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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Market overview and definition

The personal services market encompasses a range of services designed to assist individuals in their daily lives. Defined by Decree 2016-750 of June 6, 2016 (article D.7231-1 of the French Labor Code), these activities include assistance for the elderly or disabled, home maintenance, educational support, and more specialized services such as gardening. This sector represents an essential part of the French economy, benefiting from constantly evolving demand.

In 2023, the French personal services market will benefit from a favorable regulatory environment, with key reforms such as theincrease in the ceilings for the personalized autonomy allowance (APA) and the disability compensation benefit (PCH), as well as the generalization of the immediate tax credit. These measures are designed to simplify access to formal services and stimulate structured demand, while enhancing the attractiveness of the sector for professionals. At the same time, the development of micro-crèches, the majority of which are private (92%), is an essential lever in meeting families' needs, with over 82,700 families using these structures by the end of 2023.

The demographic environment also continues to play a decisive role in the development of this market. In 2023, the proportion of the population aged 65 and over reached 21. 3%, a figure that is projected to rise to 26% by 2070. This aging of the population, combined with the growing desire of seniors to age at home, is driving up demand for adapted services, such as home help or assistance with daily tasks. At the same time, the coverage rate for childcare needs for children under 3 has reached 60.3 places per 100 children, a significant improvement on previous years, although territorial disparities persist.

In 2024, despite this progress, the sector still faces major structural challenges. The human services professions are among the hardest hit by retirements, with an estimated 207,000 departures for home helps and housekeepers, and 138,000 for childminders by 2030. This insufficient renewal of the workforce can be explained by working conditions deemed unattractive, perceived arduousness and a lack of recognition. In addition, employers are having difficulty recruiting due to an insufficient number of applicants (85%) and unsuitable profiles (76%), as a recent study shows.

However, the market is benefiting from an encouraging economic and social dynamic. With overall sales on the rise and growth among private players (+30% for private reception facilities between 2019 and 2023), the outlook is promising. The introduction of innovative models, such as digital platforms facilitating contact between providers and customers, as well as the increased digitization of services, is also helping to structure the sector and meet users' new expectations.

In short, the personal services market in France, buoyed by recent reforms and growing needs linked to an aging population, is asserting itself as a strategic pillar of the national economy. Despite regional disparities and recruitment tensions, the favorable regulatory environment and opportunities arising from innovation point to a future marked by consolidation and modernization of the offering.

1.2 The growing global market

The global human services market is experiencing significant growth and is establishing itself as a key sector of the global economy. In ****, the market size was estimated at $*,***.** billion, with a forecast to reach $*,***.** billion in ****, representing a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.*%. This growth is underpinned by factors such as changing lifestyles, an ageing population, rising disposable incomes and increasing urbanization.

Human services market size World, ****-****, in $ billions Source: ****

in the longer term, the market is expected to continue this momentum, with a projected size of $*,***.** billion by ****, registering a CAGR of *.*%. Major trends include the digital transformation of services, increased attention to environmental sustainability, and the integration of subscription models and remote or virtual services. These factors underline the growing importance of personal services in a changing economic context.

1.3 A national market dominated by companies

By ****, the personal services market is estimated at €** billion:

Human services market size France, ****, € billion Source: ****

On January *, ****, companies accounted for **% of this market.

Players in the personal services sector France, January ****, in % of total Source: ****

To give you an idea,help for the elderly and disabled will account for the largest share of this market's value, with almost **% of the total in ****:

Breakdown of the sector's value France, ****, € billion Source: ****

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demographic trends represent a boon for the SAP sector

An aging population with increasing dependency

It's a well-known fact: the French population is getting older and older. The "Papy Boom" phenomenon is a reality: in ****, the proportion of the population aged ** or over will be **.*%:

Proportion of French population aged ** or over France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

This trend is only just beginning. By ****, the proportion of the population aged ** and over will have risen to an estimated **%:

Population projections to **** in millions of inhabitants, France, ****-****, as % of total population Source: ****

The aging of the French population is real, as this graph shows. While those aged ** and over will represent only *.*% of the population in ****, their weight in the French population will double to **.*% in ****.

This aging is linked to longer life expectancy and the arrival of baby-boomers at retirement age: * factors favoring the number of potential consumers for personal services.

A poor birth dynamic, however:

This graph, taken from INSEE data, illustrates the trend in the number of annual births in France between **** and ****. An overall downward trend is clearly visible, from ***,*** births in **** to ***,*** in ****, a significant drop of almost **%. This fall marks a recent acceleration since ****.

