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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

An air purifier is a device that reduces the impact of domestic and industrial pollution by filtering the air and consequently removing pollutants and unpleasant odors. Within the scope of this study, however, we will focus only on domestic and commercial applications of these devices rather than industrial ones.

There are five main air purification technologies on the Italian market, based on the pollutant being treated:

  • Mechanical filters (e.g., HEPA);
  • Electronic filters (ionizers or electrostatic precipitators);
  • Gas phase filters (e.g., activated carbon);
  • UVGI or germicidal UV irradiation;
  • PCO or photocatalytic oxidation;
  • Ozonators;

In public environments, such as hospital or airplanes, air purifiers are mainly used to filter and remove toxic residues. In domestic environments, on the other hand, air purifiers are found in offices and homes to improve hygiene and quality of life for employees and residents.

In 2022, the gloal market for air purifiers is estimated at $13.97 billion. Between 2022 and 2030, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3 percent is expected, thanks to which the market could reach a total value of $24.55 billion.

Smart air purifiers are covering an increasingly large market segment. By 2033, the market value of this specific sector is expected to grow to be worth $24.64 billion.

Today the market is also developing positively in Italy, despite rather high prices. Although it is still a niche market, the market is growing rapidly and this growth is led by some leading brands such as Dyson, Philips, Samsung, and Xiaomi.

Blocking measures implemented by the government in various regions of Italy to contain the spread of COVID-19 have led to increased sales of home appliances, including air purifiers. In addition, there is a growing demand for air purifiers from healthcare facilities and public buildings as consumers are exploring ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

1.2 The world market

In ****, the global air purifier market reached a value of $**.** billion. With the prospect of a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.*%, by **** the global market could reach a total value of nearly $** billion, which is double the current value.

Air purifier market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Grandviewresearch

Consumers are increasingly inclined to purchase technologically advanced products with built-in smart features. Even in the air purifier industry, the market for intetelligent products is rapidly emerging. These are capable of providing efficient air purification and real-time monitoring of indoor air quality. As a result of this growing interest, the global market for smart air purifiers is expected to grow at a compound annual rate (***) of ** percent between **** and ****, bringing the value of the market itself from the current $*.* billion to nearly $** billion.

Smart air purifier market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars

1.3 The Italian market for air purifiers

The association Assoclima provides statistics and information on different types of ventilation and air treatment devices. To capture the evolution of the size of the Italian air purifier market, we used their data on the turnover of air handling units over the years.

We will use this broader category to assess the size of the market for air purifiers in Italy because these latter devices alone are still considered a niche market in this country and therefore there are no comprehensive statistics indicating the volume of the market they constitute on their own.

Between **** and ****, the total turnover of air treatment machines appears to be on the rise, rising from €** million to €**.* million (***). The growth is homogeneous throughout the entire period, with the sole exception of ****, when due to the outbreak of the pandemic, the sector experiences a **.*% drop in turnover. However, a positive trend is again confirmed in ****, with an increase over the previous year of **.*%.

Turnover of air treatment machinery Italy, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

1.4 Imports and exports

Considering the category "Air Handling Units," within which air purifiers fall, Italy appears to be a net exporter. Between **** and ****, Italy's trade balance shows a coverage rate of always over ***%. This means that the economic value of Italian exports has always been three times or more than that of imports. Over the past * years, the value of exports has followed a parabolic trend with the highest values recorded in **** and **** (***). As for imports, on the other hand, the trend in recent years shows a steady growth in their value, with the growth between **** and **** standing at **.* percent and the coverage rate dropping from *** percent to *** percent.

