Summary of our market study

The French clothing market is estimated at over 4 billion euros

This segment is defined as clothing specifically designed for children aged 0-36 months.

It is estimated that French parents spend an average of between 50 and 60 euros a month on baby clothing.

Specialist baby clothing stores account for around 8% of the French clothing retail trade. Online sales account for a considerable percentage of market share. The second-hand market for baby clothes is growing substantially.

The number of brands and specialist stores is increasing.

The drop in the birth rate in France, from around 12 to 13 births per 1,000 inhabitants to 11 to 12, is paving the way for a decline in market volume.

most parents tend to prefer fabrics such as cotton and bamboo rayon for their softness and hypoallergenic properties.

Key players in the babywear market

  • Okaidi, part of the IdKids group,
  • Petit Bateau
  • Kaibi
  • Orchestra
  • H&M
  • Patatam aims to revolutionize the approach to second-hand clothing
  • Melijoe
  • Jacadi and Tartine & Chocolat (Kidiliz Group)
  • Cyrillus and its second-hand platform Second Story by Cyrillus
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
  • Last update :

Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and presentation

The market for baby clothing most often refers to clothes for children from 0 to 36 months or up to 85 centimeters in height. This market is generally considered to be a children's clothing market segment (0-16 years old) or accessories, in the same title as gloves or caps. It is therefore a sub-segment of the clothing market in general, without having the same market dynamics.

The global market for baby clothing was valued at 62.04 billion USD in 2019 and is expected to reach 82.54 billion USD by the end of 2027, corresponding to a CAGR of 4.2%. The main drivers of this market include an increase in the demand for branded clothing among the population, rising overall income, and a change in parental lifestyles, which are increasingly influenced by fashion effects.

In France, the clothing market has tended to decline over the past few years, with market shares steadily declining, while that devoted to children and babies continues to grow. Indeed, the market imposes itself, since parents are obliged to adapt to the growth of their children and therefore to renew clothes more frequently. The market size has been fluctuating, following an overall decline driven by the decreasing birth rate in France.

The main players of the market include Okaidi, Petit Bateau, Kaibi, Orchestra, supermarkets and chains such as Primark and H&M. 

In a highly competitive market directly related to the French birth rate, many brands are competing in a market that is seeing a decline in volume. The second-hand market is booming in this segment, as the perception of resailed items has shifted in customers' opinions. 

1.2 Global and European market

The global market for baby clothing was valued at **.** billion USD in **** and is expected to reach **.** billion USD by the end of ****, corresponding to a CAGR of *.*%. The main drivers of this market include an increase in the demand for branded clothing among the population, rising overall income and a change in parental lifestyles, which are increasingly influenced by fashion effects 

Global baby apparel market size World, ****-****, in billions of USD Source: ****

Indeed, there has been a shift in recent years, leading parents to give more and more importance to brands. This shift is influenced by the investments of major brands in media and visual merchandising but also results from the increase in parents' disposable income. Nevertheless, these investments generate higher production costs, which may favour local producers who have direct access to raw materials and are able to moderate costs.

In addition, companies in the sector are investing in product innovation and launching products with increasing frequency. This trend goes hand in hand with the increasing adoption of the latest fashion trends by new parents. The popularisation of graphic clothing The "cartoon heroes", representing cartoon heroes, characters from the entertainment industry (***) for example, is one of the greatest ...

1.3 A French market in slight decline

An article of the Modeintextile website presents the conclusions of the French Fashion Institute's report. The latter notes a general phenomenon in France and in Europe of "deconsumerism", having already made lose **% of its overall value on the clothing market in ** years (***), well helped by the economic crisis. Thus, the study reports that **% of French people declare having bought less clothing in **** than in previous years. This phenomenon would be twofold, both constrained and chosen. This phenomenon is due to a fall in overall purchasing power and a shift in spending towards leisure and housing in particular: in ****, the item "clothing" represented *.*% of household expenditure compared to only *.*% today. [***]

The French market volume is expected to fall to *** million units sold in ****, compared with *** million in **** and *** million in ****. After recording an average annual decline of *.*% over the period ****-**** the market is expected to grow at an average annual growth rate of *.*% over the period ****-****.

