Summary of our market study
The French ecotourism market is estimated at over €2 billion.
In France, ecotourism and related concepts are well known, with 75% of the population having heard of them.
The French ecotourism market represents only 1% of the country's total tourism sector.
Market segmentation shows a variety of players, from associations such as ATR and ATES to tour operators.
The ATR label is the benchmark for sustainable practices in the tourism sector, and commits its members to achieving specific targets for offsetting CO2 emissions by 2025.
Ecotourism market trends in France
between 80% and 85% of the French population is familiar with at least one term related to responsible tourism, with ecotourism being the most widely recognized.
Awareness is higher among people with more than two years' education, and in higher socio-professional categories.
Only one French person in five claims to have embarked on a "responsible trip".
More than half of French people believe that ecotourism is more expensive than conventional tourism.
The French population shows a clear penchant for eco-friendly accommodation, such as sustainable energy residences or B&Bs, with camping being the least popular.
The ideal locations for such trips are the countryside, followed at a distance by mountains and isolated islands.
The French market also shows an interest in local culture and tasting local cuisine as part of their ecotourism experience.
Specialized tour operators are the main players in ecotourism.
Some ecotourism players
Ecotourism associations and organizations
- - ATR (Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable): A pioneering association created in 2004, ATR brings together a variety of players in the French ecotourism market, from tour operators to creators of tailor-made trips.
- - ATES (Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire): develops a similar vision, but places greater emphasis on the social dimensions of tourism.
Tour operators: Conscientious curators of travel
- - Voyageurs du Monde: Renowned for its tailor-made travel experiences
- - Terres des Andes: another high-end operator specializing in the integration of cultural immersion and ecological travel.
- - Double Sens: Positioned in a more accessible price range
- - Passion Terre: Offers a wide range of travel experiences.
- - Chamina Voyages: Mid-range operator
to understand this market
Detailed content of our market study
- Number of pages : 35 pages
- Format : Digital and PDF versions
- Last update :
Summary and extracts
1 Market summary
1.1 Market definition
The tourism sector alone is responsible for 11% of France's greenhouse gas emissions.
Historically, tourism began as a cultural practice before becoming a mass phenomenon with major economic implications. In the 18th century, the "Grand Tour" was the initiatory year-long journey across Europe by young British aristocrats. Tourism as we know it emerged in the 19th century. In the 1840s, Thomas Cook created organized tours of Britain. Thanks to innovations in means of transport, these trips exploded and became a habit for Europeans, and hence for the French.
The term "ecotourism" was introduced by Hector Ceballos-Lascurain in 1983 to describe nature-based travel in preserved areas, with an emphasis on education. Since then, the concept has evolved to include principles of sustainability and community involvement. It was in 1992 that the International Ecotourism Society defined it as "a form of responsible travel in natural areas that contributes to the protection of the environment and the well-being of local populations."
Ecotourism is part of the category of responsible tourism, which includes the following terms:
- ecotourism
- Responsible tourism
- Fair tourism
- Solidarity tourism
- Ethical tourism
- Sustainable tourism
Ecotourism is a sustainable response to mass tourism, which continues to develop without realizing the risks it represents for the environment. Ecotourism encompasses a number of concepts and offers a wide variety of services: eco-responsible tourist activities, responsible accommodation (eco-hotels, eco-lodges, eco-villages), thoughtful travel, etc.
In France, this type of eco-friendly tourism has been supported by the Association française d'écotourisme since 2005 and the Association des voyageurs et tour-opérateurs écoresponsables since 2007. Ecotourism is gradually becoming a real social phenomenon, and is no longer the preserve of environmental activists or those with a keen awareness of the issue.
As the world's leading tourist destination, with 98 million arrivals in France by 2023, France's ecotourism potential is not negligible: france's main ecotourism regions include the Causses du Quercy nature park in the Midi-Pyrénées region, the Tarentaise valley in the Rhône-Alpes region and the Côte de Granit rose in Brittany.
