed to help people age well.
Aging of the French population France, ****-****, in Source: ****
Population projections by major age groupFrance, ****, in % in in millions
Source: ****
INSEE observations point to an increase in the population aged over **, which could rise from **.*% of the population in **** to **.*% in ****. This structural change in French society should encourage sales of products designed to help people age well.
2.4 Demand trends: probiotics and organic products
The boom in the probiotics market:
Probiotics - micro-organisms (***) is unclear.
Pending clarification, the probiotic supplements sector already represented over *** million euros in France in ****. We don't have more recent figures, but we do know that the market for probiotics as a dietary supplement is slowing down (***).
Probiotics sales Europe, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Organic products:
In a move to pay particular attention to the origin of products consumed, especially since the health crisis, organic food supplements have seen greater growth than non-organic ones. As can be seen from the following graph, the figures for organic products are inspiring. Although still below the figures for non-organic products (***). The trend is therefore in favor of organic products.
organic AA figures source
2.5 Impact of COVID-19 on demand for dietary supplements
For the French, the health crisis has been accompanied by a heightened awareness and attention to their health. * out of ** French people have sought to strengthen their immune system. And **% of them chose food supplements to do so.
Preferred means of strengthening the immune system during the health crisis France, ****, in percent Source: ****
* in * French people have increased their use of food supplements and natural health products.
2.6 Audience analysis
FOOD SUPPLEMENTS MARKET - Audience breakdown by age group France, ****, % Source: ****
Audience analysis for the market studied shows a significant representation of the ** to ** age bracket, with **.**% of the total audience, compared to **.**% in the French population. The **-** age group is the most represented, with **.**%, compared with **.**% in the French population. However, age groups over ** are less represented in the audience of the market studied, in particular the **+ age group, which accounts for only *.*% of the audience versus **.**% in the French population. FOOD SUPPLEMENTS MARKET - Audience breakdown by gender France, ****, % of total Semrusg In the overall audience analysis for the market studied, there is a slight predominance of women, representing **.**% of the total audience. Men represent **.**% of the audience. This indicates that the market may be slightly more female-oriented, but still retains a substantial share of men. FOOD SUPPLEMENTS MARKET - Audience breakdown by sex and age France, ****, % (***) Source : Semrush According to the market data studied, the general trend shows that the female audience is in the majority in all age groups. The highest proportion of women is in the **-** age group at **.**%, while the lowest is **.**% in the **-** age group. For the male audience, the most ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Market structure
Source: ****
In the first stage, ingredient suppliers produce the raw materials, i.e. the nutrients, but also the flavors or colorants that will make up the dietary supplements.
from these ingredients, producers manufacture the dietary supplements. There are two types of producer: processors, who supply supplements to several companies for marketing, and manufacturers, who place the supplements they produce directly on the market.
These products are then distributed through various channels and consumed by the general public.
3.2 Production stages and market players
Stages in the production of food supplements
As a foodstuff, food supplements are subject to very strict regulations, laid down at European level by EC regulation ***/****. A declaration of first marketing has also been mandatory since ****.
The production of food supplements itself comprises several stages, the details of which may vary according to the type of product manufactured[***] :
Receipt of ingredients Storage: includes quarantine of products to be controlled before acceptance, storage of raw materials, work-in-process and finished products, and buffer storage Preparation and weighing: includes deconditioning, picking and weighing of raw materials based on the recipe, as well as material preparation Manufacturing: includes drying, grinding, crushing, blending, tarnishing, maceration, fermentation, percolation, pressing, extraction, cooking, sterilization, pasteurization, cooling, compression, capsule filling, etc Packaging: includes transferring, filling, sealing, crimping, heat-sealing and adding instructions Packaging labeling Storage Transport by the manufacturer
Market players
There are different types of player in this market, depending on their positioning:
Versatile specialists: present in both the slimming supplements and phytotherapy (***) segments. These players sell mainly in supermarkets at low prices. They include Juva Santé and Léa Nature. Juva Santé appears to be the leader in the sale of food supplements in supermarkets thanks to its Juvamine ...
3.3 Market competition varies by product type
Vitamins and minerals, which make up a large proportion of the dietary supplements marketed, offer very little scope for product differentiation. In fact, these products are essentially elementary molecules, neither patented nor patentable, which means that barriers to market entry are fairly low. For these supplements, the brand image is based more on the product's reliability and health compliance, which is assumed as soon as the product is put on the market. Laboratories' strategy is therefore similar to that applied to generic drugs, and competition for these products is relatively strong.
