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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Sports supplements are substances (which may contain vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, proteins, etc.) halfway between food and medicine. Diet plays a major role in the success of athletes, who may need specific nutritional supplements. Food supplements can be used to make up for nutritional deficiencies in individuals, but also to enhance sporting performance by targeting effects before, during or after exercise, or during recovery.
The global market for dietary supplements has exploded in recent years. The practice of indoor sports and fitness has gone hand in hand with a quest for performance and a diet adapted to each sport. The United States is the world's leading market, followed by Europe.
By 2021, in Spain, foods for metabolic disorders and sports nutrition will account for 29% of the total market for dietary supplements and other dietetic products. This is second only to dietary supplements (38.5%), and ahead of low-calorie diets (14.5%) and diet foods (11.5%). Sports nutrition supplements are sold in Spain through sports retailers such as Twinner, Base Detall Sport and Intersport, as well as over the Internet, a sales channel that has become increasingly important in recent years.
In 2021 and 2023, new laws have been introduced, such as European standard CEN/TC 453 "Dietary supplements and sports food free of doping substances", which, among other things, warns consumers of the dangers of sports supplements.
1.2 An explosion in global growth
As detailed below, the global market is growing. Explanatory factors include a growing awareness of the importance of exercising (***) enter the workforce.
In recent decades, sedentary lifestyles and increased access to food have led to a sharp rise in the number of obese people worldwide: **% of adults are overweight and **% of adults are obese worldwide in **** according to the WHO, a proportion that has almost tripled since ****. [***] Aware of the problems associated with their lifestyles, especially in terms of their long-term health, Westerners have gradually become sports enthusiasts.
There are no exact figures for the size of the sports supplements market. However, this market is a sub-segment of sports nutrition, which also includes all food products that are claimed to have benefits such as muscle gain or sports performance enhancement, such as protein bars and protein shakes.
According to Imarc Group, the global sports nutrition market was valued at $**.* billion in ****, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.*% to ****.
Global sports nutrition market size World, ****-****, billions of dollars Source: ****
1.3 The Spanish market
Estimated market size for sports nutrition supplements :
Dietetic products market sales Spain, **** - ****, in millions of euros Source: ****
The Spanish diet products market (***) is growing at an average annual rate of over *% over the period under review. According to the latest available estimates, it will reach *.*** billion euros in ****.
Breakdown between dietary supplements and other dietetic products Spain, ****, in Source: ****
In ****, sports supplements (***) accounted for around **% of the total diet products market, or *** million euros.
Example of the energy drinks market in Spain:
Sales of energy drinks Spain, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
In recent years, Spanish household spending on energy drinks has been rising, reaching a record *** million euros in sales in ****.
1.4 Balance of trade
For this section, we consider the customs code closest to the "sports food supplements" category, "". Food preparations, n.e.s., containing by weight *.*% milk fat, *% sucrose or isoglucose, *% glucose or starch". It should therefore be noted that the scope of the customs code under consideration is the closest to our object of study, but is not identical as it is broader and includes, in particular, dietary supplements for sport.
Foreign trade in vitamins and provitamins Spain, ****-****, in millions of dollars Source: ****
Imports of Spanish vitamins and provitamins rose sharply between **** and ****, with growth of almost **% in two years, reflecting the public's growing interest in these products. However, **** saw a **% drop in imports, which took two years to return to **** levels. Exports followed the same trend, with a **% increase between **** and ****, followed by an **% drop in ****, although they recovered more quickly and in **** exceeded their previous peak in **** by more than **%.
The coverage rate for its products slowly deteriorated from **** to ****, before recovering in recent years.
China is Spain's leading supplier of vitamins and provitamins, accounting for **.**% of the value of imports. It is followed by Germany (***).
Main suppliers of vitamins and provitamins Spain, ****, as a percentage of imports Source: ****
Exports ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Spanish consumers already familiar with dietary supplements
According to MAPFRE, by ****, **% of Spaniards will be taking food supplements, themajority to improve their health (***).
For what reasons would you be willing to consume dietary supplements? Spain, ****, percentage of respondents Source: ****
**% of women consume dietary supplements, compared with **% of men. For sports supplements, the opposite is true: a higher proportion of men than women consume them (***)
Consumption of dietary supplements by gender Spain, ****, in Source: ****
Consumer profiles are therefore varied.
Some products are more popular than others in Spain: vitamins and fish oils are the most widely consumed products, with **% and **% of Spaniards respectively consuming them in ****.
Vitamins are the most popular products because of the diversity of products in this segment, and therefore the variety of possible uses. Vitamin C, for example, promotes the absorption of iron, vitamin D helps solidify bones and prevent autoimmune diseases, vitamin B** helps synthesize red blood cells and nucleic acids, and so on. Sports supplements are the fifth most widely consumed type of supplement in Spain.
