Summary of our market study

The market for electric scooters is worth around €380 million, with 680,000 scooters sold

Market growth is driven by environmental concerns and the search for sustainable mobility solutions.

Growing popularity of electric scooters

The market is growing. Electric scooters are appreciated for their maneuverability, affordability and low maintenance requirements.

In 2023, the market recorded sales of around 680,000 units, representing a market value of around 280 million euros. The market has fallen sharply compared with 2022 (€345 million and 900,000 scooters).

Electric scooters account for two-thirds of sales of micro-mobility equipment.

The majority of users are men, with an average age of around thirty, who use them for their daily commute.

The risk of accidents remains present, with approximately 23% of owners having had a fall or accident.

Key players in the electric scooter market

  • The main manufacturers are Chinese companies Xiaomi

  • Segway-Ninebot - industry innovator

  • E-Twow

  • Kaabo

  • Weebot

  • Oxelo brand of Decathlon
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  • Number of pages : 35 pages
  • Format : Digital and PDF versions
  • Last update :

Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The electric scooter is a conventional scooter with an electric motor that enables the user to move around effortlessly. It is part of what are commonly known as NEVs, or New Individual Electric Vehicles, like the electric bicycle, the electric single-wheeler or thehoverboard.

The electric scooter is a mobility solution well suited to the new challenges of urban mobility, as it can be sustainable, intermodal, lightweight or even shared. There are two types of electric scooter user:

  • users with their own electric scooter: a growing swegment.
  • users of self-service scooter rental solutions: to date, the practice has developed massively via this solution.

The study focuses on the first segment only; another study is available on self-service electric scooters(Businesscoot).

Worldwide sales of electric scooters are growing strongly, despite competition from free-floating scooter operators, and should continue to rise to a CAGR of 9.9% by 2030. The boom in the use of electric scooters can be explained by the importance of environmental concerns and the search for new, more sustainable modes of transport.

In France, the market benefited from a surge in sales after the covid period, but by 2023, sales had fallen by 20% in volume and 25% in value. Indeed, while 35% of French people started using electric scooters after the pandemic, these are means of transport with a lifespan of betweenthese are means of transport with a lifespan of between 1 and 3 years, and 2.5 million French people are now equipped with a scooter and don't feel the need to buy another one. While the French market remains highly dependent on foreign raw materials, a number of players are trying to establish themselves and offer a "made in France" range that is both more ecological and more efficient.

1.2 The global market for electric scooters

The global market for electric scooters is growing fast. In ****, it will reach around **.** billion US dollars. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.*% over the period ****-****[***].

Global market for electric scooters World, **** - ****, US$ billion Surrounding: Grand View Research

The US market was estimated at US$*.* billion in ****, and will post a CAGR of **.*% over the period ****-****. Growth in this sector is driven by a growing concern for the environment and the quest for more sustainable mobility. Before the pandemic, the market suffered from the price difference between electric and conventional scooters, especially in emerging countries, but government policies and tax cuts have boosted demand.

Many government agencies have now introduced greenhouse gas emission standards, such as BS-VI in India, China VI and the US Environmental Protection Agency standard, the latter of which have greatly stimulated the electric scooter market.

As a vehicle, the electric scooter is particularly appreciated for its manoeuvrability, its affordability, its comfort of use, thanks in particular to its silence, and its low maintenance. Moreover, the market for electric scooters has recently seen a real boom, thanks to the development of self-service scooters in recent years. However, this study concerns electric scooters ...

1.3 The French market for electric scooters is growing fast

The Fédération des Professionnels de la Micro-Mobilité (***) or not. These modes of travel in urban and suburban areas - designed for short trips - offer an alternative to combustion-powered vehicles.

The FPMM, or FP*M, aims to promote micro-mobility, and has made the electric scooter "the flagship product of soft, sustainable mobility". In April ****, the FPMM published a report on micro-mobility in partnership with Smart Mobility Lab, a consultancy specializing in new forms of mobility. Since then, the federation has published regular press releases.

The micro-mobility market

Before focusing on the electric scooter market, it's worth noting the trends in the micro-mobility market, which encompasses all "soft mobility" modes of transport such as scooters, skateboards, gyroroues, gyropodes, hoverboards, bicycles...

Among the various modes of micro-mobility[***], there is an increasingly marked shift towards electric and urban mobility (***).

After an explosion in the post-covid years, the micro-mobility market is slowing down and is increasingly suffering from a decline in demand. This is particularly true of the many small companies and start-ups in the sector, which have gone into receivership or been bought out. For example, Cityscoot, a brand of electric scooters, was bought out in February **** by a Spanish competitor, Cooltra. ...

