Detailed content of our market study
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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Presentation and definition of the market
The parapharmacy market includes all sales of care and hygiene products (for adults and babies), but also many types of products that do not require a medical prescription, such as beauty products, diet and nutrition products, sun care products, hair care products, etc.
The parapharmaceutical market has evolved considerably since its emergence in the 1980s and the consumption of parapharmaceutical products has become more democratic by opening up to all distribution methods: pharmacies, specialist retailers, parapharmacies and online sales.
This evolution has been accompanied by an extension of the offer towards new territories of beauty. The parapharmacy market is growing rapidly in Spain, driven on the one hand by the growing importance given to appearance and personal care, and on the other hand by a growing attention to the quality of the care used (in cosmetics in particular), leading to a premiumisation of consumption towards parapharmacy products.
However, the arrival of new entrants and the digital transformation of the sector pose new challenges to the historical players in the market, giving product innovation an increasingly central role in strategies
1.2 The domestic market
The perfumery and cosmetics market in Spain
The perfumery and cosmetics market is growing rapidly, strongly driven by the performance of the parapharmacy market. In ****, the perfumery and cosmetics market grew by *% to reach *.** billion euros, with a total of *.** billion units consumed in volume. [***]
The average consumption per person thus amounts to €***/year, *.*% more than the European average of €***/year/person. On average, a Spaniard uses * to * cosmetic products per day. [***]
The main segments of the Spanish cosmetics market are as follows:
Perfumes: **% Hair care: **% Personal care: **% Skin care: **%
The parapharmacy market
It is difficult to estimate the size of the parapharmacy market because it encompasses a very wide spectrum of product types. Nevertheless, according to the latest estimates provided by various sources, the parapharmaceutical market in Spain can be considered to be worth around EUR * billion. [***]
1.3 Le marché espagnol
Le marché de la parfumerie et cosmétique en Espagne
Le marché de la parfumerie et cosmétique est en pleine croissance, tirant fortement les performances du marché de la parapharmacie. La consommation moyenne par personne s’élève ainsi à ***€ /an, soit *,*% de plus que la moyenne européenne située à ***€/an/personne. En moyenne, un Espagnol utilise ainsi * à * produits cosmétiques par jour. [***]
D'après l'INE, ce sont les ventes en gros de produits pharmaceutiques qui représentent le plus gros segment en valeur avec **,** milliards d'euros en ****.
Evolution des ventes des produits pharmaceutiques, cosmétiques et d'hygiène Espagne, ****-****, en milliards d'euros Source: ****
Le marché de la parapharmacie
D’après l’Association Espagnole des Franchisés, l’Espagne compte en ****, ** franchises actives dans le domaine de la parapharmacie et de la diététique, ce qui représente **** établissements et **** emplois.
Le chiffre d’affaires total des franchises du secteur atteignait ***,* millions d’euros en ****, en décroissance depuis le pic de **** à *** millions d'euros.
Chiffre d'affaires des franchises de diététique et parapharmacie Espagne, ****, en millions d'euros Source: ****
1.4 Le commerce extérieur des produits pharmaceutiques
Concernant le commerce international, nous considérons les données fournies par UN Comtrade pour le code marchandise **** " Produits pharmaceutiques ". Comme le montre le graphique ci-dessous, les importations et les exportations de produits pharmaceutiques varient au cours des dernières années, avec des hausses et baisses récurrentes.
Les importations ont atteint une valeur de *** millions USD en **** et les exportations se sont élevées à *** millions USD en ****.
Evolution de la balance commerciale des produits pharmaceutiques Espagne, ****-****, en millions de $ Source: ****
Parmi les pays qui importent des produits pharmaceutiques de l'Espagne, on trouve les Etats-Unis, avec ** %, l'Allemagne (***), ses deux voisins limitrophes, le Portugal et la France avec * % et * % respectivement.
