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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Sports supplements are food products intended to supplement the regular diet and are a concentrated source of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect.

The market for sports food supplements is constantly growing. This market is already well established in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, but also in emerging countries such as Brazil and China. In the past 5 years, the global market has grown by nearly $5 billion.

In Italy, too, there has been considerable growth year after year. Indeed, there are a wide range of products and many different brands in this segment.

Professionals have different opinions about these products. They generally recommend their use only if necessary and in certain doses. In Italy, 32 million people used sports supplements in 2018, and this number is increasing year by year. In addition, the most widely used sales channel is pharmacies, accounting for 86 percent of total sales.

1.2 The global market

The global sports nutritional supplements market is experiencing unprecedented growth, which is expected to continue in the years to come. In ****, the value of the global market is estimated at $*.** billion and is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of **.*% over the next * years. In ****, the market value could touch $**.** billion globally.

Size of the global sports nutrition supplements market Italy, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

in terms of geographic distribution, the graph below shows the trends in ****, **** and **** in the continents most relevant to the market. As can be seen from the graph, North America leads the market, with a market valued at **.* billion. Western Europe is also very relevant, albeit with much smaller figures and a value of *.* billion in ****.

The global market for supplements and sports foods World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

1.3 The Italian market

The Italian dietary supplement market is worth about €*.** billion in ****, +**.*% compared to **** and +*.*% compared to ****. A compound annual growth rate (***) of *.*% is expected between **** and ****, thanks to which the market value could touch €* billion in value in ****. Value of dietary supplements Italy, ****-****in billion € FederSalus The main market areas by sales in **** were the probiotics category with *** million euros in sales, followed by mineral salts and vitamins, *** and *** million euros in sales, respectively. The largest annual growth was in cough products, immune function supplements, and antireflux and antacid products, +**%, +**%, and +**.*%, respectively.

Consumption value by category Italy, ****, millions of euros Sanita**

Dietary supplements for sports also make up *.*% of the dietary supplement market. According to FederSalus data, this figure is slightly decreasing compared to **** (***).

Market share of supplements for sports Italy, ****, in % Source: ****

1.4 Imports and exports

Using the UN Comtrade database, it is complicated to study sports food supplements as a whole because this segment includes a wide variety of products classified under different customs codes. However, it is possible to analyze a part of it and observe, for example, the trade in vitamins and provitamins that make up a large proportion of sports food supplements. In the database, the trade in these products is grouped and registered under the following code:

****: Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced by synthesis, including natural concentrates, and derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, whether or not mixed together or in any solution

The chart outlines the recent history of Italian trade regarding these goods.

Imports and exports registered under code **** Italy, ****-****, in millions of dollars and %. Source: ****

As we can observe, Italy is a net importer of these goods. We can also see growth in terms of imports since ****, peaking in **** at $*** million, despite the COVID-** pandemic.

Italy imports **.*% of the products registered under **** from the Netherlands. This is followed by China (***).

Main countries of origin of Italian imports of goods registered under code **** World, ****, in % Source: ****

In terms of exports, the Netherlands is confirmed as the main ...

1.5 The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February **** led to, among other things, a general increase in the producer price index. This increase also affected the dietary supplements sector. Through analysis of the producer price index for the other food products sector (***), within which dietary supplements fall, an increase of ** points can be seen between January **** and July ****. This means that producer prices have increased by ** percent over ** months. Compared to ****, then, the increase stands at **.* percent.

Producer price index other food products Italy, ****-****, base ****=*** Istat

As for the consumer price index, the available data covers the entire food sector. However, a similar trend is assumed between the general and dietary supplement sectors.

Between January **** and August ****, the consumer price index for food items went up by **.* points. This means that over an **-month period, prices for food goods increased by nearly ** percent. Compared to ****, the increase is close to ** percentage points.

Consumer price index food goods Italy, ****-****, base ****=*** Istat

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Overview of demand

The demand for dietary supplements has been growing steadily for years, and the sports segment is no exception. The growing number of people interested in a healthy and sporty lifestyle has fostered demand for products that accompany and facilitate motor activity, such as energizers, proteins, and tonics.

As for ****, in the first * months of the year, total consumption of dietary supplements reported an increase of *.* percent with differences depending on the market classes considered. The results of the main market classes are shown in the table below.


