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Summary and extracts

1 Market Summary

1.1 Definition and presentation

A backpack is a useful tool that tends to be worn over the shoulder, allowing the individual to support the weight of its contents on the shoulders through padded and adjustable straps and sometimes on the hips through a belt. Its volumetric capacity is expressed in liters and can range from half a dozen liters for running bags to a hundred liters for hiking and mountain models.

Several types of backpacks are considered in the study:

  • School backpacks
  • Travel backpacks
  • Sports backpacks
  • Backpacks for everyday and urban use;

The global market has been valued at $16.3 billion in 2022 and is expected to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.30 percent, driven in particular by demand growth in the Asia-Pacific region, while the U.S. market is gradually weakening.

In Europe, the situation is more fragmented, and in the absence of a uniform image, European demand remains strongly linked to the buying habits of individual countries. In Italy, the long tradition of the "24-hour bag"-a briefcase-like model-is leaving the scene to make way for increasingly practical models that meet the diverse needs of consumers.

1.2 Global market

The backpack market has been valued at $**.* billion in **** and the industry is expected to grow from $**.* billion in **** to $**.* billion by ****, with a compound annual growth rate(***) of *, **% over the forecast period. The industry will be strongly influenced by the increase in travel and tourism, outdoor activities and eco-friendly initiatives, as well as the influence of social media and trends launched by fashion bloggers.[***]

Global backpack market World, ****-****, billion dollars Future Market Research

Analyzing the backpack market from the perspective of material composition , it can be seen that backpacks tend to be composed of nylon and polyester. Due to its remarkable durability, nylon generated most of the revenue in ****. Turning instead to the distribution channel, we see that consumers worldwide purchased the product more in physical stores(***), with limited choices for online purchase. [***]

1.3 The growing Italian market

To know the size and relevance of the Italian backpack market, it is possible to make use of data from the Istat database belonging to Ateco**** code **.** "manufacture of travel goods, handbags and the like" In detail, it includes the production of the aforementioned leather, leather, artificial leather and any other material items, including plastic, textile materials, volcanic fibers and paper.

Specifically, a positive growth trend is noted from the first year taken into consideration (***) to ****, registering a rate of **.** percent. In the following year, however, the trend reversed, reducing its value by **.* percent.

Size of the Italian handbag and luggage market Italy, ****-****, in millions of euros Istat Value of production In order to make a forecast on the trend of the backpack market in Italy, it is not possible to consider the ratio of local production to imports and exports, as the data available in the UNComtrade database refer to a broader production segment, which includes leather goods, saddlery, travel goods, bags and similar containers; processing of animal guts (***). as a result , the value of the Italian market is analyzed on the basis of the production belonging to the sector of trunks, suitcases, backpacks, etc. As can be seen ...

1.4 International trade

The export rate in Italy has a higher value than the import rate; however, if we look at the quantity (***) of imports and exports, we see that import is higher than export. This can be explained by looking at the average price of exports and imports: in recent years there have been higher prices in exporting the product than in importing, which highlights the perception of the excellence of Made in Italy production by international buyers.

Another interesting fact is the growth rate of exports during the period under review, which increased by **.* percent.

Exports, imports and coverage rate Italy, ****-****, billion dollars UNComtrade

according to data reported by UNComtrade, the main destinations of Italian exports are: Switzerland (***).

Main destinations of backpack exports Italy, ****, % UNComtrade

As shown in the chart below, China is the main supplier country of products belonging to the analyzed sector(***); as a result, Italian manufacturers must focus on constant innovation, useful to create differentiation between their products and those of their competitors, in order to remain decisive players in this market.

Main countries of origin of backpack imports Italy, ****, % UNComtrade

1.5 The price of high school doesn't stop: designer backpacks cost up to 200 euros

The approaching reopening of schools has driven up the prices of school supplies, aided by the energyemergencyandthe commodities crisis. In particular, backpacks and other accessories signed by influencers and celebrities can cost hundreds of euros.

