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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The term "absorbent panty" refers to a panty that has the ability to absorb menstrual discharge without having to use a special absorbent pad. The convenience of the panties is the fact that they can be machine-washed and reused for several times. In addition, the absorbency capacity is twice that of ordinary tampons. you can find them in different sizes and different shapes such as sports underpants, high-waisted or brazilian panties. Absorbent panties can be found either in pharmacies, supermarkets or online and have an average price ranging from 25 to 35 euros.

As for the global market, this is expected to be worth $180 million by the end of 2021 and is estimated to grow at a CARG of 15.8% between the year 2020 and 2030. This growth is due to the increased convenience and comfort of panties in women's everyday life. Despite this strong growth, this product is not utilizing its full potential because it is not yet well known in the market.

Even at the Italian level, the market turns out to have great possibilities for growth even though the product is still not well known by a large majority of the population. This growth is especially due to the fact that the issue of sustainability is becoming fundamental for more and more people and is expanding to all aspects of daily life, including menstruation. In addition, many women prefer briefs, not only because they can be reused, but that for a convenience factor. Indeed, they are more comfortable and wearable than the classic tampon.

As much as there is a strong potential for growth, there are numerous substitutes for menstrual panties such as the washable pad and the menstrual cup. The former is simply a non-pantie-shaped tampon that can be put in the washing machine and can be reused, while the latter is an alternative to the tampon inside made of silicone and therefore also reusable.

1.1 The global market

The global menstrual underwear market was valued at US$***.** million in **** and is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (***) of **.* percent from **** to ****. This growth is attributed to increased awareness about menstrual hygiene and initiatives by organizations such as UNICEF. However, the COVID-** pandemic has negatively impacted the industry, with reduced sales due to lockdown measures and a more cautious consumption attitude by people.

Market value of absorbent underwear World, ****-****, Billions of dollars Grandviewresearch

Menstrual panties, which use materials such as polyester, nylon, and cotton to absorb blood and keep the vulvar area dry and comfortable, are emerging as a sustainable alternative to traditional menstrual hygiene products such as tampons and pads.

The market could further benefit from the increase in the working female population, which accounted for **.* percent of the global workforce in **** according to World Bank data. Cycle panties are particularly suitable for working women, offering comfort and convenience during the workday.

Advertising campaigns launched by manufacturers to expand their market reach and promote innovative products further contribute to market growth. For example, in May ****, the brand Thinx launched a campaign to promote a new collection of breathable, ultra-thin underwear designed to provide drier, more comfortable ...

1.3 The Italian market

The menstrual panty market is ralatively new in Italy, and insufficient data are available to make an estimate of its value. Therefore, this section will analyze the trend of this new trend through a study of data reported by Google on searches regarding the product. In addition, data regarding the paper and cellulose wadding sanitary and household products manufacturing sector, which contains manufacturers of absorbent briefs and is assumed to have a trend representative of that of the market studied, will be forminitized.

Historical series:

Searches in Italy for "menstrual panties" started from a very low level, remaining at zero for a long period before starting to increase, with the first notable peak recorded in August ****.

From **** onward, we have seen an intermittent and increasing increase in searches, with a marked increase in the period from **** to ****. During this period, we see that searches have reached increasingly high peaks. The most notable increases have occurred since November ****, with a significant peak reached in May ****. After May ****, although there was a slight decrease, the level of interest remained substantially higher than in previous years, fluctuating with some fluctuations.

We can conclude that interest in the topic is in a growth phase in ...

1.4 Import-export

No specific data are available regarding trade in menstrual panties, so the following will analyze trade flows regarding absorbent feminine hygiene products, specifically, the category considered is:

HS code ****: absorbent pads and tampons, baby diapers and diaper savers, and similar items, of any material.

Trade trends:

From **** to ****, the intimate apparel trade sector in Italy showed an increase in both exports and imports, with the latter growing more strongly.

Focusing on exports, we note that in **** the value was $***.** million, while in **** it increased to $***.** million. This indicates a growth, albeit modest, of *.** percent over the period.As for imports, we notice a growth from ****, when the amount was $***.** million, to **** with an amount of $***.** million. This represents an increase of *.** percent over the five-year period.The coverage ratio, which represents the ratio of exports to imports, shows a decreasing trend over the period. From **** to ****, the ratio decreased from *.** to *.**, signaling a slight decrease in the percentage difference between export and import.