Such a demographic decline has direct repercussions on several sectors, including ...

2.2 Who are SAP consumers?

The FESP white paper published in June ****, informs us about consumers of personal services. It reveals that the household's monthly income has virtually no impact on whether it uses SAP.

Monthly income of households using personal services France, ****, in Source: ****

In terms of age, it appears that older households are the biggest consumers of SAP. With **% of user households aged under **, **% aged ** to **, then **% aged ** to ** and finally **% aged ** or over. This is reflected in the activity status of households using these services, as shown in the graph below.

Activity status of individual employers using personal services France, ****, in Source: ****

Indeed, more than half of the individuals who use SAP services are retired. It is also interesting to note that SAP customers are mainly couple households, since **% are couples versus **% singles.

New personal services (***) customers are characterized by greater socio-economic diversification thanks to recent reforms, notably the introduction of the C*I. This scheme has democratized access to services by reducing cash flow constraints for low-income households. As a result, the proportion of customers whose disposable income is below the French median has risen by * points, from **% in **** to **% in ****, as shown in the graph on the left. This increase reflects ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Market players

According to anOliver Wyman studypublished in September ****,lHuman services (***) are structured around three main segments, defined by the French law of July **, ****. Here is a summary of the different segments and activities, with their market shares and key figures:

Market shares of the various players France, ****, in Source: ****

Family assistance **% of hours billed *.* billion euros in sales Main activities : Childcare Accompanying children on their travels Home tutoring and lessons

Services for daily living **% of hours billed Nearly * billion euros in sales Main activities : Housework, ironing Collection and delivery of ironed linen Gardening, DIY Meal preparation and errands Shopping delivery Services for dependent persons **% of hours billed *.* billion euros in sales Main activities : Assistance to the elderly and disabled Nannying Mobility assistance and accompanied transport Personal vehicle driving Personalized beauty care

The collective agreement sometimes extends this scope to include services to employees in the workplace, such as company concierge services and service intermediation. An economic definition could include other activities such as home hairdressing, but this study focuses only on legally recognized activities.

The use of personal services is based on two main modalities: direct employment and the use of intermediary organizations. Direct employment, which accounted for **% of paid hours in ...

3.2 Breakdown of activities and ROI for each player

Public finances are investing in the personal services market, and when we break down the various segments, we realize that a euro invested by the State does not generate the same ROI depending on the segment and the player being helped.

Tutoring is the activity with the highest return on investment, although in terms of value it is the smallest market(***):

School support market share by value France, ****, in Source: ****

Companies dominate the market, with **% of the tutoring market in ****.

In terms of return on investment, companies dominate with an ROI of *.**:

Return on investment for tutoring players France, ****, in multiplier Source: ****

The highest direct multiplier in the tutoring sector is also awarded to companies: *.** times.

Daily living services, a €*,*** million market by value, has a more modest average multiplier: between *.** and *.** in ****:

Market share by value of the daily-life services sector France, ****, in Source: ****

Individual employers hold the majority of the daily living services market, with a **% share. What's more, this sector is * times larger than the tutoring sector.

In terms of ROI, companies still dominate, with a multiplier of *.**:

ROI of players in the daily living services sector France, ****, in multiplier Source: ****

The direct multiplier for daily living services ...

3.3 Professions that are difficult to recruit for

According to France Travail's Besoins en Main-d'œuvre **** survey, **% of employers, regardless of company size, anticipate recruitment difficulties this year:

Why employers are having trouble recruiting in **** France, ****, in Source: ****

Among the occupations experiencing the greatest recruitment difficulties in France in ****, we note that"Aides à domicile et auxiliaires de vie" appear in the ** occupations cited as having recruitment problems:

The professions experiencing recruitment difficulties in France in **** are : France, ****, by name Source: ****

Planning and anticipating professional development is crucial, especially as, according to the Dares, **% of job vacancies between now and **** will come from people leaving at the end of their careers.

The ** professions with the highest rate of end-of-career departures by **** will be : France, ****, in units Source: ****

The graph illustrates the trades that will see the highest numbers of end-of-career departures by ****, expressed in thousands of jobs. Among them, occupations related to personal services, such as home helps and housekeepers (***), occupy a central position. These figures reflect significant pressure on a sector already in difficulty, where recruitment is often complicated by the perceived arduousness of the professions, unattractive salaries and lack of recognition.

These mass departures will exacerbate an already fragile situation. The human services sector is crucial to meeting ...

