Summary of our market study
The French stroller market is estimated at between 200 and 210 million euros.
The baby products market is valued at over 74 billion dollars.
In France, the stroller market is influenced by falling birth rates. The number of births in France has fallen from 830,000 to 753,000.
Unlike the overall childcare market, which is growing, sales of strollers are declining.
One of the most striking trends in this market is the balance between a falling birth rate and a rising average budget per baby.
The average budget per baby has risen to around 16,000 euros for the first three years. The average price of a stroller is 800 euros.
Some 73% of parents bought childcare items online.
The second-hand market, bartering and stroller rentals are gaining ground. Traditional retailers offer second-hand items on their marketplaces.
Key players in the stroller market: A competitive landscape
- Bébé Confort - A pioneer in comfort and safety
- Babyzen - A relatively young but dynamic player, Babyzen has taken the market by storm with its Yoyo stroller.
- Renolux - Quality craftsmanship with a French touch.
- Aubert - A trusted multi-brand retailer.
- Bébé 9 - The childcare expert operates a network of franchised stores specializing in products for babies and toddlers.
- Autour de Bébé specialist retailer.
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Market definition
The stroller is a means of transport for small children, usually under the age of 4. Invented in 1733, the stroller consists of a steel or aluminium frame supported by wheels and a system of handles or handlebars to move the stroller forward and to steer it.
The stroller market is part of the broader market for baby products and accessories and more precisely the large childcare which includes car seats, strollers and high chairs.
There are different types of strollers depending on their characteristics. The main ones are the following
- The stroller cane
- The stroller combined
- The stroller 3 wheels (or all-terrain)
- The stroller multiple
Moreover, the strollers market is divided into several categories of players: raw material suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors.
Some French brands are well known on the world market, such as Bébé Confort, Babyzen and Rénolux. Similarly, the reach of French distributors Aubert, Bébé 9 and Autour de Bébé is international.
Being a product intended for young children, the production and sale of strollers is strictly regulated. This regulation evolves as the innovations that are appearing on the market: alongside the traditional products, there is now a significant offer of more modern, compact pushchairs that offer functionalities that go beyond their traditional use (mobile phone charging, for example)
In addition, the demand is linked to the birth rate, which has been declining for various years but which is accompanied by an increase in the average budget per baby. On the other hand, consumers are gradually and noticeably turning to second-hand products. At the same time, stroller prices increased by 3.5% between 2017 and 2018 due to the upmarket strollers on the new housing market, but this positive price dynamic does not seem to be enough to compensate for the first two phenomena
Indeed, stroller consumption is declining the growth in sales of large juvenile products in 2018 was driven by high chairs and car seats, while stroller sales decreased by 1.9% in value in 2018. However, there are strategies for market players to face these threats, including the integration of collaborative consumption in their business model or the strengthening of their digital strategy.
1.2 A growing global market with multiple opportunities
All product categories combined, the global baby products market size, is estimated at USD **.** billion in **** and estimates are as high as ***.** billion in ****. [***]
P specifically, the global market for strollers and prams was worth US$*.*** billion in **** and, with a CAGR of *.*%, is expected to represent *.* billion by ****. [***]
Furthermore, there are geographical disparities in the outlook for the stroller market, particularly in relation to birth rates, which is a determining factor in the demand for strollers. Indeed, although France has a birth rate of **.*, this rate is falling, as in many European countries. However, some countries, notably those in the Northern Europe The countries of the European Union, such as Sweden, Denmark and Lithuania, have positive demographic dynamics, with an increase in the number of births. [***]
Globally, the strongest growth potential is in North Africa & Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia, where demographic trends are favourable for the stroller market, as shown in the table below. Although South America and Oceania also have high birth rates, these have been declining in recent years.
Source: ****
Many brands have already begun to exploit this international growth potential by opening stores and e-commerce sites. This is the case for the Orchestra-Prémaman ...
