Summary of our market study
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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and presentation
Men's cosmetics are products that improve men's appearance, protect certain body parts and can also mask certain body odors. The market is often divided into three main segments: hygiene (soaps, shampoos, deodorants, etc.), skincare (moisturizers, shaving foam, etc.) and beauty products (make-up, perfume, eau de toilette, etc.).
Worldwide, the men's cosmetics market is largely dominated by Asia, which accounts for over 40% of the sector's sales. Consumption habits are much lower than in the Western world, and in certain Asian countries such as Korea, where the use of cosmetics for men is very common. The second largest market is North America, followed by Western Europe. Skin care products are the most popular, ahead of hair care and make-up.
In Spain, men have become increasingly important in the cosmetics market. While men buy an average of 16 beauty products a year, compared with 30 for women, who spend much larger sums, sales of men's products are showing higher growth. Young people between the ages of 25 and 35 are driving market growth. Spending on perfume was most dynamic before the advent of covid-19, which prompted Spaniards to turn more to skin care products.
1.2 The global market
In ****, the global cosmetics market was dominated by the skin care segment, accounting for **% of the total. Hair care came second with **%, while make-up products accounted for **% of the market. The fragrance segment accounted for **% of the total, and hygiene products completed the breakdown with **%. This breakdown highlights the growing importance of skincare worldwide, with demand for appearance care products outstripping that of other segments.
Segment breakdown of the global cosmetics market World, ****, % (***) Source: ****
In ****, the global ranking of the world's largest cosmetics companies in terms of sales reveals the clear domination of L'Oréal, which leads the way with **.** billion euros. It is followed by Unilever with **.** billion euros, and The Estée Lauder Cos. with **.** billion euros. Procter & Gamble Co. is in fourth place with **.** billion euros, slightly ahead of Chanel Ltd. and LVMH, with *.** and *.** billion euros respectively. Beiersdorf, Shiseido Co. and Natura & Co. follow with figures between *.** and *.** billion euros. Coty, with *.** billion euros, completes the top **, ahead of brands such as Bath & Body Works (***). This ranking illustrates the predominance of a few major groups in the global cosmetics industry.
World ranking of the largest cosmetics companies Spain, ****, billions of euros Source: ****
Finally, between **** and ****, the global ...
1.3 The domestic market
The national cosmetics market:
Spain's cosmetics market is booming and is one of the most dynamic in the world. As the world's second-largest producer behind France, Spain boasts strong industrial capacity and a wide range of products. The sector benefits from growing demand, both nationally and internationally, with recognized expertise in key segments such as skincare, fragrances and hair care products.
Between **** and ****, the cosmetics sector in Spain experienced significant growth, reaching total sales of **.** billion euros in ****. Producing companies saw their revenues rise from *.** billion euros in **** to *.** billion in ****, an increase of +**.**%. After falling in **** to *.** billion euros(***).
Corporate distributors also recorded strong growth, rising from *.** billion euros in **** to *.** billion in ****, a +**.**% increase. After declining in **** to *.** billion euros(***).
Total sales for the sector thus rose from **.** billion euros in **** to **.** billion in ****, representing an overall increase of +**.**% over this period.
Cosmetics sector sales Spain, ****-****, billions of euros Source: ****
In terms of segmentation, the Spanish cosmetics market was dominated by skin care products, which accounted for **.**% of the total market. Toiletries and personal care products came second with **.**%, closely followed by perfumes, which accounted for **.**% of the market. Hair care products accounted for **.**%. Lastly, color cosmetics occupied ...
1.4 Imports and exports
In ****, Spanish cosmetics exports were mainly concentrated in Europe, accounting for **.**% of global market share. Latin America was the second largest export market with **.**%, followed by North America at *.**%. The Asia-Pacific region absorbed *.**% of Spanish exports, while the Middle East and Africa accounted for *.*% and *.**% respectively. Finally, Oceania remained a more modest market, accounting for *.**% of exports.
Breakdown of Spanish cosmetics exports by region World, ****, % (***) Source: ****
In terms of Spain's cosmetics trade balance between **** and ****, exports grew significantly, from €*.*** billion in **** to €*.*** billion in ****, an increase of +**.**%. Imports have also risen, from *.*** billion in **** to *.*** billion in ****, an increase of +**.**%. Despite this rise in imports, the trade balance fluctuated, reaching a peak of *.*** billion euros in ****(***), reflecting a solid performance by Spanish cosmetics exports relative to imports.
Evolution of Spanish foreign trade in cosmetics Spain, ****-****, € billion Source: ****
Finally, we note that the perfume sector was the main driver of Spanish exports in ****, accounting for **% of total exports. Personal hygiene products came second with **%, followed by skin care products with **%. Hair care products accounted for **% of exports, while color cosmetics (***) occupied a more modest *% share. This breakdown illustrates the importance of perfumery and hygiene products in Spanish cosmetics exports.