According to an analysis conducted by Codacons, a designer backpack of the latest generation can cost more than *** euros, while a pencil case complete with pencils comes to ** euros and a designer diary reaches ** euros. The price increases are due to rising production costs at the head of companies in the sector, brought about by high energy prices, and the raw materials crisis, which has caused the prices of some products such as paper or textiles to rise sharply.

Thus, the expense for complete school supplies for the entire year can reach *** euros per student if only designer products are chosen. To this must be added the cost for textbooks (***), with a total expense that can reach *,*** € per student this year.

Codacons has released some practical tips to reduce families' spending on school supplies by up to ** percent, such as:

buy used books; choose inexpensive backpacks and accessories: participate in deals and sales


1.6 Impact of Covid-19 on domestic production

The Covid-** outbreak caused significant consequences on both the demand andsupply side. Italy was the first European country to record a high number of Covid-** cases and, as a result, its overall economy has contracted sharply since February ****.

In particular, the pandemic impacted the production of bags and suitcases: due to restrictions put in place by the Italian government, the production of nonessential goods was halted (***). Starting in March ****, production declined massively, hitting an all-time low in April, becoming about ** times lower than the equivalent of ****. Since then, however, production has increased, almost reaching pre-Covid ** levels in the July period.

Evolution of Italian handbag and luggage production during Covid-** Italy, ****-****, base ****=*** istat

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Demand characteristics

The market for backpacks tends to grow, both globally and in Italy; this is due to the presence of a number of factors, such as the increase in world population generating an increase in the number of students, as well as the increase in the use of backpacks for purposes other than school, such as leisure and sports. In addition, demand is increasingly influenced by the search for backpacks made from recycled or recyclable materials.

Demand for backpacks is driven primarily by three subgroups of people:

travelers; students; individuals who participate in sports.

Going to analyze the average household spending using data from the Istat database, it is possible to resort to the category that includes the various products (***) used for traveling; from **** to ****, there is a **.* percent reduction in monthly household spending.

Average monthly household expenditure on travel items Italy, ****-****, € Istat

2.2 Demand drivers

The purchase of a backpack is influenced by a number of aspects demanded by consumers:

materials; style; design capabilities; safety.


The higher the quality of the material, the safer the equipment; consumers who use outdoor backpacks tend to prefer waterproof and water-repellent materials that can cope with any adverse weather conditions. Also, it is preferable to consider a backpack with comfortable, adjustable padding for the handles. Sometimes people also look for products with hidden pockets, additional compartments, and laptop sleeves, which are useful for preventing theft and providing greater privacy.


However, a backpack with a good composition of materials must also take into account an appropriate "aesthetic" presentation. In addition to color, demand tends to be influenced by the size of the backpack, chosen as needed.


Another essential feature for consumers is security; recently, many well-known brands have offered anti-theft backpacks, equipped with anti-cut or water-resistant technologies in the material or pocket zippers.[***]

2.3 The geographical distribution of demand

To find out the geographic distribution of demand, a map was made with monthly household spending on travel items by Italian macro-region, which is assumed to include the backpack spending segment.

Northern Italy presents the highest figure, followed by the Center and, finally, the South and Islands.

2.4 School backpacks: an essential accessory for students

In ****, the average back-to-school spending of Italian students will amount to about €***.** per pupil. According to the monitoring carried out by O.N.F. - Osservatorio Nazionale Federconsumatori, the cost of school supplies will register an average increase of +*.* percent compared to ****. The item of school spending is confirmed to be extremely expensive for families, so much so that many are forced to resort to reuse of materials from past years, exchange/gift products even through online groups and social networks, as well as used textbooks.