The trends are therefore the same, with a slightly declining market until ****. Indeed, we note here that the differential between growth in value and growth in volume in the French market is relatively low. It can therefore be concluded that the price changes are ...

1.4 Imports and exports of baby apparel

The data in this section has been gathered through the UN Comtrade database, under commodity code ******** "Babies, garments, clothing".

As the graph below shows, imports and exports have overall been increasing between **** and ****, before experiencing a fall in **** due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Imports weigh significantly more on the trade balance, with a value of ***.* million USD in ****. Exports, instead, amounted to ***.* million USD in the same year. The coverage rate is, therefore, in deficit, around **%.

Evolution of baby clothing imports and exports France, ****-****, in millions of USD and % Source: ****

Of the ***.* million USD worth of baby clothing, more than **% was produced and exported from Asia, with China being by far the leader of the imports market in France. Bangladesh and India also play a very relevant role, with respectively **.*% ad *.*% of the pie. Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands follow with smaller shares.

Main countrries of origin, imports France, ****, in % Source: ****

France exports mainly to other European countries: Spain is the most relevant destination, with **.*% of exports, followed by the UK (***).

Main destinations of exports France, ****, in % Source: ****

1.5 COVID-19 Impact

The Covid-* pandemic and the restriction caused by it have had profoundly altered customer's consumption habits and thus have had important consequences on most of the B*C industries.

There have been many factors impacting on the baby apparel industry. First of all, the declining birth rate definitely had consequences on the market: in ****, there was a decrease of ** *** babies compared to ****. The decline in births clearly has an impact on the baby markets and leads to a decrease in consumption. In addition to this, in ****, *** *** marriages were celebrated: this is **% less than the previous year, as the pandemic prevented the celebrations from taking place or prompted them to be postponed due to the limited number of guests. The decline in marriages is, indeed, strictly connected to the number of births. [***]

The lockdown have, at the same time, given brands the opportunity to invest in new distribution channels, such as e-commerce, which is now absolutely relevant in the retail industry of baby apparel. As the CEO of Petit Bateau explains: "this crisis was also an opportunity to accelerate the environmental and digital aspects. In **** with the closure of stores, sales of Petit Bateau fell by **%, but our online sales represented **% of ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 A falling birth rate in France

The baby market is generally decreasing in France and this negative dynamic is explained in particular by a falling birth rate and the rise of the consumption of second-hand goods. [***]

As the graph below shows, the birth rate in France has been declining since ****, passing from **.* births per **** inhabitants in **** to **.* in ****.  

Birth rate in France France, ****-****, in number of births per **** inhabitants Source: ****

The same trend can be identified by observing the number of births in the past ** years in France: as the graph demonstrates, the evolution has been negative in the vast majority of years. Births in France decreased by **.* thousand from **** to ****: a change in demographics that influences deeply the baby apparel market. 

Number of births in France France, ****-****, in thousands Source: ****

 Indeed, the fall in the birth rate seems to be predicted to continue: according to INSEE “the number of births depends both on the number of women of childbearing age and on their fertility”. These indicators are, in fact, not very positive, as in **** France had *.* million women aged ** to **, ***,*** fewer than in ****. This lack of women of childbearing age is the result of a previous drop in births: nearly **,*** babies less between ...

2.2 Shopping habits

The baby clothing market is characterized by low purchase frequency. According to a survey conducted by ProdegeMR in ****, nearly **% of French people bought baby clothes less than once a year. As the graph shows, only about **% of the surveyed population bought baby clothes once a month, and about *% once a week.

This can be explained by the increasing relevance of the second-hand market and by the popularity of layette sets, which allow parents to decrease the time investment on baby clothing shopping.

How often do you buy baby clothes? France, ****, in % Source: ****

 In terms of expenses, according to an article of LSA, parents spend about ** euros per month on baby apparel, for a total of *** euros a year. Young mothers are by far more present as customers in this market.

Monthly expenses for a child France, ****, in euros Source: ****

2.3 Customer's preferences

 In **** Kantar Media published a survey on more than ** *** people about customers' preferences regarding children's clothing brands.

