Summary of our market study

French corporate seminar market estimated at €9 billion

The French corporate seminar market, part of the "MICE" (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences & Exhibitions) industry, is growing at a steady annual rate of around 5%.

It slowed by 50% during the pandemic, which stimulated the organization of virtual and hybrid events.

The global economic impact generated by event production companies is estimated at around 17 billion euros, while indirect "tourist" spending by participants contributes 15 billion euros for host venues. The Île-de-France region attracts around 30% of all participants, generating economic spin-offs estimated at over 4 billion euros.

The need for seminars as a management tool persists, even if companies are opting for shorter, more local events.

Corporate seminars are an essential tool for management, integrating employees, reinforcing corporate identity and communicating corporate strategy. Around half of French participants place almost as much importance on networking as on the content of the event. The spread of teleworking makes these events indispensable.

90% of event participants are French. The majority of events host fewer than 250 participants. Over 80% of companies prefer to manage their own seminars.

Market players include event agencies, travel agencies, specialized digital platforms and niche operators.

Players in the French corporate seminar market

  • GGL Events Groupe is a French and international giant in event organization,
  • Agence Lully has designed a digital platform that allows companies to control the event from their smartphone.
  • Chateauform' offers high-end residential seminars in luxurious locations
  • Digital platforms Sé and Rêvez d'ailleurs offer unique seminar venues
  • With heavyweights like Club Med and Pierre & Vacances, companies can expect a mix of leisure- and business-oriented services.
  • American Express and BCD Travel, business travel agencies
  • Séminaire Collection and SBE connect event organizers with seminar venues
  • Comet Meetings, a start-up offering versatile meeting and seminar spaces.
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  • Number of pages : ~ 40 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The corporate seminar market is a segment of the wider"MICE" industry, i.e. "Meetings, Incentives, Conferences & Exhibitions", which covers business events for company employees. The corporate seminar segment makes up the majority of the "MICE" industry, so much so that it is sometimes confused with the sector as a whole.

A corporate seminar is an event organized by a company or institution, which most often involves bringing participants together outside the professional environment for one or more days. The seminar can have a variety of objectives and take many forms - such as work, management, training, motivation or team-building seminars .

The global market for the MICE industry is dynamic and growing, and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7% between 2021 and 2031. This shows the resilience of this market, after the health crisis that shook it to its foundations. The French market is also doing well, with record sales in 2023. There are a wide variety of players in the market: major events groups like GL Events, niche players like Chateauform', pure players, even travel or communications agencies, etc.

The Covid-19 crisis had a major impact on the sector in 2020, as it did on the event industry as a whole. Players have had to respond with efforts in terms of digitalization and innovation, along with attempts at diversification.

1.2 The global corporate seminar market

According to estimates made in ****, the MICE market is set to grow strongly, reaching US$ **** billion in ****. The graph below is based on Research Dive 's assumption of a CAGR of *% per year between **** and ****.

Estimated sales for the MICE industry World, ****-****, in billions of US$ Source: Alliedmarketresearch TCAM ****-****: *.*% NB: Estimates made in ****, without taking into account the Covid-** crisis

This forecast for CAGR at *% is based on the fact that, with the end of the health crisis, there is a "catch-up" taking place worldwide of all the events that were unable to take place due to health restrictions. Worldwide, remote events are on the rise, as they enable us to organize events while drastically reducing costs: air tickets, hotels, rental of suitable space, etc. [***]. Nevertheless, as we shall see later in this study, remote events have much less impact than traditional face-to-face events.