2.2 Consumer profile

The profile of the average sports supplement consumer can be identified by analyzing a series of data regarding the dietary needs of people who practice sports and the demographic characteristics of this segment of the population.

In fact, a person practicing sports occasionally needs less than one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight: this figure rises to *.*g/kg body weight for intense competitive sports. This suggests that the amount of energy-optimal foods for physical fitness is greater, and therefore this segment of people will use more dietary supplements to supplement their diets.


As for the Italian population as a whole, most Italians practice sports at some level of intensity, with **.* percent, equivalent to about ** million people, practicing them on a continuous basis.

Breakdown of the population over the age of * by sports habits Italy, ****, in % Source: ****

in **** from a geographical point of view, Istat data show that sports are most practiced in the Northeast, with **.* percent of the population practicing sports. This suggests that the demand for sports supplements is more concentrated in these regions than in the South and the Islands, where there are significantly lower figures in terms of the percentage of the population practicing ...

2.3 Drivers of demand for sports supplements

The market for sports supplements is closely linked to people's sports habits and their attention to issues of health and physical well-being, including nutrition.


Between **** and ****, the number of people practicing sports in Italy has increased steadily: over a *-year period, there has been an increase of more than *.* million sportsmen and women, from **.*% of the population in **** to **.*% in ****. However, by **** there is a decline among those who participate in sports continuously by *.* percentage points, aided by an increase in occasional sports practices and physical activity.

Evolution of the population over the age of * who practice sports continuously Italy, ****-****, in % Source: ****

nutritional and well-being concerns

As shown in the graph, trends toward a progressive awareness of one's physical and mental well-being were seen as early as ****, according to GfK research. Evidence of continued interest can be found in the dataIstat on Italians' priorities - health takes the first position, followed by education, personal safety and work.

Covid has accentuated this: as prevention or even as treatment. According to a survey by ItalianiCoop, almost * in * Italians (***) include precisely health in the first three ingredients for the recipe of their happiness. In addition, one in five Italians believe they will ...

2.4 Demand trends: plant based and clean label

According to a survey conducted by AICS, the Italian Sports Culture Association, the plant-based diet trend is gaining popularity in the world of athletes. This is a "plant-based" diet, which favors the choice of natural foods, not industrially processed, and preferably zero-mile. The survey found that out of a total of ** thousand people surveyed, both women and men, aged between ** and **, **.* percent said they follow a vegetarian diet, while *.* percent follow a vegan diet.[***] By ****, the global vegan dietary supplement market is worth $*.** billion. The increasing consumption of this type of product, aided by the belief in higher product quality and safety, leads to predictions of an annual growth rate of **.**% between **** and ****.

Vegan dietary supplement market World, ****-****, billion dollars Polarismarketresearch

In addition, in the world of dietary supplements, the "clean label" trend emphasizes the natural and wholesome origin of foods and companies investing their resources to be able to offer healthier and less processed products. So-called "clean labels" offer transparency and allow people to identify what are the most natural and therefore most reassuring products. Therefore, the dietary supplement market has encountered a new point of need and attention that is driving innovation.combination products that harness the benefits ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Structure of the supplement market

Until the beginning of the **st century, the dietary supplement market had a well-defined structure. The largest share was in the hands of a few international players - e.g. Pfizer, Bayer, Sanofi - although a considerable part was held by Italian manufacturers - e.g. Aboca, Alfasigma. Recently, radical transformations in market outlook have led to industry fragmentation. Two aspects are undoubtedly noteworthy in the changing market environment [***]: Gradual loss of patent protection for basic drugs Development of the free-selling market in pharmacies In Western Europe, the five largest players together reach a value of about ** percent. A similar situation is observed in Italy, with the largest companies grabbing a considerably small portion of the market. Although the dominance of sales by international companies remains, the presence of numerous smaller players influences the competitive landscape. The two main forces that have shifted the established hierarchy are: E-commerce Proliferation of channels Both the rise of the Internet and the emergence of additional different channels to produce and distribute dietary supplements have contributed to the dissolution of the market.

3.2 Value chain

The value chain of supplements, including the most suitable supplements for sports, is summarized in the diagram below.

