Summary of our market study

The global cookware market was valued at 15.51 billion euros in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.66% from 2023 to 2028, with the USA recording the highest sales at 5.645 billion euros in 2023. The market has been influenced by consumers' shift towards wellness and the home kitchen environment since the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in an increase in spending on cookware due to more cooking at home, fewer leisure activities and greater interest in DIY kitchen projects. following the pandemic, 50% of those surveyed cooked more, with a growing preference for healthy, practical cookware, and demand for versatile utensils suited to smaller living spaces also increased.

Demand for multi-purpose utensils suited to smaller living spaces has also increased. Growth is also underpinned by increasing demand for commercial kitchens, a rise in eco-consumerism and a preference for sustainable and ethically manufactured products. In Germany, the cookware market was worth $1.19 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 1.95% to 2028. German foreign trade in cookware, particularly under HS code WA3924, saw exports valued at 3.51 billion euros and imports at 4.57 billion euros in 2022. The main export markets are European countries, while a significant proportion of imports come from China. The industry sees a growing demand for sustainable products, which is reflected in increased consumer spending on cookware, which will reach 13.60 billion euros in 2022. German consumers prefer a varied and healthy diet, cooking more at home and favoring regional and ecological products.

The German cookware market:

A thriving hub for consumer trends and demand In recent years, the German cookware market has seen stable demand, with a moderate but steady annual growth rate of around 2% between 2023 and 2028. The size of the German market reached a notable figure of around $1.19 billion in 2023, reflecting consumers' inclination towards home-cooked meals and high-quality culinary tools. While global trends have a considerable influence on the German market, it is national trends that provide a better understanding of consumer behavior in the country.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the country saw a substantial shift in consumer habits. Around half of Germans surveyed admitted to cooking more often, leading to increased interest in healthy cooking utensils and tools suitable for preparing and storing meals. Nearly 40% of those surveyed also said they had adopted healthier eating habits, boosting demand for quality cookware. In addition, the German market has seen a surge in the popularity of home-cooked meals, particularly among millennials, who favor versatile utensils suited to compact living spaces. This has contributed to the expansion of the cookware market, with German consumers keen to invest in multi-purpose products tailored to their individual culinary needs. Sustainability has become a priority for the German consumer. A growing number of people in Germany, rising from around 55% to over 60% by 2021, are showing a deep interest in environmentally-friendly and fairly-produced products.

This trend has motivated manufacturers to innovate with eco-friendly materials and ethical production processes, offering a wider range of sustainable products to conscientious buyers. In the kitchenware and electronics segments, products such as induction stoves and juicers sell for around €200 to €1,200, indicating that the market is diversified and meets different consumer needs. The preference for well-known brands such as Miele, Siemens, Bosch and AEG underlines the importance of quality and durability in the German cookware market. Similarly, cutting tools and cookware come in a wide range of prices, indicating that the market is well supplied with products for everyday use as well as for specialized culinary applications. The expansion of product ranges to include innovative items such as the AirFryer, sales of which rose by around 25% year-on-year, reflects the growing trend towards healthier cooking options in Germany. With over 1.5 million units sold and an estimated sales value of almost €179 million, AirFryers underline German consumers' appetite for versatile products.

Pioneers in Germany's flourishing cookware landscape

The German cookware market is a melting pot of innovation, high-quality craftsmanship and technological prowess, where leading players compete to meet the sophisticated tastes and preferences of discerning consumers. In the midst of this culinary cauldron, some brands have distinguished themselves through a blend of heritage, design excellence and forward-looking product development. Here are the key players who have not only shaped the German cookware market, but also influenced global trends.

