Summary of our market study
The French fruit juice market is estimated at 1.9 billion euros in 2023,
The global fruit juice market, valued at 138.54 billion euros in 2022, is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 6.3% until 2030.
Fruit juice consumption in France has fallen, with consumption rates dropping from 94.2% to 85.7% in 2023. This decline is mainly attributed to concerns about sugar and calorie content.
The French market, valued at 1.9 billion euros in 2023, is dominated by private labels and well-established brands such as Tropicana.
The organic juice segment has grown significantly, capturing a market share of 8 points in 12 years, despite an overall decline in organic consumption in France.
France's fruit juice trade balance has seen a sharp drop in coverage rates, falling to less than 40% by 2022, with the Netherlands and the USA standing out as important trading partners.
Fruit juices are mainly distributed in supermarkets and hypermarkets, which will hold a 63% market share by volume in 2022.
Fruit juice market trends and consumer preferences in France
Fruit juice consumption in France remains an important segment, particularly among young people. Over three-quarters of children aged 3 to 14 are regular consumers.
Over 50% of French people consume fruit juice with breakfast.
Public health concerns about the sugar and calorie content of fruit juices have led brands to launch innovations such as concentrated fruit juice shots and energy drinks, targeting health-conscious consumers.
The French market is also experiencing an explosion in demand for smoothies.
Main brands
- Tropicana renowned leader
- Innocent: has captured a significant share of the smoothies market
- Andros
- PepsiCo: parent company of Tropicana.
- Coca-Cola: stake in Innocent brand
- Pago: Although not as widely appreciated by all demographics, Pago is positioned at the top end of the market
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of study
Fruit juice is defined as a liquid or beverage made by pressing or crushing fruit. It can be totally natural (100% fruit-based) or produced by blending fruit, water and other chemical substances in a factory. As a result, the market is segmented into 4 main categories:
- Pure juices : these are fruit juices made entirely from pressed fruit, with no added carbohydrates or additives
- Smoothies: drinks based on fruit purées with no other additives.
- Juices from concentrate : these are fruit juices made from concentrated juices and water. The main purpose of concentration is to improve and simplify juice transport, storage and preservation.
- Fruit nectars: these are fruit juices or purées mixed with water and sugar.
Worldwide, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.3% until 2030.
By 2022, fruit juice consumption in France will be in decline, as it has been for the past ten years. The sector is experiencing a slowdown, despite innovations from major players such as Tropicana.
Market trends include new products with health benefits, such as concentrated fruit juice shots and fruit-based energy drinks. At consumer level, the focus is also on young people, especially children, who consume a lot of fruit juice and whose parents are often cautious about their health and diet in general (too much sugar, unnatural colorings, etc.).
Packaging is also a key element in understanding the changes taking place in this market.
1.2 Moderate global market growth
The global fruit juice market is forecast to grow fairly rapidly, with a CAGR of *.*%.
Fruit juice market size projections World, ****-****, in billions of dollars grandviewresearch Projection from **** and a CAGR of *.*%
In ****, the global market is estimated at ***.** billion euros.
Geographically,Europe is the world's leading fruit juice consumer Europe's dominance is led by Germany, with a per capita consumption of **.* liters of fruit juice.
Europe is closely followed by North America. The Asia-Pacific fruit juice market is driven by strong fruit juice sales in the region. [***]
1.3 The French market
The fruit juice market is an important one that has seen fairly stable growth over the past ** years, but it seems that the curve may be starting to turn.
Trends in the size of the French fruit juice market France, ****-*****, in millions of euros INSEE and INSEE *Projection based on monthly indices to September ****
The market has grown by **% in ** years. After a decline linked to the health crisis, French domestic and export sales of fruit juice reached an all-time high in ****. Although provisional, the **** figure seems to suggest that the **** figure will be maintained.
The French fruit juice market in figures France, ****, in Md euors, in Md liters sold and in euros LSA Conso
According to LSA Conso, the French fruit juice market will be worth *.* billion euros in ****, with *.** billion liters sold at an average price of €*.**.
1.4 Foreign trade in fruit juices
The French market for fruit juices is relatively large in terms of volume. France is importing more and more fruit juice, and its coverage rate has fallen sharply in recent years.