The graph below shows the estimated number of users of the first ** brands in France in the baby apparel industry. According to the results, French parents purchase the most from generalized brands, such as Kiabi, Gémo and Orchestra, which offer more affordable apparel compared to specialized brands like Petit Bateau. 

Children's clothes brands ranked by number of users France, ****, in millions Source: ****

In terms of distribution, according to a survey conducted by ProdegeMR on almost a thousand respondents, the majority of French parents prefer to buy their children clothes in specialty stores, which take up **% of the pie, or to go shopping at supermarkets, an easier and more convenient location. E-commerce has also become extremely relevant as a distribution channel: almost **% of the surveyed population considers it the most convenient choice for baby apparel purchases. Discount stores and Mini-supermarkets are less relevant, mainly because of the minor offer and lower quality that characterize these stores.

Answers to "Where do you buy clothes for your baby?" France, ****, in % Source: ****

2.4 New trends: the organic industry

Sustainable fashion

The attention to sustainability, ethics, and the environment has revolutionized the way customers perceive and choose brands: the fashion industry has, thus, evolved in the past few years, to adapt to the new sustainable trend. In fact, nearly * in * French people (***) today say that the commitment of brands and companies to sustainable development is an important criterion of choice when making their clothing purchases.

This general awareness concerns both women (***) in the subject.

Regarding sustainable fashion-related practices, most customers decide to donate clothes, and this is particularly important in the baby apparel industry, which by definition has a very short useful life, because of the fast growth of babies. 

Sustainable fashion-related practices implemented among consumers France, ****, in % Source: ****

Organic cotton

The sustainable trend has also been combining with increased attention to fabric quality and health. In fact, the clothing market for children and infants is experiencing a new organic trend, and organic cotton has been booming. This kind of material fits perfectly the new customer's preferences, as it has a minor environmental impact, compared to regular cotton, it ideal for baby clothing as it prevents skin irritations which can be caused by synthetic materials, and is perceived by parents ...

2.5 La mode durable

Mode durable

L'attention portée à la durabilité, à l'éthique et à l'environnement a révolutionné la façon dont les clients perçoivent et choisissent les marques : l'industrie de la mode a donc évolué ces dernières années pour s'adapter à la nouvelle tendance durable. En effet, près de * Français sur * (***) déclarent aujourd'hui que l'engagement des marques et des entreprises en faveur du développement durable est un critère de choix important lors de leurs achats de vêtements.

Cette prise de conscience générale concerne aussi bien les femmes (***) par le sujet.

En ce qui concerne les pratiques durables liées à la mode, la plupart des clients décident de faire don de leurs vêtements, ce qui est particulièrement important dans le secteur des vêtements pour bébés, dont la durée de vie est par définition très courte, en raison de la croissance rapide des bébés.

Mise en œuvre de pratiques durables liées à la mode chez les consommateurs France, ****, en % Source: ****

De plus cette tendance s'est fait ressentir de plus en plus depuis **** : sellon une étude datant de **** réalisée par E.P - Haute ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Structure et chaîne de valeurs du marché de l'habillement pour bébés

Un aperçu de la chaîne de valeur du marché des vêtements pour bébés est synthétisé ci-dessous.

3.1 Market structure and value chain of the baby apparel market

An overview of the value chain of the baby clothing market is synthesized below.

3.2 Distribution channels

The distribution of baby clothing has rapidly evolved in recent years: the growth of online sale has allowed new players to emerge in recent years, also enabling faster retail sales for businesses. Today's distribution market is highly competitive, with a multitude of players, including a large number of exclusively online distributors.

Thus, according to a ProgedeMR survey conducted in November ****, the Internet ranks third among the distribution channels preferred by French parents for the purchase of baby clothing, with **.*% of baby clothing sales made online, behind specialty stores (***).

3.4 La production de vêtements en France

Il n'existe pas de chiffres spécifiques concernant la production de vêtements pour bébés en France, puisque la plupart des marques qui fabriquent ces vêtements fabriquent également des vêtements pour femmes et/ou hommes.

Cette partie vise donc à analyser la production globale du secteur de l'habillement en France.