Principales destinations des exportations de produits pharmaceutiques Espagne, ****, en % Source : UN Comtrade Si l'on se concentre sur les importations, l'Espagne importe principalement de l'Allemagne, qui représente **% du total, des Etats-Unis, avec *% et de l'Irlande, avec *%. Principales origines des importations de produits pharmaceutiques Espagne, ****, en % Source : UN Comtrade
1.5 L'impact du Covid 19 sur le marché
La pandémie a modifié la consommation espagnole dans les parapharmacies, en changeant à la fois le type de produits et les modèles de demande. En effet, ces deux aspects n'ont pas répondu aux tendances des années précédentes. En peu de temps, ces entreprises de la grande distribution ont dû adapter leur gestion des achats et leurs relations commerciales avec l'industrie et les distributeurs eux-mêmes, afin de répondre aux nouveaux besoins de leurs clients. Des catégories traditionnellement très vendues, comme les produits contre la toux, la grippe ou le rhume, ont connu de fortes baisses.
Les parapharmacies situées dans les centres-villes, les zones touristiques et les centres commerciaux ont été touchées en **** et ****, tandis que les parapharmacies de quartier ont vu le niveau de la demande augmenter, "et sont confrontées à la nécessité de fidéliser de nouveaux clients".
Les pharmacies "bien positionnées" représentent ** % des ventes en ligne, y compris les places de marché du secteur. En d'autres termes, si "un citoyen recherche un produit sur Internet, il sera attiré dans **% des cas par une pharmacie ; dans ** %, par une parapharmacie (***) et entre ** et ** %, par une place de marché ...
2 Demand Analysis
2.1 The use of beauty and care products in Spain
Beauty and care products, which make up a large proportion of parapharmaceutical products, are very widely used among the Spanish population. In ****, for example, the number of regular purchasers of oral hygiene products was estimated at **.* million, the number of regular purchasers of hair care products at **.* million, and the number of regular purchasers of bath and shower products at **.* million.
Source: ****
It is also interesting to consider not only the number of users but also the frequency of use of beauty and care products. Indeed, the higher the frequency of use, the higher the number of purchases per year, and the higher the value of annual sales.
However, it must be taken into account that the range of parapharmaceutical products on offer is very broad and that it is therefore difficult to have a precise overview of consumer habits for all products. We therefore choose here to focus on a few types of products in order to have an overview of the consumption trend for this type of products.
It can be observed that for the two types of products chosen (***), there is an overall upward trend in the number of users, particularly in the high frequency of use.
Indeed, ...
2.2 Consumer purchasing behaviour
Who's the typical pharmacy buyer?
According to a Shopper Tec survey, the typical profile of the parapharmacy buyer in pharmacies is female (***). The average age of the buyer is ** years old. [***]
Preferred channels for purchasing
Many products available in parapharmacies can also be purchased through other distribution channels, and consumers of parapharmaceutical products thus most often favour multi-channel purchasing paths and behaviours.
For example, according to a survey carried out by Shopper Tec among consumers of parapharmacy products in pharmacies, **% said they only buy in pharmacies, and **% said they also go to a parapharmacy. [***]
However, it is also interesting to see that purchasing behaviour differs according to the type of product: for facial care, for example, **% buy only in pharmacies and **% also go to parapharmacies; on the other hand, for nutrition and dietetic products, for which consumers expect more service and medical advice, **% buy only in pharmacies and only **% also go to parapharmacies.
Source: ****
The evolution of purchasing behaviour with the arrival of the Internet
Moreover, these purchasing behaviours are changing strongly under the influence of the Internet and online parapharmacies, which can intervene at all stages of the purchasing process: from the taking of information to the completion of the ...
2.3 Demand trend: dermocosmetics
Within this market, the dermocosmetics segment is very much in vogue: worldwide, the dermocosmetics market has more than doubled over the last fifteen years. Western Europe accounts for the vast majority of the market, with **% of the world's value, and Spain is in *th place th world market behind France, Italy and Germany.