1.3 The French corporate seminar market

Naf code **.**Z-Organisation de foires, salons professionnels et congrès | Insee covers the organization, promotion and/or management of events, such as trade shows, conventions, conferences and meetings, whether or not including the management and provision of personnel to operate the facilities where these events take place. It therefore encompasses part of the corporate seminar business, and gives an idea of the sector's growth over the past few years, of around *% per year between **** and ****. In ****, a drastic fall to *.** billion euros is observed, due to the impact of the COVID-** pandemic, which led to the cancellation and postponement of many events. In ****, a slight recovery is noted, with sales of *.** billion euros. The real recovery begins in ****, when sales reach *.** billion euros, surpassing even pre-pandemic levels. In ****, this growth continues, with sales reaching *.** billion euros. This development reflects not only the sector's resilience, but also its rapid adaptation to the new post-pandemic realities, marked by a massive return to face-to-face events and a renewed dynamism in the business meetings industry.

Sales trends for trade shows, conventions, conferences and meetings France, ****-****, in billions of euros (***) Source: Insee CAGR ****-****: *% approx Growth rate **** - **** : - ** %

Nevertheless, the use of code **.**Z ...

1.4 The impact of the Covid-19 crisis

The chart below compares sales trends in the organization, promotion and/or management of events such as trade shows, conventions, conferences and meetings. It enables us to assess the damage done to the events sector, with a sharp drop in activity from March **** onwards. Activity reached very low levels (***) and never returned to real growth during ****, despite a higher December. In ****, we can see growth throughout the year, especially from June **** onwards. At the end of ****, we return to the level of early ****.

Comparison of trade show, convention, conference and meeting activity between **** and **** France, ****-****, index base *** **** Source: ****

According to Les Echos, MICE activity plunged by **% in ****.

The impact of the crisis on the sector: the example of Châteauform'

Leader in high-end residential seminars, its sales have fallen from €*** million in **** with **,*** seminars organized to €** million in **** (***) for *,*** seminars organized.

Trend in sales and number of seminars organized by Châteauform' France, ****-****, in millions of € and number of seminars organized Source: ****

To adapt, the company had to rely on digitalization, with the creation of * audiovisual studios, including * mobile, as well as distance learning services, with a learning lab at La Défense.

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand drivers: reasons for organizing a seminar

Main reasons for external meetings in **** France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: Coach Omnium The main reasons for external meetings in **** reveal clear priorities among French companies.Employee and/or network motivation and rewards largely dominate, with **% of responses, indicating a strong interest in employee engagement and recognition.

Regular internal meetings, essential for taking stock and getting things done, follow with **%.

Management committees andresults announcements are also significant, at **% and **% respectively, underlining the importance of governance and performance communication.

The benefits of a company seminar France, ****, % Source: ****

The benefits of a company seminar in France in **** reveal a diversity of objectives, with a strong prevalence of the importance of team cohesion, cited by **% of respondents. This indicator shows that companies consider these seminars to be essential for strengthening bonds between employees.

In addition, **% of respondents mention the opportunity to discuss with everyone and bring the whole team together, underlining the importance of interaction and the collective meeting.

The presentation of objectives and strategy is also a significant benefit for **% of companies, highlighting the role of seminars in communication and strategic alignment. Improved internal communication and the emergence of new ideas, at **% and **% respectively, indicate that these events are also perceived as opportunities to optimize exchanges ...

2.2 Seminar scope: duration of events, number of participants, etc.

Breakdown of professional events France, ****-**** (***), % Source: ****

The chart above reveals that seminars continue to dominate the landscape, ahead of corporate evenings.

One-day seminars remain the most frequent, although they have fallen slightly, from **% in **** to **% in ****. In parallel, residential seminars show an upward trend, increasing from **% to **% over the same period, indicating a growing preference for more immersive formats promoting cohesion and conviviality. Half-day seminars remain stable at around **%.

Company evenings, although less frequent, show a slight recovery after a significant drop in ****, reaching *% in ****. This breakdown underlines the importance of seminars in companies' communication and motivation strategies, with a notable shift towards formats that enable deeper, more prolonged interaction.

Evolution of average event duration France, **** & ****, in % Source: ****

The evolution of average event durations in France between **** and **** shows a clear trend towards longer events. One-day events remain in the majority, increasing slightly from **% in **** to **% in **** .