  • Miele: Famous for its high-end, durable appliances, Miele is a symbol of German engineering and quality. Renowned for integrating cutting-edge technology with user-friendly features, Miele offers a range of top-of-the-range cookware to match modern lifestyles.
  • Siemens: A familiar name that resonates with innovation and reliability, Siemens extends its vast technological pedigree to cookware. Their sleek, efficient designs embody contemporary aesthetics and functionality, meeting the needs of casual cooks and seasoned chefs alike.
  • Bosch: Committed to excellence and sustainable development, Bosch offers a plethora of environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and beautiful kitchen appliances. Its products are designed to enhance the culinary experience while reducing the ecological footprint.
  • AEG: Combining elegance and performance, AEG's range of kitchen appliances focuses on user comfort and culinary prowess. The company is respected for its commitment to delivering a seamless culinary experience through the fusion of style and utility.
  • WMF: Specializing in cutlery and kitchen utensils, WMF combines traditional craftsmanship with modern innovation. Its utensils are the choice of amateurs and professionals alike, who seek not only utensils but also culinary instruments that make cooking a pleasure.
  • Zwilling: With roots dating back to the 18th century, Zwilling is the epitome of high-quality cutlery and kitchen gadgets. Meticulously crafted with durability and precision in mind, Zwilling products represent a heritage of excellence that continues to inspire cooking enthusiasts.
  • Fiskars: Famous for its iconic scissors, Fiskars extends its design expertise to kitchenware with a focus on ergonomics and practicality. Its products are appreciated for their ease of use and reliability.
  • Kaiser: Kaiser bakeware is synonymous with quality and innovation. Amateur and professional bakers alike turn to Kaiser's cake pans and non-stick molds, confident in the brand's ability to deliver a superior baking experience.
  • Zenker: A veteran in the cookware field, Zenker offers an extensive range of products
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Umfang der Studie

Der Markt für Küchenutensilien umfasst alle Werkzeuge und Zubehörteile, die zur Zubereitung von Gerichten verwendet werden, auch als Kochgeschirr bezeichnet. Dieser Markt umfasst daher Kochutensilien, Schneidwerkzeuge, elektrische Geräte und andere verschiedene Küchenutensilien wie kleine Haushaltsgeräte und andere Nahrungsmittelzubereitungsgeräte im Zusammenhang mit der Küche.

Diese Utensilien werden aus verschiedenen Materialien und Metallen hergestellt, je nach Festigkeit, Feuer- und Hitzebeständigkeit und Haltbarkeit: Kupfer, aber auch geschmiedetes Eisen, Gusseisen, Aluminium, Edelstahl, Keramik usw. Neben den traditionellen Küchenutensilien wie Töpfen und Pfannen, sind auch spezialisierte Küchenhelfer wie Spiralschneider oder Gemüsehobel sehr gefragt. Besonders im Trend liegen auch Küchenmaschinen, die eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben in der Küche übernehmen können.

Diese Studie schließt daher große Küchengeräte wie Öfen oder Herde aus.

Der weltweite Markt für Küchenutensilien wird in den nächsten 7 Jahren voraussichtlich eine jährliche Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 4,5% verzeichnen.

Im Bereich des Onlinehandels hat sich der Markt für Küchenutensilien in den letzten Jahren stark entwickelt. Viele Verbraucher kaufen ihre Küchenhelfer online, da sie dort eine größere Auswahl haben und oft günstigere Preise finden als im stationären Handel. Einige Anbieter bieten auch personalisierte Beratung und Empfehlungen basierend auf den individuellen Bedürfnissen der Verbraucher.

Insgesamt wird erwartet, dass der Markt für Küchenutensilien in den kommenden Jahren weiterhin wachsen wird, da die Verbraucher mehr Zeit in der Küche verbringen und immer mehr Wert auf Qualität und Design legen. Der Fokus wird hierbei auf praktische und gleichzeitig ästhetisch ansprechende Küchenhelfer liegen.

Die Prognose für das Jahr 2028 zeigt ein jährliches Umsatzwachstum von 4,12% (CAGR 2023-2028). Im Jahr 2023 werden umgerechnet auf die Bevölkerungszahl etwa 55,93 Euro pro Haushalt im deutschen Markt für Küchenutensilien umgesetzt.

1.2 Global market

The global kitchenware market recorded a revenue of €**.** billion in ****. The market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of *.**% from **** to ****. The largest share of revenue will be generated in the United States, where sales will be approximately €*.*** billion in ****.