Breakdown of ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Consumer typology
by ****, men will account for **% of the cosmetics market in Spain.
Gender breakdown of beauty product users Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****
Despite this, it should be noted that the average cosmetics consumer remains predominantly female (***), aged between ** and **,living with a partner and belonging to a medium-to-high socio-economic category. According to the study in the graph above, this typical consumer spends more than two and a half hours a day on social networks, underlining the growing importance of these platforms in influencing beauty product purchasing choices.
Nevertheless, cosmetics appear to be important for men's aesthetics. Indeed, in ****,**% of Spanish men said they felt more attractive when they were well-prepared, and **% considered it very important to look young. These figures illustrate the growing importance attached to appearance and self-care among men, reinforcing the place of cosmetics in their daily routine.
Spanish men and cosmetics Spain, ****, % of men Source: ****
In ****, Spanish men were the biggest users of beauty products in Europe, with **% of users being men. Half of this segment was made up of men aged ** to **.
In ****, men in Spain spent an average of €*** on beauty products.
Average male spending on beauty products Spain, ****, € Source: ****
2.2 Men have different needs from women
In Spain in ****, **% of cosmetics used by men were used jointly with their wives. **% were specific cosmetics.
If men use different cosmetics to women, it's because of the distinct characteristics of their skin. Men's skin is richer in collagen, giving it greater firmness. Signs of skin aging generally appear later, around age **, but more abruptly than in women. In addition, the horny layer of their epidermis is thicker, making their skin more resistant, but also prone to problems such as pseudofolliculitis, which is the encystment of beard hair. Men's sebaceous glands are more active, resulting in greater sebum production, particularly during adolescence, when acne is more common. In addition, their sweat secretion is more abundant and acidic, requiring products to control perspiration. The appearance of facial hair and daily shaving, which aggresses the cutaneous barrier, make their skin more vulnerable to irritation and dehydration. These specificities explain why men need cosmetics adapted to their particular needs.
Source: ****
Do Men use the same cosmetics as their partners or specific ones? Spain, ****, % Source: ****
When it comes to the criteria motivating consumption, we can see that men often adopt a more pragmatic approach than women when it comes to choosing cosmetics. They prefer products ...
2.3 The European consumer and cosmetics
By ****, European consumers were using an average of * cosmetics products a day and ** products a week.
Average number of cosmetics used by European consumers Europe, ****, number Source: ****
We also note that young Europeans aged ** to ** used an average of ** cosmetic products per week, demonstrating a more elaborate skincare routine than the general average. What's more,**% of them said they had used make-up as a confidence-booster, underlining the importance of appearance and self-expression for this age group. These data reflect the growing influence of cosmetics on young people's well-being and self-esteem.
Young people and cosmetics Europe, ****, number, % (***) Source: ****
A large majority of European consumers also recognized the importance of cosmetics for their well-being and self-esteem. Indeed, **% considered cosmetics to play a key role in developing their self-esteem, while **% felt they helped improve their quality of life. What's more, **% of Europeans considered them essential to their daily routine, confirming the growing importance of beauty products in everyday life.
Cosmetics and self-esteem Europe, ****, %, % Source: ****
2.4 Cosmetics segmentation
In Spain in ****, the top-selling product categories by value within supermarkets were mainly dominated by oral hygiene, accounting for **% of sales. Skin care, especially facial treatments, followed closely with **%, while shampoos accounted for *%. Bath and shower products and deodorants and antiperspirants accounted for *% and *% of market share respectively. Hair treatments, fragrances and sun protection each accounted for *%, on a par with hair color. Body moisturizing and eye make-up accounted for *%, while hand soaps accounted for *%. Finally, the "other products" category dominated with **% of sales, illustrating the diversity of products available in this segment.
Top-selling product categories in the supermarket channel by value Spain, ****, % sales Source: ****
However, in terms of volume, the top-selling product categories in the Spanish supermarket channel in **** were dominated by oral hygiene and bath and shower products, each accounting for **% of sales. Deodorants and antiperspirants came third with **%, followed by shampoos (***). Hair treatments and body moisturizers each accounted for *% and *% respectively, while skin care, hair coloring and fragrances were around *-*%. Peinado y styling products and facial cleansers also accounted for *% of sales, with a mix of other products reaching **%, reflecting a diversified distribution of categories in this sector.
Top-selling product categories by volume within the distribution channel Spain, ...