Trends in France's fruit juice trade balance France, ****-****, in millions of dollars and in % A COMTRADE
The French coverage rate will fall below **% in ****, whereas in **** it will be close to **%
france's main trading partners for fruit juice imports France, ****, in millions of dollars A COMTRADE
The Netherlands also ranks high due to the country's port status.
france's main trading partners for fruit juice exports France, ****, in millions of dollars A COMTRADE
The United States and the United Kingdom are the biggest consumers of French fruit juice.
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Fruit juice consumption
Demand driven by children
Weekly consumption of fruit juices in France concerns almost **% of children aged * to **, then declines over time to only **% of adults aged ** and over. [***] Moreover, adults drink half as much fruit juice as children and teenagers: an average of ** ml versus *** ml per day.
The youth population in France is increasing very slightly, and could enable the market to continue and stabilize its growth over the next few years; the over-**s, another major consumer, have been increasing in number since **** (***). [***]
Breakfast still very much in evidence among the French
According to Tokstermore than **% of French people drink fruit juice at breakfast (***). In ****, **% of French people ate breakfast every day in France, a good point for the French fruit juice market. [***]
Evolution of the fruit juice penetration rate France, ****-****, in % [Kantar TNS LSA Conso
Most consumed juices France, ****, in unijus
Over thepast decade, fruit juice consumption in France has fallen from **.*% in **** to **.*% in ****, mainly due to nutritional criticism of their sugar and calorie content. The category lost **.* million liters in one year, representing a *.*% drop in volumes, with growth in value limited to *.*%. Pure juices, which account for **% of the market, were particularly hard hit, ...
2.2 Organic juices
Agence Bio reports on a survey of French consumers of organic produce.
It shows that the French are consuming less and less organic produce : only **% of them say they have consumed organic products at least once a month over the past year, which is ** percentage points less than in ****.
Consumers of organic products in the last ** months France, **** - ****, in % Source: ****
The proportion of people who have not consumed an organic product all year has almost doubled compared to the previous year, reaching **% in ****.
However, there has been an increase in consumption among regular consumers of organic products: almost a quarter of these consumers estimate the proportion of organic products in their diet at over **%, which represents ** percentage points more than in ****.
**% of those questioned said they had changed their eating habits in the past year. However, only **% claim to have bought more organic products.
How have you changed your eating habits? France, ****, in Source: ****
This change in eating behavior comes in *ᵉ position. Thus, buying organic products is not a priority for consumers who are changing their eating habits, who favor buying seasonal products (***). Nevertheless, this clearly illustrates the current trend among consumers, who want to consume healthier, more local ...
2.3 The fresh food and smoothie segments are booming, but health risks could act as a brake
The chilled fruit juice segment is different from the traditional market in many respects: firstly, the players involved are different, with the exception of Tropicana, which is present in all juice products. Secondly, this sector is constantly expanding. [***] The Andros group is proud of its presence in this ultra-fresh market, notably through its Bonne Maman, Andros and Mamie Nova brands.
The chilled segment accounts for **.*% of total fruit juice sales in ****. [***]
Another hot sector, the smoothies market grew by **.*% in value among chilled fruit juices between **** and ****. [***] They accounted for *.*% of total fruit juice sales in ****. The leader in this segment, the Innocent brand (***) continues to innovate with new exotic flavors: its product range includes ** different smoothies, all offered in *** or *** mL formats.
The growing popularity of smoothies, frappés and other blended drinks can be explained by their practicality, their ability to meet the * fruits and vegetables a day recommendation, their refreshing aspect and the creativity they offer. However, despite their concentration of vitamins and nutrients, these drinks are not equivalent to eating whole fruit and vegetables. Juicing results in a loss of fiber, which in turn leads to faster absorption of sugar, mainly fructose. Smoothies can contain between ** and ...
2.4 France's favorite brands
France's favorite fruit juice brands France, ****, in opinionway
Tropicana is the most popular brand according to this survey, and Minute Maid is the brand with the most negative reviews.
French people's favorite fruit juice brands by age group France, ****, in opinionway
Here we can see that Tropicana is especially popular with young people. Younger people are the only ones to have Pago as their least favorite brand, while other age groups consider Pressade to be their least favorite brand.
