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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 The hearing aid market

A hearing aid is a medical prosthesis designed for people with impaired hearing, enabling them to amplify certain sounds according to their needs.

Historically, the first modern hearing aids appeared in the early 20th century, when the Sonotone company invented the first earphone in 1929. Hearing aids have since become portable and increasingly discreet, thanks in particular to the use of smaller, more efficient microprocessors since the late 1990s.

The hearing aid market can be divided into three product categories:

  • In-the-ear hearing aids ;
  • BTE" hearing aids, which contour the user's ear;
  • In-the-canal" hearing aids, in which the microphone is placed in the ear canal to reduce the size of the external housing.

The global hearing aid market is enjoying sustained growth, with the number of devices sold increasing, until the health crisis put the brakes on this momentum. The market is concentrated around a few international players.

There has been a decline in ENT consultations, with the result that the French do not necessarily wish to alleviate their hearing deficiencies with appropriate hearing aids. We are also witnessing a rejection of hearing aids: according to an IFOP study, almost 25% of people under 35 would not wear hearing aids, even if they had confirmed hearing problems.

The French market, meanwhile, has been growing steadily for several years, and has not really been impacted by Covid-19. This market is driven in part by an aging population and increasingly efficient technologies. What's more, the recurrent use of headphones and earphones causes considerable discomfort and hearing problems.

Price was a barrier to purchase, but to give more French people access to a medical hearing device, the governmentsince January 1, 2021, the French government has introduced the 100% Santé, RAC 0 ("reste à charge zéro") scheme, which means that hearing aids are fully reimbursed. [DREES]

The implementation of the 100% Health reform has had an extremely beneficial impact on the hearing aid market (much more so than for optical sales). 2021 and 2022 were record years, with sales up 82% in 2022 compared with 2020 [L'Ouïe] In 2023, hearing aid manufacturers sold 7% fewer hearing aids than in 2022. Forecasts nevertheless point to higher sales in value and volume terms in 2025 and 2026.

Finally, new hearing aid trends have emerged. One possible new feature is the appearance of hearing aids connected to phone applications, which could revolutionize the sector.

1.2 The global hearing aid market

First, let's take a look at the global hearing aid market.

Let's take a closer look at consumers.

In recent years, the prevalence of hearing loss has been on the rise, as shown in the graph below. This can be explained by a number of factors, which we'll look at later in the study.

Worldwide rise in the prevalence of hearing loss France, ****-****, in millions of people Source: ****

The graph below shows the breakdown of hearing aid sales by country. We can see that the United States remains in the lead, with nearly **% of global hearing aid sales.

Breakdown of hearing aid sales by country France, ****, in Source: ****

Now, let's zoom in on the European countries and take a look at the rate of people suffering from hearing loss. France stands at nearly **% on the graph below.

Share of the European population who consider themselves to have hearing problems Europe, ****, in Source: ****

in order to observe the percentage of people who are equipped with hearing aids, we can look at the value path between those suffering from a hearing impairment and those who are equipped.

Recognition of a hearing problem Europe, ****, in Source: ****

1.3 The national hearing aid sales market

let's take a look at the national hearing aid market.

In ****, according to the graph below, hearing aid sales are set to decline. Hearing aid manufacturers will have sold *% fewer hearing aids than in ****, as the chart shows.

Hearing aid sales in France France, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****

However, this contraction is expected to be short-lived, since between **** and **** we should see a recovery in hearing aid renewal.

Below are growth figures in value and volume.

Projected growth in value and volume of hearing aids France, ****-****, in Source: ****

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Hearing problems in France

Deafness and tinnitus are one of the health problems that most French people worry about, ranking in the top * aftercancer, stroke and depression.

The place of hearing among French people's health concerns France, ****, in Source: ****

Yet nearly **% of French people have problems understanding in everyday life, as the graph below explains.

Comprehension difficulties in everyday life France, ****, in Source: ****

let's now take a look at the demand for hearing aids, and therefore the potential hearing problems faced by the French.

When we look at the number of French people who have already had a complete hearing check-up, we see that almost * in * has never had a hearing check-up.

For example, **% of people who have experienced tinnitus have never had their hearing checked

A complete hearing check-up by an ENT specialist France, ****, in Source: ****

This lack of people having their hearing checked can be explained by several factors, but in particular by the fact that the French do not consider themselves informed about the issues surrounding deafness or tinnitus.

Would you say you are well informed about each of the following health issues? France, ****, in Source: ****

2.2 Booming demand for hearing aids

The number of people having a hearing test in France is falling, and so is the demand for hearing aids.

number of people having a hearing test France, ****, in Source: ****

In addition, another problem holding back demand for hearing aids remains the acceptance of wearing them, with almost **% of French people who, even with a hearing assessment showing the need for hearing aids, would not accept wearing hearing aids.

Acceptance of hearing aids France, ****, in Source: ****

So, while the wearing of glasses has become a way of life, this is not at all the case for hearing aids .

