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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The global scooter market, an intriguing and rapidly evolving segment of the transportation industry, represents a significant portion of the vehicle market worldwide. In 2023, the value of this market reached the remarkable figure of $69.36 billion, showing a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate(CAGR) of 6.92 percent. This growth trajectory underscores the growing popularity and dependence on scooters as a primary means of transportation in various regions of the world.[Globenewswire]

Scooters, characterized by their platform-passing design and generally smaller in size than motorcycles, come in various forms to meet different consumer needs and preferences. The diversity of the market is reflected in the range of scooter types that dominate sales globally. These include:

  • Gasoline-powered scooters
  • Electric scooters
  • 50cc scooters
  • Three-wheeled scooters
  • Off-road scooters
  • 125cc Scooters
  • 150-200cc Scooters

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into scooters is revolutionizing the way these vehicles are used and perceived in the context of urban mobility. The innovations brought about by this technology not only improve the riding experience, but also contribute to making scooters safer, more efficient and sustainable. Artificial intelligence contributes greatly to vehicle safety. AI-powered scooters can use cameras and sensors to detect obstacles in the path and alert the rider. Some high-end models can even autonomously adjust their path or activate automatic braking to avoid potential threats. These AI systems can also identify and notify drivers of potentially dangerous behaviors, such as sharp turns at high speed or sudden stops, thus helping drivers develop safer driving habits over time. Moreover, with the rise of "Smart Cities," the integration of AI into electric bikes and scooters offers a myriad of possibilities. For example, an AI-powered electric scooter can communicate with a city's traffic light system to optimize green lights along its route. This kind of integration can reduce congestion, lower emissions and streamline urban transportation. AI can also optimize the charge and discharge cycles of batteries, extending their overall life and reducing their environmental impact.[Evstories]

1.2 The global market

The global scooter market recorded a value of $**.** billion in ****, demonstrating a remarkable compound annual growth rate(***) of*.**% over the previous year. The scooter market is expected to reach $***.** billion by ****, maintaining a constant CAGR of *.**%.

Global motorcycle market value World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Globe News Wire

European market

The European motorcycle market is showing solid and steady growth, driving its expansion in Italy, by far the leading country in the Old Continent in terms of sales. In fact, registrations recorded in the five largest European markets in the first quarter of **** showed an increase of +**.* percent compared to the same period last year, but Italy posted a growth rate more than double the European average.

European market registrations Europe, ****, number of registrations Journal For the motorcycle segment, both traditionally powered and electrically powered, we look at data from Italy, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom, i.e., the five largest markets in Europe, which alone account for about** percent of continent-wide sales. In the overall tally, there were ***,*** registrations of new motorcycles in these countries in the first quarter of ****, compared to ***,*** in the same period of ****, numbers from whose comparison gives rise to that +**.* percent overall ...

1.3 The domestic market

The turnover value of enterprises involved in motorcycle manufacturing, including engines, grew significantly by **.** percent in the last five years under analysis, underscoring a robust economic performance of the sector. However, **** emerged as a challenging year, evidenced by the fact that it was the year with the lowest turnover value. The recovery in **** was significant, with **.** percent growth from **** to ****. The positive trend in turnover suggests remarkable resilience of the motorcycle sector.

Value of turnover of companies active in motorcycle manufacturing (***) Italy, ****-****, in billion euros (***) Istat

1.4 Foreign market analysis

The foreign market analysis, focusing on the HS Commodity Code which includes motorcycles, reveals interesting dynamics in the period from **** to ****. Exports experienced a remarkable growth of ** percent. Imports also experienced growth from **** to ****, with an increase of **.* percent.

Exports, Imports and Motorcycle Coverage Rate Italy, ****-****, in billions of dollars (***) UNComtrade

Analyzing Italian exports, we see that the main trade relationship occurs with Germany, which accounts for **.* percent of total exports. This is followed by France (***).

Distribution of exports among the top * motorcycle consumer countries Italy, ****, % UNComtrade

As for imports, the main trade relations are between Italy and China (***). Breakdown of imports among the top * supplier countries Italy, ****, % Italy, ****, %

1.5 Impact of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February **** led to a general increase in the consumer price index. The motorcycle industry is not exempt from this increase. Through analysis of the consumer price index, an increase of *.* points can be shown between January **** and November ****. This means that over a **-month period, consumers faced a *.* percent increase for this type of service.

Consumer price index - motorcycles Italy, ****-****, base **** = *** - monthly data Istat

The increase in consumer prices is nothing but a reflection of the increase in producer prices. Between January **** and October ****, the producer price index for motorcycles (***) increased by *.* points. Thus, in the months following the outbreak of the conflict, producer prices rose by *.** percent.

