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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Presentation and definition of the dietary supplements market

A dietary supplement is a natural, bio-active nutrient-concentrated substance, presented in simple or combined form, marketed in doses (capsule, lozenge, tablet, powder, ampoule, bottle, etc.) whose purpose is to supplement the normal diet. Emblematic of the boom in health and nutrition, food supplements have enjoyed growing success over the last few years in segments as diverse as slimming, stress-sleep, digestion, circulation and sport.

Food supplements can be divided into vitamins and minerals (vitamins A, B, C, D, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.), herbal supplements (valerian, hawthorn, harpagophytum) and substances with physiological or nutritional purposes (omega-3s, for example).

The profiles of people consuming these products vary widely, but they mainly include individuals with poor dietary habits (unbalanced diet, lack of fruit and vegetables), people following a specific diet to lose weight, or those with a high level of obesity.the profiles of those consuming these products are very diverse, but they mainly include people with poor eating habits (unbalanced diet, poor in fruit and vegetables), people following a specific diet to lose weight, athletes, people over the age of fifty, women of child-bearing age, children under the age of five, people protecting themselves from the sun and vegans.

Globally, the market is enjoying strong growth that looks set to continue, with forecasts predicting a CAGR of 8.4% between 2022 and 2030. Growing public awareness of the importance of food, combined with increasingly busy lifestyles, is driving demand for these products.

The Spanish market, although still limited in value compared to its European neighbors, is experiencing very strong growth, is experiencing very strong growth. Distribution is mainly through pharmacies and supermarkets but also on the internet.As far as manufacturers are concerned, a distinction is made between companies specializing in dietary supplements and those operating in the broader dietary nutrition segment.

New trends are emerging as European and national regulations evolve to enable better development of these products. Brands also tend to rely on scientific evidence to justify the benefits of their products and establish a relationship of trust with consumers.

1.2 The growing global market

PrecedenceResearch estimates the size of the global market at around $*** billion in ****. They forecast a CAGR of *.*% per year between **** and ****, with the market expected to generate around $*** billion worldwide in ****, an increase of ***% in * years.

x of the global dietary supplements market World, ****-*****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

The global market is largely dominated by two countries, the USA and China, which shared **% of market share in ****.Western Europe accounts for **% of the market. The global market is therefore largely concentrated in these three regions, with all other countries accounting for just **% of the market. World market segmentation by region World, ****, in Source : Synadiet while Italy is the largest European market, along with France and Germany (***), it is the Eastern European countries that are experiencing the strongest growth. These countries, which are less advanced in their development phase, are naturally experiencing a greater increase in demand for these products, particularly plants and physiotherapy. In Europe, the most popular product types are vitamins and minerals, which account for **% of dietary supplement sales. The success of sports supplements such as amino acids, proteins and ginseng is also apparent, accounting for **% of sales. Finally, herbal food supplements hold **% of market share. European ...

1.3 A growing Spanish market

Dietetic products market sales Spain, **** - ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

The Spanish health food market (***) is growing at an average annual rate of over *% over the period under review. According to the latest available estimates, it will reach *.*** billion euros in ****.

Breakdown between dietary supplements and other dietetic products Spain, ****, in Source: ****

In ****, dietary supplements accounted for around **.*% of the total diet products market, or *** million euros.

1.4 Foreign trade in dietary supplements

It's complicated to study dietary supplements as a whole, as this segment encompasses a wide variety of products classified under different customs codes. However, we can analyze a part of it and observe, for example, trade in vitamins and provitamins, which make up a large proportion of dietary supplements and are grouped under the following code:

****: Provitamins and vitamins, natural or synthetically reproduced, including natural concentrates, and their derivatives used principally as vitamins, whether or not mixed together, and whether or not in any solution

Foreign trade in vitamins and provitamins Spain, ****-****, in millions of dollars Source: ****

Imports of Spanish vitamins and provitamins rose sharply between **** and ****, with growth of almost **% in two years, a sign of the population's growing interest in these products. However, **** saw a **% drop in imports, which took two years to return to **** levels. Exports followed the same trend, rising by **% between **** and ****, then falling by **% in ****, but recovering more quickly to exceed their previous peak in **** by more than **% in ****.

The coverage rate for its products slowly deteriorated from **** to ****, before recovering in recent years.

China is Spain's leading supplier of vitamins and provitamins, accounting for **.**% of the value of imports. It is followed ...