Acceptance of glasses and hearing aids France, ****, in Source: ****

Yet the demand for hearing aids is set to continue rising, since the incidence rate is directly linked to hearing problems caused by wearing headphones, for example.

A large number of French people have already experienced hearing problems, or at least discomfort, after listening to audio content.

Have you ever experienced discomfort or hearing problems after using headphones? France, ****, in Source: ****

What's more, one reform could accelerate demand for hearing aid ports: the ***% Santé reform, as shown in the graph below.

Will the ***% Healthcare reform encourage you to renew your hearing aid? France, ****, in Source: ...

2.3 Sociological analysis of hearing aid consumers

Let's analyze the persona of the hearing aid wearer.

Below, we can see the age distribution of hearing aid wearers in France.

Age of hearing aid wearers France, ****, in Source: ****

In addition, we can distinguish the rate of hearing aid adoption according to the type of hearing impairment.

Type of autition and distribution of those without hearing aids France, ****, in Source: ****

Let's also look at how long people have been wearing hearing aids.

2.4 Hearing aid consumption habits

let's take a look at the consumption habits of hearing aid wearers. In the graph below, we can distinguish between the different types of hearing aid worn.

Types of hearing aid France, ****, in Source: ****

What's more, on average, the French wear their hearing aids for almost *.* hours a day.

How long do you wear hearing aids? France, ****, in Source: ****

And finally, do consumers know which hearing aid brands they are wearing?

Do you know your hearing aid brand? France, ****, in Source: ****

3 Market structure

3.1 Hearing aid manufacturers and hearing aid practitioners

Below, we show the value chain for hearing aids, i.e. the route consumers take to get their hearing aids fitted.

The road to hearing aids France, ****, in Source: ****

We need to distinguish between hearing aid manufacturers, whose activity is purely industrial, and hearing aid practitioners, who adapt hearing aids to the morphology of their patients' ears.

How to get a hearing aid

Source: ****

The first step is to take stock of your hearing by going directly to an ENT specialist. A free assessment is not essential, but can be useful to get an initial idea.

The assessment determines the type of hearing loss: conductive hearing loss (***) or mixed hearing loss. The ENT doctor then issues a prescription for a hearing aid to be fitted by an audioprosthetist.

The audioprosthetist makes a *D impression of the ear and ear canal, using silicone paste and a syringe. Once this *D silicone model has been obtained, it is scanned to obtain the model modelled on *D software, with a view to retouching it, if necessary, and printing it in *D.

The audioprosthetist presents the different hearing aids that best meet the customer's criteria, particularly in terms of the shape of the device. Follow-up ...

3.2 Distribution

There aren't many distribution channels for hearing aids, the two main ones being hearing aid stores and pharmacies.

The purchase of hearing aids is regulated by law, and it is impossible in France to buy hearing aids over the Internet, since the law obliges audioprosthetists to receive the patient in a hearing center. It is possible to find "hearing aids" on the Internet, but these are hearing amplifiers that are not necessarily adapted to the patient and have limited effectiveness. What's more, they are not eligible for social security coverage.

Main places of purchase for hearing aids France, ****, in Source: ****

Hearing aid distribution and related services are provided by some *,*** sales outlets throughout France. Most of these are specialized hearing aid stores, which control **% of the market, although optical stores also offer a range and account for *% of the market by value, while some pharmacies also sell some hearing aids.

Number of points of sale by hearing aid manufacturer group France, ****, in number of outlets Source: ****

Among hearing aid groups, Amplifon has the largest number of sales outlets, with over *** stores. Audika comes second with *** stores in April ****.

3.3 The players: dependence between distributors and brands

Hearing aid manufacturers are highly competitive. The manufacturing industry counts * international players: GN Hearing, Sanova (***), Prodition, Sivantos, Starkey and Widex. [***]

Since ****, Widex and Sivantos have merged to create WS Audiology. This merger of two major hearing aid players has created a strong company with combined sales of over €* billion by ****, over **,*** employees worldwide and one of the strongest R&D teams in the sector [***].

The second aspect of the market is made up of prosthetists who resell hearing aids to consumers. Leading distributors include Audika, Amplifon, Audition santé, Audition Conseil, Entendre, Alain Afflelou and Audio ****.

Overall, the manufacturing and distribution market is relatively concentrated in the hands of a few players, or their associated franchises.

Vertical integration in the hearing aid market :

Source: ****

Hearing aid distributors are dependent on manufacturers. The manufacturer may take a full or partial stake in the distributor's capital, or it may act as a bank offering advantageous business financing conditions. For the manufacturer, this enables him to control the distribution network and favor his brands, which is not without its worries for consumers who fear a lack of neutrality[***].

4 Offer analysis

4.1 A highly diversified range of hearing aids

As mentioned above, the hearing aid market is generally divided into three product categories:

In-the-ear hearing aids; BTE" hearing aids, which contour the user's ear; Remote earphones.

Alongside hearing aids, there are sound amplifiers on the market, sometimes called " listening assistants ", which are preset devices with a maximum power of ** decibels. These devices, which are not adapted to real hearing pathologies but rather intended for occasional assistance, are sold without prescription and are not reimbursed by the health insurance scheme.