  **** **** var. % ****/****   super/hyper market stationery super/hyper market stationery super/iper market stationery Backpack cartons € **,** € **,** € **,** € **,** *% **% Backpack Cart Cartons € **,** € **,** € **,** € ***,** **% *% Branded backpack € **,** € **,** € **,** € **,** *% *% Backpack Trolley Brand € **,** € ***,** € **,** € ***,** **% *% Eco-friendly backpack € **,** € **,** € **,** € **,** *% *% Kindergarten backpack € **,** € **,** € **,** € **,** *% *% Kindergarten trolley backpack € **,** € **,** € **,** € **,** *% *%

Average expenditure: from **** to ****

Analyzing the average per capita spending from **** to the present, one can assess the exponential growth in monthly spending discussed above, starting from €*** per student and reaching the €***.* discussed above.

Average back-to-school spending per student Italy, ****, in € Source: ****

As can be seen from the chart below, the search for student backpacks in Italy is highly seasonal, with high peaks in August, just before the start of the school year in September. The numbers shown represent search interest relative to the ...

2.5 Consumer trends and habits

Recent trends in the backpack market can be segmented by analyzing the three most popular types of backpacks: backpacks for school, for sports, and for travel. Several trends shaping the market can be analyzed:

personalization: consumers are increasingly seeking experiences when buying and consuming products; they are interested in new ways to customize their bags and cases, which increases brand loyalty and customer engagement "premium" quality: consumers value quality more and are willing to pay a higher price to have a unique or differentiated product. sustainability: consumers, especially among younger people, are increasingly looking for sustainable options. They prefer products with less ethical and environmental impact and demand transparency from producers and suppliers more practical lifestyle: consumers are increasingly choosing more sporty and practical options, in part due to the rise of a more casual corporate lifestyle.

School backpack

Children and teens tend to have very clear ideas about purchases for school, particularly backpacks; they prefer those that are trending for a variety of reasons, from the cartoon of the heart to a celebrity-sponsored product. However, trends that influence consumer choice (***) are also influenced by several features that improve comfort:

padded shoulderstraps: useful for reducing discomfort and pain in the shoulders; reflective ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A fragmented market

To analyze the size of the backpack market, we consider the number of companies active in the production of bags, suitcases, and the like from **** to ****. Specifically, we see that the trend has tended to be steady, with slight decreases over the years, leading to a percentage reduction of *, * percent from **** to ****.

Number of enterprises active in the production of bags, luggage and the like Italy, ****-****, thousands of units Istat

Legal form

Almost half of the enterprises active in the sector are sole proprietorships(***).

Legal form of companies active in the production of bags, suitcases and the like Italy, ****, % Istat

The textile sector in **** The forecast for **** is for growth, albeit slow. Fashion textile turnover in the first half of ** ** would close at +*.* percent; the first quarter of **** recorded a **, * percent growth in industry turnover compared to the same period of the previous year. Driving the industry is expected to be exports, which in the first quarter of **** increased relations with France and reduced those with China (***). Positive data for the domestic market as well: in **** the "apparent consumption" variable, based on intra-industry intermediate demand and household final consumption in the Italian market, recorded an increase of +*.*%.[***]

3.2 Value chain

3.3 Distribution channels

Italians' preferred distribution channels remain physical ones, including super/hyper markets, stationery stores, and stores of the best-known brands in the industry. While in the past people preferred to buy these types of products in family-owned businesses, globalization has led to an increase in international chain stores, which have become more attractive to consumers due to their affordable prices.

Below is an abalysis of the retail establishments in Italy where backpacks can be purchased.

It is possible to buy backpacks in large retailers, although in these contexts there is a tendency to favor products useful for the school world. Compared to ****, there is a significant decrease in the number of active businesses, with a percentage decrease rate of *.**%.

Large-scale retail enterprises Italy, ****-****, in number Istat

On the Italian territory, large-scale retail enterprises are mainly composed of Minimarkets and other non-specialized miscellaneous food establishments (***).

Large organized distribution, breakdown by type of business Italy, ****, % Istat Another useful distribution channel to consider are stationery stores, newsstands and all activities related to the retail trade of stationery and various office items. Compared to ****, again there is a reduction in the number of establishments present, recording a decrease of **.* percent.

Retail trade of stationery and ...