1.5 The impact of covid-19 on the market: increase in online sales and certain products

Increase in online sales

The closure of physical sales outlets during the first containment in March **** logically led to a shift in sales through the digital channels that remained available. Although distribution in Spain is mainly via pharmacies, online sales have also increased considerably. As the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (***) acknowledges, online purchases of this type of product should be made on trusted sites which, where possible, are advised by experts.

The dietary supplements sector is at the crossroads of two sectors that have seen their online sales explode with the pandemic: food and pharmaceuticals

According to XChannel data, the food sector - particularly strategic in the Spanish and French markets - has seen a ***% growth in online sales. The most impressive growth came from the pharmaceutical industry. Under this label are companies that produce and sell products such as supplements, creams and other pharmacy-related products like cosmetics on Amazon and in the sector's e-retailers (***).

Growth in sales of stress and immune-boosting products

The global pandemic has highlighted the importance of immune defenses in the fight against disease, leading to a surge in sales of immune-boosting dietary supplements. Growth in this category has been driven by two factors. ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Diverse consumer profiles

According to MAPFRE, in ****, **% of Spaniards will consume food supplements . The majority would do so to improve their state of health (***).

For what reasons would you be willing to consume dietary supplements? Spain, ****, percentage of respondents Source: ****

What's more, **% of women consume dietary supplements, compared with **% of men.

Consumption of dietary supplements by gender Spain, ****, in Source: ****

Consumer profiles are therefore varied.

For health reasons, several uses can be distinguished according to the following categories of people[***] :

People over ** may consume it for vitamin D, B** and B*; Women of child-bearing age can take folic acid, vitamin D and iron; Children under five for vitamins A, C and D; People who can't expose themselves to the sun (***) will need vitamin D ; Vegans need to consume vitamin B**.

Many athletes also consume dietary supplements. A study of *** people in * Seville gyms found that **% of customers had already taken such products to improve their performance. [***]

Finally, consumers are increasingly turning to this type of product to balance their diet. This is despite the recommendations of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (***), which states that dietary supplements should only be taken on an occasional basis, to make up for temporary deficiencies.

2.2 Demand driven by an interest in dietetics and a desire to compensate for an unbalanced diet

The consumption of dietary supplements is largely due to the fact that Spaniards eat too little fruit and vegetables. According to the Cinco al Día website, only **% of Spaniards claim to eat the recommended * fruits and vegetables a day. This phenomenon particularly affects young people, since according to the same article, **% of Spanish children and teenagers eat just one fruit or vegetable a day, and even **% between * and * times a week.

But Spaniards seem to have become more aware of the importance of food for health, and there is a trend towards healthier products, reflected in the consumption of diet products: between **** and ****, the value of the diet food market in Spain rose by **%, reaching **** million euros in ****.

This trend has a marked influence on the dietary supplements market, as these are the most popular among Spaniards. As the graph below shows, they will account for **.*% of demand for diet products in ****.

Breakdown between dietary supplements and other diet products Spain, ****, in Source: ****

2.3 Greater demand for certain products

Some products are more popular than others in Spain. Vitamins and fish oils are the most popular products, with **% and **% of Spaniards respectively consuming them in ****.

Vitamins are the most popular products because of the diversity of products in this segment, and therefore the variety of possible uses. Vitamin C, for example, aids the absorption of iron, vitamin D helps solidify bones and prevent autoimmune diseases, vitamin B** helps synthesize red blood cells and nucleic acids, and so on.

Consumption of dietary supplements Spain, ****, as a percentage of those surveyed Source: ****

These supplements each meet different expectations in terms of intake and are aimed at differentiated populations.

The main actor influencing the intake of dietary supplements in Spain is the pharmacist (***)

Key players influencing the use of dietary supplements Spain, ****, percentage of respondents Source: ****

Another article in La Razon explains that supplements are also targeted at people with unusual nutritional needs, such as athletes, pregnant mothers, women in the menopause, or smokers who are quitting.

3 Market structure

3.1 A market where competition varies by product

The dietary supplements industry comprises several stages and players, as illustrated below.

Source: ****

In the first stage, ingredient suppliers produce raw materials, i.e. the nutrients, but also the flavors or colorants that will make up the dietary supplements.

from these ingredients, producers manufacture the dietary supplements. There are two types of producer: processors, who supply supplements to a number of companies for marketing, and manufacturers, who place the supplements they produce directly on the market.