1.3 A French market that must adapt to counter the negative dynamic
According to the GFK, the French market for childcare articles was worth ***.* million euros in ****.
While sales of childcare articles fell by *.*% in volume, they remained relatively stable in value, as did sales of pushchairs, which fell by *.*% in volume and *.*% in value. This difference in the evolution of sales volume and value is explained by an increase in average prices of *% in the childcare market and *.*% in the stroller market over one year between October **** and ****. [***]
The turnover of the large childcare market nevertheless increased in **** (***) segments. However, this increase is not representative of the dynamics of the strollers market. In fact, the growth of the large childcare market is linked to sales of car seats and high chairs, which increased by *.*% and *.*% respectively in value terms, while stroller sales fell *.*% between October **** and **** The large childcare market thus accounted for €***.*** million in **** and **% of the childcare market share. [***]
Finally, according to a study by Allobébé the cost of the first three years of a baby in **** is **,*** euros, i.e. **** euros per year (***), the size of the French market for pushchairs can be estimated at ***.*** million euros.
The stroller market is therefore suffering from a measured negative dynamic, ...
1.4 La France plus importatrice qu'exportatrice
Les chiffres de cette section sont obtenus à partir du code UN Comtrade : "landaus et poussettes et leur partie"
Ces dernières années, la France a toujours exporté plus de voitures d’enfants et de leurs parties qu’elle n’en a importé. En ****, le pays a ainsi exporté pour *** millions de dollars, contre ** millions de dollars d’importations.
L'écart entre les deux flux s’est néanmoins réduit depuis ****, où les exportations atteignaient *** M$ et les importations ** M$. Cette tendance pourrait s’expliquer par une baisse de la production nationale ou une moindre compétitivité à l’international.
Malgré cette évolution, la France reste un exportateur net dans ce secteur, même si la diminution progressive du volume exporté pourrait indiquer un repositionnement du marché ou une mutation industrielle.
Évolution des importations et exportations des voitures d'enfants et leurs parties France, ****-****, en millions de dollars Source: ****
En ****, la Chine et l’Allemagne dominent largement les exportations de voitures d’enfants et leurs parties vers la France, représentant respectivement ** millions et ** millions de dollars. À elles deux, elles concentrent une part significative des importations françaises.
Derrière ces deux leaders, plusieurs pays européens comme l’Italie ...
2 Analysis of the demand
2.1 A drop in the birth rate barely offset by the increase in the average budget per baby
For at least a decade, the decline in the birth rate is regular. This is shown in the graphs below. While the birth rate and number of live births were **.* and ****** respectively in ****, they were equal to **.* and ****** in ****.
Birth rate France, ****-****, per **** inhabitants INSEE
However, this decline in the birth rate is slowing down as it has been halved over the last two years, with a drop of *,*** births in **** compared to **,*** in ****.
Number of live births France, ****-****, in units INSEE
The other way around, the average budget per baby, as well as the prices of strollers have increased. This offsets the effect of the falling birth rate.
Indeed, the average budget per baby is **,*** euros for the first three years and *,*** euros are spent before birth. Strollers represent *% of this average budget, so the average budget per baby spent on strollers is *** euros (***). [***]
The relative stability of stroller demand by value is therefore the combined effect of rising stroller prices, (***) and the increase in the average budget per baby, which offsets the drop in consumption in volume due to the decline in the birth rate.
Thus, while the decline in the birth rate limits the effectiveness of ...
2.2 A market of digital natives
Stroller purchases on the Internet are increasing
The Institut des Mamans reveals that **% of parents surveyed have already bought childcare items on the Internet in July ****, which is * points more than in ****. While specialist stores are widely preferred for buying a stroller, online sites are the third favourite place to buy for the French. This is the second most important market in the world, behind the GMS (***). In fact, this **** survey of **** parents shows that Internet accounts for a quarter of all stroller purchases as well as supermarkets, while almost half choose a specialist store.