Kitchenware Market Size Worldwide, ****-****, in EUR bn Source: ****

The COVID-** pandemic has brought a significant shift in people's attitudes towards wellness and kitchen environments. This has led to a shift in consumer spending on kitchen utensils. Increased working from home and online shopping have changed shopping habits. At the same time, limited leisure activities and travel have led to higher disposable income, which is increasingly being used to purchase cooking utensils. Additionally, increased demand for DIY projects and kitchen remodels has further fueled the growth of the kitchenware market. Consumers are showing increased interest in modular kitchen furnishings. Spending on DIY projects has increased by an average of *% annually over the past three years since ****. The popularity of home-cooked meals, particularly among the younger generation of Millennials, has also increased demand for kitchenware. In this regard, consumers prefer versatile and adaptable utensils that fit well in smaller kitchens and meet their individual needs. Another factor driving the ...

1.3 German market

The German cooking utensils market recorded a revenue of $*.** billion in ****. The market is expected to grow at an average annual CAGR of *.**% from **** to ****.

Kitchen Utensils Market Size in Germany Germany, ****-****, EUR Billion

Demand for cooking utensils in Germany remains stable, and forecasts indicate moderate but steady growth in the coming years. Awareness of healthy eating and appreciation of home-cooked meals have led consumers to spend more time in the kitchen and invest in high-quality cooking utensils.

1.4 Foreign trade

An important aspect of Germany's foreign trade relates to the kitchen utensils and household goods sector, which covers a wide range of products used in the kitchen and household. In this analysis, we will focus on selected HS codes that are representative of the German market for kitchenware. The following codes were carefully selected to reflect the diversity and scope of exported and imported kitchenware and household items:

WA**** - Plastic Tableware and Household Items: this code covers a variety of plastic products used in the kitchen and household, such as cutting boards, spatulas, bowls, and storage containers. WA**** - Wooden tableware or kitchenware: This code covers wooden utensils and items, including wooden spoons, cutting boards, cooking spoons and more. WA**** - Porcelain tableware and household articles: porcelain tableware, dinnerware and other porcelain products are included under this code. WA**** - Other Ceramic Tableware and Household Items: This code includes ceramic utensils, tableware, and household decorative items. WA**** - Glassware for kitchen and toilet use: this code covers miscellaneous glassware used in the kitchen, such as drinking glasses, casseroles, and bowls. WA**** - Knives and Blades: This code covers a wide range of knives and blades for use in the kitchen. WA**** ...

1.5 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

The Corona pandemic has had a significant impact on the kitchenware market, as shown in this chart. With **% of respondents cooking more often, the behavior of many consumers has changed as they spent more time at home. This also led **% of respondents to report eating healthier, which increased interest in healthy cooking utensils and kitchen tools.

In addition, **% of respondents reported eating more regularly, which led to increased demand for convenient and versatile kitchen utensils for meal preparation and storage. The increase in regular eating at home may also have led to increased demand for high-quality dinnerware and tableware.

Another trend that emerged during the pandemic was the increase in snacking, as reported by **% of respondents. This may have influenced demand for smaller kitchen utensils such as snack bowls, storage containers, and utensils for easy snack preparation.

In summary, the Corona pandemic has led to changes in eating habits and an increased focus on cooking and eating at home. This creates opportunities for the kitchen utensils market as consumers increasingly seek convenient, healthy, and versatile products to enhance their cooking and eating experiences.

change in eating behavior in pandemic Germany, ****, in % Source: ****

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Household consumption

Consumer spending by private households in Germany on glassware, tableware and kitchenware has seen a remarkable and steady increase in recent years. Starting in **** with spending of €*.** billion, the market showed a continuous increase, reaching €**.** billion in ****. This trend reflects the growing consumer interest in well-equipped and functional kitchens, which are considered an important part of everyday life and well-being.

In **** and **** in particular, the market for glassware, tableware, and kitchen appliances recorded a striking increase in spending. This was mainly due to the impact of the COVID-** pandemic, which led to widespread changes in people's lifestyles. The restrictions and lockdowns caused more people to cook at home and spend more time in their homes. The rising popularity of home cooking and the need to better equip the kitchen to meet increased demand contributed to increased interest in glassware, tableware and kitchen appliances.

