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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation of the sauces market

Sauces are essential liquid preparations that accompany dishes and give them a special flavor. There are many different types of sauce (tomato or soy-based, emulsified, prepared, vinaigrettes, prepared mustards, etc.). They can be sold in retail outlets, to caterers (hotels, restaurants, etc.) or to food manufacturers, who can incorporate them into their dishes.

Worldwide, the sauces market is particularly differentiated by region and country. Culinary habits differ widely from one region to another (tomato sauce in Italy, soy sauce in Japan, etc.), even if consumers are increasingly keen to try sauces typical of other parts of the world. The global market is growing, with a premiumization of more local and artisanal sauces, as well as greater consumption of prepared dishes that include sauces. Among the giants in this sector are Northwest Gourmet Foods, Kraft Heinz Company and Unilever.

In Spain, sales of sauces in supermarkets exceed 270 million tons sold each year. By 2021, Spain will be the world's 10th largest exporter of sauces and condiments[The Observatory of Economic Complexity]. The market is driven by :

  • the development of a new, lighter and healthier offer,
  • the launch of new flavors that appeal to consumers willing to try these new products.

The health crisis has led to a drop in sales to the out-of-home catering sector, partly offset by more dynamic demand in supermarkets, as households have more time to cook and try out new dishes. Local sauces, as well as gluten-, preservative- and lactose-free sauces, are also enjoying strong growth.

1.2 A growing world market for sauces

The global sauces market is estimated at US$**.* billion in **** [***].

Global sauces market size World, **** - ****, in billions of dollars Source : [***] while each region has its own sauce preferences - consumers like to try sauces from other parts of the world (***).

Some consumers - Europeans and Americans in particular - also ...

1.3 A dynamic Spanish market

The Spanish sauces market continued to grow in ****, thanks to the attraction of the hotel and catering sector, while household consumption of these products fell again, as in the previous year. Household consumption of these products fell again, as in the previous year. Production, on the other hand, showed remarkable ...

1.4 Foreign trade in sauces

The sauces sector's balance of trade is positive , as sales always exceed purchases. In ****, exports were worth $*** million, up **% on ****, while imports were worth $*** million, up **.*% on ****.

For both exports and imports, the main product was ketchup and similar sauces: **,*** tons exported and *,*** tons imported. Other important imports were mustard and ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Sauce consumer profile

The per capita consumption of sauces in **** shows different characteristics:

Upper-middle and upper-class households have the highest consumption, while lower-class households have the lowest.

Households with children aged between * and ** consume the most sauces, while households with children under * consume the least. If the person in charge of shopping works outside ...

2.2 Spanish consumer preferences

Meanwhile, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture Panel, ***.* million kilos of sauces were consumed by households, *.*% less than in ****, for a value of ***.* million euros, **.*% more.

In ****, Spanish households consumed ***.* million kilos of sauces and spent ***.* million euros on these products. Per capita, this represents *.* kilos of consumption, down ...

2.3 Demand trends: organic, natural ... and always tasteful

There are two types of consumer in the sauces market: [***] - those who are looking for simple, inexpensive products

those looking for easy-to-use, inexpensive products, those who want quality products and enjoy cooking.

The sauce industry is no exception to the trend towards organic, healthy and natural products, but these demands ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Sauce market value chain

In summary, the sauces market can be summarized along the following value chain:

Sourcing: The raw materials needed to produce sauces, such as herbs, spices, oils and vegetables, are purchased from local and international suppliers. Production: Raw materials are processed into sauces according to recipes and quality standards. Bottling and packaging: ...

3.2 Spanish production

According to data from the Industrial Products Survey published by INE, industrial production of tomato sauce and ketchup reached ***,*** tonnes in **** (***).

Meanwhile, production of mayonnaise and other emulsified sauces reached ***,***.* tonnes (***).

Finally, ***,*** tons of other sauces and condiments were also produced, which the INE does not specify, for a value of ...

3.3 Distribution

In terms of place of purchase, in ****, households mainly bought sauces in supermarkets (***). Hypermarkets had a **.*% share for these products. Specialty stores accounted for *.*%, e-commerce for *.*% and other forms of trade for the remaining *.*%.

Breakdown of sauce sales, by distribution channel Spain, ****, in Source: ****

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Typology of products and players

Sauces can be differentiated in various ways, the most common being between cold and hot sauces.

Hot sauces are most often made with tomato pulp, purée, concentrate or coulis. There are also sauces made without tomatoes, using a variety of vegetables, such as pestos. These are mainly starch sauces (***), but ...

4.2 Price typology

The graph below shows the average price for each segment. We can see, for example, that the average price of ketchup is €*.**, mayonnaise is €*.** and mustard is around €*.**.

Average price of sauces, by type of sauce Spain, ****, in €/kg Source: ****

these prices rose drastically between **** and ****, whereas they had tended to ...

4.3 Supply trends

The sauces sector is enjoying an excellent period, despite the country's economic uncertainty. Over the past year, innovation in terms of development has not ceased, with more selective preparations and new ingredients and flavors adding distinction to the product.

The long shelf life of ambient sauces, in particular, has increased demand ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulatory framework

Sanitary registration: Any company producing sauces must obtain sanitary authorization from the relevant authorities before marketing its products. This often involves registration with food control bodies.

Quality standards : Sauces must meet strict quality standards in terms of ingredients, production processes, food safety and labeling, in compliance with Spanish and European food ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Player segmentation

  • Nestlé Groupe
  • Unilever Groupe
  • Grupo Helios
  • The GB Foods
  • Conservas El Cidacos
  • Groupe IAN
  • Ybarra Groupe
  • Heinz Food Espana
  • El Corte Inglés
  • Alcampo
  • Carrefour

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Size of the global sauces and condiments market
  • Trade balance in sauces
  • Main destinations for Spanish sauce exports
  • Main origins of Spanish sauce imports
  • Breakdown of sauce consumers by age
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Nestlé Groupe
Unilever Groupe
Grupo Helios
The GB Foods
Conservas El Cidacos
Groupe IAN
Ybarra Groupe
Heinz Food Espana
El Corte Inglés

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