Where did you buy your stroller? France, ****, in % ProdegeMR
The Internet is particularly important as a place to seek information and influence
Indeed, the Internet seems to have become a must for information before buying childcare articles, as shown by a **** study by the digital agency Kidiwiz and the Institut des Mamans conducted among parents of children aged * to ** months. Parents read the opinions of other consumers or female bloggers first (***).
The Internet plays the role of a place for sharing, exchanging and influencing, insofar as parents use the Internet to find out the opinions of other parents. There is a growing number of blogs or ...
2.3 Second-hand, rental and upmarket: the new trends
The boom in the collaborative market
New consumer trends have emerged in the stroller market in recent years: whether it be through the purchase or resale of second-hand items, bartering or lending between individuals or by renting items. Consumers are looking to optimize their budget. The life span of strollers is often much longer than their use, making them a high-potential product category on the second-hand market. A study by the agency Monet Associates shows, for example, that discussions on social networks about the second-hand market for children's products increased by ***% between **** and ****.
Some retailers, typically non-specialized, have already adapted by creating marketplaces, such as Fnac, Galeries Lafayette or Natalys. If the players in this collaborative economy are competing with traditional retailers, this threat can be transformed by retailers into an opportunity to win back demand and a stimulating factor for innovation. Companies can thus exploit this trend, which is expected to grow stronger in the coming years, since price is indeed the first criterion of choice for consumers, as indicated by this survey conducted by the Institut des Mamans.
When shopping for your child in a specialty store, what do you look for first? France, ****, in % IDM
In addition to ...
2.4 Les marques préférées de poussettes
Marques de poussettes préférées des français France, Observatoire des marques **** - Q* & Q* - Février ****, en %
Chicco domine largement le classement avec **,* % des mentions "j’aime", suivi de Bébé Confort (***) reçoivent moins de mentions, suggérant un positionnement plus de niche ou un prix plus élevé qui limite leur adoption grand public. L’écart entre les marques met en évidence les préférences des consommateurs, qui privilégient des marques reconnues pour leur accessibilité et leur praticité.
3 Market structure
3.1 Production and distribution
The strollers market is divided into several players, which can be classified as follows:
Suppliers of raw materials (***) Manufacturers (***) Distributors (***)
Strollers are complex assemblies, made of more than ** pieces of metal, plastic and other materials, riveted together. Once manufactured, they have to pass safety tests in laboratories that cost over a million euros to equip. Finally, they are marketed directly by the manufacturers' distribution channels or resold by distributors. [***]
As far as the manufacture of pushchairs is concerned, certain players stand out in France, in particular Bébé Confort, Babyzen, Renolux, Bambisol and Allègre.
Indeed, born in Aix-en-Provence, Babyzen's Yoyo stroller has been sold to more than ***,*** consumers, mostly urban, between its creation in **** and ****. Now present in ** countries, the Yoyo stroller has largely contributed to the increase in Babyzen's turnover, which exceeded €** million in ****, **% of which was from exports, particularly to Asia (***). [***]
Similarly, Bébé Confort's sales exceeded ** million in ****.
Worldwide, Chicco, Graco, MacLaren and Jané are the leaders in the childcare market.
The different distribution channels for pushchairs are as follows, according to a study by Prodege MR from September **** that surveyed *,*** parents on where they buy their strollers:
Where did you buy your stroller? France, ****, in % ...
3.2 Geographic distribution of specialty stores
There are more than **,*** shops in France catering for children aged * to * years, including *,*** childcare shops. Although it is difficult to identify only those that sell pushchairs, the map below provides the distribution of the outlets selling childcare products, and therefore gives an idea of the distribution of stores offering pushchairs for sale. [***]
Commercial density in specialized childcare stores
France, ****, in number of outlets per **** children under * years old
Source: ****
3.3 The rise of the collaborative market
Traditional retail chains are now largely challenged by new modes of consumption, namely the collaborative consumption. This transformation particularly affects the market for pushchairs, which are a major investment and whose life span is generally much longer than the period of use.