On the other hand, dietary supplements that are not based on a single molecule (***) give manufacturers much greater latitude to develop unique formulas. The freedom afforded by European regulations in this area gives manufacturers greater scope, both in terms of product composition and the way in which they present the expected results. These products, which are bought more on the Internet than vitamins and minerals, show less competition, and larger players.
Food supplements constitute a diversified market, with products ranging from vitamins and minerals to more specific formulations based on promises of action. This product diversity translates into significant differences in marketing strategies, competition and innovation within the dietary supplements ...
3.4 Distribution channels and their evolution
Places of purchase for dietary supplements (***) France, ****, in Synadiet
According to dietary supplement consumers, pharmacies and parapharmacies are the preferred places to buy dietary supplements.
Market sales by distribution channel and %France, **** - ****, in millions of euros and as a % of total sales
Source: ****
Focus on specialist stores
As for specialist stores, the majority of sales are made in organic stores(***). We note that sales in specialist stores fell between **** and ****.
Breakdown of sales in specialist stores France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Direct and online sales
For direct and online sales, we distinguish three sub-channels: direct home sales, e-commerce and catalog sales. With the exception of catalog sales, all sub-channels saw their sales increase. Direct home sales account for the majority of this segment, with **.*% of sales.
Breakdown of internet sales France, ****-****, in percent Source: ****
Breakdown of direct and distance sales France, ****-****, in percent Source: ****
Between **** and ****, direct and distance sales remained fairly stable. Catalog sales are the only ones to have fallen between these two years.
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Product families and packaging types
According to Synadiet, food supplements can be composed of the following ingredients
Vitamins and minerals: Vitamins : Vitamin A for visual health, B vitamins (***) for metabolic functions, vitamin C for vitality, vitamin D for bone health, vitamin E for its antioxidant properties and vitamin K for the blood coagulation system. Minerals and trace elements : Magnesium, calcium, chromium, carotene, zinc or iron Substances with nutritional or physiological purposes: These are substances chemically defined as having nutritional or physiological properties, with the exception of vitamins, minerals and substances with exclusively pharmacological properties. Examples include caffeine, lycopene and glocusamine. Plants or plant preparations: These can be used in the form of powder, dry or aqueous extracts, or substances isolated from plants (***). The plants that can be used in food supplements are defined in French regulations by decree n°****-***. Essential oils: These are scented products, generally of complex composition, obtained from a botanically defined plant raw material. Novel foods: According toANSES, these are foods or ingredients whose consumption was non-existent or negligible in European Union countries before May **, ****. They are defined by European regulation CE n°***/**. They must have a new or deliberately modified primary molecular structure, be composed of (***) microorganisms, fungi or algae, and ...
4.2 Products purchased vary according to distribution channel
As we saw earlier, pharmacies account for the bulk of dietary supplement sales. They are particularly popular for products to aid digestion and transit, combat stress and enhance vitality.
Pharmacies also account for virtually all sales of most products.
However, slimming products are bought just as much in supermarkets as in pharmacies, as they appear to be less medical products and are more easily found in supermarkets. These products account for **% of supermarket sales.
Sales of the main types of dietary supplements, by distribution channel France, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
4.3 Price and product examples
According to a study by MyProtein, the average French person spends €** a month on food supplements, the highest figure in Europe. The site does, however, include ultra-high-protein foods and drinks, which is slightly beyond the scope of our study, but demonstrates the importance of the French taking care of their health. It is difficult to give an average price for dietary supplements, given the diversity of products on the market. Magnesium cells start at €*.**, vitamin C at €** and hair loss tablets at €**. [***]
Prices vary enormously from one product to another, and we can find different price ranges.
From €* to €**: Basic products sold in large quantities, such as vitamins and magnesium. They are generally sold in pharmacies and parapharmacies, but also on the Internet. Examples include
Magnesium: Urgo Vital Magnesium B* ** tablets at €*.** For sleep: Forté Pharma Forténuit ** tablets at €*.** For stress: Synergia D-Stress ** tablets €**.**
From €** to €**: Rarer, more technical products that are generally consumed for aesthetic purposes, such as capsules to promote tanning or hair growth, or weight loss. Examples:
Self-tanners : Juvamine Self-Tanner at €*.** for ** capsules Hair growth: Nhco Effluvium Croissance et Vitalité du Cheveu at **.**€ for *** capsules Weight loss: Forté Pharma Minceur ** at €**.** for ** tablets Collagen: Raptor nutrition €** for ...