Consumption of dietary supplements Spain, ****, as a percentage of those surveyed Source: ****
2.2 Main characteristics of demand for sports supplements
**% of Spaniards will be using sports supplements by ****, according to the MAPFRE Foundation.
Breakdown of sports supplements consumption by gender :
Breakdown by gender Spain, ****, in Source: ****
**% of men consume dietary supplements for sport, compared to **% of women in Spain in ****. Thus, among consumers of dietary supplements for sport, **% are men and **% are women.
Consumption frequency of dietary supplements for sport :
Consumption frequency of dietary supplements for sport Spain, ****, in Source: ****
The frequency of consumption of dietary supplements for sport varies by individual. On a monthly basis, **% of people consume these products, while **% do so weekly and **% daily.
Reasons for consuming sports supplements :
Main reasons why people consume dietary supplements Spain, ****, in Source: ****
In Spain, in ****, the main reasons why people consume dietary supplements for sport are as follows: **% to improve their sporting performance, **% to fill up on energy and nutrients, **% also to improve their general health, and **% to increase muscle mass, **% to lose weight, **% to prevent injury and **% because the energy and nutrients in their diet are not sufficient.
Factors influencing the use of sports supplements :
Players influencing the use of sports supplements Spain, ****, as % of total Source: ****
In Spain, in ****, the players influencing the use of dietary supplements for ...
2.3 Sports supplements most popular with Spaniards in 2021
Source: ****
3 Market structure
3.1 General organization of the industry
Sector organization :
The market corresponds to a classic one, in which the product passes through a manufacturer and then a distributor before reaching the consumer. However, there is a growing trend towards direct sales, from manufacturers to consumers via online sales sites.
The market for sports nutrition supplements is divided into two main categories. Firstly, there are the manufacturers, among whom * types of company stand out:
Sports nutrition specialists Pharmaceutical laboratories
Food supplement manufacturing process:
Source: ****
3.2 Highly regulated production methods
The production of dietary supplements itself comprises several stages, the details of which may vary according to the type of product manufactured[***] :
Receipt of ingredients Storage: includes quarantine of products to be controlled before acceptance, storage of raw materials, work-in-process and finished products, and buffer storage Preparation and weighing: includes deconditioning, picking and weighing of raw materials based on the recipe, as well as material preparation Manufacturing: includes drying, grinding, crushing, blending, tarnishing, maceration, fermentation, percolation, pressing, extraction, cooking, sterilization, pasteurization, cooling, compression, capsule filling, etc Packaging: includes transferring, filling, sealing, crimping, heat-sealing and adding instructions Packaging labeling Storage Transport by manufacturer
Vitamins and minerals, which make up a large proportion of the dietary supplements marketed, offer very few opportunities for product differentiation. In fact, these products are essentially elementary molecules, neither patented nor patentable, which means that barriers to market entry are relatively low. For these supplements, the brand image is based more on the product's reliability and health compliance, which is assumed as soon as the product is put on the market. Laboratories' strategy is therefore similar to that applied to generic drugs, and competition for these products is relatively strong.
On the other hand, dietary supplements that are ...
3.3 The main distribution channels
Distributors :
Main sales channels :
Main places of purchase for sports nutrition supplements Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****
In ****, the Internet was the main sales channel (***). Pharmacies and parapharmacies account for just **% of sports supplement sales, and gyms for **%.
3.4 The Internet channel, a new arena for marketing and distribution
The development of information technologies, in particular social networks and e-commerce sites, is completely overturning the way in which food supplement manufacturers and distributors bring their products to the attention of the public, work on their brand image and distribute their products.
According to the Spanish association of manufacturers and distributors of dietary products and food supplements(***) allow to collect about potential customers.
In particular, according toAFEPADI, internet sales are now the leading distribution channel for sports nutrition supplements. We can therefore expect the Internet to become a major distribution channel for all dietary supplements which are not vitamins or minerals, but which are aimed at a specific audience, such as sportsmen, women and children.we can therefore expect the Internet to become a major distribution channel for all dietary supplements that are not vitamins or minerals, but are aimed at a specific audience, such as athletes, slimmers, smokers on the verge of quitting, or people wishing to take supplements to improve the appearance of their skin, hair, etc.
The future of e-commerce:
Faced with the question of the future of online trading in sports supplements, manufacturers and distributors around the world are very confident.
In your opinion, how will the ...
3.5 Strong growth in the number of manufacturers and distributors
Number of manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements Spain, **** - ****, in numbers Source: ****
Between **** and ****, the number of companies rose sharply (***).
4 Offer analysis
4.1 An expanded offering to reach a wider audience
The sports nutrition market has a long and sometimes painful past, marred by doping scandals in particular, but has gradually reinvented itself. For some, sports nutrition supplements have almost become a commodity, and manufacturers and distributors are gradually increasing the number of products available on the market to reach a wider audience. While food supplements were originally aimed at experienced sportsmen and women, their use has gradually been democratized thanks to an ever-increasing number of innovations.