However, the most significant growth is in two- and three-day events. Two-day events more than doubled from **% in **** to **% in ****, while three-day events tripled from **% to **% over the same period. This trend reflects a growing preference for longer seminars and events, which allow for deeper interaction and more sustained engagement from participants. Seminars, ...

2.3 Some of the most popular locations for corporate seminars

For a one-day seminar :

Type of venues booked in number of events for a one-day seminar France, ****, % Source: ****

An analysis of the types of venues booked for one-day seminars in France in **** reveals a marked preference for atypical spaces, which account for **% of bookings. Hotels are also very popular, constituting the second most frequent choice with **% of bookings. Coworking spaces and function rooms come next, but at significantly lower booking levels, with *% and *% respectively. Business centers and other types of venue complete the landscape, each accounting for *% of bookings.

These data suggest that companies prefer original and diversified venues for their one-day seminars, probably looking for stimulating environments tailored to their specific needs.

The graph above reveals a high concentration of events in the Île-de-France region , accounting for **% of seminars. This predominance of the Île-de-France region can be explained by the presence of Paris, a global metropolis that attracts many companies and organizations for their professional events due to its accessibility, its developed infrastructure and its concentration of services and economic activities.

By contrast, the other regions have much smaller shares, ranging from *% to *%, indicating a more scattered distribution of one-day seminars across the country. This geographical distribution highlights the importance ...

2.4 Call in a specialist company or organize it yourself?

Companies looking to organize seminars can do it themselves, especially when it comes to smaller events. According to, over **% of companies organize their own events.

Percentage of companies organizing their own MICE events France, ****, in Source: ****

Companies are more inclined to call on specialist companies when it comes to large events, with heavier organization. The economic spin-offs are then all the greater: **% of events are organized in volume by specialized players, so their share in value must be much higherE.

Other advantages of using a specialized agency include

greater expertise and experience (***) a larger address book fewer organizational constraints (***)

How far in advance do companies plan to organize a business event? France, ****, % Source: ****

It's interesting to know how far in advance of the event companies begin to define the organization of the event. We analyze small events, as seminars correspond to this type of event. This data informs us about the organization of events with the help of professionals, rather than the organization of events by the company alone.

The majority of companies(***) allow between * and * months, indicating more rigorous preparation for certain events.

Only **% of companies plan with one month's notice, suggesting reactivity or smaller events requiring less ...

2.5 CSR criteria increasingly important when organizing a seminar

Do you consider the environmental impact of your events? France, ****, % Source: ****

The environmental impact of events is increasingly taken into account by companies in France. In ****, **% of companies said they took this aspect into account for specific events, while **% said they did so systematically.

This shows a growing environmental awareness in the organization of business events. However, **% of companies do not or rarely integrate this consideration into their practices, indicating that there is still room for progress to achieve a more universal adoption of eco-responsible practices in this sector.

Is the sustainable commitment of MICE venues/providers part of your choice criteria? France, ****, % Source: ****

In ****, the sustainable commitment of MICE venues and service providers is an important selection criterion for companies in France. More than half of companies(***) take this aspect into account depending on the event, while **% consider it systematically. This indicates a growing awareness of the importance of sustainable development in the business events sector.

However, **% of companies never or rarely attach importance to this commitment, underlining that there is still some way to go before sustainable practices become a norm in the choice of providers and venues for MICE events.

Do you carry out a carbon assessment for ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Segmentation and player dynamics

Depending on the type of seminar (***), there are a number of different topics that need to be addressed to organize such an event according to Unimev:

Event program production services: venue rental, design and layout Intellectual and material production of content and entertainment Reception, security, safety, insurance Communication and promotion Reception and catering Travel, freight, handling, etc.

given the wide variety of corporate seminars (***) and the skills required to organize them, there are a multitude of players on the market, from different sectors.