4.4 Trend: a recent broadening of the product offering
A market driven by innovation
The number of products launched each year in the dietary supplements sector is very high, a sign of the rapid need for product renewal, the expansion of existing ranges and the quest to conquer new segments and new consumers. Marketing, original tastes, made-to-measure cures: the new start-ups on the market are not hesitating to show their authenticity to make a name for themselves in the industry. [***]
Sports supplements broaden their targets
Whereas performance-enhancing sports supplements used to be reserved for top athletes and bodybuilders, they are now reaching a wider target audience. This target is made up of young adults between the ages of ** and ** who practice regular physical activity and are concerned about their diet.
However, these new consumers don't want to sacrifice pleasure for performance, and prefer food to dietary supplements. As a result, these products take the form of sports bars, powders and shakers/smoothies.
The rapid growth of the dietary supplements market is largely attributable to the many innovations emanating from this sector. Every year, a considerable number of new products are launched, reflecting the constant need to renew the offer, expand existing ranges and conquer new consumer segments. Companies, especially start-ups, ...
5 Regulations
5.1 The European framework for the food supplements market
The European Union has established a series of regulations, through Directive ****/**/EC of the European Parliament, aimed at protecting consumer health and guaranteeing the transparency of information provided on food supplements. This directive defines food supplements as foodstuffs intended to supplement the daily diet, providing a source of nutrients with a nutritional effect, and marketed in dose form.
The main provisions of this directive include the following:
Annex I lists the vitamins and minerals that may be added to food supplements Annex II lists the sources from which Annex I substances may be produced Labeling and marketing requirements
This initial directive has since been amended by new legislation, to refine the list of authorized products. For example, in ****, regulation ****/**** added organic silicon to the list of authorized products, after a scientific study concluded that this element poses no health risk. The marketing of food supplements containing unlisted substances is totally prohibited.
5.2 Specific French regulations
In ****, European Directive ****/**/EC established a specific regulatory framework for food supplements. This framework provides a strict definition (***) and distinguishes between two groups: nutrients and other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect. It also sets out the procedures for labeling and marketing European supplements in Europe. Decree no. ****-*** transposes the aforementioned European decree.
In France, theOrder of May *, **** lists the nutrients that may be used in the manufacture of food supplements.
The Order of June **, ****, lists the plants, other than mushrooms, authorized in food supplements as well as the conditions of their use.
The order of September **, ****, establishes the list of substances with nutritional or physiological purposes authorized in food supplements.
5.3 Social security reimbursement
An article in Le Figaro reports on food products included on the list of products and services reimbursable by social security (***). The admission of "G-Nutrition" enriched bread to this list in July **** raises the question of more widespread reimbursement of food products, of which dietary supplements are a part, by social security. However, a number of obstacles stand in the way of widespread reimbursement. Firstly, the controls required to approve products as reimbursable are similar to those for medicines, which is costly for manufacturers who benefit from a less stringent control regime for food products. What's more, the existing reimbursement process for coeliacs, for example, is complex and daunting.
Ameli considers that dietary supplements cannot be reimbursed because they are not considered to be medicines.
However, some mutual insurance companies are beginning to cover preventive care such as dietary supplements, as noted by La Vie Naturelle.
According to a January **** OpinionWay survey, **% of French people believe that dietary supplements should be reimbursed.
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Juva Santé (Urgo Groupe)
- Vitarmonyl
- Arkopharma
- Forté pharma
- Vemedia Consumer Health France (Oenobiol)
- Galderma
- Les Miraculeux
- Apyforme
- Solgar France
- Laboratoire UNAE
- Respire
- Nutri & Co
- Foodspring
- Laboratoire Lescuyer (groupe Lehning)
- Vinpai
- Havea Group
- Glanbia
- Laboratoire Les Trois Chênes
- Nutergia
- Herbarom Groupe
- Nestle Healh Science
- Mint E Laboratoire
- Green Whey
- Nutripure
- Nutrimuscle
- Biocodex
- Nestlé Groupe
- Herbalgem (Inula groupe)
- Pranarôm (Inula Groupe)
- NaturAvignon
- NaturAvignon
- Eurospechim Nutrilo
- Strapharm (Naturacare Group)
- Codilab (Biofarma Group)
- Biofarma
- Herbolistique Laboratoires
- Nutrigee
- Nexira
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