Summary of our market study
The cereals market in France is estimated at18 billion euros.
France has over 7.4 million hectares of cereal-growing land, i.e. around 50% of arable land. The Grand Est and Hauts-de-France regions lead the way in production. The main crops are soft wheat, barley and corn. France is a major player on the cereals market.
The needs of the milling industry are stagnating, while those of industrial outlets such as pasta production are increasing. France is self-sufficient in organic wheat.
The pandemic had a notable impact on barley used for malting, with world trade slowing by around 5%, leading to increased use of malting barley for animal feed. Corn demand remained stable in the EU, boosted by its incorporation in animal feed, which offset the drop in ethanol demand affecting US producers.
France is one of the world's top five cereal exporters. While countries such as China and India are major cereal producers, they have a limited presence on world trade markets.
Almost half of French production is destined for international markets. Bakeries and the cookie industry are the main buyers of cereals. Wheat also plays an important role in animal feed consumption.
The industry contributes to the socio-cultural fabric thanks to the preference for bakery products and the importance of cereals in the traditional French diet.
In addition, the trend towards organic production has increased, and the organic cereals sector has grown considerably.
Players in the global cereals value chain
- Agricultural cooperatives play an essential role in the collection and distribution of cereals: European heavyweight Axereal exemplifies this category with its extensive network that ensures that farm-sourced grain is marketed and distributed efficiently.
- Feed producers: Nuwen Animal Nutrition and Euralis stand out as major entities, supplying essential nutrients to the livestock industry.
- Feed mills: The transformation of raw cereals into usable feed is the specialty of feed mills,
- Malting plants: France is a leader in the production of malting barley: Vivescia is a global player.
- The four world leaders in grain trading: Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus.
to understand this market
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- Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of study
Cereals are all plants cultivated for their grains and used for human and animal consumption, as well as for industrial purposes. The world's main cereals are wheat, corn, rice, barley and oats.
The European Union plays an important role in the French agri-food industry and enjoys a positive balance of trade, thanks in particular to France, which remains the European Union's leading exporter and the world's 7ᵉ largest exporter. Global cereal production is dominated by corn, ahead of wheat and rice, which together account for 97% of world cereal production. Other cereals produced include barley, oats and sorghum.
Cereal growing in France will occupy 9 thousand hectares of cereal acreage in 2023, or around 53% of France's arable land, making French agriculture a major sector, with the North-West and South-West regions being the most dynamic in terms of production. [Agri-mutuel] A dozen cereal species are grown in France, including soft wheat, grain corn, barley and durum wheat. There are tens of thousands of agricultural productions in France, operating across the entire value chain: from collection to primary processing (milling, malting, etc.) and secondary processing (baking, biscuit-making, etc.).
In 2023, the total value of French cereal production rose by 5.8% in volume terms, a good recovery compared to 2021/2022, a year marked by difficult climatic conditions leading to poor harvests. On the other hand, the market has been impacted by the conflict in Ukraine, which has disrupted the European agricultural economy and caused cereal prices to fall by an average of 28.4% in 2023, after two years of very high commodity price rises. This drop in export prices has significantly reduced French exports.
In France, while 46% of cereals produced are exported, the remainder is used mainly forhuman and animal feed, either used directly on the farm by farmers for their livestock operations, or processed in factories. Bioethanol is an important part of French cereal production, as France is the leading bioethanol producer in the European Union.
The total area of organic farms has exploded in recent years, reaching 500 thousand hectares by 2023, despite the fact that the number of land conversions to organic farming is falling every year. This increase can be explained by European subsidies and changing consumption patterns.
1.2 The world cereals market
In ****-****, according to the FAO, an estimated *,*** million tonnes of cereals will be produced worldwide (***). The United States, the world's leading exporter, is losing market share every year.
Global cereal production has undergone a varied evolution in recent years. In ****-**, production stood at *,*** million tonnes, then rose to *,*** million tonnes in ****-**. After a few years of increases alternating with decreases, production has been growing in recent years. In ****-**, production rose again to *,*** million tonnes, then continued to grow in ****-** to *,*** million tonnes. Finally, for the year ****-**, world cereal production is estimated at *,*** million tonnes.
Cereal production World, ****-****, million tonnes Source: ****
The graph below shows that, while China, the United States and India are among the world's leading grain producers, they are very small players in international trade on this market.
World, ****, in millions of tons Source: ****
In the ****-**** period, global cereal production reached significant levels, with different quantities depending on the type of cereal. Maize was the most produced, at ****.* million tonnes, followed by wheat at ***.* million tonnes and rice at ***.* million tonnes. Production of other cereals was lower.
World production by cereal type World, ****, in million metric tons Source: ****
The European ...