La production de vêtements distribués en France est majoritairement sous-traitée par les acteurs du prêt-à-porter et concentrée à l'étranger. Cette délocalisation s'explique par les coûts de production moins élevés et par la spécialisation que certains pays ont acquis. **% des vêtements vendus en France sont fabriqués à l'étranger en ****, notamment en Chine, en Inde ou au Pakistan. [***]

Ce sont principalement les enseignes de luxe qui conservent une production française, même si les délocalisations augmentent dans le luxe. La production de la maison Chanel par exemple se concentre principalement en France, de même que Hermès. [***]

La hausse des coûts salariaux dans les pays asiatiques, notamment en Chine, peut donc être amenée à exercer une pression à la hausse sur le prêt-à-porter français. Cela explique la diversification des sources de production, ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Overview of the offer: typologies and materials

The baby apparel offer is very wide and specialized: the following list gives an overview of all baby clothes items and their uses.



It is the most common clothing item for babies, as they represent the most comfortable choice in terms of functionality: they hold diapers in place and don't slide off like separates.Brands offer a very broad choice in terms of typologies.

Bodysuits are baby tees that fasten between the legs and leave the baby legs uncovered. Types of bodysuits include:

Onesies Snappies Creepers Baby Grow Singlets Diaper shirt Snapsuit

Baby rompers are a different kind of one piece, which come with shorts, thus cover the legs. The main type of rompers are called bubbles.

Jumpsuits are one-pieces with pants, and they can come with and without sleeves, hoods, and feet. The main kinds include:

Sleeper Snowsuit Footie Coverall All in one

Finally, one-pieces include gowns, characterized by the absence of pants in favor of a gown.

Knotted Gown Drawstring gown Baptism gown Sleeper gown


These include any item that isn't a one-piece: baby shirt, shorts, diaper covers, dresses, etc.

We can divide them into tops, which include diaper shirts and lap tees, and bottoms, segmented ...

4.2 Prices and costs

Price remains a decisive factor in the clothing purchase decision, especially in the young children's segment as reported by an article des Echos, quoting the Director of the MFI Economic Observatory. 

There is, however, a price range on the baby clothing market, depending on the range. 

The price of clothing is partly determined by the textile prices used. The graph below shows the main textiles prices used for the creation of clothing in base *** in ****. Cotton has been increasing after a shortfall in April **** and is now more expensive than other fabrics. Linen's price has, instead, decreased sharply, while wool has been fluctuating between ***.* and ***.

Evolution of the price of natural raw materials France, ****-****, in euros/kg Source: ****

The price of clothing is subject to an index of changes in its consumer price by INSEE. The graph below shows that prices fluctuate largely, according to seasonal sales and pricing strategies.

Consumer Price Index (***) of clothes in France France, ****-****, Consumer Price index Source: ****

The contribution of the state in baby costs

In France, new mothers receive payments for at least eight weeks. These are calculated based on their average wage during the three-month period before birth, with a quarterly payment ...

4.3 A focus on specialized stores

The baby apparel market is very competitive and has a very broad offer. The following data represents a focus on specialized stores, which include brands like Petit Bateau, DPAM and Jacadi.As the graph shows, in France, there are more than ***** specialized stores, of which **** are part of the children's clothing industry. 

Number of specialized clothing stores France, ****, in units Source: ****

This represents about *% of the total of specialized stores, a relatively small percentage. This can be explained by the relatively small target of the market.

Breakdown of specialized clothing stores France, ****, in % Source: ****

4.4 The booming of the second-hand market

The second-hand market has experienced a boom in the past few years, and the baby and children sector has been leading it. Since children's clothes have a very short useful life, due to the frequent size changes kids experience, eco-anxiety is particularly high in this sector. In addition to this, customers no longer perceive resale as a lower-status symbol or as a lower quality sign, but rather as a positive contribution to a more circular economy, and, economically speaking, as a great deal too.

Major brands from all over the world have implemented the trend in their offer by developing innovative strategies and labels.

In October ****, as reported an article des Échos, Cyrillus, a children's fashion retailer has launched a website for clothing retail brand privately called "Second Story by Cyrillus." The brand also launched in November **** a Capsule collection of clothing made from recycled fibers.