These products are then distributed through various channels and consumed by the general public.

3.2 Highly regulated production methods

The production of dietary supplements itself comprises several stages, the details of which may vary according to the type of product manufactured[***] :

Receipt of ingredients Storage: includes quarantine of products to be controlled before acceptance, storage of raw materials, work-in-process and finished products, and buffer storage Preparation and weighing: includes deconditioning, picking and weighing of raw materials based on the recipe, as well as material preparation Manufacturing: includes drying, grinding, crushing, blending, tarnishing, maceration, fermentation, percolation, pressing, extraction, cooking, sterilization, pasteurization, cooling, compression, capsule filling, etc Packaging: includes transferring, filling, sealing, crimping, heat-sealing and adding instructions Packaging labeling Storage Transport by manufacturer

Vitamins and minerals, which make up a large proportion of the dietary supplements marketed, offer very few opportunities for product differentiation. In fact, these products are essentially elementary molecules, neither patented nor patentable, which means that barriers to market entry are relatively low. For these supplements, the brand image is based more on the product's reliability and health compliance, which is assumed as soon as the product is put on the market. Laboratories' strategy is therefore similar to that applied to generic drugs, and competition for these products is relatively strong.

On the other hand, dietary supplements that are ...

3.3 The main distribution channels

The food supplements sector in Spain is now considered a mass consumer market, which is gradually being incorporated into the major retail chains. Mainly distributed in pharmacies and parapharmacies when they first appeared, they can now be found on supermarket shelves, with an ever-growing range on offer, although pharmacies remain by far the leading distribution channel for dietary supplements in Spain (***). *% of consumers buy their dietary supplements on Amazon.

Main distribution channels Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****

On the other hand, the manufacturers who dominate the market are mainly pharmaceutical companies. There are over a hundred of them, in charge of manufacturing and/or distribution through their main channels: specialist stores, parapharmacies, pharmacies and supermarkets.

3.4 The Internet channel, a new arena for marketing and distribution

The development of information technologies, in particular social networks and e-commerce sites, is completely overturning the way in which food supplement manufacturers and distributors bring their products to the attention of the public, work on their brand image and distribute their products.

According to the Spanish association of manufacturers and distributors of dietary products and food supplements(***) allow to collect about potential customers.

In particular, according toAFEPADI, internet sales are now the leading distribution channel for sports nutrition supplements. We can therefore expect the Internet to become a major distribution channel for all dietary supplements that are not vitamins or minerals, but which are aimed at a specific audience, such as sportsmen and women, people with disabilities or the general public.we can therefore expect the Internet to become a major distribution channel for all dietary supplements that are not vitamins or minerals, but are aimed at a specific audience, such as athletes, slimmers, smokers on the verge of quitting, or people wishing to take supplements to improve the appearance of their skin or hair, etc.

Main reasons for buying online Spain, ****, % Source: ****

the main reasons for buying online are lower prices, convenience and speed .

3.5 Strong growth in the number of manufacturers and distributors

Number of manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements Spain, **** - ****, in numbers Source: ****

Between **** and ****, the number of companies rose sharply (***).

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Several food supplement families

There are generally * families of dietary supplements:

Vitamins and minerals: most vitamins, with the exception of vitamin D, are not naturally synthesized by the human body, and must therefore be present in our diet. To do so, these vitamins are extracted from various foods, and concentrated in a variety of pharmaceutical forms: oral solutions, capsules, dry tablets and so on. Plants and plant-based preparations: since the dawn of time, plants have been used for their health-promoting properties: ginseng, guarana, ginger, fennel, etc. Physiological or nutritional substances: recent scientific developments have made biotechnologies one of the main growth drivers for the dietary supplements industry. This last category covers all innovative substances that are the subject of clinical studies, such as Omega *, and used in the manufacture of defined food supplements.

IMS (***) has carried out a study of the nutrition products market to analyze the best-selling categories.

The following graphs show the different dietary supplements classified by type and consumption rate in Spain in ****. The most popular dietary supplements are vitamins C and D.

Types of vitamins Spain, ****, as % of total consumption Source: ****

Different types of minerals Source : MAPFRE Different types of fish oil Spain, ****, in Source: MAPFRE The different types of probiotics ...