First, ingredient suppliers produce the raw materials, that is, the nutrients, but also the flavorings or colorings that will make up the dietary supplements.

Manufacturers use these ingredients to make dietary supplements. There are two types of manufacturers: processors who supply the supplements to different companies that will market them, and manufacturers who directly market the supplements they produce. The products brought to market are then distributed through different channels and consumed by the population.

The stages of dietary supplement production

As a food product, dietary supplements are subject to very strict regulation issued at the European level by EC Regulation ***/**** . A declaration of first placing on the market has also been mandatory since ****.

The production of dietary supplements includes several steps, the details of which may vary depending on the type of product manufactured [***]:

Receipt of ingredients Storage: includes quarantine of products to be checked before acceptance, storage of raw materials, in-process and finished products, and buffer storage Preparation and weighing: includes unpacking, picking and weighing of raw materials according to recipe, and preparation of materials Production: includes drying, grinding, crushing, mixing, ...

3.3 Distribution

Despite the increasing proliferation of distribution channels, leadership seems to remain in the hands of pharmacies. The latter continue to account for an extremely large share of the market. [***]

Business to Business

Production and manufacturing take place in another company, which at a later stage, once the product is complete, sells it to retailers.

The chart below provides an overview of the main distribution channels in ****. Pharmacy is confirmed as the preferred distribution channel for Italians (***).

Breakdown of distribution of dietary supplements, by distribution channel Italy, ****, in % Source: ****

Business to Consumer

Production and manufacturing take place in the same company that handles customer interaction and sales. This channel is in other words known as "Direct Sales."

In Italy, the latter experienced a growth of *.* percent in **** over the previous year while in Europe between **** and ****, total sales are reported to grow by *.* percent.(***)


Online distribution is also pervading the world of pharmaceuticals. For reasons of price comparison, greater assortment or convenience, a progressive number of companies are relying on the channel and as a result an increasing number of customers are buying online.

In ****, the total value of OTC, supplements and cosmetics sold online reached ***.** million euros. The amount represents ...

3.4 Main market players

Market leaders

Enervit: Founded in ****, the company is focused on understanding the real nutritional needs of athletes. The in-house approach involves production at the *.* plant in Erba, a state-of-the-art hub for the production of gluten-free and palm oil-free functional bars, and at the historic plant in Zelbio. Today the company has founded several brands of sports nutrition supplements, including Enervit Sport and Enervit Protein.

Named Sport: began in May ****, with the launch of a new line of innovative and specific supplements to improve sports performance, developed together with Named S.r.l., an Italian pharmaceutical company of reference in the field of phytotherapy and Natural Medicine, known for the high quality of its products and careful selection of raw materials.

The Hut Group: for more than ** years, THG has built a portfolio of leading brands in digital beauty, health, wellness and sports nutrition. All brands, in-house or third-party, are available on its proprietary e-commerce platform, THG Ingenuity, which is the operational infrastructure and digital hub that delivers excellence throughout the supply chain and customer experience.

+Watt: founded in ****, pears with rigor and dedication in the field of nutritional supplementation, for sports and daily life, progressively ensuring higher and higher quality ...

3.5 Market barriers: regulation and security

The world of sports supplements is very complicated and often only partially based on science. These products are, in fact, subject to often misleading advertisements and ads that directly link their use to the possibility of achieving maximum results in sports. This is not only not true,but can lead people toD take the wrong amounts and types of supplements that can have undesirable health effects.

As the Generiamo Salute article explains, there is currently no scientific evidence to support the hypothesis that an excess of amino acids promotes greater protein synthesis and increases muscle mass and muscle strength. Instead, it is well known that protein plays a crucial role in providing for the maintenance of a vital concentration of glucose and thus energy during exercise and in restoring glycogen during recovery by providing for the repair of damaged muscle structures.