Some brands have decided to follow this trend, such as Petit Bateau, which has integrated a second-hand sales service between private individuals into its application.

The Jacadi brand (***) offers free second-hand items deposit-sales service for customers who have subscribed to the loyalty program.

Selfridges, the online retailer of Kidswear COllective, has launched its first kids’ ...

4.5 The luxury segment

An article du Nouvel Obs reports, in July ****, of a new growth driver for the luxury sector: children. The years **** mark a boom for the children's luxury clothing market. Social networks also have their role to play. The children of stars play the role of influencers and dictate fashion in the children's clothing segment, as reported in the article.

One example is the son of Prince William and Kate Middleton, whose white diaper wrapped around him at birth was ordered more than **,*** times within hours of his first appearance.

According to Frédéric Godart, fashion historian and sociologist, brands need to find new sources of growth: "The new brands must be able to find new sources of growth After the development of men's fashion, brands must find new customers to conquer areas to explore... and that leaves only the children. "

Luxury brands from Oscar de la Renta to Dolce & Gabbana have long produced childrenswear, but the category is booming with launches from labels like Givenchy, Yeezy and Balenciaga, which are investing in a more street-like style.

New brands that rely heavily on e-commerce, such as Kylie Jenner or Chiara Ferragni, have launched their kid's collection recently.

According to Philippe ...

5 Regulation

5.1 Legislation to ensure the safety of children

Children's clothing is subject to regulations allowing to keep children safe. They relate to the components of children's clothing such as cords and laces, buttons, fasteners etc. An article of the site Avisé lists these standards in force:

NF EN *****: Safety of clothing - cords and drawstrings - specifications NF EN *****: Performance levels and test methods for slide fastener characteristics European REACH Directive: regulation on heavy metals and allergenic substances in clothing

Regulation n°****/****/EC: labeling and marking of textile products, including children's clothing Textile products must be labeled or marked to indicate their fiber composition when they are made available on the market. The labeling and marking of textile products must be durable, easily legible, visible, and accessible.

5.2 Législations connexes au marché de l'habillement

La vente en magasin

La vente en magasin est soumise à certaines règles résumées par Legalplace :

Normes de sécurité et d’accessibilité [***] Affichages obligatoires à l’attention des employés  Indication des prix à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du magasin en TTC et en euros Cotisation obligatoire à la SACEM en cas de diffusion de musique dans l’établissement

L’étiquetage des vêtements

Les étiquettes des vêtements doivent comprendre :

L’étiquette de composition : Elle est obligatoire  et doit être fixée sur le produit, lisible et rédigée en langue française. L’étiquette d’entretien : Elle est facultative mais permet d’éviter d’engager la responsabilité du professionnel en cas de problème relatif à l’entretien. La désignation de la taille : Elle peut figurer sous forme chiffrée ou sous forme de lettres.


Le Made in France et les labels

La mention « Made in France » s’obtient en respectant les règles d’origine non préférentielle appliquée à l’importation par les services douaniers. En résumé, le produit prend l’origine du pays où il a subi la dernière transformation substantielle. [***]

Les labels Made in France garantissent une ...

6 Positioning of the players


  • Orchestra Prémaman
  • Générale pour l'enfant Groupe (Sergent Major)
  • Aubert
  • La compagnie des Petits
  • Petit Bateau
  • Bonpoint
  • Tartine & Chocolat (Groupe Kidiliz)
  • Kidsdressing
  • Melijoe
  • Jacadi (Idkids groupe)
  • GEMO (Eram Groupe)
  • DPAM Du Pareil au Même (Générale pour l'enfant groupe)
  • Autour de Bébé
  • Bébé 9
  • Allo bébé
  • Bébé Confort
  • Patatam - Rediv
  • Vert Baudet
  • Monoprix
  • Carrefour Groupe
  • Babymoov
  • Petit Béguin
  • Sucre d'Orge
  • Tape à l'Œil
  • Okaidi (Idkids)
  • Absorba (Idkids Groupe)
  • Cyrillus
  • Petit Pan
  • Natalys
  • Catimini (Idkids Groupe)
  • Idkids Groupe
  • Berceau Magique Megara
  • France Maternité

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