1.4 The impact of the health crisis

On the demand side:

In the context of the health crisis, the use of individual modes of transport is favored, which encourages the use of electric scooters. The introduction of "coronapistes" (***) has encouraged the practice:

**% think they should be maintained. **% think they encourage the use of electric scooters.

According to a study by Smart Mobility Lab on a national sample of over *,*** people, **% of French people have changed their mode of transport, and *% of them have turned to electric scooters, including **% in urban centers.

On the supply side:

A survey carried out by the FPMM among various micro-mobility players enables us to assess the impact of Covid on the various micro-mobility players.

We note that :

**% of respondents claim that the crisis has caused a loss in sales of over **%, but the hardest hit are manufacturers, distributors, importers and rental service providers. **% affirm that cash flow is sufficient to ensure recovery, while **% think it is insufficient.

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Electric scooters are becoming increasingly popular

In ****, the FPMM estimated that around *.* million French people owned an electric scooter, compared with ***,*** in ****. [***] Micro-mobility is becoming increasingly popular: in ****, Europ Assistance's mobility barometer estimated that **% of French people had started to use a micro-mobility mode of transport since the start of the year. using a micro-mobility mode of transport since the Covid crisis, and that after the electric bicycle (***).

Electric scooters lead the micro-mobility market

Electric scooters dominate the micro-mobility market, accounting for **% of micro-mobility sales by volume in ****.

Market share in value of micro-mobility devices France, ****, in % of sales by value Source: ****

Breakdown of volume sales of the main micro-mobility machines France, ****, in % of sales (***) Source: ****

No more recent figures are available for sales breakdowns of EPD products, but the FFPM provides us with information on the market share of electric scooters compared with mechanical ones.

Market share of electric and mechanical scooters France, in ****, in Source: ****

Electric scooters therefore still account for **% of the scooter market share by value, but it's worth noting that this market share has fallen from EDPs for the first time since **** in ****.

Rising fuel prices boost demand

Rising fuel prices, accentuated by the war in Ukraine since February ****, are driving the ...

2.2 Demand divided between personal and shared scooters

A survey conducted between February and September **** by Smart Mobility Lab analyzes the use of electric scooters and EDPMs in France. While the number of users has risen, practices remain largely unchanged.

Preferred hours of use :

We can see that :

ePDM owners' preferred hours are more spread out, with peaks between * and ** a.m. and between * and ** p.m the preferred times for self-service scooters are after * p.m.Find new data

Usage patterns by time of day France, ****, % of respondents Source: ****

According to Les Echos, **% of journeys are made on weekends by free-floating electric scooters, where journeys are longer than average.

Where are the destinations?

While destinations are varied, it can be seen that electric scooter owners prefer journeys to their place of work, while users of shared scooters tend to prefer leisure trips.

Main usage contexts and situations France, ****, % of total Source: Smart Mobility Lab NB : several answers possible

Main travel contexts with a self-service scooter France, ****, % of total Source: ****

Demand can be divided into * distinct categories. On the one hand, there are occasional users, who prefer electric scooters for spontaneous, leisure-related journeys: they therefore use self-service scooters. On the other hand, regular users, who make practical use of ...

2.3 An initially urban demand that is evolving

The importance of urban demand

Electric scooters are subject to regulations that encourage their growth in cities. They are prohibited outside built-up areas, except on greenways and cycle paths. In built-up areas, electric scooters must use cycle paths and lanes (***). If these lanes do not exist, they can be used on roads with a ** km/h speed limit. Electric scooters are not allowed on sidewalks, on pain of a €*** fine[***].

The development of electric scooters is largely driven by major cities, which are increasingly creating lanes for soft mobility.

Improvements needed

Users of electric scooters and other EDPMs frequently cite a number of drawbacks. Among the main problems are exposure to bad weather (***). These responses are hardly surprising. An ambitious policy of well-designed and safe infrastructure development would be essential to promote decarbonized modes of transport, such as EDPM and bicycles.

Infrastructure requirements according to electric scooter and EDPM users France, ****, in Source: ****

We note that the third infrastructure mentioned by users is the ability to ride outside built-up areas. A change in regulations would boost demand in less urban areas, and thus greatly broaden the potential customer base.

Growing demand in rural areas

The study confirms that electric scooters are ...

2.4 User profile

Electric scooter users come in all shapes and sizes, due to the multitude of different uses. However, a typical, or at least frequent, profile can be established. The following figures concern users of scooters and gyroroues. Nevertheless, they are revealing, with scooter users accounting for **% of the sample.

The average age of users is **.*. Indeed, **% are active commuters, which explains this average age (***)[***]. It's clear that electric scooters are attractive because of their accessibility. Indeed, this is reflected in the distribution of CSPs among users:

Distribution of users by CSP France, ****, in Source: ****

The typical personal electric scooter user is predominantly male (***).