Producer price index - manufacture of motorcycles (***) Italy, ****-****, base **** = *** (***) Istat

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand characteristics

To visualize consumer demand for mopeds, average monthly household spending is considered, reflecting continued interest in these vehicles. In ****, average monthly household spending on motorcycles and mopeds is *.*€ current, showing a *.* percent increase from ****. The increasing spending underscores the relevance of mopeds as a flexible and affordable transportation option for households, highlighting a positive trend in the acceptance and adoption of these vehicles in the context of urban mobility.

Average monthly household expenditure on motorcycles and mopeds Italy, ****-****, in current &euro Istat

2.2 Demand drivers

In the period from **** to ****, registrations and registrations of motorcycles and scooters reflected significant changes in the different displacement segments. One notable aspect is the **.** percent growth in the registration of electric motorcycles, vehicles powered by battery-powered electric motors, representing a zero-emission option and underscoring the growing interest in sustainable solutions in the two-wheeler sector. However, the situation is mixed in traditional segments. Motorcycles up to *** cc show a slight decrease of *.** percent in registrations, while those with displacement between *** and *** cc experience a more significant decrease of -**.** percent. In the segment of motorcycles with displacement over **** cc, a decrease of -*.**% is observed, indicating a slight contraction in the market for high-displacement motorcycles.

Motorcycle and scooter registrations and registrations Italy, ****-****, number of units Istat The purchase of mopeds as a solution to inconveniences related to connectivity with public transportation is a widespread practice, highlighted by data on the difficulty of connection for households in different regions. In the North, *.* percent of households experience difficulties connecting with public transportation, followed by the Center with *.* percent. In the South, the percentage of households experiencing difficulties reaches ** percent, while in the Islands it stands at**.* percent.

Households by presence of some ...

2.3 Geographical distribution of demand

The geographic distribution of the monthly household expenditure item on motorcycles shows a significant regional disparity. In theNorth, the average monthly expenditure is *.**€ current, placing this macroarea at the top in terms of investment in two-wheelers. The Center follows with an average expenditure of *.**€ current, while the South records the lowest figure, with a monthly household expenditure of *.**€ current.

2.4 The seasonality of demand

Based on data provided by ANCMA (***), the stafionality of motorcycle demand can be deduced. In fact, as can be seen from the graph below showing the monthly trend of motorcycle registrations, there is a growth in the run-up to the summer period and a steep drop at the end of the summer period. This is probably due to the fact that motorcyclists can make the most of motorcycles during the summer because of the good weather.

Number of motorcycle registrations in the years Italy, ****-****, by number of registrations ANCMA

3 Market structure

3.1 Market structure and dynamics

The market for the manufacture of motorcycles and motor vehicles has a dynamic structure, with ** active enterprises in ****. However, there is a decrease of *.* percent compared to ****, suggesting some consolidation influencing the business presence in the sector.

Active enterprises in the manufacture of motorcycles and motor vehicles (***) Italy, ****-****, in number of units Istat

The legal structure of enterprises active in the manufacture of motorcycles and motor vehicles reflects a predominance of Limited Liability Companies(***), accounting for **.* percent of all firms. This distribution suggests a preference for corporate forms that offer some degree of flexibility and limitation of liability, reflecting the complexity and challenges that characterize the motorcycle manufacturing sector.

Legal form companies active in the manufacture of motorcycles and motor vehicles (***) Italy, ****, values in % Istat The *.** percent growth in the number of employees of enterprises active in the manufacture of motorcycles and motor vehicles, observed during the period from **** to ****, suggests positive momentum in the sector. The positive trend in the number of employees highlights the vitality and resilience of the two-wheeler industry, reflecting an economic environment in which the motorcycle manufacturing sector has seen opportunities for expansion and development.

Number of employees of enterprises active in the manufacture of ...

3.2 Value chain

The following is the value chain in the scooter market:

Design and Development: focus on innovation, ergonomics and consumer needs. Procurementand Production: purchasing of raw materials and assembly of scooters, with emphasis on quality and efficiency; Distribution and Logistics: efficient movement of products to various markets; Marketing and sales: attracting customers through branding and promotional activities; After-sales services: maintenance, repairs, and customer support.

3.3 Distribution channels

Over the past six years, the motorcycle industry has experienced steady growth, evidenced by a *.** percent increase in firms active in the wholesale and retail trade of motorcycles and mopeds from **** to ****. This increase has had a significant impact on distribution channels, with an expansion of retail networks and diversification of marketing strategies.

Firms active in the wholesale and retail trade of motorcycles and mopeds Italy, ****-****, number of units Istat

The entrepreneurial landscape in the motorcycle sector shows considerable diversification, with **.* percent of active businesses led by Sole Proprietors, Freelancers and the self-employed. This is followed by Limited Liability Companies(***), which account for **.* percent of the total, showing a significant presence of more structured corporate structures. In addition, **.* percent of firms adhere to the Limited Partnership model, indicating a participation of investors with limited liability and others with unlimited liability.