Parapharmacies play a central role in this boom in dermocosmetics, since these two distribution channels account for **% of skin care sales. [***]
2.4 La saisonnalité de la demande
En outre, la demande de certains produits pharmaceutiques et extra-pharmaceutiques est très saisonnière. En général, l'utilisation de produits pharmaceutiques a lieu principalement en automne et en hiver, car les basses températures et le temps défavorable font partie des facteurs qui contribuent à l'affaiblissement de l'organisme. Toutefois, selon la saison, la tendance de la demande est la suivante :
Printemps : Les changements soudains des conditions météorologiques et les hausses et baisses de température peuvent provoquer les premiers symptômes de la grippe, de la toux et du rhume. Les médicaments les plus populaires pour combattre ces symptômes sont les sirops mucolytiques, les bains de bouche pour apaiser la gorge et les décongestionnants nasaux. En outre, de mars à juin, on observe une augmentation de la concentration de pollen, qui est l'ennemi de beaucoup d'Espagnols. Par conséquent, les antihistaminiques et la cortisone sont parmi les médicaments les plus populaires au printemps. été : On considère qu'il s'agit de la saison où l'organisme a peu de chances de tomber sous le coup des attaques virales et des conditions climatiques, car le beau temps et les températures agréables ne semblent pas mettre ...
3 Market structure
3.1 A market that is not very unified
The parapharmacy market includes a very diversified offer, segmented into many types of products, and as such it is difficult to give general market shares on the parapharmacy market. It is indeed more interesting to give market shares by segment, because the forces at play and the balance of power vary very strongly according to the type of product considered, but also according to the profile of the final consumer (***).
Market shares by product type
Source: ****
Source: ****
Source: ****
Source: ****
Source: ****
Source: ****
According to the consumer
Furthermore, one of the other main axes of segment differentiation within the parapharmacy market itself is the consumer profile. Indeed, it can be observed that market shares are very differently distributed depending on whether one is looking at men's or women's products.
Here we can take the example of facial care products: in men's skin care, Vichy largely dominates the segment with **% of the value, while in women's skin care the leader is Avene, with only **%, in a much more fragmented segment. [***]
Source: ****
3.2 Franchising of parapharmaceutical brands
According to the Spanish Association of Franchisees, in **** Spain will have ** franchises operating in the parapharmacy and dietetics sector, representing **** establishments and *,*** jobs.
The total turnover of the sector's franchises reached ***.* million euros in ****, a very strong growth of **.*% compared to ****. [***]
Source: ****
3.3 Changes in market structure
In ****, Sephora inaugurated its first parapharmacy corner in the Rambla de Cataluña store in Barcelona. In ****, the brand continued along this path with the opening of other corners (***). [***]
In ****, the e-commerce giant has announced that it too wants to enter the parapharmacy market in Spain, staggering its introduction on the market over a period of ** years. Amazon has already entered similar markets, for example in the United States, where the company acquired Pillpack, the country's leading online parapharmacy. [***]
3.4 L'essor du commerce électronique
Plusieurs acteurs européens d’envergure se sont fait une place de choix dans la vente en ligne d’articles de parapharmacie en ligne, à l’image des groupes belges Newpharma (***), exploite quant à lui la première marketplace de parapharmacie d’Europe, Doctipharma. Ces acteurs misent avant sur l’attractivité de leurs tarifs et la largeur de leur offre pour séduire une large clientèle.
L’offre de dermocosmétiques des parapharmacies en ligne exploitées par des pharmacies est similaire à celle commercialisée par les pure players du secteur, tant en termes de prix, de largeur de l’offre que des marques référencées (***).
Elles se démarquent en revanche en proposant un service de conseil en ligne, sous forme de questionnaire interactif, de chatbot, ou encore par téléphone. Autre atout de taille, le fait d’être rattaché à une pharmacie physique constitue un gage de confiance auprès des consommateurs quant à la provenance et l’authenticité des produits.
Ainsi, selon une enquête, **% des Espagnols recherchent de l’information en ligne pour les produits de cosmétiques et de soins, et **% le font pour les autres produits de parapharmacie.
De même, **% des Espagnols déclarent ...