2.5 Make-up for men
Men's make-up, once seen as a niche market or ephemeral fad, is now establishing itself as an enduring trend in the beauty sector. Iconic brands such as Chanel, with its "Boy" line, as well as Tom Ford and Marc Jacobs, have launched make-up collections dedicated to men, marking a turning point in the industry. This phenomenon goes beyond mere trends and is underpinned by a growing demand from male consumers who wish to enhance their appearance or express their creativity, without necessarily breaking with norms of virility. Historically, iconic figures such as David Bowie, Prince and Marilyn Manson have paved the way for this break with the codes of traditional masculinity, and this influence is now spreading more widely.
New generations are demanding more inclusive, gender-neutralbeauty canons. Brands like NARS and MAC have understood this, as evidenced by their slogan "all races, all ages and all genders". Social networks are also playing a crucial role in democratizing this trend, thanks to international beauty influencers such as Manny Gutierrez, Patrick Starr, Jeffree Star, and James Charles, whose make-up tutorials on YouTube and Instagram rack up millions of views. This influence helps young people identify with these figures who are redefining beauty ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Value chain
In the cosmetics market, production production processesdiffer depending on the type of product, but cosmetics laboratories have very strict procedures, from the choice of raw materials to human testing in specialized clinics. The trend is even towards ever-higher standards, with brands gradually removing dangerous or controversial substances from their products as they listen to legislators and consumers.
Broadly speaking, this means :
Innovating by proposing new products, and therefore relying on the company's R&D department Proposing product design and marketing Choosing raw materials through raw materials sourcing Carry out dermatological tests and trials (***); Carry out physico-chemical and bacteriological controls. Production start-up in factories The logistics centers then deliver the various products to the appropriate distribution channels.
3.2 Production
The trend in the number of companies producing perfumes and cosmetics in Spain between **** and **** has followed a fluctuating trajectory. In ****, there were *** companies, a figure that fell slightly in **** to *** (***). In ****, however, the number of companies fell slightly to ***, marking a decrease of -*.**%. Despite these fluctuations, the sector showed relative stability, with an overall upward trend over this period.
Trend in the number of companies producing perfumes and cosmetics in Spain Spain, ****-****, number Source: ****
The evolution of the number of employees within the perfume and cosmetics manufacturing sector in Spain between **** and **** followed a similar trend. In ****, the sector employed **,*** people, and this figure rose by +*.**% in **** to **,*** employees. In ****, despite the effects of the pandemic, the number of employees fell slightly to **,***(***). In ****, the sector continued to grow, reaching **,*** employees, an increase of +*.**% on the previous year. This increase in the number of employees and companies shows that the sector in Spain is dynamic and expanding.
Trend in the number of employees in the perfume and cosmetics manufacturing sector Spain, ****-****, thousands of employees Source: ****
Gross operating surplus (***) also increased overall over the period. In ****, EBITDA stood at ***.** million euros, and increased by +**.**% in **** to ***.** million euros. ...
3.3 Distribution
In ****, the breakdown of cosmetics retailers' market shares in Spain showed a clear dominance of supermarkets, which accounted for **% of the market. The specialized channel, which includes dedicated cosmetics stores, had a **% share, while pharmacies held a significant share with **%. Pure players (***) had conquered *% of the market, followed by hairdressers with *% and direct sales with *%. Finally, professional aesthetics had a more modest share of *%, underlining the predominance of traditional distribution channels such as pharmacies and specialist stores in the Spanish cosmetics sector.
Market share of supermarkets in the cosmetics market Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****
By ****, supermarkets would play a major role in the Spanish cosmetics market. In terms of the market shares of the main Spanish superstores, Mercadona stood out as the undisputed leader, with a **% market share. Carrefour came second with *.*%, followed by Lidl with *.*% and Alcampo with *%. El Corte Inglés and Eroski each shared *.*%, while Grupo Dia had *.*% market share. Consum, Ahorramas and Bonpreu held *.*%, *.*% and *.*% respectively. Together, the other market players accounted for a dominant **.*% share, underlining the fragmentation and presence of a multitude of smaller distributors in the sector.
Market share in the supermarket cosmetics market Spain, ****, % of total Source: ****
Changes in the variables of players ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Offer typology
The table opposite shows the main types of products available on the Spanish men's cosmetics market:
4.2 Top-selling products and prices
The table below shows the best-selling men's beauty products in September **** in Spain on Amazon :
Source: ****
In ****, the categorisation of the best-selling cosmetic products on reveals a diversity of segments, with notable variations both in terms of the number of products and average prices. The dominant category is moisturisers and facial care, with ** products and an average price of €**.**. Beard and shaving care has * products with an average price of €**.**, followed by deodorants and body care products (***), which are the most expensive. Hair care represents * products with an average price of €**.**, while facial cleansing gels have a more affordable average price of €*.** for * products. Finally, eye care and depilatory products account for * and * products respectively, with average prices of €*.** and €**.**. These figures highlight the diversity and segmentation of the cosmetics market in Spain, with strong demand for facial care and multi-use products..