Legal form companies active in the wholesale and retail trade of motorcycles and mopeds Italy, ****, % Istat

3.4 Main actors

The following is an overview of the main Italian players in the industry:


4 Supply analysis

4.1 Overview of the offer

Scooter offerings are widely varied: Gasoline-powered scooters: these are vehicles traditionally powered by a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine and are generally more powerful than electric scooters. They offer greater speed and range, making them suitable for longer trips or faster road travel. The downsides of these scooters are related to exhaust (***) and refueling. Electric scooters: increasingly popular in recent years, these scooters have a low environmental impact and relatively low operating costs. They are powered by an electric motor driven by a rechargeable battery, making them quiet, environmentally friendly and economical. They are generally suitable for urban travel and short distances. **cc scooters: often used by younger drivers and novice riders, they often have speed limits of ** km/h and often require a specific driver's license. Perfect for shorter trips around town, this scooter is not suitable for long stretches or high-speed travel roads. Three-wheel scooters: also known as trike scooters, these are scooters equipped with three wheels (***). The small advantage of these vehicles is their stability compared to two-wheeled scooters. Some three-wheeled scooters also offer more cargo space and better cornering stability, making them popular for longer trips or for users who need to carry luggage. Off-road scooters: off-road scooters ...

4.2 Prices


4.3 Intelligent driving: how artificial intelligence is reshaping the future of motorcycles

Artificial intelligence(***) is emerging as a transformative force in the motorcycle industry, revolutionizing the way riders experience riding; this cutting-edge technology is greatly improving safety, performance, and the overall experience of riders. Advances in integrating AI into motorcycles have led to the development of intelligent driver assistance systems: using sensors, cameras and machine learning algorithms , these technologies are able to monitor their surroundings, detect potential hazards and provide real-time feedback to riders. A key example of this innovation is the collision avoidance system. These systems, which combine sensors and AI algorithms, enable motorcycles to detect nearby vehicles, pedestrians and obstacles, issuing warnings or autonomously activating the brakes to prevent accidents, thus improving rider safety.

Machine learning algorithms analyze various factors, including rider behavior, road conditions and weather data, to optimize engine performance, suspension settings and traction control. This adaptive intelligence allows motorcycles to adjust their parameters in real time, giving riders greater stability, control and responsiveness. In addition, AI is making significant innovations in connectivity and smart functionality: motorcycles equipped with AI systems can seamlessly connect to smartphones and other devices, offering features such as navigation, music playback and voice controls. This allows riders to stay connected and informed without compromising ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Rules and regulations

In Italy, the regulation of scooters has undergone several changes over the years; the law **/**** introduced new rules requiring scooters to be equipped with dual brakes, turn signals (***) and stop lights, in addition to existing lights. Scooters already in circulation must be retrofitted by January *, ****.

As for scooter rental services, it is mandatory to have insurance coverage. City councils can only authorize the service by setting a limit on the number of vehicles on the street and indicating specific areas where the rental service cannot be used. Scooter-sharing operators are also responsible for informing their users about the proper use of electric scooters.

According to the law No. * of Feb. **, ****, electric scooters have been equated with bicycles, allowing their use in urban areas without risk of penalty. This law imposes some specific rules for the circulation of electric scooters:

Users must be at least ** years of age. a helmet must be worn by underage users. Scooters must not exceed ** km/h on roads and * km/h in pedestrian areas. The maximum power allowed for scooters is ***W. carrying other passengers or objects is prohibited. In low visibility conditions, the use of a reflective vest is required. At night, or in conditions ...

5.2 Motorcycle and scooter incentives

Two different types of incentives are planned for motorcycles and scooters:

a fund of ** million euros for electric models (***).

This grant can be accessed by both individuals and legal entities, and there is no requirement to maintain ownership for at least ** months.

An additional ** million euros, including ** million for fully electric motorcycles and scooters and * million for non-electric models, introduced by Decree Law No. **/**** and distributed according to the scheme provided by the DPCM April *, ****.

Instead, only individuals with an obligation to maintain ownership of the vehicle for at least ** months can access this second subsidy.

What is possible to purchase with the bonus

The **** motorcycle incentives allow the purchase (***) of two-, three-, or four-wheeled mopeds and motorcycles belonging to categories L*e, L*e, L*e, L*e, L*e, L*e, and L*e without power limits. The scheme of contributions is as follows:

** percent contribution on the purchase price of an electric motorcycle or moped, up to a maximum of *,*** euros; or ** percent up to *,*** euros if a motorcycle in a Euro * to * class is scrapped (***) that has been registered for at least ** months to the same person as the owner of the new vehicle or one ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

Italian enterprises

Foreign enterprises

  • Piaggio
  • Honda
  • MV Agusta Motor
  • BMW
  • Suzuki
  • Yamaha

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