French people's favorite fruit juice brands by CSP France, ****, in opinionway
Tropicana and Joker are particularly popular brands among CSP- compared to other CSPs. The different CSPs rank brands in the same way overall, but it is noticeable that CSP- are more inclined overall to appreciate fruit juice brands than CSP+ and inactive people.
3 Market structure
3.1 A market dominated by private labels and well-established brands
The market is relatively balanced between a few brands: Innocent, Joker, Andros, Pressade and Pago, which all have between *% and **% market share.
Market share in fruit juice aisles France, ****, in LSA Conso
Tropicana is France's favorite fruit juice brand in ****: an increase in its market share in the coming years would not be surprising. The brand has the highest empathy rating on the market, according to French consumers. Founded in **** by Antonio Rossi and present in France since ****, Tropicana is renowned for innovations such as the "flash-pasteurization" process. In ****, the brand launched a reinvention with a new transparent, modern design, accompanied by a "Ce Jus-Là" communications campaign focusing on lifestyle and emotion. Tropicana also introduced new flavors, such as Samba, Bollywood and Salsa, as part of its renewal strategy to maintain its leading position in the fruit juice market.
3.2 Fruit juice market structure
Breakdown of sales by fruit juice type France, ****, in LSA Conso
Pure juice is by far the dominant segment in juice sales in France, with a **.*% market share in ****.
Sales value by fruit juice type and growth rate France, ****, in millions of euros and as % of sales LSA Conso
We can see that the segment with the greatest growth over the year is juice from concentrate (***)
Comparison between national and private labels France, ****, in LSA Conso
private labels dominate the fruit juice market. Price comparison between national and private labels France, ****, in euros and in % LSA Conso
The price of private labels largely explains their dominant market position.
3.3 Domestic production of fruit and vegetable juices
Value chain :
**% of the fruit juices consumed by the French are produced directly on French soil by nearly forty companies. In addition, fruit juice production accounts for *,*** direct jobs and almost **,*** indirect jobs. What's more, fruit juices represent a natural outlet for over **,*** fruit farms in France, notably for apple, grape and tomato production. [***]
Fruit juices can be made by craftsmen (***), or by homemade or industrial processes. Fruit juices can be divided into four categories according to production process and origin:
Raw juices (***) Pasteurized juices (***) Flash-pasteurized juices (***) Sterilized juices (***)
The preparation of fruit and vegetable juices is an activity registered with INSEE under code **.**Z of the Nomenclature des Activités Françaises. This field of activity also includes the production of concentrates and nectars from fresh fruit and vegetables, but excludes the preparation of fruit-based soft drinks (***)
Producer price trends for fruit juice France, ****-*****, index base *** in **** INSEE *projection based on average monthly indexes in May
Producer prices had not risen much in ****, but **** saw a clear rise in these prices: +** index points in one year
Number of establishments in fruit juice production in France France, ****-****, in units URSSAF
Number of employees in fruit juice production ...
3.4 Supermarkets and hypermarkets main sales channel
Large and medium-sized super markets (***).
Fruit juice distribution channels France, ****, in Definitions: HMSM: Hypermarkets Supermarkets SDMP: Supermarkets with own-brand dominance Source: ****
Another trend that has been developing over the last few years is that of juice bars: there are more and more of them in France, especially in Paris. [***]
Every food and juice bar has its own speciality: the Mo'Juice - Natural Groove set up one of the first food drinks, Le Petit Pressoir in Liège sells organic juices in a unique, authentic setting, By Jardin offers its customers vegetable juices, Noglu presents seasonal, gluten-free juices, and Shake Eat treats passers-by to invigorating juices using fusion cuisine. These juices are also available in a range of concepts: detox, delight, etc.
Fruit juice distribution is dominated by smaller formats
Almost **% of juices sold in supermarkets were *L. In second place, *.*L juices were outstripped by the*L format, which came in at *ᵉ. [***]
Concerning distribution packaging:
**.*% of juices sold by volume were carton packs with a drop in recent years (***) This decline benefits plastic packaging, which accounted for **% of sales in ****, rising to **% by ****
Lastly, the market share of glass bottles is *.*% (***)
3.5 Geographical breakdown of production
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Prices on the rise since 2015
Price index trends for fruit and vegetable juices, water and soft drinks France, ****-****, base *** in **** Source: ****
According to LSA Conso, the fruit harvests needed to make fruit juices have been severely impacted by frost episodes, according to Unijus. These episodes, combined with the current health situation, have made it difficult to mobilize manpower, destabilized sea freight and lengthened delivery times. As a result, the production and packaging reactivity of French players has been affected. Starting prices have risen by a factor of * or *, and are likely to rise further, which will have repercussions on the purchase prices of these fruit juices.
