Summary of our market study

The French language travel market is valued at 300 million euros.

Although the global language travel market was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, with an estimated 80% decline.

English is the main language of interest, fuelling a market largely dominated by the UK, USA, Canada and emerging destinations such as Malta.

The French market generated sales of 300 million euros, mainly in the 10-25 age bracket.

The market remains highly fragmented.

Three-quarters of the market is focused on improving English language skills. Between 300,000 and 350,000 young people take part in language courses, 10-30% of whom are over 30.

These language stays often last from two to four weeks.

Around 80% of professional participants have their language stay financed by their company.

Local authorities and associations also step in to facilitate these educational trips for students, depending on family income.

The trend is increasingly towards last-minute online bookings, which account for between 30% and 40% of total bookings.

Organizations such as the Office national de garantie des séjours et stages linguistiques (ONGSSL) and the Union nationale des organismes de séjours éducatifs et linguistiques et des écoles de langues (UNOSEL) play an essential role in ensuring compliance with strict quality standards.

Market players

  • The Go and Live group owns the NACEL and CLC brands.
  • Nacel has been around for 50years
  • ESL - Séjours linguistiques
  • Education First (EF)
  • Cap Monde
  • PEEP: An association governed by the French law of 1901, PEEP (Association des parents d'élèves) is committed to language learning
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Market definition and presentation

Language stays are stays of varying duration undertaken by young people and adults in a foreign country, to learn or improve their language skills.

This market is growing in step with globalization and the need to speak several languages, particularly in the professional world. Language travel offers a fun alternative to language learning, whether you choose to spend a week or a year in a foreign language school, in total immersion with your family, or as part of a vacation camp with daily language lessons.

The global market is dynamic, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% between 2023 and 2032. This significant growth illustrates the high demand for multilingual skills. English is the most widely-learned language in the world, and the top destination for learning it is the UK .

In France, the main players in the market have traditionally been language travel agencies, associations and specialized organizations that own their own language schools. The market is highly fragmented, with a large number of players, but some are larger, such as Go & Live andUNOSEL.

Over the past few years, the offers and formulas on offer have evolved, as have the target audiences. The range of countries on offer has expanded, even if a command of English remains the primary motivation for this type of stay.

The coronavirus crisis in 2020 had a major impact on this market, which, with travel restrictions, fell by around 80% compared to 2019. Nevertheless, during this catastrophic year from an economic point of view, many French people have registered on online platforms and apps to learn languages. This testifies to a growing interest in language learning, and especially English, among the population, making the language travel market all the more promising in the aftermath of the crisis.

1.2 The global market

The size of the global language learning market has been estimated at $** billion in ****, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of **% between **** and ****. The language learning market includes companies offering language courses, language stays and online learning platforms (***).

Evolution of the global language learning market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

Breakdown of the English language learning market by destination country World, ****, % students Source: studytravel The UK stands out from the rest, attracting **% of students, consolidating its position as the undisputed leader in this sector. Ireland, with **%, and Canada, with **%, follow, demonstrating their growing popularity among English language learners. The USA andAustralia, each hosting **% of students, remain destinations of choice, although their market share is slightly lower than that of the UK. Malta, although smaller, manages to attract *% of students thanks to its pleasant climate and competitive offers. New Zealand accounts for a marginal *% of the market. This distribution indicates a marked preference for traditional English-speaking countries, but also a gradual diversification of English-learning destinations, as students are increasingly influenced by factors such as the cost of living, the quality of teaching and the cultural opportunities offered by each destination.

1.3 A domestic market that has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels

Trend in the number of French participants in language stays France, ****-****, in number of participants Source: ****

The evolution of the number of French participants in language holidays from **** to **** shows a trend strongly influenced by the COVID-** pandemic.

In ****, the sector showed robust participation, with **,*** people going on language stays. However, in ****, the number dropped drastically to just *,*** people going on language holidays, a direct reflection of global travel restrictions and containment measures.

In ****, a slight upturn is observed with *,*** participants, signalling a very slight recovery in the market. The real upturn begins in ****, when the number of participants reaches **,***, indicating a significant revival in language stays. This upward trend is confirmed in **** with **,*** participants, although numbers have not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels.