Although steadily increasing in recent years, ecotourism still represents only a small fraction of the French tourism market, and faces challenges such as the reluctance of some French people to switch to this type of tourism.akes to switch to this type of tourism due to the higher prices offered by traditional alternatives, but also to the resurgence of climate sceptics in France(11% of French people in 2023 according to an IPSOS poll).
However, eco-tourism can benefit from the legitimacy of green labels (Clean Ports, Green Key) and emerging trends such as carbon offsetting and quotas in natural areas, coupled with a diversification of the offer.
1.2 The booming global market
International tourism is a key sector of the global economy. According to the UNWTO (***), revenues from international tourism will reach nearly US$*,*** billion by ****.
In recent years, the travel sector has undergone profound changes. In the face of mass tourism, more and more players are committing themselves to sustainable practices, which promote the preservation of ecosystems and respect for local communities.
By ****, ecotourism will be worth nearly $*** billion, according to market analysis consultancy IMARC Group.
Global eco-tourism market size World, ****-****, in $ billions Source: ****
According to their forecast, this figure is set to more than double by ****, reaching nearly $*** billion in revenue, as shown in the graph above.
Ecotourism is thus becoming a fundamental pillar of responsible tourism, responding to a growing demand from impact-conscious travellers. According to some studies, traveling in a more sustainable way is becoming important for **% of the world's travelers. [***]
Indian, Filipino, Kenyan and Vietnamese citizens are very concerned about the environmental impact of their travels, as shown in the graph below.
Travelling more sustainably is important to them World, ****, % of total Source: ****
Some countries want to go even further, and see ecotourism as a sector for the future.
This is the case in Colombia, where President ...
1.3 A small but growing French market
Despite its promising potential for the industry, ecotourism currently represents just*% of the tourism market in France. Yet, according to a **** Harris Interactive study, it appears that **% of French people have expressed their desire to travel sustainably. However, to transform tourism and make it more responsible, it is essential to mobilize all industry professionals, such as tour operators, hoteliers, tourist offices and institutions. These players have a crucial role to play in meeting the ecological and economic challenges ahead[***].
There are no precise figures for ecotourism, so we're going to calculate the size of the sustainable tourism market as a whole.
To estimate the size of the sustainable tourism market in France, we first need to determine the size of the French tourism market.
To do this, we use figures provided by Atout France, which has estimated the size of the French tourism sector at around *.*% of French GDP in ****[***]
In ****, France's GDP is estimated at around €*,***.* billion. [***]
French tourism market size (***) Tourism's share of total GDP = €*,***.* bn * *.*% = €**.**** bn.
As a result, the size of the sustainable tourism market can be estimated at *% of €**.**** billion, or around €***.*** million.
Tourism and ecotourism market size France, ****, in billions of dollars Source: ****
However, despite ...
1.4 The carbon footprint of tourist travel
The carbon footprint of travel is a major issue that raises growing concerns about sustainability, as travel, particularly by air and by car, generates significant greenhouse gas emissions. In a context where tourism is booming, it is becoming essential to assess and reduce these impacts to preserve our planet.
Below, we show thecurrent carbon footprint of a French person per year.
Current average carbon footprint of a French person France, ****, in T CO* Source: ****
Now, let's look at the carbon footprint called for by the Paris Agreements.
Carbon footprint to be achieved under the Paris Agreements France, ****, in T CO* Source: ****
From the two graphs above, we can see that thecarbon footprint of mobility should be reduced by almost ten times its current size, from almost *T CO* to around *.* T CO* per French person per year. Hence the need to change the way tourism is consumed.
2 Demand analysis
2.1 Awareness of the need to move towards more sustainable tourism
Awareness of the need for more sustainable tourism is growing in France. This is driven in particular by a growing awarenessof environmental issues and the ecological cause in general.
A large majority of French people - nearly **%, according to the graph below - say they are concerned by the ecological cause. This reflects a growing daily awareness of environmental protection issues.
Do you feel concerned by the ecological cause in general? France, ****, in Source: ****
This concern is reflected inmore thoughtful choices when it comes to sustainable tourism.