A hearing aid consists of three components: a microphone, the body of the hearing aid, which adapts the sound to the individual's type of deafness, and a loudspeaker, which reproduces the sound. to these elements must be added the battery that powers the device.

Patients' choice of hearing aids depends not only on a medical diagnosis, consisting of an audiogram and an interview with a doctor, but also on the patient's personal criteria. In the end, here is a list of the main determining criteria:

Intensity of hearing loss: technical performance of the hearing aid; The form-factor: overall design, discreetness, compatibility with glasses; The patient's abilities: dexterity, mobility, memory... ; Patient's lifestyle: devices more fragile than others; Patient's budget.

There are several ...

4.2 All hearing aid price ranges

As a reminder, the average cost of a hearing aid is *,*** euros, representing an average investment of *,*** euros for people with two ears (***).[***]

Three ranges of hearing aids can be distinguished:

Theentry-level, made up of functional devices with a simple design and limited services; The mid-range, with more elaborate devices (***); Top-of-the-range, with advanced technologies (***).

We can observe the prices of hearing aids according to the prices of hearing aids.

Hearing aid prices France, ****, in Source: ****

Prices by device type

The price of in-the-ear hearing aids starts at around €** for the most basic models, then extends over a full price range from *** to around €*,***, via intermediate ranges (***) and varies according to technical specifications and autonomy offered.

Contour" prostheses come in a wide range of models, which can exceed €*,***, with prostheses like the Naida V** UP.prostheses such as Phonak's Naida V** UP, which retails for €*,***, but can also be found at the entry-level price of around €** per prosthesis, as with the Beurer HA** models.intermediate ranges exist, with prices ranging from €*** to €*,*** per hearing aid.

The price range for remote headsets generally extends from €*** to over €*,***, depending on brand and technical specifications.

4.3 Accessories for hearing aids

There are hearing aids to offer users more comfort:

TV connectivity accessories, for transmitting sound directly into hearing aids Accessories for rechargeable batteries Accessories for smartphones, for transmitting sound to hearing aids, or for remote control of hearing aids Maintenance accessories such as cleaning sprays and anti-humidity tablets.

A new trend is emerging.

Within hearing aids, we are seeing a possible new functionality: the appearance of hearing aids connected to applications.

Have you been informed of the existence of hearing aids? France, ****, in Source: ****

Let's see how many people use these applications.

Do you personally use hearing aids? France, ****, in Source: ****

Examples of accessories, available from the Unisson laboratory:

earphones with special tips Protective devices for hunters or motorcyclists, for example, to attenuate outside noise Protective tips for waterproofing devices Ear muffs Clamps for connection to FM accessories Hearing glasses Portable microphones Wireless remote controls for remote control of hearing aids

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulatory framework for the hearing aid market

The Syndicat National des Audioprothésistes provides a reminder of the profession's current regulations on its website.

Access to and practice of the profession of hearing aid acoustician are governed by a series of laws, decrees and orders, codified in the French Codes de la Santé Publique (***).

There is also a national agreement between the health insurance organizations and the audioprosthetists decree of August **, ****.

Compliance with these laws and obligations imposed on audioprosthetists is verified by the DGCCRF which is responsible for monitoring compliance with the " standardized estimate " format, ensuring that consumers are able to know and understand the price of all the elements invoiced for fitting and monitoring hearing aids over time, so that they can easily compare different offers.

Hearing aid quotations must be drawn up by professionals (***) in accordance with a ministerial decree issued in October ****.

5.2 Coverage of hearing aids: the 100% Health reform

Health insurance reimburses the cost of hearing aids and accessories, subject to medical prescription. Reimbursement depends on the patient's age and the severity of his or her hearing impairment. In fact, there are two classes of hearing aids: Class I covers essential hearing needs, and Class * covers hearing aids for more demanding needs.

Supplementary health insurance makes a major contribution to the reimbursement of hearing aids. Coverage varies according to the contract. They generally offer a fixed price for the purchase of each device, or a financial contribution. The amount then corresponds to a percentage of the social security Base de Remboursement (***).

A hearing aid reimbursement simulator has been set up by Laboratoires Unisson and is available at the following address.

The ***% Health reform:

The government has classified products as "***% Santé". For these products, the Assurance Maladie and your mutuelle responsable reimburse the full cost. There will be no remaining out-of-pocket expenses, known as "RAC *" or reste à charge zéro. The government has introduced RAC * in the dental, optical and audiology sectors. From January *, ****, out-of-pocket expenses were lowered for hearing aids, and the reform was gradually rolled out until ****.

Since January *, ****, ***% Santé has been offering all French people with a responsible ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Sonova Groupe
  • Prodition (Groupe Demant)
  • Starkey
  • WS Audiology (Widex Sivantos)
  • GN Hearing
  • Unitron (Sonova Groupe)
  • Audika (Groupe Demant)
  • Amplifon
  • Alain Afflelou Accousticien
  • Audition Mutualiste
  • Krys Group
  • Demant groupe

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