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- Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts
1 Market Overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Bicycle tourism, or cyclotourism, is a recreational activity that consists of a mode of viewing an area or region by bicycle in order to discover its main tourist attractions. It is not considered a competitive practice since it is known to be carried out for pleasure and not for competition. The duration of the trip can vary from days, weeks, or even months, despite the fact that the average distance traveled daily by a bicycle tourist is between 50 and 150 km.
In 2020, the global cycle tourism market was worth more than 300 million and is expected to grow at an annual growth rate of 13.95 percent reaching a peak of more than $680 million by 2026. The most popular routes worldwide are: the EuroVelo in Europe, the Pan-American in America, and the Silk Road in Asia.
The growth of this market in Italy, in line with what has happened globally, can be explained mainly in view ofthe increased attention by the population to sustainability issues and thus, the willingness to carry out eco-friendly activities. In addition, Italy is a popular destination for cycling enthusiasts thanks not only to its Mediterranean climate but also to its varied landscapes. In fact, every year it attracts a large number of foreign cycle tourists mainly from Germany, France and Austria. As for the Italian clientele, more than half of the cycle tourists are from northern Italy being this activity more developed in the northern part of the country.
Due to the recent growth of the market, more and more sports associations, social clubs or private merchants are significantly investing in this industry by offering routes and services or packages for bicycle tourists, such as ItalyBikeHotels, which offers routes among the various hotels that are part of the group.
Also significant in boosting the industry's growth have been the substantial public investments made by the state, with the aim of granting facilities to entrepreneurs and companies willing to invest in this market.
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the bicycle tourism market | Italy
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