This trend is corroborated by the graph below, which shows the main reasons influencing vacation choices. Ecology is one of the top * factors, with almost **% of French people saying that ecology has an impact on their choice of vacation destination.
Top * factors that have the greatest impact on French vacation decisions France,****, in Source: ****
What's more, more and more holidaymakers are declaring that they adopt more responsible practices during their vacations than in previous years, as shown in the graph below.
This illustrates a concrete change in behavior to reduce the ecological footprint of holidays.
Today, would you say that you have adopted more ecologically responsible vacations than before? France, ****, in Source: ****
In the ...
2.2 Sociological analysis
Climate skeptics, who minimize or reject the effects of climate change in France, still represent a certain proportion of the population.
From the graph below, we can try to describe their sociological portraits. This profile is important to understand in the context of the ecotourism market, as it can slow down sustainable tourism efforts by questioning ecoresponsible practices and their real impact, thus complicating awareness-raising campaigns.
Climate skeptics' professions in France France, ****, in Source: ****
Let's also take a look at the political affiliations of climate skeptics.
Political affiliation of climate skeptics in France France, ****, in Source: ****
We observe a paradoxical phenomenon. Nearly **% of people under the age of ** are climate skeptics, i.e. they claim that we are not currently experiencing climate change.
age of climate skeptics in France France, ****, in Source: ****
And yet, according to the survey below, this is the age group most familiar with sustainable tourism, compared with the national average.
The under-**s are more familiar with "sustainable tourism" France, ****, in Source: ****
What's more, urban dwellers are the most familiar with the concept of "sustainable tourism".
City dwellers are more familiar with the concept of "sustainable tourism" France, ****, in Source: ****
In addition, awareness of sustainable forms of ...
2.3 Means of transport and ecotourism
In recent years, faced with this growing awareness of the need for more sustainable tourism, the French have modified their travel habits to reduce their environmental impact, and this change is reflected in their choice of modes of transport.
According to the graph below, the car remains the majority for travel, although the train is gaining in popularity for its low CO₂ emissions. Air travel, historically prized for long-distance journeys, is experiencing a slight decline in favor of less polluting ground transport, illustrating a growing ecological awareness.
Which means of transport are most frequently used for travel? France, ****, in % Source: ****
Focus on air travel
The ecological impact and monstrous carbon footprint of air travel is prompting the French to question the use of airplanes. Indeed, more and more travelers are considering the carbon footprint of flights as an important criterion in their choice of destination and type of journey, some even going so far as to limit air travel in favor of more environmentally-friendly alternatives.
Nearly **% of French people say they would be prepared to choose their flights and travel destinations according to aircraft emissions and carbon impact.
Would you be prepared to choose your flights and travel destinations according to ...
2.4 French people looking for longer stays
In addition to the desire to make their modes of transport more sustainable, the French are also turning to more sustainable housing and activities.
This can be seen in the graph below. Indeed, holidaymakers' motivations increasingly include the search for authentic, environmentally-friendly experiences. They want to relax and discover landscapes and the environment.
What motivates vacationers? France, ****, in Source: ****
What's more, a growing number of French people are choosing toexplore their own region, taking part in local excursions as shown in the graph below, which promote the discovery of local biodiversity and cultures. This not only reduces the carbon footprint associated with travel, but also strengthens the bond with their immediate environment. This translates into visits to natural areas, parks and gardens, and hiking trails.
Do you enjoy excursions in the area where you live? France, ****, in Source: ****
Focus on sustainable housing
Camping is increasingly seen as a sustainable alternative for those wishing to reconnect with nature. Campsites encourage environmentally-friendly practices.
Is camping a sustainable way of life? France, ****, in Source: ****
Likewise, more and more French people are opting for volunteer stays with NGOs, combining tourism and social commitment. These experiences enable them to contribute to local projects while discovering new ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Eco-tourism value chain and players
The following diagram shows the ecotourism value chain in France.