Analysis of the main players on the market :

Players from the events sector:

GL Events is France's leading events company, with sales of *** million euros in **** (***). GL Events specializes in event organization, venue management and services for trade shows, conventions and events, right through to the implementation of operations in the field.

In ****, Les Echos reported on a possible merger with Comexposium , number * in the event industry (***)

Players from the communications/advertising sector:

Hopscotch is present via its subsidiary Capdel , which was set up in **** to offer a wide range of turnkey and tailor-made ideas for seminars, company evenings, incentive trips, events and team-building activities. One of Capdel's stated objectives is to improve, and in particular rejuvenate, the ...

3.2 Dynamics of the number of companies and employees registered under NAF code 82.30Z

The " organization, promotion and/or management of events, such as trade fairs, congresses, conferences and meetings " sector is dynamic, both in terms of the number of companies - up **% between **** and ****. And also in terms of the number of employees, which grew by almost **% over the period analyzed.

The difficulties encountered by industry players in **** are clearly visible, especially in terms of the number of employees, which has fallen by **%. Then, in **** and ****, the figures are reassuringly higher than before the Covid crisis.

Number of companies and employees specializing in the organization of trade fairs, conventions and exhibitions France, **** - ****, in thousands of companies and employees Source: ****

number of employees working in the trade show and convention organization sector France, **** - ****, in thousands of employees Source: ****

3.3 The importance of seminars in the MICE market

It's essential to explain what MICE is, and how corporate seminars fit into it. MICE is an acronym for Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions. It encompasses all professional events organized by companies, whether internal meetings, conventions, trade shows or other types of event.

Corporate seminars are an important component of the MICE market, offering companies a framework for training, motivating teams, presenting new products or strategies, and consolidating professional relationships.

Types of MICE events organized by companies France, ****, % of total Source: ****

The graph shows the evolution of the types of MICE events organized by companies in France between **** and ****. A significant trend emerges:the growing preponderance of residential and day seminars in the business events landscape, rising from **% in **** to **% in ****. This increase underscores the growing importance of seminars in corporate event strategy, highlighting their central role in the dynamics of the MICE market. At the same time, there has been a marked increase in the number of events, incentive/team-building activities and conventions/general meetings, reflecting the diversification of event formats.this reflects the diversification of event formats, while highlighting the pre-eminent position of residential and day seminars.

3.4 Increased competition between service providers

Average number of quotes requested by companies for seminars France, ****, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, % Source: ****

The trend towards greater competition between corporate seminar providers is becoming more pronounced, according to the results of the study. Sponsor practices are changing, with a majority of **% now requesting * to * quotes, compared to **% in ****, even when they are satisfied with providers they have used in the past. A proportion of *% of clients go so far as to request more than * quotes, or even up to **, which can be perceived as not very serious and not very respectful of providers, given the time and energy required to draw up these quotes.

This increase in requests for quotes is not necessarily proportional to the size or complexity of the event, although companies tend to ask for more quotes for larger events where the financial stakes are higher.

Professionals in the MICE sector emphasize the additional constraints this entails, forcing them to draw up a greater number of quotations, a not inconsiderable volume of which fail to materialize, which can be discouraging or even demoralizing. In addition, experts are noting an increase in the demands of negotiation and competition between agencies and destinations, signalling a period when companies are more careful with ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Typology of corporate seminars

Typology of corporate seminars according to duration :

One-day seminars: also known as "small meetings", these seminars include workshops, team meetings and board meetings, and thus represent the majority of corporate events.

Residential seminar: a seminar lasting at least a day and an overnight stay, or even several days. It seems that companies consider residential seminars to be the ideal solution for strengthening staff cohesion. This event format, which offers many "out of the box" moments, is revealing. It allows teams to experience moments of conviviality, similar to those shared "around the coffee machine", thus encouraging the consolidation of bonds.