This trend underlines the resilience and adaptability of the language travel market in the face of global disruption, while showing that the sector has not yet fully recovered from the impact of COVID-**.

Breakdown of participants by type of language stay France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

In ****, the breakdown of French participants in language stays shows a clear preference for accompanied language stays, which account for **% of participants, over individual language stays, which attract **%.

This dominance of accompanied stays ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 The French and learning English

The situation of the French in relation to English France, ****, %, French Source: ****

In ****, the situation of the French in relation to English reveals a varied linguistic landscape, with the vast majority having a partial command of the language.

Only **% claim to understand and speak English fluently, while **% claim to understand it more or less but not fluently. A quarter of the population(***) admit toneither speaking nor understanding English at all.

These data suggest that, despite a certain familiarity with the language, a significant proportion of French people have difficulty speaking it fluently. This may reflect shortcomings in English language teaching in France, or a preference for other languages in language learning.

This distribution underlines the continuing importance of language education and the promotion of English in France, not only for professional reasons, but also to facilitate communication and interaction in an international context.

The importance of learning foreign languages at school (primary, secondary, France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

In ****, a significant majority of the French population considers foreign language learning at school, both primary and secondary, to be essential. **% of respondents consider such learning to be either a priority (***), underlining an almost unanimous recognition of the value of acquiring language skills from an early ...

2.2 Experience in language stays for children and teenagers

Breakdown of children/adolescents taking language holidays by age France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

In ****, the breakdown of French children and teenagers having taken part in language stays shows a clear progression with age.

Language stays are very infrequent among the youngest children, with only *% of *-* year -olds having taken part. This proportion rises slightly to *% for **-year-olds, and continues to grow significantly from age ** onwards, reaching **% by age **, before dropping slightly to **% by age **.

These data indicate that language stays are most popular with teenagers, particularly those aged ** and **, a period when parents and children are most likely to be looking for a language break.this is a period when parents and educators seem to consider these experiences particularly beneficial for young people's linguistic and personal development. The low level of participation among the younger age groups can be attributed to factors such as parental apprehension, the level of maturity required for such stays, and perhaps a less developed offer for these age groups.

Person initiating the stay France, ****, % (***) Source : Unosel In ****, the breakdown of those responsible for the decision to go on a language study trip shows that parents play a predominant role, taking the initiative in **. *% of cases. Children/adolescents ...

2.3 Language stays also popular with adults

Language holidays for **-** year olds :

Breakdown of language holiday participants in the **-** age group France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

In ****, the breakdown of French language-stay participants in the **-** age bracket reveals a predominance of **-year-olds, representing **% of participants. Nineteen-year-olds make up **% of the total, while the **-** age group is the least represented at **%.

This distribution suggests that language stays are particularly popular among teenagers immediately after graduating from high school, probably due to the interest in an educational break before entering higher education or the job market.

Person initiating stay France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

In ****, the majority of language stays for French participants were initiated by the participants themselves, accounting for **% of cases. Parents initiated **% of stays, while teachers and relatives initiated *% and *% respectively. This breakdown shows a significant trend towards greater autonomy on the part of participants in their decision to go on a language stay, suggesting strong personal motivation and empowerment in their own language learning. Parents still play a substantial but secondary role, while the influence of teachers and relatives remains marginal.

Motivations for language study France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

The main reasons why French people take language holidays are academic and professional.

Improving language skills, which are considered a handicap ...

2.4 The importance of languages in the professional world

As we saw in the previous section, in some cases, the person behind the language stay was the employer. It is therefore interesting to study what companies expect from their employees in terms of language skills and training.

Training courses most frequently offered by companies France, ****, % of total Source: Language Training Barometer **** In ****, companies in France predominantly offered technical training courses, accounting for **.*% of all courses offered, underlining their importance for the development of job-specific skills. Human resources management training(***) were also widely offered, indicating a priority given to team management and international communication. Language training is therefore one of the top training priorities.

Do you offer language training to your employees? France, ****, % Source: ****

The majority of companies in France (***) have offered language training to their employees, while **. *% have not. This trend indicates a growing recognition of the importance of language skills in the workplace. Companies seem increasingly aware that mastery of foreign languages is an essential asset in a context of globalization and international mobility.