Increased spending in this sector points to consumers' heightened awareness that the kitchen is not only a place where meals are prepared, but also a space that combines aesthetics, functionality and comfort. Consumers are looking for high-quality, versatile products that meet their culinary needs and enrich their cooking experience. Likewise, aspects such as sustainability and environmental awareness are ...

2.2 Changes in cooking and eating behavior in Germany

What's important when eating: For most Germans, taste comes first, with ** percent stating that food must taste good. At the same time, for ** percent of those surveyed, health is also very important when it comes to food.

Variety on the plate: Germans are increasingly opting for a colorful variety in their daily diet. Daily consumption of vegetables and fruit has increased compared to the previous year, with ** percent of respondents stating that these foods end up on their table every day. Dairy products such as yogurt and cheese remain popular. However, consumption of meat and sausage is declining somewhat, while alternatives to animal products are gaining in popularity. The proportion of vegetarians and vegans has risen to ** and * percent respectively.

What is eaten daily or several times a day? Germany, ****, in % Source: ****

Frequency of cooking and enjoyment of cooking: The survey shows that people in Germany are cooking more often. more than half of respondents (***) cook daily, compared to ** percent in the previous year. Cooking continues to be fun, with ** percent stating that they enjoy cooking, and there has been a significant increase among younger people in particular.

How often do people in Germany cook? Germany, ****, in % Source: ****

Inspiration for new ...

2.3 Demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly products

Consumer preferences: Importance of environmental friendliness and fair manufacturing in kitchenware products

Consumer preferences regarding environmental friendliness and fair manufacturing in kitchenware products have changed over the years. A graphic illustrates this change:

Consumer Preferences: Importance of environmental friendliness and fair manufacturing in products of kitchen utensils Germany, ****-****, in share of those agreeing Source: ****

The graph shows that more and more consumers attach importance to environmentally friendly and fairly manufactured products. In ****, **% of respondents considered these factors important in household items. By ****, the percentage had increased to **%, peaking at **% in ****. similar trends were seen in household electrical appliances, where interest grew from *% (***). Manufacturers' innovation is evident in new product designs and materials. Companies are increasingly turning to eco-friendly options such as bamboo, recycled aluminum, stainless steel and other sustainable materials. These are valued not only for their reduced environmental impact, but also for their robustness and functionality. Consideration of resource-saving manufacturing processes that minimize energy and resource consumption is also a key consideration. [***] Environmental certifications and labels play an important role in communicating manufacturers' sustainability efforts. Consumers rely on recognized seals such as the EU Ecolabel or the Blue Angel seal to identify environmentally friendly products. These certifications not only ...

2.4 Demand for valuable cutlery and tableware

In Germany, an impressive demand for high-quality cutlery and exquisite tableware is emerging, reflecting a remarkable trend in the country's consumer landscape. Data from the renowned Allensbach Market and Advertising Analysis (***) for **** provides a fascinating picture of this development. The AWA is widely recognized for its comprehensive and detailed study of the attitudes, consumer behavior and media use of the population in Germany.

Within the German-speaking population aged ** and older covered by the survey, the survey revealed a considerable interest of about ***,*** people considering the purchase of valuable cutlery and tableware in the next * to * years. This significant number of potential buyers underscores the growing appreciation for aesthetically pleasing, high-quality household items that enhance everyday life and enrich the dining and table culture experience.

Number of people in Germany planning to buy valuable cutlery or tableware in the next * or * years Germany, ****-****, in mn Source: ****

The growing willingness to invest in products of exquisite design and first-class workmanship is an indicator of an increased sensitivity to the aesthetic aspect of living and eating. This trend also reflects a deeper appreciation for the culinary experience and the joy of sharing meals together. It is indicative of a growing connection between lifestyle, ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

Value chain

Raw material extraction: The value chain begins with the procurement of raw materials such as stainless steel, silver, ceramics or plastics. These materials serve as the starting point for the production of cutlery, tableware and other kitchen utensils. The selection of high-quality raw materials is crucial to ensure the quality and durability of the final products. Manufacturing and production: in this stage, raw materials are processed into the various kitchen utensils. Manufacturers rely on state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies and craftsmanship to achieve the desired shapes, designs and functions. This includes processes such as cutting, forging, shaping, polishing and finishing. Design and development: the design of kitchen utensils plays an important role in ensuring aesthetic appeal, ease of use and functionality. Designers and engineers work to create products that meet consumer needs and preferences. Distribution and marketing: After production, kitchen utensils reach the market. Manufacturers rely on distribution networks that pave the way for products to reach retailers, specialty stores or online platforms. Marketing strategies, such as advertising, branding and customer reviews, help to make the products accessible to a wide audience. Retail and sales: kitchenware is sold in retail stores, department stores, specialty stores and online. Appealing product presentation, clear ...