The collaborative market is divided into multiple consumption patterns. This is the case for the purchase/sale of second-hand products, rental, bartering, lending and exchange. There are many players: second-hand goods buying/selling services, services that put people in touch with each other, rental services, classified ad sites, loan or barter sites.
The players in the collaborative stroller market are thus distinguished by three characteristics These include the mode of consumption (***).
The main players in the collaborative offer are as follows
Sale and purchase of second-hand items
Generalist platforms dominate this market, with major players such as Le Bon Coin, Ebay, Rakuten or even Cdiscount which usually have "Baby equipment" or "Childcare" categories.
Founded in ****, Le Bon Coin illustrates the rise of the second-hand market, with ** million unique visitors per month in ****. [***]
Alongside the generalist platforms, specialized players are developing, such as Nuuns.
The activity of the second-hand market also passes through classified ads, with sites solely dedicated to ...
3.4 Possible strategies for dealing with competition
Traditional players, while still dominating the strollers market, are facing challenges and threats that, however, it is possible to adapt. Indeed, while the decline in the birth rate is weighing on the strategy of conquest, the increase in the average budget per baby is an avenue for growth as it may promote customer retention This is especially true since the latter remains a fan of the in-store customer experience, especially the advice provided.
Furthermore, supermarkets and baby care chains can face up to the competition from pure-players by strengthening the digitalisation of their offer The extension of the business model to other countries is a major challenge. The extension to more new territories can also be a successful strategy, with an increase in the number of outlets and a diversification of their offer. [***]
4 Analysis of the offer
4.1 Type of strollers
Source: ****
There are also strollers for infants and toddlers and strollers designed for city life.
4.2 A generalized move upmarket visible through price increases
Prices are extremely varied and range from less than *** euros to more than **** euros. However, over one year, between October **** and ****, average stroller prices have increased by *.*%. This price increase, which applies to all childcare articles, is explained in particular by a general upmarket positioning. [***]
Indeed, premium brands are gaining ground, the features built into strollers are multiplying, and their quality is improving. Brands are also aware of consumers' growing concern for ethics and the environment, which is pushing them to develop and differentiate their offer. Paradoxically, the development of the second-hand market is sometimes favourable to this move upmarket, as some consumers are encouraged to pay more because they know they will be able to resell the product.
Thus, many innovations are emerging on the stroller market, including players are continually seeking to differentiate themselves The Heetee Mayfair stroller, which generates energy, the Yoyo super-fold stroller designed for airplane cabins and the Cybex e-Priam electric stroller are examples of this.
The price increase is therefore the consequence of the upmarket offer This is particularly true in the large childcare segment, with the development of new features and designs. Strollers are becoming more and more compact, practical and aesthetic. But this ...
4.3 Tendances et innovation
Le marché des poussettes évolue grâce aux avancées technologiques et aux nouvelles attentes des consommateurs. Les fabricants misent sur l’innovation pour proposer des produits plus sécurisés, pratiques et adaptés aux modes de vie modernes.
Les poussettes connectées intègrent désormais des capteurs intelligents qui surveillent la température, ajustent la suspension en fonction du terrain et envoient des alertes de sécurité aux parents via une application mobile. Certaines poussettes électriques facilitent la conduite en montée et sur les terrains difficiles, répondant ainsi aux besoins des parents en milieu urbain et rural.
Les poussettes compactes et légères gagnent en popularité, notamment dans les grandes villes où l’espace est limité. Elles offrent une grande maniabilité et se rangent facilement dans les transports en commun ou les coffres de voiture. Ce type de poussette est particulièrement apprécié dans des régions comme l’Île-de-France et Lyon.
Les poussettes multifonctionnelles séduisent les parents recherchant un produit évolutif. Elles peuvent se transformer en nacelle ou en siège auto, évitant ainsi d’acheter plusieurs équipements séparés. Certaines intègrent même un système de pivotement permettant ...