Imports, exports and coverage rate for air handling units Italy, ****-****, in millions of euros and % Source: ****

1.5 The consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February **** resulted in a general increase in the consumer price index, among other things. Data on air purifiers specifically are not available. However, looking at the general consumer price index, an increase in costs for end consumers in the air purifier sector is also conceivable. In fact, between January **** and September ****, the general price index rose ** points. This means that over a **-month period, prices have risen an average of ** percent. Compared to ****, the increase stands at **.*%. General consumer price index Italy, ****-****, base ****=*** Istat Then analyzing the producer price index, it is possible to find support for the hypothesis of price increases for consumers. Between January **** and August ****, the producer price index for household appliances increased by *.* points, representing an *.* percent increase in costs. Compared with ****, production costs increased by **.*%.

Producer price index for household appliances Italy, ****-****, base ****=*** Istat

The increase in producer prices is generally reflected in an increase in consumer prices. Although data for air purifiers are therefore not available it seems consistent to assume a general increase in prices.

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand drivers

Experts suggest that purchasing an air purifier may be essential if there are real and objective reasons [***], such as:

Allergies to dust, pet dander and pollen; Asthma; Living with smokers; Bad odors produced by animals and their bedding; Living in a region heavily affected by air pollution.

Indeed, the demand for air purifiers is inevitably linked to and influenced by these elements.

In ****, the concern of Italians related to air pollution occupies the second place in the ranking of the environmental problems most felt by the population. According to Istat data, it has been more than ** years since more than ** percent of the Italian population has expressed this concern (***). The most worrying environmental problems Italy, ****, per *** people Istat

The main source of concern is air pollution. However, in Italy, air pollution caused by CO* emissions followed a general downward trend in the period between **** and **** (***).

Pollution (***) Italy, ****-****, in thousands of kt of CO* equivalent Source: ISPRA In addition, emissions of other greenhouse gases have also generally decreased over the same period, thanks mainly to more stringent requirements and containment measures implemented by the Italian government and the European Union. Between **** and ****, methane emissions to the atmosphere decreased by *.* percent; nitrous ...

2.2 Smart working as a determinant of demand

Smart working has led many people to spend more time in their homes, highlighting the importance of a healthy and comfortable home environment. With more time spent at home, people have become more aware of the quality of the air they breathe. Interest in air purification has grown in order to improve comfort and health. Thus, the increase in the share of Italians working from home appears to be correlated with the increase in interest in air purifiers. Between **** and ****, the share of those working from home as a proportion of total workers grew by *.* percent, peaking in **** when they accounted for nearly ** percent of the total. Share of employees working from home or remotely in Italy in H* ****, by main regions Italy, ****, in % Source: ****

The graph below represents the proportion of searches for a given term in a given region in a given time period, compared to when it was most searched (***). Thus, a value of ** means that the keyword was used less often in the region, and a value of * means that there is not enough data for that keyword. The graph below shows how interest in air purifiers spiked during the pandemic period in ****, with an annual average ...

2.3 The most polluted regions in Italy

In order to analyze the geographical distribution of demand for air purifiers, a map was created with the average annual concentration of PM** in each Italian macro-region. A positive correlation is assumed between urban pollution and demand for air purifiers

Data for each macro-region were obtained by aggregating the values recorded in each provincial capital of the region. Data are not available for Abruzzo, Basilicata and Campania.

As shown in the map below, the northern regions have the highest PM** concentration during ****. In both the Northwest and Northeast, the average values recorded during the year are ** µg/mc. This is followed by the Center and the Islands, both at ** µg/mc. Finally, the South has the lowest values, with an annual average in the various capitals of ** µg/mc.

A table with the average values recorded during **** in each Italian region is proposed below.

2.4 New demand trends

Consumer preferences for air purifiers appear to be influenced by various factors such as the elimination of allergens, odors, and mold, as well as air quality, which is seen as essential to health. In ****, these preferences were manifested in various trends and features sought in air purifiers, including:

Filter types: High Efficiency Particulate Air (***) filters: these filters are known for their ability to capture very small particles, including many allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. They have become an industry standard for quality air purifiers. Activated Carbon Filters: activated carbon filters are effective in removing unpleasant odors and harmful gases. They are especially popular in environments such as the kitchen or bathroom, where odors can be more persistent. UV-C Filters: this type of filter uses ultraviolet light to destroy germs, bacteria and viruses, helping to sterilize the air. Additional features: Ionization: this is a process that helps remove additional particles from the air. An ionizer emits negative ions that bind to positively charged particles such as dust, pollen and bacteria, making them heavier and easier to capture by the air purifier's filters. Automatic adjustment: allows the air purifier to automatically adjust the fan speed based on the air ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market structure

In order to analyze the market structure, enterprises devoted to the distribution of electronic equipment and household appliances (***) are considered. In particular, the number of enterprises, the number of employees in the sector and the legal form of enterprises are analyzed. This choice is related to the lack of data concerning manufacturers of air purifiers: different manufacturing companies do not have the same identification code, thus making it impossible to formulate aggregate statistics.


Between **** and ****, the total number of enterprises under Ateco Code **.**.* increased from just over a thousand to nearly *,***. The growth stands at **.* percent although it is not homogenous over the entire period. Between **** and ****, the sector's growth is **.* percent, with the number of firms reaching ****. Thereafter, mainly due to the outbreak of the pandemic, between **** and **** a contraction of the sector and a decline in the number of firms of *.*% can be seen.

Electronic equipment and household appliance retail businesses Italy, ****-****, in number Istat


The dynamics of the number of employees in the sector fairly closely mirrors that of the number of firms. Between **** and ****, the total number of employees grew by *.* percent. While between **** and **** the growth is *.*%, between **** and **** there is a contraction ...

3.2 Value chain

WEEE disposal refers to the responsible disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. This waste includes various electronic and electrical devices that are decommissioned or no longer functioning. Proper management of this waste is essential to prevent environmental pollution and ensure the recovery of valuable materials. The WEEE disposal process may include collection, transportation, treatment (***), and recycling or final disposal of materials. It is regulated by national and international laws to minimize negative environmental impact and promote recycling:

Legislative Decree **/****: requires manufacturers, importers, and those who sell electrical and electronic equipment (***) under their own brand to organize and finance the WEEE collection and recovery system. Directive ****/**/EU: establishes the criteria and methods by which companies must treat WEEE. It also requires member states to meet certain collection and recycling targets, thereby promoting the separate collection and proper treatment of WEEE

3.3 The main manufacturers

Considering the fact that air purifiers are still thought of as a niche market in Italy, the main players in this sector can be identified in large electronic device manufacturing companies that have consumer trust and the right reputation to introduce new devices such as air purifiers. The other main and most trusted players in the market are therefore large multi-product electronic manufacturing companies such as:

Dyson: is a British technology company founded in the United Kingdom by James Dyson in ****. It designs and manufactures home appliances such as vacuum cleaners, air purifiers, hand dryers, bladeless fans, heaters, hair dryers, and lights.

Samsung: is a South Korean multinational company founded in **** by Lee Byung-chul in Taegu, present-day South Korea. It includes subsidiaries in ** countries as well as numerous affiliated companies, most under the parent name Samsung, and is the largest South Korean conglomerate.

Xiaomi: Founded in April ****, it is a company active in consumer electronics and the production of smartphones and smart hardware connected to an IoT platform. Xiaomi's success is mainly due to the creation of terminals with state-of-the-art hardware associated, however, with a very aggressive pricing policy.

Philips: Philips is a global leader in the markets of home appliances, ...

3.4 The main distribution channels

The main distributors of air purifiers in Italy are:

Unieuro s.p.a: founded in ****, is Italy's largest retailer of consumer electronics and home appliances by number of stores, with a network of *** stores throughout Italy. The company adopts an omnichannel approach, integrating direct stores, affiliated outlets and a digital platform

Mediamarket (***) s.p.a: founded in ****, is a German chain specializing in the distribution of consumer electronics and household appliances, part of the Media-Saturn-Holding Group, a subsidiary of the METRO Group. With more than *** stores in ** countries, it is a leading European retailer of electronic goods. In Italy, where it operates under the MediaWorld banner, MediaMarkt has *** stores with a total workforce of *,*** employees.