3.2 Market segmentation by sales channel

Market segmentation by distribution channel is crucial to develop a comprehensive understanding of how kitchenware is placed on the market and made available to consumers. This segmentation enables analysis of the various distribution channels through which products reach end consumers and how industry players design their sales and distribution strategies. In the kitchenware market, the following distribution channels are of interest:

Retail stores and specialty stores: These include stores that specialize in kitchenware, as well as housewares departments in large department stores. These physical retail stores offer customers the opportunity to see, touch, and try out products before purchasing. Retail chains offering a wide range of household goods are also relevant players in this segment.

Online platforms and e-commerce: Digitization is having a huge impact on the sale of kitchenware. E-commerce websites, online marketplaces, and retailer platforms enable consumers to buy a wide range of products from the comfort of their own homes. This sales channel offers a high degree of flexibility, easy comparison options and often a greater variety of products.

Trade shows and markets: Events such as trade shows, markets, and exhibitions offer manufacturers the opportunity to engage directly with consumers and showcase their products. These channels allow companies ...

3.3 The competitive landscape in the market for kitchen utensils

The German market for kitchen utensils presents an extremely lively and competitive landscape. A broad spectrum of players of different sizes and strategic orientations shape the supply and ensure intense competitive dynamics. Both established large companies and up-and-coming start-ups play a major role in shaping this market.

German suppliers stand out for their outstanding product quality, functional sophistication and aesthetic design. Industry leaders such as WMF, Fissler, Leifheit and Zwilling J.A. Henckels are known for their high-quality kitchen utensils, including top-notch cooking pots, pans, knives and cooking utensils.

In the age of e-commerce, companies like OTTO Kitchen and Amazon have also gained a notable place in this competitive landscape. They offer a comprehensive selection of kitchen utensils and household goods via digital platforms and in this way tap into a broad spectrum of consumers.

Not only producers, but also retail chains occupy a prominent position. Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof, MediaMarkt and other specialty stores present a wide range of kitchen utensils both in their physical stores and online. They act as significant sales channels and have considerable influence on the availability and presentation of products.

The competitive landscape in Germany likewise reflects the growing awareness of sustainability and environmental friendliness. Consumers ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Overview of prices and products

A wide range of products characterizes the market for kitchen utensils in Germany, offering consumers a diverse selection of products and price ranges. Here are some of the main categories of kitchen utensils and their price ranges:

Cookware and Kitchenware: This category includes various items such as induction stoves, ovens and hot plates. Prices vary depending on the brand and function. For example, induction stoves with * cooktops can cost between *** and *,*** euros, depending on the brand and function. Well-known brands such as Miele, Siemens, Bosch and AEG offer high-quality appliances in this category. Electric kitchen appliances: this includes products such as juicers and blenders. Prices range from about *** to *,*** euros, depending on the brand and features. Brands like Philips, KitchenAid and Braun offer a wide range of electric kitchen appliances. Cutting tools: this category includes various cutting tools such as vegetable peelers and knives. Classic vegetable peelers usually cost between * and ** euros, depending on the brand and quality. Well-known brands such as WMF, Zwilling and Fiskars offer high-quality cutting tools. Baking utensils: these include baking pans, cake pans and other baking accessories. Prices can vary greatly depending on the material and brand. Silicone or metal baking pans typically cost between * and ...

4.2 The expansion of the product range: AirFryer

The market for Air Fryers, also known as hot air fryers, is becoming increasingly popular in Germany and is experiencing impressive growth. Unlike conventional fryers, Air Fryers do not require additional amounts of fat or oil for preparation. Instead, the devices work with hot air, resulting in low-fat and healthier food preparation.