Trends in the trade of tampons, pads and similar items. Italy, ****-****, millions of dollars Uncomtrade


The top * countries in terms of exports are: Germany, France, Spain, the Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom. Together these countries ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The question

Two types of data are analyzed to study the demand for absorbent underpants:

The average household expenditure of Italian families on personal hygiene and wellness items, natural products and beauty products. The demographic composition of the female population in Italy.

Average monthly expenditure:

Analyzing the data year by year, we can see that after a sharp decline in spending between **** and ****, the trend seems to stabilize, fluctuating slightly but remaining at a fairly constant average of around €**-** per month.The lowest peak is reached in **** with €**.**/month, while in **** a slight increase is noted, reaching €**.**/month. From **** onward, average household spending begins to decline again, settling at **.** €/month in ****.

Trend in average household spending by Italian households on personal hygiene and wellness items, natural products, and beauty products Italy, ****-****, €/month Istat

Demographic composition:

Women today have ***-*** cycles over a lifetime, compared to ***-*** for our great-grandmothers in ****. In just four generations, the number of menstrual cycles has increased so much because the age of first menstruation is earlier, because menopause is later, because both the number of children per woman and the time for breastfeeding are so reduced.[***]

In general, the age range in which women have menstrual ...

2.2 Women's personal experience

To know the profile of customers who request the studied product, it is important to understand how the menstrual cycle is experienced by women.

In ****, Essity conducted research involving **** male and female residents of Italy, aged ** to **. Despite the fact that the menstrual cycle is a natural and physiological event for a woman of childbearing age, the results show that not all women associate a feeling of "normality" with this event, and that the topic in Italy is still taboo for part of the population.

Half of the women surveyed (***). For **.*% of the respondents, the cycle is very painful, for **.*% quite painful. The most frequent complaints are bloating, pelvic pain, physical fatigue, and mood change.

Pain experienced by women during their menstrual cycle Italy, ****, % Essity

The menstrual cycle is a natural and physiological event in a woman of childbearing age, but only half of women (***) feel discomfort and embarrassment and **.*% consider it a limitation, a disabling condition.

Feelings aroused by menstruation in women surveyed Italy, ****, % Essity

2.3 Geographical distribution of demand

To identify the regions with the highest potential demand for the product, Istat data on the female population aged ** to ** in the various Italian regions were aggregated.

The regions with the highest number of women in this age group are Lombardy, Campania, and Lazio, each with more than one million individuals. This figure is not surprising given that these regions are home to some of Italy's largest and most populous cities, such as Milan, Rome, and Naples. In contrast, regions such as Molise and Valle d'Aosta have much smaller numbers of women between the ages of ** and **, with **,*** and **,*** individuals, respectively. This reflects the smaller size and overall lower population of these regions.

2.4 Sustainability

In the current landscape, the issue of sustainability also touches the field of feminine intimate hygiene. Although the topic is often considered taboo, it is important to discuss it given the high environmental and economic impact of traditional tampons. In a lifetime, a woman may come to use up to **,*** intimate hygiene products, contributing significantly to waste generation. In fact, tampons and diapers account for about *.* percent of municipal waste,[***] a remarkable percentage, and too often their fate is landfill. In this context, exploring greener alternatives becomes critical.

Absorbent underpants, which are washable and reusable, offer a viable alternative to disposable pads and tampons, thus reducing environmental impact. In addition to being environmentally friendly, these panties are cost-effective in the long run, with a shelf life of between * and * years, depending on how they are washed and dried.

From a comfort and ease-of-use perspective, absorbent underpants have received positive reviews for their comfort, odorlessness, and the dry feeling they provide due to the various filtering and absorbent layers. Although there may be some initial resistance due to doubts about their effectiveness, many women who have tried them report a positive surprise, particularly appreciating the level of comfort they provide.


3 Market structure

3.1 The market structure

Italian enterprises producing absorbent underpants fall under Ateco category **.**: Manufacture of sanitary and household products from paper and cellulose wadding. This category includes about *** enterprises and employs more than **,*** people. Three characteristics of it will be studied below:

Trend in the number of enterprises Trend in the number of employees Breakdown of the legal form of enterprises

Number of enterprises:

The number of enterprises operating in the sector has decreased in recent years. Thus, the percentage change from **** to **** is about -*.**%. This decrease could indicate consolidation in the sector, with fewer enterprises operating, or it could indicate that some enterprises have ceased to exist or operate in this sector for various reasons.

