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1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

Private clinic refers to health care facilities, both for-profit and nonprofit, that are not owned by the government. These are usually funded by patients themselves or by insurance companies and are features, along with public facilities, of a large number of health care systems.

In 2020, the global private clinic market was worth $4.7 trillion and is expected to grow at an annual rate of 6.7 percent to a peak of $7.4 trillion in 2027. Markets in the Asia-Pacific region are those for which the greatest growth is expected given the larger catchment area, growing concern about health conditions, and, consequently, increased spending in this regard.

In Italy, there is a steady increase in private health care spending by the Italian population since, contrary to common opinion, it is not only wealthier people who resort to this type of infrastructure. Nowadays, private healthcare spending, in fact, is also part of the budgets of the low-income population.

One factor driving people to use private clinics is certainly the higher incidence of chronic diseases that has begun to be seen in recent years: in fact, almost half of the population that uses the services offered by private clinics is suffering from such a disease.

The private clinic market is particularly attractive especially when considering the high waiting times required to access services at public facilities. In addition, due to the high degree of specialization and research of some private facilities, an increasingly common phenomenon is medical tourism.

On the Italian territory, the most established and recognized private hospital groups are the San Donato Group and San Raffaele Hospital both part of the Papiniano Spa holding company.

1.2 The global market

Private hospitals can have two distinct purposes : for-profit and nonprofit. As can be seen from the chart, the number of for-profit hospitals per country is, on average, significantly higher than the number of nonprofit hospitals. Globally, it is Colombia that has the largest number of private hospitals, some ****, with a total ...

1.2 The Italian Market

Private healthcare in Italy is worth about **.* billion euros a year, accounting for nearly ** percent of total national healthcare spending. The top ** private hospital groups put together a turnover of as much as *.* billion euros, annually.

As of ****, there were a total of about *** private for-profit hospitals, a figure that is ...

1.4 The Covid Effect 19

During the crisis, public-private cooperation was essential to meet the need for care. Public and private institutions pooled available beds: the most serious cases were mainly taken over by institutions with intensive care units, and private clinics, which are usually responsible for follow-up care or planned acts, took over the less ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The Main Drivers of Demand

Several drivers can drive the demand for private clinics in Italy. We can find two main categories, demographic characteristics of the Italian population and income characteristics .

The age distribution andmedian age of the Italian population are also important factors to consider in order to better understand this market and its ...

2.2 Italians' opinion of the national health care system

Analyzing the Italian population's satisfaction with the services offered during hospitalization in ****, **.*% of respondents say they are fairly or very satisfied with the medical care they received; **.*% say the same for nursing care while **.*% are generally satisfied with the toilet facilities. However, the food service offered during hospitalization appears to be ...

2.3 Patients

There are about * million hospitalizations in Italy each year. According to the latest available data, dating back to ****, a general decrease in the volume of activity provided by Italian hospitals can be observed: the total number of discharges for acute, rehabilitation and long-term care went from *.***.*** to *,***,***, a decrease of about ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market structure

The hospital sector in Italy is divided into public facilities, private for-profit facilities and private nonprofit facilities. In total, there are **** clinics in Italy. different types of clinics can be distinguished :

The following are defined as public inpatient facilities

Hospital corporations; Directly operated hospitals; Hospital corporations integrated with the National Health ...

3.2 The geographical distribution of private clinics

In order to highlight the geographical distribution of the supply of private clinics, a map was created with the number of clinics in each Italian region.

In the South of the peninsula, thanks to the values recorded in Campania, **.*% of the total number of private clinics in Italy is concentrated. This ...

3.3 The Staff of Private Clinics

Research by the Eurostat agency in August **** shows that our country has the second most physicians on an EU scale. Private healthcare facilities, in aggregate, incur about *.* billion euros as personnel costs. As for capital assets, the value is more than *.* billion euros for tangible assets, while it is *** million euros ...

3.4 The main actors

A list of major players active in private clinic services is offered below:

San Donato Group: founded in **** in Pavia by Luigi Rotelli, is one of the largest private hospital groups in Italy. Headquartered in Milan, the group has developed considerably since **** under the leadership of Giuseppe Rotelli, son of the ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 A Quality and Innovative Offering

Quality of accommodation

The clinics were the first to offer single rooms and to pay special attention to the quality of hotel and dining facilities, but also to the presence of ancillary services such as a nursery, restaurant, or conference center. [***]

Research and technological innovation

The rapid evolution of technology is ...

4.2 The Prices of Private Health Care Facilities

The prices of various health treatments and services offered by private clinics varies greatly by region and City. Milan turns out to be the most expensive city for private health care and where there are the greatest price differences between private facilities (***), Palermo, on the other hand, turns out to be ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Accreditation of Private Facilities within the NHS

the path that private health care facilities must take to be accredited within the SSN is called the three A's system (***) and involves three steps that allow them to be equalized with public ones.


The first step is authorization. The purpose of authorization is to allow the exercise of health ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Gruppo San Donato
  • Humanitas Mirasole S.p.A.
  • Gruppo Villa Maria s.p.a
  • Kos s.p.a
  • Garofalo Health Care s.p.a

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Total number of Private, nonprofit and for-profit hospitals
  • Evolution Number of Private Hospitals in Italy
  • Number of facilities by type of care provided
  • Breakdown of the population
  • Evolution of median household income
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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Gruppo San Donato
Humanitas Mirasole S.p.A.
Gruppo Villa Maria s.p.a
Kos s.p.a
Garofalo Health Care s.p.a

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