Language training selection criteria France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

The decisive criteria for choosing language training courses in France place teaching effectiveness as the top priority, with **. *% of responses. Price is next (***), underlining the importance of cost in ...

2.5 Language holidays to learn French

In addition to language stays to learn foreign languages such as English, Spanish or German, there is also a demand for stays to learn French. Indeed, France is a preferred destination for students and professionals from all over the world wishing to master the language of Molière.

These stays offer total immersion in the French language and culture, enabling participants to rapidly improve their language skills while discovering the country's rich history, culture and gastronomy.

Language learned during a language stay France, ****, % Source: ****

The graph reveals that French accounts for *% of languages learned on language stays, positioning it as the fourth most chosen language. This data highlights the interest of foreign participants in learning the French language by immersing themselves in its cultural and linguistic context.

Language travel destinations World, ****, % (***) Source: ****

The graph highlights the destinations for language stays around the world in ****, with France occupying a significant position. With **% of respondents choosing France as their destination, this data underlines the country's prime position in language learning.

3 Market structure

3.1 A highly fragmented market dominated by traditional players

lthough the French market is highly fragmented, with many different players offering a wide variety of products and services, it is dominated by a handful of major players who have been offering language travel for over ** years. These giants include Nacel, ESL, Education First (***), Cap Monde and the Go and Live Group.In the language travel market, several French agencies stand out for their size and the diversity of their offerings. Here are some of the leading French agencies specializing in this field:

These agencies play a crucial role in offering diversified programs tailored to the needs of different audiences, from young people looking for their first language experience to adults wishing to improve their skills for professional reasons.

There has also been a gradual trend towards concentration, which began in the ****s, with the major players being financially able to take over promising smaller players or those positioned in a specific sub-segment. This is how Go and Live acquired Sans Frontières in **** (***).

According to ONISEP, there are around *** language travel agencies and associations in France. These are required to obtain travel or tourism accreditation, but there is no guarantee of quality in terms of course content. These organizations can ...

3.2 A market challenged by the development of online language learning

The rapid evolution of information and communication technologies has profoundly transformed the language learning sector, calling into question traditional methods such as language stays. online learning platforms have proliferated, offering flexible and often more cost-effective solutions for learners of all levels. These platforms, such as Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone and many others, offer structured courses, interactive exercises and conversational practice tools that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. This accessibility is a major advantage over language stays, which require substantial travel and financial investment.

Growth in the number of daily users of the Babbel application World, ****-****, in thousands of people Source: ****

The graph shows a significant evolution in the number of daily users of the Babbel app, particularly noticeable in ****. During this year, marked by the COVID-** pandemic, the app experienced significant growth, peaking in May **** with ***.** thousand daily users.this can be attributed in part to the change in user behavior during the period of confinement, when individuals had more free time and turned to activities such as language learning. This trend contrasts with other sectors, such as language holidays, which suffered a decline due to travel restrictions and general uncertainty.

Advances in artificial intelligence and virtual reality have also ...

3.3 Covid has had a major impact on language stays

The COVID-** pandemic has had a significant and multi-faceted impact on the language travel market, causing major disruption and potentially transforming the industry.

From the very first months of the pandemic, numerous travel restrictions were put in place worldwide to limit the spread of the virus. These restrictions have led to the cancellation or postponement of the majority of language holidays planned for **** and a large part of ****. School closures and quarantine measures have also forced language trip organizers to suspend their activities. It is estimated that in ****, sales in the sector will have fallen by almost **% compared with summer ****. [***]

The health crisis has sharply reduced demand for language holidays. Fear of contagion, economic uncertainties and travel restrictions have deterred many students and their families from planning stays abroad. Numerous destinations, in particular Great Britain, the United States, Ireland and Australia, saw their departures cancelled, resulting in losses running into tens of millions of euros for the sixty or so organizations offering language stays in France.

Faced with these challenges, players in the language travel market had to adapt quickly. Many schools and organizations have accelerated their transition to online learning formats. Virtual courses, online workshops and digital cultural exchanges have ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 A wide range of language stays

When it comes to language stays, the diversity of our offerings is a major feature that testifies to the flexibility and adaptability of the market. Indeed, agencies offer a multitude of options to meet the varied needs and preferences of learners.