Number of enterprises active in the manufacture of paper and cellulose wadding sanitary products sector Italy, ****-****, in number Istat

Number ofemployees:

The number of employed people has risen in recent years. Looking at the annual data, we can see a steady increase in the number of employed people in this sector each year, from *,*** in **** to **,*** in ****. The percentage change from **** to **** is thus about **.** percent. It would seem, then, that the decrease in the number of firms reflects precisely a consolidation of the market, with fewer ...

3.2 The value chain

3.3 Distribution

Distribution of absorbent underpants is through both physical channels (***) and online.


In Italy, there are **** specialized retailbusinessesfor perfumery, toiletries and personal hygiene products. This number is decreasing compared to ****.

Number of businesses in the retail sector of perfumery, toiletries and personal care products Italy, ****-****, in number Istat

Large-scale retail trade:

The enterprises included in this sector are: hypermarkets, supermarkets, discount grocery stores. Supermarkets are the most numerous, hypermarkets compose a very small number but have larger average size.

Number of enterprises in the sector: Retail trade in non-specialized establishments (***) Italy, ****, in numbers. Istat Online channels: Various online stores are available that sell absorbent underpants. Some of the main ones are: Lovable Repeat Fluyda Teby Tena

3.4 The main actors

The main brands offering absorbent underpants in the Italian market are:

Teby: The company "Teby" was born from the personal experience of a new mother who, after discovering and experimenting with the world of washable diapers in ****, decided to create a product tailored to the needs of her baby. From some initial prototypes developed during this period, the company has grown a range of products for which it now holds patents. Allmatters: The company "AllMatters," originally known as "OrganiCup," was founded in **** with the goal of promoting the use of reusable products, starting with the creation and distribution of simple, sustainable and affordable menstrual cups. Lovable: Lovable is a women's underwear brand, recently launched a new line of underwear called "Period Panties" specifically designed for use during menstruation. These period panties, made from Ecocert Greenlife-certified organic cotton, are designed to be washable and reusable, offering a more sustainable option than disposable products. Fluyda: Fluyda positions itself as the first community dedicated to menstrual intelligence and as the first site to offer innovative and sustainable products aimed at all women who experience menstruation. The company aims to create a space where taboos related to menstruation can be overcome, promoting an approach of ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 The offer


Cycle panties, also known as menstrual panties or cycle briefs, are a green product designed to offer a more sustainable and comfortable alternative to traditional tampons and pads. They are composed of several layers that absorb, retain leakage and fight odor, providing a clean and dry feeling. These garments can be used for both light and heavy flows, offering different designs to fit every need.


Cycle panties are composed of a minimum of three layers: one to absorb the flow, one to retain fluid for up to ** hours, and one waterproof layer to prevent leakage. They are made of breathable materials with antibacterial and odor-resistant properties, such as cotton and bamboo or synthetics such as spandex, that do not irritate the skin.


Regarding their use, they are designed to provide comfort for *-** hours, after which it is recommended to change them for hygienic reasons. They can be washed by hand in cold water or in the washing machine at **°C on a delicate garment program, avoiding the use of detergents with Marseille or Aleppo soap and fabric softeners. After washing, they should be left to air dry.


4.2 The prices

The following are examples of absorbent underpants available on the Italian market:

5 Regulations

5.1 The regulation

Some of the main laws affecting the market for the production and sale of absorbent briefs in Italy are:

Consumer Code(***): particularly regarding product safety and consumer protection. It also regulates commercial practices and advertising, ensuring that the information provided to consumers is correct and not misleading. REACH Regulation(***) chemicals while maintaining and strengthening the competitiveness and innovative capabilities of the European chemical industry. Law No. *** of **.**.**** and Directive ****/***/EC: regulating the names and labeling of textile products. Budget Law No. *** of Dec. **, ****: which introduces, among other things, subsidized taxation for feminine hygiene absorbent products. In particular, it is provided for: A VAT rate of * percent female intimate hygiene protection products, if compostable according to UNI EN *****: **** or washable; A **% rate the absorbent products and tampons, intended for female hygiene protection that are not compostable or washable.

6 Positioning of actors

6.1: Segmentation

Italian companies:

Foreign companies:

  • Teby
  • AllMatters ApS
  • Lovable Italy S.r.l.
  • Fluyda S.r.l.
  • Repeat Global

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