Catégorisation des produits les plus vendus Espagne, ****, nombre de produits, prix moyens (***) Source: ****
4.3 Price trends
Between **** and June ****, industrial prices in the cosmetics sector in Spain rose significantly, measured in base *** indices for the year ****. In ****, the index was **.**, rising gradually to **.** in **** (***), reflecting continued cost increases in the cosmetics sector.
This price inflation can be explained by several factors. Firstly, the rising cost of raw materials used in cosmetic products, often influenced by fluctuations in energy and transport prices, has had a direct impact on industrial prices. Secondly, the growing demand for innovative, high-quality products, particularly organic and eco-responsible products, has driven up prices. Finally, tensions in global supply chains, exacerbated by the COVID-** pandemic, led to delays and higher logistics costs, contributing to inflationary pressure in the cosmetics sector.
Industrial price trends in the Spanish cosmetics sector Spain, ****-June ****, indices base ***, **** Source: ****
4.4 Price ranges
The table below shows the different positioning strategies used in the Spanish cosmetics market:
Low-end: This segment targets customers looking for affordable products. Brands like Mercadona's Deliplus are very popular in Spain. Mid-range: Consumers here are looking for good value for money. Instituto Español and Válquer are examples of Spanish brands in this category. High-end: This segment targets customers ready to invest in products with more advanced formulations. Natura Bissé is a Spanish brand well positioned internationally in this segment. Very high-end/Luxury: Luxury products, often associated with brands such as La Mer, Chanel or Dior, are aimed at consumers prepared to spend large sums on highly exclusive and refined skin care products.
Source: ****
4.5 Towards a more sustainable offering
The sustainable cosmetics trend is growing exponentially, driven by consumers who are increasingly concerned about their health and the environment. The organic and natural personal care market is expanding rapidly, with growing demand for products that are organically grown, free from chemical additives, and respectful of the environment. However, a major challenge remains: the absence of clear regulations to delimit precisely what can be considered "natural" or "ecological" in cosmetics.
Natural" cosmetics are those that use ingredients from natural sources, subject to simple chemical transformation processes. However, these products must be additive-free or contain very small quantities of additives, so as not to harm the environment or human health. Other designations such as "bio", "eco" or "organic" are more restrictive than the term "natural" and require that ingredients be produced in accordance with ecological farming criteria, without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
Unfortunately, as BioVidaSana certification expert Nuria Alonso points out, some companies exploit these terms without meeting the required criteria, contributing to "greenwashing" in the sector. This practice makes it difficult for consumers to distinguish genuine ecological products from others. In response to this challenge, international certification labels such as Cosmos, or national ones such as BioVidaSana in ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Legislation
In Spain, cosmetics are subject to strict regulations to guarantee the safety, quality and transparency of the products marketed. The Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (***) is responsible for supervising and controlling cosmetics. Several laws and regulations govern this sector, notably Real Decreto ****/****, which lays down hygiene and safety requirements for the manufacture, import and distribution of cosmetic products.
Regulation (***) ****/****.
The regulations also set out restrictions on the use of certain hazardous chemical substances, governed by Regulation (***) Nº ****/****, aimed at protecting human health and the environment.
Legal requirements include obligations on product labeling, the inclusion of a complete list of ingredients (***), and the provision of a toxicological profile to assess potential side effects. Manufacturers must also provide information on how the formula is manufactured and tested prior to marketing.
The legislation also regulates cosmetics advertising to prevent deception and misleading publicity. In addition, products can obtain quality certificates such as the IQNet mark, or ISO certifications (***), guaranteeing compliance with international standards.
These rules ensure that cosmetics sold in Spain meet rigorous standards of safety, efficacy and durability.
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Chanel
- L'Occitane Groupe
- Mac Cosmetics (Estée Lauder)
- Lab Series (Estée Lauder)
- Estée Lauder
- Clarins Groupe
- Bulldog Skincare
- Horace
- Men-Ü
- Baxter of California
- American Crew
- Jack Black Skin Care
- Anthony Cosmetics
- Aesop (L'Oréal groupe)
- Yves Saint Laurent Parfums (Groupe L'Oréal)
- L'Oréal Groupe
- Lancôme (L'Oréal)
- Garnier (L'Oréal)
- Dop (L'Oréal)
- Procter & Gamble
- Procter & Gamble
- LVMH Groupe
- Henkel
- Unilever Groupe
- PUIG Group
- Douglas
- Sephora
- El Corte Inglés
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