1.3 The French cereals market
Agricultural acreage
In France, * thousand hectares will be under cereal cultivation in ****, i.e. around **% of France's arable land, a figure that has risen in recent years. As shown in the graph below, the majority of cereal acreage is used to grow soft wheat. This makes it France's leading agricultural market.
Distribution of arable land in France France, ****, in Source: ****
Market size
In ****, general agricultural production in value terms fell by *.*%, in a global context of falling grain and raw material prices after two years of strong increases. The cereals market in France is estimated at **.* billion euros in ****. [***] If we consider the entire cereal industry, from production to primary processing, sales amount to more than ** billion euros, with production and collection making up the bulk. It all depends on the cereal under consideration, but for some, such as malt and starch, revenues come largely from strong exports. In ****, cereal production rose by *.*% in volume terms, thanks to milder temperatures compared to the exceptionally high levels of the previous year.temperatures in the summer of ****, despite a slight reduction in cultivated area (***) due to a reduction in sown area.
****/**** cereal volume, price and value trends France, ****/****, in Source : INSEE On ...
1.4 France, a major cereal exporter
Almost half of French production is destined for export (***). The remainder of cereal production is intended to meet French demand. **% is marketed within the country, while the remaining **% is used by farmers for animal feed in particular. Breakdown of French cereal production France, ****, in Source : Passion Céréales Cereals are used for different purposes depending on the type of cereal. In the case of soft wheat and barley, most of the production is exported, while this is not the case for corn.
Use of cereals in France France, ****, in millions of tons Source: ****
In ****-****, ** million tonnes of cereals (***) were exported, generating a value of over ** billion euros, making France the world's *th largest exporter of cereals. Processed cereal products accounted for almost **% of these exports, i.e. over * million tonnes, and brought in almost * billion euros.
In terms of cereal export destinations, the European Union ranks first with **.* million tonnes. The Maghreb is also a popular export destination due to its proximity to French soil, with *.* million tonnes of soft wheat exported to the country in ****-****. China is also a privileged customer, as France exports *.* Mt of barley and *.* Mt of soft wheat.
While exports to the European ...
1.5 The impact of Covid-19 on the cereals market
The coronavirus pandemic in **** had no overall impact on the global cereals market in terms of production. In fact, the graph below shows that cereal production and use actually increased in ****. The FAO estimates formulated on February *, **** projected cereal production and utilization at **** Mt and **** Mt respectively, i.e. lower than the observed figures.
The "positive" impact of the coronavirus crisis on the world cereals market World, ****, in Source: ****
In detail, however, cereal markets have been differently affected by the crisis.
Impact of the crisis on the wheat market
Many markets have suffered from the coronavirus crisis since ****, particularly the milling industry, which is heavily dependent on wheat. The drop in activity is estimated at between -**% and -**%. According to these estimates, the annual use of soft wheat by millers in France would have fallen to *.** Mt from the *.** Mt initially forecast. [***]
The graph below clearly shows the drop in activity during the first wave of the coronavirus from March **** onwards.
Impact of Covid-** on bakery/pastry sales (***) France, ****, index base *** in **** Source: ****
However, while bakeries, pastry shops and the food service sector have suffered greatly from the crisis, industrial outlets for wheat production have been boosted. This is the ...
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Cereals in the human diet
Cereals for human consumption take several forms, with a total of * million tonnes of cereals used, mainly in milling (***). The graph below details the main sectors that use cereals for their production:
Use of cereals for human consumption France, ****/****, in millions of tons Source: ****
As can be seen, bread-making represents a very important outlet for cereal production. As the graph below shows, the bakery/pastry market has been on the rise since ****, with the exception of ****, when the industry experienced a slight decline due to the pandemic and the two confinements that took place during that year.
Sales trend for bakeries/pastry shops by year (***) France, ****-****, sales index base *** in **** Source: ****
With **% of French people eating bread at least once a week, bakers seem to have a bright future ahead of them. For **% of consumers, independent artisan bakeries are still the preferred place to buy bread, yet more and more supermarkets are offering lower-cost bakery services. [***]
2.2 Cereals in animal feed
For the ****/**** campaign, around *.* million tonnes of cereals were used by the animal feed industry, making it the main consumer of cereal grains. This sector also absorbs the majority of co-products from cereal processing (***), thus contributing to the sector's zero waste objective.
Part of the cereal grain produced is consumed directly on the farm to feed animals. In addition, *.* million hectares of forage and silage maize (***) were grown in **** to feed ruminant livestock. Cereal straws are also used to supplement fodder.
As the graph below shows, wheat is the main cereal used for animal feed, accounting for **% of total animal use.
