Summary of our market study

Karting, a form of motor sport involving small, single-seater, four-wheeled vehicles called karts, is divided into leisure and competitive activities.the former are intended for occasional racers, while the latter require a license from organizations such as the FFSA or UFOLEP.

In France, karting enjoys a high profile, with the Fédération Française du Sport Automobile (FFSA) supporting over 15,000 licensees and estimating that five million people have experienced the joys of karting.

Karting venues are plentiful, with some 350 locations throughout the country.

Karting is both a popular leisure activity and a competitive one. With a history dating back to the first kart created in the USA in the 1950s, the sport has since enjoyed a worldwide craze, with Europe hosting prestigious championships since the mid-1960s.

The market is fragmented, with independents and franchises such as K1Speed.

The sector, with an expected growth rate of 4%, is moving towards sustainable development with the introduction of electric karts.

Pioneers and innovators in the karting market

  • Independent circuits: Scattered across countries with a rich karting culture, such as France, these numerous independent circuits form the backbone of the leisure karting industry.
  • Franchises: When it comes to indoor karting, franchises such as K1 Speed have made their mark. Thanks to their business model, they have been able to streamline the karting experience and offer customers consistent quality of service.
  • Governing bodies: the FFSA (Fédération française des sports automobiles) and UFOLEP (Union française des œuvres laïques d'éducation physique) play an essential role in the competitive field of karting. They regulate the sport, guaranteeing fair play, safety and structured progression for drivers looking to take their passion from a hobby to a professional level.
  • Innovative trends: A notable change in the karting industry is the introduction of electric karts, which offer a cleaner, more sustainable option for the sport.
  • World Championships and CIK: Since their inception in 1964, the World Karting Championships, orchestrated by the International Karting Commission (CIK), have been a premier event showcasing the pinnacle of kart racing talent.
  • Sodikart: the world's leading kart manufacturer
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
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Summary and extracts

1 Synthèse du marché

1.1 Definition and Introduction

Karting is a motor sport practiced on a racing track using a kart which is a small single-seater car with four wheels, without bodywork, gearbox or suspension.

Karting practice takes two main forms: leisure or competition. The first of these two forms is intended for people who occasionally rent karts for racing sessions. Friendly challenges can also be organized. On the other hand, competitive karting is a real sport that requires a license from the FFSA (French Federation of Automotive Sports) or UFOLEP (French Union of Secular Physical Education Works). There are also two types of circuits, namely indoor and outdoor.

The global karting market is growing. As such, it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% until 2022. The first kart ever to be built was made in the United States in 1956. However, Europe soon took an interest in this sport and Kart World championships are being organized since 1964 by the CIK (Commission Internationale de Karting).

In France, leisure go-karting has been widely democratized among people looking for thrills, with maximum safety and at a reduced cost. The FFSA counts more than 50,000 licensees for all its sports in France (the number of licensees for karting alone is estimated at more than 15,000) and 5 million people have already tried it. In addition, we count 350 go-karting venues in France according to EY Barometre. The number of licensees, however, is going down as karting schools fail to convert amateur users and due to the cost of owning a kart.

The market is very fragmented with independent practice sites and some franchises, especially in the Indoor Karting segment with K1Speed for example (leading karting company worldwide).   

New trends have been observed in the practice of this sport, especially regarding the ecological transition with the development of electric karts and the implementation of collection systems for the recovery and recycling of tires.


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