Bruno s.p.a: founded in ****, is an Italian company specializing in retailing consumer electronics, computers, peripherals, telecommunications equipment and household appliances. To date, the company has ** stores and ** franchises, with a total of more than *,*** employees.

Dimo s.p.a: founded in ****, is an Italian company operating in the retail trade of consumer electronics products, computers, peripherals, telecommunications equipment and home appliances. As of ****, the company has ** outlets in Italy and more than *** employees. Dimo S.p.A. engages in the distribution of consumer electronics ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Air purification technologies on the market

Several air purification technologies are available, namely[***]:

Filtration: The principle of filtration is to capture pollutants in the air to be treated through a series of filters. HEPA (***) filters are the most qualitative because they are able to recover the smallest pollutants. HEPA technology accounts for about ** percent of global market revenue[***]. Ionization: Ionization aims to nullify the effect of pollutants by attracting them through the emission of negative ions that amalgamate and attract them to the device or the ground. This is the solution developed by French start-up Teqoya, which has developed technology without harmful ozone emissions, unlike older generations of devices. This segment is expected to experience the strongest growth in the coming years with a CAGR of **.* percent per year between **** and ****[***]. Photocatalysis: This technology captures and breaks down air pollutants, eventually generating water and carbon dioxide. it is particularly effective against volatile organic compounds (***). Plasma: This is a technology that originated in the conquest of space. When energy is supplied to a substance, its state changes: from solid to liquid and from liquid to gas. If energy is added to the gas, it ionizes and turns directly into plasma. This is a recent variation of ionization, so ...

4.2 The prices

The following are some of the products available in the Italian market with their retail prices.

4.3 New supply trends

As an emerging one, the market for air purifiers is constantly evolving. In terms of offering these products, design and manufacturing are increasingly moving toward:

Smart technology integration: modern air purifiers are increasingly equipped with smart features. These features may include connectivity to smartphones or smart home systems, enabling remote control and monitoring of the air purifier. This trend reflects a broader movement toward smart home technology integration.(***) Portable air purifiers:are more compact and lightweight, designed to be easily transported from room to room or even outside the home. They purify air in a smaller area than traditional models such as cars, individual rooms in homes, or enclosed office spaces. Globally, the market reaches a value of $*.* billion in ****. Between **** and ****, a compound annual growth rate (***) of **.** percent is expected, thanks to which the market value could touch a value of $**.** billion.

Wearable air purifier market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Inkwoodresearch

5 Regulations

5.1 The legislation

The market for air filtration and cleaning products, as with many other products, is regulated by various laws and regulations at both the national and European levels. However, the standards that relate most specifically to air purifiers have been issued by the European Union:

EN ***:****: constitutes the reference legislative source for the testing and classification of filters used in general ventilation and the test methods for measuring the performance of a filter. This European standard is intended for air purification filters whose initial efficiency is less than ** percent calculated on pollutant particles of *.* µm.

EN ****:****: presents itself as the reference standard on ultra-high efficiency and ultra-low penetration air filters (***): this standard establishes a procedure for the determination of filter efficiency using a method for the quantitative evaluation of pollutant particles remaining after treatment with liquid aerosol.

UNI *****:**** applies to air filters intended for general ventilation, operated by means of one or more electrostatic fields actively applied through a generator. The content of this standard covers:

The classification of the filter as a result of the evaluation of the average efficiency on particles of *.* µm diameter. The complete description of the test circuit, test method and qualification procedures.

Legislative Decree No. ***/**: analyzes ...

6 Positioning of players

6.1 Segmentation



  • Electrolux Italia s.p.a
  • Samsung Italia
  • LG eletronics Italia SPA
  • Xiaomi Italia
  • Unieuro S.p.a.
  • Bruno s.p.a
  • Mediamarket S.p.a.
  • Comet s.p.a
  • Amazon
  • Dyson Italia

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