Source: ****
The players and their roles
A large number of players are involved in delivering a suitable service to tourists. For the ecotourism market, we find public, private, individual and even associative players:
Governments and regulators: Governments and regulators have an important role to play in ensuring that ecotourism businesses comply with laws and standards on environmental protection, safety and public health. Local authorities and communities: Ecotourism destinations are often located in remote areas and form part of communal lands. Local authorities and communities have an important role to play in ensuring that tourism does not harm the environment and local livelihoods. Nature conservation organizations: Organizations that work for nature conservation and the protection of endangered species by offering ecological excursions. Financial partners: Investors who provide financial support to ecotourism businesses, enabling them to develop responsible, sustainable products and services. Basic service providers: Companies providing basic services such as accommodation, food, transport and basic activities in ecotourism destinations. Travel agencies and tour operators: Companies that create eco-friendly travel packages by combining basic services and activities for tourists. Tour guides and activity operators: Companies that provide ecotourism activities such as hikes, safaris, ...
3.2 Ecotourism associations
With the newness of ecotourism, it's very important that there are associations that can help people understand what ecotourism is, and then help them differentiate between establishments that offer ecotourism-related services and those that don't. We've also been working with a number of associations to help people understand what ecotourism is.cotourism, and then help them differentiate between establishments offering ecotourism-related services and those that don't.
The first association to be created in this field was ATR (***) in ****. ATR is an organization that brings together multiple players in the ecotourism sector, from tour operators to tailor-made travel specialists. In ****, the association will have ** members [***].
In ****, the second such association was created with ATES (***), ** associate members and * ex-officio members[***].
In addition, there is an organization called, which has two main objectives[***]:
To make tourists aware of what ecotourism is and what it does To promote certain ecotourism establishments and concepts
In recent years, the government has also set up a Sustainable Tourism Fund. In **** and ****, the stimulus plan creates a ** million euro fund for sustainable tourism, with a priority focus on rural areas. It is managed by the FrenchAgency for Ecological Transition (***).
3.3 Sustainability labels
Green labels play a key role in guiding travelers towards environmentally-friendly choices.
In fact, according to the graph below, for **% of French people, green labels are differentiating criteria in their choice of service providers.
The different labels [***]
Choosing a sustainable destination
Station Verte (***): This label is awarded to areas that offer meaningful holidays, adopting a green tourism approach that focuses on nature and respects the environment. They can be located in the countryside, in the mountains or near the coast.Station Verte Flocon Vert: an eco-responsible label for mountain resorts, guaranteeing their commitment to green tourism through ** mandatory criteria. The label now offers * levels (***) to distinguish each destination's level of progress in their ecological transition Pavillon Bleu: a seaside community or marina, ensuring that the site has facilities to minimize the impact of tourist traffic, such as waste sorting garbage cans and sanitary facilities + awareness-raising activities. Pavillon Bleu Ports propres: voluntary environmental management initiative for marinas. Clean Harbors
Choose eco-responsible accommodation
european EcolabelEuropean Ecolabel Green KeyGreen Key Green GlobeGreen Globe Gîte PandaGîte Panda EcogîteEcogîte BioHotelsBioHotels French sites and landscapes French sites and landscapes Via NaturaVia Natura Chouette NatureChouette Nature Ethic EtapesEthic Etapes Natural hotelsHotels au naturel
Choose ...
4 Offer analysis
4.1 Offer typology
Tour operators specializing in ecotourism play a crucial role in offering trips that respect the environment, promote sustainable practices and support local communities, while enabling travelers to discover unique destinations.
4.2 Offer pricing
Here are the different tour operator pricings:
However, these prices can vary enormously depending on the length of the trip and the destination, with some tour operators offering packages as high as €*,***.
Price is often an obstacle for travelers seeking to adopt ecological practices, as sustainable offers are sometimes more expensive than traditional ones.
According to the graph below,money remains the main obstacle to reconciling travel and ecology for nearly **% of French people.