Breakdown of cereals used for animal feed France, ****-****, in Source: ****
Grain is mainly used to feed poultry, followed by pigs and cattle. Demand for grain is therefore strongly linked to demand for French meat. Grain consumption by type of animal France, ****, in millions of tons Source: ****
France has traditionally been a meat-consuming country, but consumption is in slight decline. All meat categories are affected by the decline in household consumption, coupled with rising prices. In the graph below, we can see a decline in the quantity of butcher's meat consumed by the French between **** and ****, to the benefit of ...
2.3 Cereals in bioethanol production
Cereals and bioethanol are closely linked. Cereals are the main raw materials used in bioethanol production. Cereals are generally used to produce bioethanol from their starch and sugar, which are natural, non-polluting products. Converting these products into bioethanol is a complex process that can be carried out using a variety of methods.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the use of cereals to produce bioethanol is on the increase. In Europe, bioethanol production from cereals increased by more than **% between **** and ****. What's more, cereals account for around **% of bioethanol production worldwide. Cereals are therefore an essential component of bioethanol production. Their use has been decisive for the growth of this sector. The production of bioethanol from cereals is on the increase, enabling producers to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the fight against climate change.
As far as France's position in the European and global markets is concerned, the country will be the European Union's leading bioethanol producer, with **% of production in ****, amounting to **.* million hectolitres.
The following chart shows the annual growth in sales of superethanol-E**(***), which has risen significantly in recent years, increasing by **% between **** and ****, but by *.*% between **** and ****:
Sales of ...
3 Market structure
3.1 The cereal value chain in France
Source: ****
3.2 Trends in cereal production in France
The annual trend in cereal production is not stable, and has fluctuated over the last decade. Between **** and ****, cereal production decreased by **.*% in value, **.*% in price, and increased by *.*% in volume.
Annual change in French cereal production by value France, ****-****, in Source: ****
The trend in soft wheat production in France shows considerable variability, with notable peaks in ****/**** (***).
Maize, for its part, shows an overall downward trend, particularly noticeable in ****/**** (***), with some intermediate fluctuations. Overall, while soft wheat and barley show irregular but relatively resilient production cycles, maize seems more sensitive to prolonged declines, potentially indicating greater vulnerability to weather conditions or agricultural policies.
Soft wheat production trends in France France, ****-****, in millions of tons Source : France Agrimer Barley production trend in France France, ****-****, in millions of tons Source : France Agrimer Maize production trend in France France, ****-****, in millions of tons Source: ****
3.3 Geographical weighting of French regions in the country's employment and cereal production
In terms of added value for the region, the Hauts de France region has the highest added value from cereal growing, at *.* billion euros, followed by Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Normandie, at *.* billion euros.
Employment in the French cereals sector
In ****-**, the French cereals industry will employ ***,*** people and generate sales of ** billion euros, with half of production exported. Some ***,*** farmers deliver their harvests, mainly to cooperatives[***]. Cereal processing employs ***,*** people in three main sectors:
Milling, semolina milling, baking and biscuit-making (***) Animal feed (***) Malting and brewing (***)
At regional level, the regions with the most cereal farms do not appear to be the most productive: although the Grand Est and Aquitaine are at the top of the rankings in both tables, regions such as Occitanie and Bretagne have a high number of farms, in spite of their high yields. of farms, despite a much lower yield than the first two regions mentioned, a symptom of often smaller farming units.
The figures shown above as "jobs in the industry" include not only the work of cereal farmers, but also that of processors, bakers and others.
3.4 Grain distribution in France
Global cereal distribution is dominated by the "Big Four", also known as the "ABCDs". These companies are :
A: Archer Daniels Midland (***), an American multinational estimated at $** billion B: Bunge, also American, with sales of $** billion C: Cargill, also American, with sales estimated at $*** billion D: Dreyfus, a Franco-Swiss group with sales of $** billion. [***]
The main strength of these four companies lies in their storage and transport capacity, a decisive variable in a market where the end product is so little processed and resale margins are so low.
New Asian players are entering this market, but are still a long way from the ABCD figures, as are Walmart and Carrefour, who have clearly understood the benefits of controlling the entire agricultural production chain[***].
Grain trading, a lucrative market at the expense of French purchasing power
The four dominant companies in the global grain trade, ABCD, have made exceptional profits since **** thanks to soaring prices. Despite a drop in prices after the peaks reached in May ****, prices remain historically high.
These companies control **-**% of the world grain trade, and have taken advantage of the food crisis to boost their profits to all-time highs. Cargill posted a net profit of $*.** billion in ****/** (***).
ABCDs ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Typology of cereals produced in France
in France, more than half the cereals produced are soft wheat. This is followed by barley (***). Breakdown of cereal production in France France, ****, in Source: ****
4.2 Growing organic cereals
Organic farming is a production method designed to preserve the soil, natural resources and the environment in general.