The diversity of offers is evident on several levels, particularly when it comes to the destination of the stay. Learners can choose between stays in traditional English-speaking countries such as the UK and the USA, or in more exotic destinations such as Malta or Australia.

What's more, the length of stay can vary considerably, from a few weeks to several months, depending on the participants' language objectives and personal constraints.

Accommodation options are equally diverse, ranging from homestays for total immersion to student residences or apartments for greater independence.

Participants can also choose between group programs, offering an enriching social experience, or individual stays for a more personalized approach to language learning.

The price range for a language stay is very wide. The cost of a week's language study in England can vary from €*** to over €*,*** per week [***]. The following table gives anidea of the prices of some language stays:

Source: ****

4.2 English language training ... in France

When it comes to language stays, the option of immersion in English without leaving France presents itself as an interesting and innovative alternative. Among the offers available, the concept of English language camps, such asAmerican Village, stands out for its unique approach. Created by Nacel ** years ago, these ***% English-language summer camps offer children aged * to ** a real immersion in American or British culture. This concept enables participants to speak English from morning to night, thanks to language courses and activities led by native or bilingual animators. The aim is to learn while having fun, while ensuring greater fluency thanks to continuous immersion.

Inspired by summer camps in the USA, American Village was launched in France in ****, with the aim of importing American culture through vacation camps structured like a big language game. Camp counselors, flown in especially from the U.S., supervise the children, ensuring an enriching and immersive experience. Today, American Village offers various types of stays, including summer camps, discovery classes and leisure centers, all in English. This model has proven its effectiveness, validated by French teachers who recommend these programs for their students.

In parallel, Club Langues et Civilisations (***) innovates with English language stays in France, adapted to ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Language stays for minors, "specific stays"

Specific stays

Specific stays, defined by article R.***-* of the French Social Action and Family Code, are stays with accommodation for at least seven minors aged six or over. These stays are organized by legal entities whose main objective is the development of specific activities.

General conditions :

To organize a specific stay, several conditions must be met. Firstly, the stay must be declared from the very first night. Only legal entities are authorized to organize such stays. Minors under the age of six may not participate until they reach that age. Supervision must include at least two people, with one adult designated by the organizer as the director. Qualification requirements and staffing levels must comply with the standards or regulations governing the main activity of the stay.

Language stays

Language stays are classified as specific stays, whatever the type of accommodation, if they are offered by organizers of language stays or courses that comply with European standard NF EN *****. Organizers must certify their commitment to meeting this standard, as stipulated in article R.***-* of the CASF. The decree of August *, **** and standard NF EN *****, adopted on May **, **** by the European Committee for Standardization, provide the framework for these stays. ...

5.2 Requesting individual training leave, an employee right

Congé Individuel de Formation (***) in France is a right granted to employees, enabling them to take time off work to undertake long-term training, often to acquire a new qualification, develop professionally, or retrain. This leave, which cannot be refused if properly requested, is particularly advantageous for prolonged language stays and mastering a new language.

According to Articles L****-* and L****-* of the French Labor Code, CIF can be used to access a higher level of qualification, change activity or profession, open up to culture, social life, etc., or to improve one's professional skills. to culture, social life and voluntary work, or to prepare for and pass an exam leading to a diploma or professional qualification. The training need not be related to the employee's current activity.

To qualify, employees must have been with the company for at least : two years' professional experience for permanent contracts (***), including one year with the same company, and two years' experience within the last five years, including four months on fixed-term contracts, for employees on fixed-term contracts. A qualifying period, calculated on the basis of the last CIF, must also be respected, ranging from six months to six years.

The CIF must last at ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Player segmentation

*The NF Service mark, obtained through a voluntary process with Afnor, guarantees not only compliance with current standards, but also additional quality criteria tailored to the needs of young people and their families. These criteria cover educational aspects, accommodation, and supervision of school and complementary activities. Afnor conducts annual audits of foreign residences to ensure this level of quality.

  • CLC (Go & Live Groupe)
  • Verdié Voyage
  • Nacel
  • EF International
  • Unosel
  • ESL (Kaplan International)
  • StudyGlobal
  • Langues Vivantes
  • Action Séjours
  • Cap Monde
  • EF Education First
  • SILC
  • LEC Loisirs Culturels à l'étranger
  • Voyage Langue
  • Activa Langues
  • Envol Espace

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