Two distinct profiles emerge among these users:

A profile using the scooter mainly for the home-work commute, more educated and valuing the speed of this mode of travel. A profile using it mainly for recreational purposes, older, for longer journeys, more frequently wearing safety equipment (***), and appreciate the fun side of scootering.

The typical self-service electric scooter user is male (***).


3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain and key players

A globalized value chain

Many players are involved in the electric scooter value chain: producers of spare parts (***), manufacturers who take care of assembly, and distributors. The result is a fragmented value chain, linking different geographical areas.

Source: ****

During the pandemic, manufacturers had difficulty obtaining the spare parts they needed to produce electric scooters. In fact, China's * covid policy greatly hampered the flow of parts needed for manufacturing. Imports are also affected by the current geopolitical climate. The war in Ukraine has driven up the cost of energy, and therefore of transport[***].

The main players

The leaders in France are China's Xiaomi, followed by E-Twow and Ninebot-Segway. One of the market drivers has been the drop in prices brought about by Xiaomi's entry into the market. Decathlon's Oxelo also offers low entry-level prices. However, other companies are enjoying strong growth thanks to the success of their latest, more "high-end" models: (***)

Kaabo (***). Speedway (***). Dualtron with its Dualtron Mini.

Electric scooter sales by manufacturer France, ****, in Source: ****

Zosh: the first electric scooter made in France

French company Plume, in partnership with WTX, has begun production of the first electric scooter made in France, located in Roubaix. The initiative was prompted by the fact ...

3.2 Battery production and imports: key market drivers

A global network

The most important part of an electric scooter is undoubtedly the battery, which accounts for almost **% of the total price[***]. For this type of vehicle, there are * main types of battery:

Lithium-ion batteries. Lead batteries. Nickel batteries.

Today, the most successful batteries are lithium-ion batteries, because they are much lighter than the others, and offer greater autonomy. However, lithium production is concentrated in just a few countries, and is in danger of running out fast. The main lithium-producing countries are Australia, Chile, China and Argentina.

Main lithium-producing countries World, ****, in Source: ****

Although China is only the *rd largest lithium producer, it produces more than three-quarters of all lithium-ion batteries[***]. China has embarked on a policy of battery overproduction, producing far in excess of domestic demand and exports. This overproduction put China's lithium manufacturing industries in difficulty at the end of ****.

The weakness of the lithium market is undeniably linked to the growing uncertainty surrounding sales of electric vehicles, which symbolize the transition to a more environmentally-friendly economy. Although sales continue to grow, demand remains below the expectations of industry players, including automakers and subcontractors who have invested heavily in this field. The situation is unlikely to improve in ...

3.3 Distribution of electric scooters

Preferred distribution channels

When buying electric scooters, consumers mainly buy from hypermarkets and large specialist retailers.

Sales by distribution channel France, ****, in Source: ****

The main classic distributors of electric scooters are sports retailers (***).

Finally, new players are increasingly entering the market: those in the second-hand and reconditioned market. These include Cdiscount, Back Market and Le Bon Coin.

Specialized stores: a more specific clientele

Stores specializing in electric scooters attract enthusiastic consumers. Here are just a few examples:

Fastride, which offers electric scooters from over ** different manufacturers, plus a repair service. Weboot, which distributes ** different brands and offers second-hand products. Urban***, network of stores, no online services. Gyro-phare, distributing ** brands of electric scooters. Glisse Urbaine, offering * different brands as well as spare parts. MobilityUrban, with ** different brands in a physical network in * French towns. Altermove, with * brands of scooters and the opportunity to try before you buy.

4 Offer analysis

4.1 The different types of electric scooters

Therange of electric scooters on offer is highly diversified, due to the many specific features that can be found. Models vary according to range, speed, weight, charging time, maximum permitted load, type of motor and wheels, type of consumer... Here's a non-exhaustive table of the different offers available on the market:

Source: ****

Overall, "classic" adult models offer a range of between ** and ** km. Many scooters are limited to a maximum speed of ** km / h for safety reasons and to comply with public highway regulations. Some more technical, and therefore more expensive, models offer non-negligible advantages in terms of speed and range; but these advantages are generally counterbalanced by a much higher weight and therefore reduced practicality.

4.2 Scooter ranges for retail sale

Trends in the sale price of electric scooters:

Based on data from the FPMM Barometer, we can see a downward trend in the selling price of electric scooters between **** and ****. The average drop in prices can be explained by the diversification and multiplication of offers on the market. Prices rose slightly in **** and ****, stabilizing at €*** in ****. This slight rise in prices is explained by the maturing of the market and the upmarket nature of the products purchased.