Here are some examples of organic farming practices:
Crop rotation, Use of natural organic matter (***) and green manure, Respect for the seasons and the natural cycle of plants, Use of varieties adapted to local conditions (***). Contribute to the development of seasonal products. [***]
Labeling organic products is an essential element for producers, as it is the main source of consumer confidence. Only products containing at least **% organic ingredients are entitled to the AB and European logos. This is indicated alongside the name and accreditation number of the certification body[***]
The number of farms committed to organic farming increased by *% in ****, reaching **,*** farms, despite a slight drop in organic acreage (***). These farms represent **% of all farms and **% of agricultural employment, generating over ***,*** jobs.
In ****, *.** million hectares were farmed organically, representing **.*% of the French utilized agricultural area (***). The value of organic purchases remained stable compared to ****, with *.*% of household food consumption devoted to organic products [***].
Cereal crops are the first to convert in France, followed by viticulture. The years ****, **** and **** were particularly rich in conversions.[***]
In ****, cereals accounted for **% of organic field crop volumes collected. Wheat ...
4.3 Trends in cereal prices and the bread price index
This graph shows the evolution of soft wheat prices (***) from January **** to May ****. Several periods of rising and falling prices can be observed during this period. The beginning of **** was marked by a drop that could be due to factors such as favorable weather conditions, oversupply or a drop in demand due to the COVID-** pandemic that began during this period. Soft wheat prices then rose, thanks in particular to the resumption of demand after the initial containment caused by the pandemic, as well as production problems in certain regions of the world due to unfavorable weather conditions.
Between March and May ****, an exceptional rise was observed following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February ****. The war in Ukraine had a profound impact on grain production and prices. Ukraine and Russia are both major grain producers, and the war has led to a drop in production in both countries. Production has been affected by problems such as damaged infrastructure and reduced agricultural investment in areas affected by the conflict. This led to a rise in grain prices, particularly for certain types of wheat and corn, whose prices are shown in the graphs below. Grain prices have risen significantly, with a negative impact ...
5 Regulations
5.1 Regulations
Producer obligations
Before selling a product, the producer must ensure that sanitary obligations are met (***). He must also be able to provide all the information required for labelling and invoicing: otherwise, he is liable to his co-contractor and the authorities. [***]
Marketing cereals, oilseeds and protein crops
Cereals and oilseeds are subject to a special marketing regime at national level, and producers are not free to sell their produce. Any transfer of ownership of cereals and oilseeds can only take place through a collecting agency. [***]
Grain farmer/breeder contract
A contract is a meeting of the minds of the parties. It can be oral or written, except when the law requires it to be in writing (***). A written contract offers the advantage of clarity: in case of doubt, the parties can refer to an objective element. The transfer of an agricultural product can take place in a number of different ways: a distinction is made between one-off relationships and more long-term relationships spanning several years. [***]
New regulations
According to the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, cereal exports outside the European Union will be banned from April **, ****. This ban applies to cereals and derived products, including seeds, grains and their by-products. Exports ...
5.2 European regulations for organic cereals
European regulations CE ***/**** and ***/**** govern all organic plant production, including cereals, and are common to all European Union countries.
Producers who comply with these regulations can claim the "organic agriculture" label and use the AB logo for their production.
Controls are carried out by state-approved certification bodies (***).
The active substances authorized for treatments or fertilization solutions are described in positive lists. Any product not included in these lists is prohibited in organic production. [***]
5.3 The importance of the CAP to European and French agriculture
Launched in ****, the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (***) is a partnership between the agricultural sector and society, and between Europe and its farmers. Its objectives are to
to support farmers and improve agricultural productivity, guaranteeing a stable supply of food at affordable prices; ensure a decent standard of living for farmers in the European Union; help combat climate change and manage natural resources sustainably; preserve rural areas and landscapes throughout the EU; preserve the rural economy by promoting employment in agriculture, the agri-food industry and associated sectors[***]
The CAP is a common policy for all EU countries. It is managed and financed at European level with resources from the EU budget[***]
Agriculture differs from most other activities for the following reasons:
despite the importance of food production, farmers' incomes are around **% lower than non-agricultural incomes; agriculture is more dependent on weather and climate conditions than many other sectors; there is an inevitable mismatch between consumer demand and farmers' ability to meet it: growing more wheat or producing more milk necessarily takes time. [***]
While ensuring profitability, farmers need to work in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly way to preserve soil and biodiversity[***]
Commercial uncertainties and the environmental impact of agriculture justify the important role ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- InVivo
- Axéréal
- Soufflet Groupe
- Vivescia
- Euralis
- Mars Petcare Monde
- Intercéréales
- Millbäker
- Agriavis (Axereal)
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