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Summary and extracts

1 Market Overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Sports supplements are food products intended to supplement the regular diet and are a concentrated source of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect.

The market for sports food supplements is constantly growing. This market is already well established in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, but also in emerging countries such as Brazil and China. In the past 5 years, the global market has grown by nearly $5 billion.

In Italy, too, there has been considerable growth year after year. Indeed, there are a wide range of products and many different brands in this segment.

Professionals have different opinions about these products. They generally recommend their use only if necessary and in certain doses. In Italy, 32 million people used sports supplements in 2018, and this number is increasing year by year. In addition, the most widely used sales channel is pharmacies, accounting for 86 percent of total sales.

1.2 The global market

The global sports nutritional supplements market is experiencing unprecedented growth, which is expected to continue in the years to come. In ****, the value of the global market is estimated at $*.** billion and is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of **.*% over the next * years. In ****, the market value could ...

1.3 The Italian market

The Italian dietary supplement market is worth about €*.** billion in ****, +**.*% compared to **** and +*.*% compared to ****. A compound annual growth rate (***) of *.*% is expected between **** and ****, thanks to which the market value could touch €* billion in value in ****. Value of dietary supplements Italy, ****-****in billion € FederSalus The main market areas by ...

1.4 Imports and exports

Using the UN Comtrade database, it is complicated to study sports food supplements as a whole because this segment includes a wide variety of products classified under different customs codes. However, it is possible to analyze a part of it and observe, for example, the trade in vitamins and provitamins that ...

1.5 The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in February **** led to, among other things, a general increase in the producer price index. This increase also affected the dietary supplements sector. Through analysis of the producer price index for the other food products sector (***), within which dietary supplements fall, an increase of ** points ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Overview of demand

The demand for dietary supplements has been growing steadily for years, and the sports segment is no exception. The growing number of people interested in a healthy and sporty lifestyle has fostered demand for products that accompany and facilitate motor activity, such as energizers, proteins, and tonics.

As for ****, in the ...

2.2 Consumer profile

The profile of the average sports supplement consumer can be identified by analyzing a series of data regarding the dietary needs of people who practice sports and the demographic characteristics of this segment of the population.

In fact, a person practicing sports occasionally needs less than one gram of protein per ...

2.3 Drivers of demand for sports supplements

The market for sports supplements is closely linked to people's sports habits and their attention to issues of health and physical well-being, including nutrition.


Between **** and ****, the number of people practicing sports in Italy has increased steadily: over a *-year period, there has been an increase of more than *.* million ...

2.4 Demand trends: plant based and clean label

According to a survey conducted by AICS, the Italian Sports Culture Association, the plant-based diet trend is gaining popularity in the world of athletes. This is a "plant-based" diet, which favors the choice of natural foods, not industrially processed, and preferably zero-mile. The survey found that out of a total of ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Structure of the supplement market

Until the beginning of the **st century, the dietary supplement market had a well-defined structure. The largest share was in the hands of a few international players - e.g. Pfizer, Bayer, Sanofi - although a considerable part was held by Italian manufacturers - e.g. Aboca, Alfasigma. Recently, radical transformations ...

3.2 Value chain

The value chain of supplements, including the most suitable supplements for sports, is summarized in the diagram below.

First, ingredient suppliers produce the raw materials, that is, the nutrients, but also the flavorings or colorings that will make up the dietary supplements.

Manufacturers use these ingredients to make dietary supplements. There ...

3.3 Distribution

Despite the increasing proliferation of distribution channels, leadership seems to remain in the hands of pharmacies. The latter continue to account for an extremely large share of the market. [***]

Business to Business

Production and manufacturing take place in another company, which at a later stage, once the product is complete, sells ...

3.4 Main market players

Market leaders

Enervit: Founded in ****, the company is focused on understanding the real nutritional needs of athletes. The in-house approach involves production at the *.* plant in Erba, a state-of-the-art hub for the production of gluten-free and palm oil-free functional bars, and at the historic plant in Zelbio. Today the company has ...

3.5 Market barriers: regulation and security

The world of sports supplements is very complicated and often only partially based on science. These products are, in fact, subject to often misleading advertisements and ads that directly link their use to the possibility of achieving maximum results in sports. This is not only not true,but can lead people ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Overview of the offer

The types of sports supplements

These are dietary supplements designed and intended for athletes. Specific food supplements for different nutritional needs in various sports: The most commonly used nutritional elements commonly used as food supplements for sports are:

proteins, amino acids carbohydrates, creatine minerals vitamins

Recently, in addition, other types of ...

4.2 Prices

Dietary supplements and sports products cover wide price ranges that can meet everyone's needs. In general, however, when choosing a dietary supplement or sports product, one must consider the concentration, daily dose, and duration of supplementation. In fact, supplements also differ in how they are used and how often they are ...

4.3 The student segment

A new target audience has developed in recent years in the supplement market: the Millennials, or young people who are between the ages of ** and **. They are interested in healthy food, health, and green issues, and precisely because of their characteristics and buying habits they therefore constitute an attractive target ...

4.4 New supply trends

Evolving consumer base

the number of people who participate in sports without being professionals has been increasing for years. This has had a direct consequence on the consumer base of the sports supplement market: the use of sports supplements has expanded to become a real active lifestyle trend.

In fact, sports ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Market regulation

Food supplements are regulated by Directive ****/**/EC, implemented in Italy by Dlg ***/****, and by additional national regulations issued by the Ministry of Health. Like all food products, supplements must also comply with European regulations on additives, contaminants, pesticide and veterinary drug residues, hygiene, novel foods, claims, and labeling. Below is a ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Enervit
  • +Watt
  • Named
  • Muscle Pharm
  • Multipower Online
  • ProAction
  • My Protein (The Hut Group)
  • Amazon Italia

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Muscle Pharm
Multipower Online
My Protein (The Hut Group)
Amazon Italia

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the market for sports food supplements | Italy

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