4.4 Stratégie et évolution des prix
Le marché des poussettes en France est influencé par plusieurs facteurs clés :
Confort et praticité : Les consommateurs privilégient des modèles faciles à plier, légers et adaptés à différents modes de vie urbains. Par exemple, la marque Babyzen, avec sa poussette Yoyo, a su répondre à ces attentes en proposant une poussette compacte et maniable, idéale pour les citadins. Personnalisation et modularité : La possibilité de configurer la poussette selon les besoins spécifiques des parents séduit particulièrement. Des marques comme Bugaboo offrent des poussettes modulables avec divers accessoires interchangeables, permettant une adaptation aux différentes phases de croissance de l'enfant. Technologies avancées : Les fabricants intègrent des innovations telles que le pliage automatique, des matériaux légers et résistants, ou encore des systèmes de suspension améliorés pour accroître le confort et la facilité d'utilisation. Par exemple, Cybex a su dynamiser le marché en proposant des poussettes innovantes et design, répondant aux attentes des parents modernes. Croissance du segment premium : Des marques telles que Bugaboo et Cybex connaissent une forte demande pour leurs modèles haut de gamme, avec des prix pouvant dépasser * *** €. Ce segment attire des ...
4.5 Etude de cas Cybex
Cybex, marque du groupe GoodBaby, s’est imposée sur le marché français de la grosse puériculture grâce à une stratégie alliant innovation, positionnement premium et collaborations avec des figures influentes du design et de la mode. Enregistrant une croissance de **% en France en ****, Cybex a su capter l’intérêt des jeunes parents avec des produits alliant esthétique et performance.
Une Stratégie d’Innovation Constante
L’un des piliers du succès de Cybex réside dans sa capacité à renouveler continuellement ses gammes. L’entreprise se positionne comme le fabricant lançant le plus de nouveautés chaque année dans l’univers des poussettes et des sièges-auto. Cette dynamique lui permet de :
• Stimuler la demande en proposant des modèles toujours plus innovants.
• Contourner le marché de la seconde main en incitant les consommateurs à opter pour les dernières tendances.
• Diversifier son offre, notamment avec des modèles adaptés aux nouveaux modes de vie, comme les poussettes dédiées au sport.
Des Collaborations Stratégiques et un Positionnement Inspiré de la Mode
Pour se démarquer sur un marché souvent perçu comme austère, Cybex s’inspire ...
5 Regulation
5.1 Regulations
As with any product for babies or children, the stroller market is subject to strict rules.
These rules are established by the decree No. **-**** of ** December **** on childcare
Updated by the notice of the published in the Official Journal on March **, ****, this decree establishes safety requirements, namely: stability of the seat, protection against the risk of injury, absence of health risks in case of ingestion, inhalation or physical contact, reliability of safety devices that must not be able to be operated by children, as well as compliance with hygiene and cleanliness conditions.
In March ****, the new version of the standard NF EN ****-* "Children's cars - part *: pushchairs and prams" of December **** is added. This European standard defines and standardizes on a European scale the safety requirements and test methods for pushchairs and prams intended for the transport of one or more children of less than ** kg each or ** kg for any integrated platform on which the child can stand.
In the absence of Community legislation on the subject, this decree applies only to products manufactured in France or directly imported from a third country. European Union countries must comply with the safety requirements of the decree and those of ...
6 Positioning of the actors
6.1 Segmentation
- Bébé Confort
- Bambisol
- Aubert
- Allo bébé
- Leboncoin (Adevinta Group)
- Outlander Joie baby
- Autour de Bébé
- Bébé 9
- LDLC Groupe
- Bugaboo
- Graco
- Artsana Groupe (Chicco)
- Babyhuys
- Cybex (Goddbaby International)
- Maxi-Cosi (Dorel Groupe)
- Quinny
- Babymoov
- Costway
- Smyths Toys
- Yoyo Babyzen
- Trolem
- Berceau Magique Megara
- France Maternité
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