4 Analysis of the offer
4.1 A very wide and diversified offer
The parapharmacy offer covers a very large number and diversity of products. Among the main categories are the following:
The make-up Personal hygiene products: shower gels, shampoos, intimate hygiene Deodorants and antiperspirants Perfumes Oral hygiene products: toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, mouthwash, etc Dietetic and nutritional products, including food supplements Body care Facial treatments, which are often specialised according to skin type: anti-ageing, anti-acne, for dry skin... Some parapharmacy facial or body treatments are very similar to medical treatments, with for example ranges for atopic skin. Baby hygiene: nappies, wipes, liniment, care ranges.. Sun care products
4.2 Geographical distribution of pharmacies-parapharmacies
In parallel with the expansion of the supply of parapharmaceuticals, the number of parapharmacies in Spain has also grown strongly over the last ten years. Thus, while Spain had **,*** pharmacies in ****, it will have **,*** in ****, an increase of *.*% in ** years. [***]
Source: ****
The Autonomous Communities with the highest number of pharmacies-parapharmacies in **** were Andalusia (***). Nevertheless, the communities with the most pharmacies per **,*** inhabitants in **** were Navarre, Castilla y León and Extremadura. These high densities in the location of parapharmacies allow for a better dissemination of the ever-increasing supply of parapharmaceutical products. [***]
Source: ****
Source: ****
Number of pharmacies per **,*** inhabitants per Autonomous Community Spain, ****
5 Regulation
5.1 The regulatory framework for food supplements
The European Union has established a series of regulations, through the Directive ****/**/EC of the European Parliament, whose aim is to protect the health of consumers and to ensure transparency of information communicated on food supplements. This Directive defines food supplements as foodstuffs whose purpose is to supplement the daily diet, constituting a source of nutrients with a nutritional effect and marketed in dose form.
Among the main provisions of this Directive are the following:
- Annex I provides a list of vitamins and minerals that may be added to food supplements
- Annex II provides a list of sources from which Annex I substances may be produced
- Labelling and marketing requirements
This original Directive has since been amended by new legislation to refine the list of authorised products. For example, in ****, Regulation ****/**** adds organic silicon to the list of authorised products, after a scientific study concluded that this element does not present any health risk. The marketing of food supplements containing non-listed substances is totally prohibited.
5.2 The Cosmetic Regulation n°1223/2009
The Regulation n°****/**** the Cosmetics Regulation is one of the main regulatory texts at European level for the cosmetics market.
Designation of a responsible person
For each product placed on the market, companies must designate a Responsible Person (***). The Responsible Person can be the manufacturer, the importer if the manufacturer is outside the EU, the distributor or a third person established in the EU. This Responsible Person will be both the point of contact for the authorities and the guarantor of the safety and conformity of the product.
Composition of the product
The Regulations establish a list of prohibited, restricted or permitted ingredients.
- Prohibited substances: mainly CMR substances (***).
- Restricted substances: there are *** such substances in the regulation, which can be used under very specific conditions such as maximum use percentage or purity of the substance.
- Allowed substances: *** dyes allowed, ** preservatives allowed, and ** UV filters allowed.
The Product Information Package
In order for the product to be placed on the market, it is necessary to submit a dossier containing information on the product concerned. This dossier must contain in particular a description of the product, a report on the safety of the product, evidence of the effect claimed by ...
5.3 The REACH Regulation
The REACH Regulation (***) is a European legislation that came into force in **** with the aim of making the manufacture and use of chemical substances in European industry safer. [***]
This regulation applies to all chemical substances, both those used in industrial processes and those present in products used on a daily basis (***). The regulation places responsibility on companies to identify and manage the risks associated with the substances they manufacture and market. If companies are unable to demonstrate that substances can be used safely, their use may be prohibited or restricted.
The REACH regulation thus affects a very large number of European companies, including manufacturers, importers and downstream users..
6 Positioning of the players
6.1 Segmentation
6.2 Les principales enseignes de parapharmacies
Ci-dessous est présenté les principales enseignes de parapharmacies (***) sont très présentes dans la distribution des produits de parapharmacie en points de vente physique. En effet, ces acteurs ont l'avantage de disposer à travers leur réseau d'enseigne de distribution alimentaire d'une implantation locale sur l'ensemble du territoire national, qu'ils peuvent mettre à profit pour le secteur de la parapharmacie.
- Weleda
- L'Oréal Groupe
- Nestlé Groupe
- Johnson & Johnson
- La Roche-Posay
- Carrefour
- Mercadona
- Sephora
- Amazon
- Pierre Fabre Iberia
- CantabriaLabs
- Lacer
- Stada
- Dermofarm
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