What is your main obstacle to reconciling travel and ecology? France, ****, in Source: ****
Nevertheless, a growing number of travelers say they are prepared to pay more for environmentally-friendly holidays, reflecting a willingness to support sustainable tourism, even if this means making an extra financial effort. For example, **% would be prepared to pay more for local produce on a future trip.
For your next trip, in order to travel responsibly and respect the environment, would you be prepared to pay more...? France, ****, in % Source: ****
4.3 Supply trends
Ecotourism in France is increasingly moving towards eco-responsible practices carried out by a variety of players.
These initiatives come from all players :
GreenGo: launched in ****, the company aims to offer more sustainable tourism on French territory and presents itself as an alternative to other tourist accommodation search platforms. GreenGo offers **,*** accommodations throughout France, evaluated on a grid of *** ecological criteria. The platform also offers a comparison of different modes of transport, so you can be informed of the carbon footprint of your trip. Galius: created in ****, this is the first collaborative platform dedicated to travel in France. The platform enables users to share their tourism experiences in France and draw inspiration from other community members to find their next destination. The aim is to raise awareness of sustainable tourism and encourage responsible travel, by highlighting local destinations that have less impact on the environment. Baie de Somme: since ****, the Baie de Somme has been home to Baie de Somme Zéro Carbone, an association of tourism professionals united around a charter of sustainable commitment to preserving the site and promoting the region. The association has given rise to a number of ecotourism projects, including the Baiemobile shuttle service to limit the ...
5 Rules and regulations
5.1 Regulations
Regulations for establishments open to the public
Welcoming the public to your premises requires compliance with a number of rules, particularly in terms of safety, fire-fighting and accessibility, which at first glance may seem daunting. These rules are known as ERP (***) regulations.
Any building open to the public is thus defined as an ERP, whether access is free or paid, unrestricted, restricted or by invitation. The content of these regulations varies according to the building's classification, the classification parameter being its capacity (***). ERP design principles must limit the risk of fire, alert occupants in the event of a disaster, facilitate evacuation to avoid panic, alert emergency services and facilitate their response. This means, for example, installing fire extinguishers, emergency lighting and/or fire doors.
In the event of non-compliance with safety obligations, the owner (***).
In addition to these regulations, the regulations applicable from January *, **** are also applicable from January *, **** on the reception of people with different types of disability, the aim of which is to promote the accessibility of premises. This means being able to move around, access premises and equipment, use this equipment, find one's way around, communicate and benefit from all the services offered by the ERP.
Some facilities, ...
5.2 The ATR label
The "Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable" label was set up by AFNOR (***), which requires "independence, competence and impartiality". The label's first criterion is transparency, the second concerns partnerships, and the third relates to the consistency between what is offered to customers and what happens in-house.
Since ****, the ATR label has brought together companies offering travel that respects the planet and its inhabitants. To date, ATR has ** members, including ** travel operators who have obtained the label following an annual inspection by Ecocert Environnement: Allibert Trekking, Atalante, Chamina Voyages, Comptoir des Voyages, Double Sens, Grand Angle, L'Arbre à Voyages, La Balaguère, Les Ateliers du Voyage, Les Circuits Découverte by Club Med, Nomade Aventure, Salaün Holidays, Terres d'Aventure and Voyageurs du Monde.
To obtain the label, a Tour Operator (***) must inform its customers of its approach and use customer feedback. The Traveler's Code of Ethics is an important tool that TOs must disseminate. Certified tour operators must also be transparent about the services they offer, and describe them clearly on their various communication media. It must also create materials explaining its approach and impact in terms of respect for the environment, heritage and people. This commitment must be clear and verifiable.
Since ...
6 Positioning the players
6.1 Segmentation
- Voyageurs du Monde Groupe
- ATR (Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable)
- ATES (Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire)
- Terres d’Aventure
- Chamina Voyages
- Double Sens
- Terres des Andes
- Passion Terre
- Terres Nomades
- Voyager Autrement
- FairMoove
- Cap France
- Alentour
- Nicols Yacht
- CroisiEurope
- Batorama
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