3.4 Home care more cost-effective than institutionalization

Groupes Iso-Ressources (***). GIR * corresponds to people who need help with certain tasks, such as getting dressed or getting out of bed, but who can get around on their own. GIR * covers those requiring regular assistance with most essential activities. GIR * covers people requiring permanent assistance, either because of severely reduced mobility or cognitive impairment. Finally, GIR * groups together totally dependent individuals, requiring complete care.

Différence of total cost per person of home care versus institutional care France, ****, in thousands of € Source: ****

The graph highlights that the annual cost for public finances and individuals is systematically higher in a facility than at home, whatever the level of dependency. For example, for a person classified in GIR *, the cost in an institution is €**,***, compared with just €*,*** at home, a difference of -**%. This trend continues for GIR * (***), where home is still more economical. In fact, the use of personal services to keep dependent elderly people at home generates savings of *.* billion euros. This demonstrates that it is more cost-effective to keep people at home than in an institution, especially for those with moderate to high care needs.

3.5 Human services groups

The personal services market in France in **** will be dominated by three major groups: oui Care (***), illustrating the diversity of business models and location strategies.

Some groups, though smaller in terms of volume, manage to exist, probably by focusing on specialized services or a differentiated local approach. This hierarchy underlines the dominance of large franchises, which benefit from a capacity for rapid expansion, but also theexistence of a competitive market where smaller structures continue to develop. All in all, this reflects a growing sector, driven by constant demand for home services and a strong entrepreneurial dynamic.

The size of human services groups France, ****, in units Source: ****

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Prices depend on type of service, employer status and target region

The table below shows sample rates for a cleaning service in ****, depending on the actor and legal form chosen.

Source: ****

Source: ****

In a similar vein, Ooreka indicates average prices (***).

The average cost of home help equipment is as follows:

Source: ****

4.2 A large number of services can be included in the legislation on personal services

The activities covered by personal services are defined by Decree ****-*** of June *, **** (***).

There are ** human services activities:

Home maintenance ; Small gardening jobs; Small DIY jobs; Home childcare for children over * years of age; Home tutoring; Home beauty care for dependent persons; Home meal preparation (***); Home delivery of meals; Home shopping delivery; Collection and home delivery of ironed linen; Home computer assistance; Pet care and walking for dependent persons; Temporary home maintenance, upkeep and vigilance; Administrative assistance at home; Accompaniment of children over * years of age; Tele-assistance and video-assistance; Sign language interpreter, writing technician and speech coder; Provision of a personal driving vehicle for people with a temporary disability; Accompaniment of people with a temporary disability outside their home; Assistance to people who temporarily need personal help in their own homes, excluding medical care; Coordination and delivery of services.

Source: ****

Undeclared work remains a major problem in the sector, but the introduction of measures such as the CESU and the possibility of obtaining a tax credit are encouraging individuals to declare their income. Some companies even use this phenomenon as a selling point, hoping to capture market share from undeclared work.

Most personal services companies have diversified activities. According to the ...

4.3 The recent development of matchmaking platforms

The personal services sector (***), but also cater to professional service providers, offering them visibility in exchange for remuneration via subscription or commission. However, this ecosystem remains unstable and subject to structural challenges. [***]

SAP intermediation platforms can be divided into three main categories:

Platforms offering all types of services to private individualsThese platforms extend their offering beyond SAP alone to include DIY, transport or coaching services. Allovoisins and Starofservice are typical examples, enabling users to solicit various service providers, whether private individuals or professionals. Generalist and multiservice platforms specializing in SAPThese cover several market segments and offer a complete range of home help services. access SAP and Aladom fall into this category, offering a wide range of services: help for senior citizens, housework, administrative assistance, childcare, etc. They meet a broader need than specialized platforms, and aim to structure a market that is still fragmented. Platforms specializing in a specific SAP segmentSome platforms target a specific field exclusively. For example, Click & Care and Hoomiz focus onhelping the elderly and disabled, while Helping and Hoper are dedicated to housekeeping and home maintenance. Others, such as Unaide, operate on a mandate basis with management fees, enabling private individuals to be employers of their home ...

4.4 Typical profile of an employee in the SAP sector

One in five employees in the personal services sector was born abroad, reflecting the high level of cultural diversity within this workforce. Among them, **% are from Africa and **% from Europe, underlining the importance of migrant populations in these professions, often characterized by their accessibility to foreign workers.

Nationality of SAP employee France, ****, in Source: ****

Women also dominate the sector, accounting for * out of ** employees, and they dominate childcare activities, where they make up **% of the workforce.