Trend in the average selling price of electric scooters in France France, ****-****, in € Source: ****

The table below, based on the **** FP*M / Smart Mobility Lab Barometer, compares the average prices of different micro-mobility machines.

There aredifferent types and ranges of electric scooters (***):

City scooters (***) **v : **km/h max : between *** and *** €.

Examples: Xiaomi m*** the star of small budgets, Etwow, Speedway mini...

Compact models (***) : between €*,*** and €*,***.

Examples: Speedway *, Dualtron mini, Kaabo mantis *...

Sport compacts (***) : between **** and **** €.

Examples: Currus NF**, Dualtron *, Kaabo Mantis GT, Zero **x...

Sports models (***) : between **** and **** €.

Examples: Dualtron Thunder, Currus Panther, Dualtron Storm, Dualtron Ultra *, DTX...

Super-sports (***): between €**** and €*****.

Examples: Weped SS, Weped FS, Rion RE **...

Key factors in the purchase price of an electric scooter:

- Battery technology : lead-acid batteries ...

4.3 Is owning an electric scooter a profitable business?

In order to compare prices accurately, we are only interested in :

Local users (***), i.e. **% of users. Regular users (***) who are more likely to buy their own scooter, i.e. **% of local users. Or **% of self-service scooter users, who are a potential target for sellers of electronic scooters to individuals [***].

It remains to be seen how many times a month it is more profitable to buy an electric scooter, as the table below shows.

the formula for calculating the annual cost is [***].

Taking into account the average cost of ***€ for an electric scooter, it's easy enough for a regular user to make a profit.nevertheless, certain costs associated with owning your own electric scooter need to be taken into account, such as the cost of maintenance, battery recharging, equipment (***), insurance and repairs. In the longer term, the lifespan of the battery and the scooter must also be taken into account.

Other,non-financial criteria should also be taken into account to complete the comparison, as using your own electric scooter may actually be less practical and flexible than free-floating.

4.4 Are electric scooters an ecological solution?

The transport sector, a major polluter

One of the challenges in the fight against global warming is undoubtedly the transition from a thermal society to a renewable and sustainable one. Transport is one of the first sectors to be affected by this transition. Indeed, transport is the main source of air pollution in France, accounting for **% of greenhouse gas emissions[***]. The sector also emits fine particles, which are particularly hazardous to health. According to Ademe, exposure to fine particles reduces life expectancy by around *.* months.

For several years now, the development of car-sharing schemes, incentives to use public transport rather than the private car, the train rather than the aeroplane, and subsidies to encourage people to travel by car have all been helping to reduce the impact on the environment.for several years now, the development of car-sharing schemes, incentives to use public transport rather than the private car, the train rather than the plane, assistance in switching to electric vehicles and the rise of "soft" mobility are all initiatives that are helping to bring about the necessary change.

Electric scooters: a green solution?

Often regarded as an environmentally-friendly mode of transport because they rely on electric power, electric scooters aren't ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Risks and accidents

EPDM owners are far more safety-conscious than self-service users, and are far more likely to have the appropriate safety equipment.

Safety equipment used France, ****, in Source: ****

Nevertheless, despite the precautions taken, accidents are still very common. In ****, **% of owners of electric scooters and gyroroues said they had been involved in an accident or fall in the last ** months. This is equivalent to a ***% increase on ****[***].

Trend in fatalities referenced in the EDPM category France, **** - ****, in number of deaths Source: French Academy of Medicine *provisional results in november ****

5.2 National regulations

In ****, EDPMs will become part of the Highway Code, subject to a set of rules governing their use.the Road Safety website sets out the various rules governing the use of electric scooters, relatively similar to those applied to cyclists:

"General rules: - Users of motorized EDPs must adopt a cautious attitude, both for their own safety and that of others.- You must be at least * years old to drive a motorized PEV.- It is forbidden to carry passengers on board: this is a machine for personal use only.- It is forbidden to wear earphones or any other device likely to emit sound.

equipment: - Users under ** years of age must wear a helmet (***)- Motorized EDPs must be equipped with: front and rear lights, retro-reflectors, brakes and a horn.- It is forbidden to circulate with a machine whose maximum speed is not limited to ** km/h.

Traffic lanes: - Motorized EDPs are forbidden to circulate on sidewalks (***). On sidewalks, the machine must be driven by hand without using the engine.- In built-up areas, they are obliged to use cycle paths and lanes where these exist. Otherwise, they can use roads with a speed limit ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Xiaomi
  • Ninebot
  • Altermove (Mobivia Groupe)
  • Decathlon Groupe
  • Go Sport France
  • Dott
  • Tier Mobility
  • Voi mobility
  • Lime Neutron
  • Plume Mobility
  • E-Road

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