It should be kept in mind, however, that excessive doses of protein taken with food or supplements can pose several health risks, especially to the detriment of kidneys and bones.It is important not to exceed the recommended daily doses, seek medical advice in the case of prolonged use of these types of supplements, and in any case always prefer ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Overview of the offer

The types of sports supplements

These are dietary supplements designed and intended for athletes. Specific food supplements for different nutritional needs in various sports: The most commonly used nutritional elements commonly used as food supplements for sports are:

proteins, amino acids carbohydrates, creatine minerals vitamins

Recently, in addition, other types of specific dietary supplements have also been created such as

anabolic stimulators metabolic optimizers anticatabolics

Each of these sports supplements has a specific function and is therefore suited to one sport more than another


The composition

Hydrosaline supplements

These are supplements that simply replace salts lost through sweating and are the safest category for use by the athlete.

These supplements contain electrolytes of Sodium, Chlorine, Potassium and Magnesium in very specific concentrations and become indispensable especially for activities whose duration exceeds one hour or in environmental conditions of high temperatures and humidity, when the risk of dehydration is increased.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

These are the best known and most widely used. They contain the following vitamins: Vit A, B vitamins (***), Vit C, Vit D, Vit E, Vit K. In addition, minerals such as: Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Sodium, Potassium, Selenium, Chromium, Silicon, Boron, Fluoride and Chloride. ...

4.2 Prices

Dietary supplements and sports products cover wide price ranges that can meet everyone's needs. In general, however, when choosing a dietary supplement or sports product, one must consider the concentration, daily dose, and duration of supplementation. In fact, supplements also differ in how they are used and how often they are used for sports activities.

The table below shows a segmentation of products according to their price.


4.3 The student segment

A new target audience has developed in recent years in the supplement market: the Millennials, or young people who are between the ages of ** and **. They are interested in healthy food, health, and green issues, and precisely because of their characteristics and buying habits they therefore constitute an attractive target audience.

An analysis conducted on this new target audience showed that it is also strategic for the sports segment.

Among all respondents, **.* percent (***).

As for the types of supplements used, multivitamin supplements are the most popular among students (***). Sports nutritional supplements also reach an important share: protein, amino acid and caffeine-free energy supplements are consumed by **.*%, *.*% and *.*% of students, respectively. For all three types of supplements, more than */* of respondents say their intake is justified by reasons related to performance and physical condition.

Types of dietary supplements used by respondents Italy, ****, in % Source: ****

4.4 New supply trends

Evolving consumer base

the number of people who participate in sports without being professionals has been increasing for years. This has had a direct consequence on the consumer base of the sports supplement market: the use of sports supplements has expanded to become a real active lifestyle trend.

In fact, sports nutrition is no longer just about the classic users: bodybuilders and professional athletes who participate in competitive sports, but has now targeted a broader basket of consumers who focus on fitness and healthy living trends.

This entails a number of changes, not only in the supply, which is extremely varied both in terms of concentration and type, but also in the market strategies of companies, which have had to evolve their marketing and communication strategies to reach new consumers.

Organic supplements

The organic and organic trend has also affected the supplement market. The chart below shows the main organic organic dietary supplements sold in mass retail by value of sales in ****. As we can see, the sports products sector is significant and counted *** thousand euros in sales.

Value of organic food supplements sold in large-scale retail trade, by category Italy, ****, in thousands of euros Source: ****

5 Regulations

5.1 Market regulation

Food supplements are regulated by Directive ****/**/EC, implemented in Italy by Dlg ***/****, and by additional national regulations issued by the Ministry of Health. Like all food products, supplements must also comply with European regulations on additives, contaminants, pesticide and veterinary drug residues, hygiene, novel foods, claims, and labeling. Below is a summary of the main rules.

On the label of dietary supplements must appear:

The recommended daily dosage A warning not to exceed doses A statement that the product should be kept out of the reach of children


Dietary supplements may not contain pharmacologically active substances. Supplements, like all food products, must not claim properties to prevent or cure disease (***). Supplements should not be intended as substitutes for a varied diet (***). Food supplements, unlike other types of food products, are manufactured in establishments specifically authorized by the Ministry of Health, which has mandated the regions. The list of authorized establishments is published on the Ministry's website. Supplement labels must be notified to the Ministry of Health, which conducts a review of the composition, dosages and label claims. Supplements, which have favorably completed the notification procedure, can be found in the Register published on the Ministry of Health website.

Supplements for ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Enervit
  • +Watt
  • Named
  • Muscle Pharm
  • Multipower Online
  • ProAction
  • My Protein (The Hut Group)
  • Amazon Italia

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