4.2 Prices that vary according to product

Prices vary enormously, depending on the type of dietary supplement, the packaging in which it is sold (***).

Vitamins and minerals

A pack of Robis Reina Real Defensas Jalea Real **** mg ** Ampollas costs €**(***). It contains mainly vitamin C and claims slimming virtues. A Ceregumil Hierro Liquido *** ml syrup(***), containing iron, folic acid and vitamin B**, sells for €**.** a bottle. Its main aim is to reduce fatigue. Solgar brand vitamin C capsules (***) at €**.* per bottle of *** x *g capsules. These capsules claim to strengthen the immune system. Solgar vitamin D capsules(***) at €**.** per bottle of *** **-microgram tablets. This supplement is beneficial for bone capital and natural defenses.

Herbal food supplements

Garcinia Cambogia(***). Complejo de Vitamina C *** Cápsulas - Extracto de Acerola y Escaramujo de la Rosa Canina for €**.** on Amazon. This supplement is produced using Acerola, a fruit rich in vitamin C.

Sports supplements

Scitec Nutrition whey protein powder, **** g jar, €** on Amazon. Nutri Sport "Amino Boost" tablets, ** portions, €** on Amazon.

4.3 Innovations based on research

The trends in the offer focus on * main areas relayed by Natac Group:

Scientific backing for marketing arguments: Following the publication of Regulation (***) ****/**** of the European Parliament and of the Council of December **, **** on nutrition and health claims made on foods. Health claims on products must be supported by scientific evidence, and many companies have embarked on research to prove the benefits of their supplements. Format and ingredient innovations: brands are becoming increasingly innovative in terms of formats, with supplements developed in the form of chewing gum, double-layer tablets, granules or even lozenges that melt under the tongue. But innovation is even more important when it comes to ingredients, notably with nano-encapsulation, which refers to the coating of supplements with nanoscale elements. This enables faster absorption and higher concentration of the active ingredient. For herbal supplements, the trend is rather the opposite, with a desire to combine several ingredients to increase the pill's activity. The safety of food supplements: from the problems intrinsic to each ingredient, to contamination and adulteration (***). Nutrivigilence systems have been set up to prevent overdosing and combat undesirable effects, and to provide consumers with the best possible support. Personalized nutrition: this trend is developing to provide dietary ...

5 Regulations

5.1 The European regulatory framework

The European Union has established a series of regulations, through Directive ****/**/EC of the European Parliament, aimed at protecting consumer health and guaranteeing the transparency of information provided on food supplements. This directive defines food supplements as foodstuffs intended to supplement the daily diet, providing a source of nutrients with a nutritional effect, and marketed in dose form.

The main provisions of this directive include the following:

Annex I lists the vitamins and minerals that may be added to food supplements Annex II lists the sources from which Annex I substances may be produced Labeling and marketing requirements

This initial directive has since been amended by new legislation, to refine the list of authorized products. For example, in ****, regulation ****/**** added organic silicon to the list of authorized products, after a scientific study concluded that this element poses no health risk. The marketing of food supplements containing unlisted substances is totally prohibited.

5.2 Changes in Spanish regulations

To make up for Europe's shortcomings on the issue, Spain has amended its food supplement regulations in line with many of its European partners. Royal Decree ***/**** of March ** amending Royal Decree ****/**** of September ** on food supplements was published. Although Directive ****/**/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of June **, **** provides for partial harmonization of food supplements, the provisions relating to the labelling and marketing of food supplements remain unchanged.the use of substances other than vitamins and minerals has been relegated to a later stage of harmonization. They are therefore subject to the rules that may apply under national law within the framework of articles ** to ** of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. [***]

Cariotipo explains that this new regulation involves regulating the various vitamin and mineral substances contained in these supplements. The new law therefore establishes a list of substances that may be present in products, broadening the sample of substances previously authorized: wheat germ, royal jelly, pollen, brewer's yeast, soy lecithin and propolis have been have been added to the list of food supplements authorized by the Spanish authorities. Spain is thus gradually coming into line with its European neighbors, who are far more advanced ...

6 Positioning the players


  • Lambert Espanola S.L
  • Solgar Espana
  • Ceregumil
  • Prime Nature
  • Bio-Dis Espana
  • Orthonat Nutrition
  • NaturHouse
  • robis
  • Dieticlar
  • Solchem
  • Natur-Import
  • Reig Jofre

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