3.4 The main market players

There are several major players in the market; below we segment the main ones by type of product offered (***).

Seven: The Seven brand is characterized by a modern, minimalist design. The brand logo is a stylized number *, representing the seven days of the week. Invicta: Invicta is an Italian backpack brand founded in ****. The brand is known for its backpacks, which come in a variety of colors and sizes. Invicta offers a wide range of backpacks, including school backpacks, work backpacks, hiking backpacks, and travel backpacks. Napapijri: Napapijri is an Italian outdoor clothing and equipment brand founded in ****. The brand also offers a line of backpacks designed for outdoor activities and analyzed with products made of nylon and polyester, and equipped with features that make them suitable for outdoor activities, such as padded pockets for laptops and tablets and a ventilation system. Eastpak: Eastpak is an American backpack brand founded in ****. The brand is known for its high-quality, durable backpacks, available in a variety of colors and sizes. Eastpak offers a wide range of backpacks, including school backpacks, work backpacks, hiking backpacks, and travel backpacks. North Face: The North Face is an American outdoor clothing and equipment brand founded in ****. The ...

4 Supply analysis

4.1 Overview of the offer

The supply side consists of different categories of backpacks, depending on their main target audience:

Student backpack : intended for students to carry their books and belongings. They have adjustable padded handles and sometimes straps that go around the waist to relieve back tension and prevent back pain. They usually have an inside zippered pocket, where small items or personal documents can be stored, and a larger outside pocket, where other items, such as water bottles, can be stored. Some models have small retractable handles, so they can be carried easily on wheels. Travel backpack : intended for travelers who do not want to carry or pack a larger suitcase. They usually have long zippers and are suitable in capacity and size for air travel as carry-on luggage. They usually do not have large outside pockets, but smaller, inconspicuous zippered pockets where small items or personal documents can be stored. Some models have small retractable handles that make them easier to carry on wheels. Sports backpack : intended for those who play sports and need to carry their personal belongings or sports equipment. These backpacks can vary greatly in size and features depending on the sport practiced. They can range from a capacity of ...

4.2 Average price of a school backpack: influencing factors

As has been mentioned in several venues, the price of backpacks varies greatly depending on the features sought, the target audience of the product , and also the distribution channel in which the purchase is made. Trolley backpacks tend to be more expensive than traditional backpacks. The price increase ranges from **% (***). In addition to trolley backpacks, eco-friendly backpacks also dominate the scenario of the most expensive products: between **** and ****, there was a percentage change of * percent in super/hypermarkets and * percent in stationery stores.

Average price of school backpacks Italy, ****-****, in € Federconsumatori

4.3 Prices

Backpacks for students

Travel backpacks

5 Rules and regulations

5.1 Rules and regulations

Imports and exports of bags and suitcases from China

For most backpacks, no specific regulations apply to import from China. However, the European REACH regulation(***), which came into force in ****, aims to identify, evaluate and control chemicals produced, imported and placed on the European market. Therefore, the various materials and substances used in the production of backpacks in Italy fall into this category, and the regulation is therefore applicable to the Italian backpack market. this is the case for many national and international brands that produce-exclusively or not-backpacks in China, such as Eastpak or Adidas. This standard specifically aims to list a large number of chemical substances to ensure a high level of protection against the risks associated with them

Specific standards for backpacks used in extreme practices

Some backpacks are made to be used for sports in extreme conditions. This is especially true for hiking, trail or waterproof backpacks. Some of these backpacks comply with European standards that are not directly applicable. For example, some backpacks must meet the European standard EN *****, a temperature standard that requires a standard laboratory test for all sleeping bags to allow classification between comfort temperature, comfort limit temperature, and extreme temperature based on the ...

6 Positioning of actors

6.1 Segmentation

  • Herschel Supply Co.
  • The North Face
  • Invicta
  • Seven S.p.A
  • Napapijri
  • Eastpak
  • Fjällräven
  • Quechua (Decathlon France)
  • Kipsta (Decathlon)
  • Piquadro

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