According to data from the industry association gfu (***), more than *.* million units of air fryers were sold in Germany for the first time last year. This represents an impressive ** percent increase over the previous year. Even more remarkable is the increase in sales, which reached a whopping ** percent in **** and is estimated at just under *** million euros.

My personal contribution to these impressive sales figures was the purchase of a Xiaomi Air Fryer in ****, a device that finds use several times a week, especially during my lunch break. A major factor contributing to this continued success is the growing trend toward healthier eating. The ability to prepare low-fat meals in the Air Fryer is attracting more and more people and is a major contributor to the increased sales figures.

However, there should be no misconception that Air Fryers are only suitable for unhealthy foods such as French fries. I ...

4.3 The expansion of the range: multifunctional kitchen machines

Multifunctional food processors offer a wide range of functions and applications that revolutionize the cooking process in the modern kitchen. These devices can be divided into several categories, including pure kneading machines, multifunctional kitchen machines and those with integrated cooking function. Multifunctional food processors are electric appliances that combine a basic base with a mixing and drip bowl, as well as various attachments or inserts to allow for a diverse range of culinary tasks. Functions typically include kneading, stirring, pureeing, grating and juicing.

These multifunctional food processors have become sought-after helpers in modern households due to their ability to perform multiple tasks. They save time and effort in the kitchen, while providing an efficient way to prepare fresh and healthy meals. Of particular interest are the models that have an additional cooking function built in. This advanced functionality allows cooking, steaming and sautéing food, which makes the use of these devices even more versatile.

Decision criteria for multifunctional kitchen machines Germany, ****, in % Source: ****

In Germany, the popularity of these multifunctional kitchen machines is rising steadily. Particularly in times when meal preparation needs to be quick and uncomplicated, these appliances meet the needs of many consumers. Demand for food processors and ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Product safety and conformity

Product safety and compliance are critical in the cooking utensils market to ensure consumer health and meet regulatory requirements. These aspects are essential to produce high-quality and safe products that meet customer expectations.

The Product Safety Act(***) forms the foundation for the safety of kitchen utensils in Germany. Manufacturers are required to ensure that their products do not pose a risk to consumers. This includes identifying potential risks throughout the product life cycle, from design to disposal. Through careful risk analysis, testing and quality control, manufacturers ensure compliance with the required safety standards.[***]

The CE mark is a visible sign of conformity with EU directives and confirms that the product meets applicable safety requirements. Manufacturers of cooking utensils must ensure that their products comply with relevant EU directives for product safety, electromagnetic compatibility (***), electrical safety and other applicable standards.[***]

Product safety also includes aspects such as the use of non-toxic materials, heat resistance, stability, resistance to wear and tear, and avoidance of sharp edges or other potential sources of injury. For example, cookware and cutlery must be made of materials that are suitable for food contact and do not release harmful substances.

Compliance with product safety and conformity is not only ...

5.2 Food contact materials

Food contact materials play an essential role in the kitchenware market as they come into direct contact with food and therefore have a direct impact on food safety. Ensuring the safety and compliance of food contact materials is critical to ensure that no health risks are posed to consumers.

Food contact materials include a variety of products, including containers, packaging, cutting boards, pans, pots, and cutlery that are in direct contact with food. These materials must not transfer harmful substances to food or in any way affect the quality, taste, or safety of food.

European Regulation (***) No. ****/**** establishes the general principles for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. It requires that food contact materials be manufactured in such a way that they do not compromise food safety when used in accordance with their intended uses and conditions.[***]

Manufacturers of food contact materials must ensure that their products meet specific requirements for materials, migration of substances, cleaning properties and fitness for use. This includes selecting appropriate materials, conducting tests for migration of substances, and complying with specific standards and limits.

The compliance of food contact materials is often confirmed by the CE mark or other certification procedures that ...

6 Actors

6.1 Positioning of the players

  • WMF
  • Fissler
  • Leifheit
  • Zwilling J.A. Henckels
  • OTTO
  • MediaMarkt
  • Galeria
  • Fackelmann

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