Half-day seminar

Typology of company seminars according to objective:

Seminars can last from one to several days, and can combine several types of objectives:

Seminars to integrate new employees, so that they can get to know each other outside work. Training seminars: either to bring newcomers up to speed and help them acquire new skills, or to reinforce the skills of former employees - all the more important in a world of rapidly evolving technologies. Management seminars: bring managers together to improve their ability to manage and coach teams. Executive seminars : bring executives together to make decisions in a different setting, reflect ...

4.2 Analysis of main costs and prices

Average prices on the rise :

Evolution of the average amount spent on a seminar France, ****-****, in € Source: ****

A general upward trend is observed for each seminar category, highlighting an increase in average spending per person over time.

Residential seminars show the strongest growth, rising from €*** in **** to €*** in the first half of ****, an increase of **.*%. This significant increase can be attributed to various factors, such as inflation in accommodation, catering and event organization costs.

Full-day and half-day seminars also show an upward trend, albeit less pronounced.

Full-day seminar :

Breakdown of spending by service category France, ****, % (***) Source: ****

The largest share of spending is attributed to rental services, accounting for **% of the total budget. This is likely to include the rental of rooms, audiovisual equipment and other infrastructure required to hold events.

Catering comes second, absorbing **% of the budget, underlining the importance attached to the quality of meals and snacks at events.

Personnel expenses account for a relatively small share of the budget, at just *%. This could include costs associated with the presence of entertainers, technicians or event coordinators. Expenditure on equipment and entertainment accounts for even smaller shares, each representing *% and *% of the total budget respectively.

This breakdown highlights the importance ...

4.3 Supply trends

The digitalization of corporate seminars:

The digitalization of seminars, which was already in vogue before the Covid-** crisis because it was less costly yet still quite effective for companies, exploded during the crisis. The "meetings" part of MICE and seminars could well be partly absorbed by digitalization. We could also see the emergence of hybrid events.

Digitalization is also helping to personalize seminars, to better adapt to the needs of each company. agence Lully has developed a unique digital tool dedicated to event management, enabling every stage of the event to be controlled from a smartphone (***). [***]

However, according to the CEO of Châteauform', **% of seminars in the post-covid world will be held face-to-face, compared with **% virtual. [***] The need for human contact is likely to remain more important, keeping a good proportion of seminars face-to-face.

According to Unimev's **** report, **% of visitors prefer face-to-face seminars for the quality of their networking. On the other hand, **% think that these same events are better or much better for finding suppliers or doing business.

Flexibility: Many players are banking on the adaptability or flexibility of their offer to suit customers' needs: turnkey or tailor-made solutions, or simply rental or matchmaking.

More "local" seminars:

Two factors ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations

Tout savoir sur la législation du séminaire d'entreprise and Aide Juridique cover the main regulations governing company seminars:

The company may choose to make such an event compulsory, in which case anyone invited must attend without valid reason (***). Failure to attend a seminar can be construed as insubordination. The seminar is legally considered as working time, as "any activity during which the employee is at the employer's disposal is considered as work". This means that the employee cannot go about his or her own activities, but must follow the company's suggestions and respect the contract he or she has signed, otherwise sanctions may be imposed (***). If the seminar takes place during working hours, the employee is paid in the normal way. If it exceeds working hours, it must be considered as overtime Any accident occurring during the seminar is considered an industrial accident

In short, the company seminar must comply with the rules of employment law.

According to Absolute-event, it is also compulsory to take out organizer's liability insurance if you are organizing the event yourself.

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • GL Events
  • Pierre et Vacances
  • ClubMed
  • Sé
  • BCD Travel France
  • Séminaires Business Event
  • Chateauform'
  • Agence Lully
  • Capdel (Hopscotch Groupe)
  • American Express - business travel
  • Egencia France
  • Rêvez d'ailleurs
  • Séminaire Collection
  • Hephata
  • Comet Meetings
  • Collock
  • Almedia
  • Homanie

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