Global launches of sports nutrition products more than doubled between **** and ****, and suppliers are now segmenting their offerings to meet the varied needs and interests of customers. There are currently three particularly strong development trends: the supply of herbal products, clean label innovation and greater personalization.
When questioned, half of the world's dietary supplement manufacturers said they wanted to expand their "dietary supplement" segment. Another **% would like to increase their protein powder offering.
Which sports nutrition format would you like to increase in your company in the future? World, ****, in Source: ****
4.2 New offers
One notable trend is the change in communications by distribution and manufacturing companies. Companies are increasingly highlighting the protein source represented by sports supplements (***).
At the same time, we are seeing the development of products aimed at people who want to live a healthy lifestyle (***). The rise of the vegan movement coincides with the launch of vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free products by manufacturers. The development of Clean Label products confirms this trend. Clean Label is a program that randomly tests a brand's products to have their composition analyzed by a laboratory and verify the accuracy between the results obtained and the product composition indicated on the label by the manufacturer. This is a guarantee of product quality and transparency.
Top ** label claims for sports supplements Europe, ****, in % of total number of items Source: ****
We can see that almost a quarter of sports supplements claim to be high in protein, a result not surprising given that a large part of the supplement market is dedicated to whey and protein. Over and above the promised intake, **.*% of products claim to be low in sugar. It's worth noting that while **.*% claim to deliver muscle and mass gains, only *.*% guarantee improved speed. Promises of related ...
4.3 A multitude of products to meet many needs
One of the characteristics of dietary supplements for sport is the multitude of products available, not only in terms of the number of brands on the market, but also in terms of the type of products they offer. Products differ in appearance and composition. Here's a list of the main products used as dietary supplements by athletes:
Whey: a dietary supplement used for recovery after exercise, its real name is "whey protein". It's a whey protein extracted from cow's milk during the cheese-making process. One kilo of cheese yields * kilos of liquid sweet whey, which is **% water, *.*% lactose and *% whey. The whey is then dehydrated and packaged in powder form. A method for increasing the protein content of whey has been discovered, and today whey is available with **% protein and *% lactose. There are many different types of whey. [***]
BCAAs (***): these are branched amino acids called leucine, valine and isoleucine. They are consumed in tablet, capsule or powder form. They are accessible to athletes, even beginners, and have a wide range of effects, including : improved strength thanks to a high energy intake improved performance during a sports session improved recovery anabolic capacity (***), particularly leucine
While leucine has the best anabolic capacity, it ...
4.4 Overview of prices and best-selling products
The list of the best-selling sports nutrition products on Amazon gives an idea of the type of products finding success on the Spanish market (***). The dominance of protein products in this ranking is unmistakable: * of the ** best-selling products are either protein powders or protein-enriched products.
Source: ****
5 Regulations
5.1 The European regulatory framework
The European Union has established a series of regulations, through Directive ****/**/EC of the European Parliament, aimed at protecting consumer health and guaranteeing the transparency of information provided on food supplements. This directive defines food supplements as foodstuffs intended to supplement the daily diet, providing a source of nutrients with a nutritional effect, and marketed in dose form.
The main provisions of this directive include the following:
Annex I lists the vitamins and minerals that may be added to food supplements Annex II lists the sources from which Annex I substances may be produced Labeling and marketing requirements
This initial directive has since been amended by new legislation, to refine the list of authorized products. For example, in ****, regulation ****/**** added organic silicon to the list of authorized products, after a scientific study concluded that this element poses no health risk. The marketing of food supplements containing unlisted substances is totally prohibited.
Published in ****, European standard CEN/TC ***"Dietary supplements and sports food free of doping substances" defines the requirements for the development and manufacture of sports food and dietary supplements.
5.2 Changes in Spanish regulations
To make up for Europe's shortcomings on the issue, Spain has amended its food supplement regulations in line with many of its European partners. Royal Decree ***/**** of March ** amending Royal Decree ****/**** of September ** on food supplements was published. Although Directive ****/**/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of June **, **** provides for partial harmonization of food supplements, the provisions relating to the labelling and marketing of food supplements remain unchanged.the use of substances other than vitamins and minerals has been relegated to a later stage of harmonization. They are therefore subject to the rules that may apply under national law within the framework of articles ** to ** of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. [***]
Cariotipo explains that this new regulation involves regulating the various vitamin and mineral substances contained in these supplements. The new law therefore establishes a list of substances that may be present in products, broadening the sample of substances previously authorized: wheat germ, royal jelly, pollen, brewer's yeast, soy lecithin and propolis have beenhave been added to the list of food supplements authorized by the Spanish authorities. Spain is thus gradually coming into line with its European neighbors, who are far more advanced in ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Player segmentation
- My Protein (The Hut Group)
- Glanbia
- Prozis
- Apurna (Lactalis)
- Menarini group (Marque Isoxan)
- Nutrition et Santé (marque Isostar)
- Weider (Espagne)
- Nutrisport
- Prozis
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