It should also be added that packaging prices continue to rise: +**% for industrial metal drums, +**% for PET, +*% for recycled PET, +*% for cartons, according to Unijus members. These price rises also have a major impact on the cost of finished products such as fruit juices. According to estimates, this situation is likely to have a strong inflationary impact on future prices.
4.2 Typology of the fruit juice offer
4.3 Trends and innovations
Beyond multi-fruit juices and smoothies, a trend is emerging towards nourishing drinks concentrated in satiating nutrients. The Innocent brand, for example, recently launched its Super Smoothies range. Other retailers are moving towards this new concept, such as Franprix, which markets the brand Feedbrand, which is certified vegan and ***% plant-based. Finally, Tropicana is targeting the breakfast segment with "Fruit & Cereals". [***]
On the producer side, new processing methods are emerging. One of the most successful developments to date is high-pressure processing (***) of large volumes of liquid products, such as juices and drinks.
This equipment uses a revolutionary concept (***). It produces **,*** l/h, making it the most productive equipment in the world, with the lowest processing cost and lowest energy consumption per liter of product processed. The Hiperbaric **** Bulk integrates perfectly into all major beverage production lines, allowing the use of any type of packaging or bottle, regardless of material, size or shape. The Hiperbaric **** Bulk machine comprises two Hiperbaric *** enclosures combined with a tank system where the product is stored before and after high-pressure treatment.
At last, the brands are offering products with greater transparency at all levels. On the one hand, new forms of packaging are appearing, in transparent PET, revealing the ...
4.4 Juices for children: towards a healthier offering
Children's juices are often considered too sweet, not healthy enough, and often have a higher price per liter, even though the juice contains on average less fruit than the adult equivalent. British researchers examined *** products, including ** fruit juices, *** fruit juice drinks and ** smoothies, marketed specifically for children in the UK. Their study, published in the British Medical Journal, reveals that these drinks often contain too much added sugar, with an average of * grams of sugar per *** ml. Smoothies rank among the worst, reaching ** grams per *** ml. Some products sold in supermarkets exceed the recommended daily sugar level for children. The researchers call on manufacturers to stop adding sugar to naturally sweetened beverages, in line with World Health Organization guidelines. [***]
US example:Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States, launches Plezi Nutrition, a company focused on healthy foods and beverages for children, continuing her commitment against childhood obesity. The brand's first product is a fruit juice for kids, containing **% less sugar than the average leading juice. Available at selected retailers, Plezi Nutrition plans to expand in the coming years. Michelle Obama will act as a "strategic partner" within the company, focusing on reducing sugar content to adjust to children's palates. ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Designation and labelling
The names of pure juices, juices from concentrate, nectars and other products are strictly regulated by a specific European directive dating back to ****(***), most recently transposed into national law in ****.
Products whose composition does not comply with the regulatory definitions set out in Decree ****-**** cannot be called "fruit juice" or "nectar". In such cases, only the generic name "beverage", supplemented by descriptive terms, is authorized. Example: "fruit juice drink".
Other terms are possible. They are sometimes defined by professional rules, but may also be established by national authorities.
"***% pure pressed fruit": this indicates that the juice is made exclusively from pure fruit juice. "***% fruit content": this means that this fruit juice from concentrate is made exclusively from fruit juice. "Freshly squeezed fruit juice": this indicates that the fruit juice has undergone only limited microbiological stabilization treatments: ohmic treatment or high pressure, for example.
The table below summarizes the product requirements according to denomination:
Source: ****
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Eckes Granini
- Andros Groupe
- Sunny Delight Beverages
- Fruité Entreprises (Pressade, Fruité)
- Pago
- Coca-Cola Groupe
- Eclor (Agrial)
- Casino Restauration
- Auchan groupe
- PepsiCo
- Alain milliat
- Joker (Eckes Granini France)
- Joker (Eckes Granini France)
- Tropicana
- Innocent
- Caprisun
- Siracuse
- Bissardon Jus de fruits
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