Gender of employees France, ****, in Source: ****

Finally, the age breakdown shows a predominance of older employees: **% of employees are aged ** or over, compared with just **% under **. This aging profile, combined with a low proportion of young workers, poses challenges for workforce renewal in a sector where needs continue to grow.

age of SAP employee France, ****, in Source: ****

4.5 A salary that remains attractive

The average net hourly rate in the personal services sector, estimated at €**.* in **** for individual employers, compares favorably with other sectors. It is **% higher than in the hotel-restaurant sector (***). This remuneration makes the SAP sector more attractive in terms of hourly wages, particularly for workers looking for jobs in domestic or local services. However, this figure remains slightly underestimated, as it excludes companies, where wages are generally a little higher. This pay differential reflects both the recognition of the specific skills required in certain SAP tradesthis wage differential reflects both the recognition of the specific skills required in certain SAP professions, such as assistance to the elderly or dependent persons, and the effort required to retain a workforce that is often precarious. Salary attractiveness is therefore a key argument for attracting employees in a sector where demand is constantly on the rise.

Net hourly rates for different sectors France, ****, €/hour Source: ****

5 Regulations

5.1 The regulatory environment is highly favorable to French business

Here is a list of standards and regulatory changes affecting the personal services market, classified by period:

****-****: Incentives

Benefit for childcare by a certified childminder. Tax reduction of **% on family employment expenses (***). VAT exemption for associations. Possibility of flat-rate calculation of charges. Creation of the "chèque emploi-service".

****-**** :

Creation of quality approval. Creation of the employment-service voucher. Market opened to businesses. Retroactive **% tax reduction for individual employers. VAT rate reduced to *.*% for all activities in the SAP sector. Exemption from employer contributions for service providers working with vulnerable populations.

****-**** :

Allocation de présence parentale (***). Personalized autonomy allowance (***). Childcare benefit for young children (***).

****-****: Borloo period

Borloo Plan: tax reduction ceilings of €** to €**k, with increases depending on the household. Exemption from employers' social security contributions (***). Exemption from employer social security contributions for people over ** (***). Exemption from contributions for recipients of APA, ACTP and PCH benefits. Creation of the universal employment-service voucher (***). Tax credit for dual-earner households. Capping of the SAP tax credit or reduction.

****-****: Period of regulatory instability

Abolition of **-point exemption from employer contributions. Increase in VAT from *.*% to *% (***). Elimination of the "personal services" exemption. Abolition of the flat-rate contribution system. Lowering ...

5.2 The national quality charter and the 4 certifications

The national quality charter

This charter is made available by the public authorities, and is voluntary for approved and declared organizations, and compulsory for authorized organizations. It is also subject to self-assessment. The charter, available on the government website, is based on * principles:

Welcome, availability, responsiveness; Clarity, rigor, transparency; Personalization, listening, follow-up; Competence, experience, know-how; Confidentiality, respect, discretion; Quality, evaluation, improvement.

The aim of this charter is to enable those involved to take stock on a regular basis (***), to prepare for the next stage of their activity, to enhance the value of their work and to provide access to possible certifications.

The * certifications

There are * certifications, corresponding to an attestation of compliance with specifications set by an independent body and validated by public authorities and consumers. These certifications offer guarantees of reliability and quality of service. Below are descriptions from the website:

NF Service "service aux personnes à domicile

Issued by AFNOR Certification, an independent organization, NF Service certification guarantees that a service meets the requirements described in a certification reference framework based on standards. NF certification standards are defined in consultation with consumers, professionals and institutions, in response to market expectations.

Qualicert "services to private individuals

Qualicert "services ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

6.2 The analyst's eye


The Personal Services (***). These measures have boosted the attractiveness of the sector, while encouraging the development of authorized services through specific calls for projects.

Historically, the Borloo law (***) had already marked a key milestone, with the creation of ***,*** jobs and a sharp rise in declared activity. Since ****, regulatory stability has enabled the sector to consolidate its gains, thanks in particular to attractive tax incentives and growing support for homecare players. These structuring developments, combined with growing demand linked to an aging population, offer the sector solid prospects for further development.

Key trends:

*st trend: Increasing needs linked to demographic ageing. France's ageing population is driving demand. In ****, **.*% of French people were over **, and this proportion is set to rise to **% by **** (***). This dynamic particularly benefits segments such as assistance to the elderly and home care, which account for **% of hours billed.

*nd trend: Transition to a more formal, digitalized offer: The emergence of platforms such as Oxilia and Personia is making it easier for service providers and customers to get in touch. According to a **** study, **% of the SAP market was structured aroundintermediary organizations (***), compared with **% in ****, reflecting a move towards greater formalization.

trend *: Tensions on the labor ...

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