Summary of our market study

In France, the market for aesthetic medicine and surgery is worth around 10 to 15 billion euros.

The global market for aesthetic surgery and medicine is estimated at $127 billion in 2023.

Growth is being driven by technological innovations in aesthetic devices, increasing non-invasive treatment options and growing acceptance of aesthetic procedures, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region.

The United States accounted for 45% of the market.

In France, the market is growing at an annual rate of over 10-20%.

More than 300,000 cosmetic surgery operations and over 400,000 aesthetic medicine procedures performed in 2022

Non-surgical procedures such as hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin injections are on the rise

The number of people having procedures is between 1 and 2 million.

Demand for aesthetic services in France is strongly influenced by the fact that the boundary between aesthetics and medicine is blurring. Aesthetic medicine now accounts for around 50% of the market for aesthetic procedures.

France boasts a number of manufacturers specializing in the aesthetic surgery and cosmeceuticals segments.

Players in the French aesthetic medicine and surgery market

  • Allergan: A long-standing player
  • Eurosilicone (GC Aesthetics) and Laboratoires Sebbin: These two companies manufacture breast implants.
  • Laboratoires Vivacy: Specializing in aesthetic and anti-aging products.
  • L'Oréal and its Active Cosmetics division, with Skinceuticals, Vichy and La Roche-Posay, is at the forefront of the cosmeceuticals segment.
  • Deleo: The company specializes in cryolipolysis equipment and high-power LED lamps.
  • Merz is known for its BoCouture product
  • Galderma plays a crucial role with its botulinum toxin product Azzalure.
  • Syneron-Candela and Lumenis: These international players occupy a strong position in the supply of energy-based devices
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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definitions and market overview

The aesthetic medicine and surgery market in France comprises several distinct segments[La Roche Posay; Le Figaro Santé] :

Aesthetic surgery

A speciality of plastic surgery, this technique of reshaping the body through surgical intervention corrects a morphological anomaly or the outward appearance of a patient's body. The results are radical .

Among the most common procedures are[Fashion4mec]:

  • Facial surgery: cervico-facial lift, rhinosplasty (nose), blepharoplasty (eyelids).
  • Breast surgery: breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast reconstruction, breast implant replacement.
  • Body surgery: abdominoplasty, liposuction, lipomodelling, intimate surgery.

Aesthetic medicine

This covers all non-surgical advice, care and treatment designed to improve a patient's aesthetic appearance. Described as "non-invasive", the vast majority of procedures involve injections under the skin, for example to reduce wrinkles. The result of a procedure is temporary and reversible. Aesthetic medical procedures must therefore be repeated to maintain their benefits .

The most common procedures include[CR] :

  • hyaluronic acid injection
  • botulinum toxin injections
  • tightening or lifting threads
  • cryolipolysis (cold fat removal)
  • laser hair removal
  • peeling (exfoliation/dermo-epidermal stimulation)
  • hair transplant


Halfway between cosmetics and drugs, cosmeceuticals contain active ingredients for specific dermatological treatments (wrinkles, dark circles, etc.). Cosmeceuticals are most frequently used to correct skin aging, although their efficacy has yet to be proven.

The first breast augmentations were performed in the 1950s/1960s, just as lasers were making their appearance in dermatology. Later, in the 80s, Dr Gérard Yllouz revolutionized cosmetic surgery by inventing liposuction. Finally, in the 90s and 2000s, aesthetic medicine emerged with the development of botox and hyaluronic acid.[Reau]

The global market for aesthetic surgery and medicine is booming, driven in particular by the dynamism of the Asian regions, which are currently the main focus of global demand. However, the market is still largely dominated by the United States and Brazil, and is valued at $127.1 billion in 2023, rising at a CAGR of14.7% from 2023 to 2030, to reach $332.1 billion. This growth is due in part to the boom in injectable substances, to the renewal of equipment and technologies required for operations, but also to the dual context of an ageing population and growing acceptance of cosmetic surgery. [GV]

The French market is also growing, thanks in particular to the growing popularity of aesthetic medicine methods, which straddle the line between medical treatment and simple cosmetic surgery.the French market is also growing, thanks in particular to the growing popularity of aesthetic medicine methods, which straddle the line between medical treatment and simple aesthetic procedures, to the detriment of in-clinic surgical procedures whose popularity has been affected by a number of scandals. The French aesthetics market will be worth 12 billion euros by 2021, with average annual growth of 15% from 2018 until at least 2024. [Clinique des Champs Elysées]

According to Le Figaro,more than 320,000 cosmetic surgery and 420,000 aesthetic medicine procedures were carried out in the country in 2022.As a result, the number of French people who have already had cosmetic surgery is estimated to have risen by 13% in one year, to 1.4 million.

Lastly, the legal framework plays a key role in regulating the market and authorizing certain practices. It therefore plays a decisive role in understanding market supply and major market dynamics [France Tv].

1.2 A fast-growing global market

The global market for aesthetic surgery and medicine is valued at $***.* billion in ****, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of **.*% from **** to ****, reaching $***.* billion. Innovation in aesthetic devices over the past decade has driven growth in demand for aesthetic treatments.

The introduction of technically advanced products, such as non-invasive body contouring systems using controlled cooling technology, is expected to create growth opportunities for the market in the near future.

This growth has been driven in part by the Asia-Pacific region (***), as well as by the other regions of the world, even if their respective growth rates have been more moderate.

Data on the breakdown of the global market date from ****, but give an idea of the breakdown in ****, which has remained more or less constant. In ****, the world market was largely dominated by the USA, which accounted for **% of global sales by value. This was followed by Europe (***).

The global aesthetic medicine market by value World, **** as % of total Source: ****

Hyaluronic acid injections rank first among the world's most common non-surgical procedures, followed by botulinum toxin injections. The global market for non-invasive aesthetics (***), around *.* million aesthetic medicine procedures had been performed in the **+ age group by ****.[***]

Next, worldwide, the ...

1.3 The French market

The French aesthetics market will be worth ** billion euros by ****, with average annual growth of **% from **** until at least ****. [***]

According to Le Figaro,more than ***,*** cosmetic surgery and ***,*** aesthetic medicine procedures were carried out in the country in ****.The number of French people who have already had cosmetic surgery is estimated to have risen by **% in one year, to *.* million .

In order to study the evolution of the beauty care market, we will refer to data provided by INSEE, corresponding to NAF code **.**B. This aggregate covers the following activities:

Beauty advice and facial and skin care: make-up, anti-wrinkle treatments, aesthetic facial massages, etc. Aesthetic manicure and foot care Hair removal

It does not include surgery or other medical procedures. However, it does give us an idea of how the market for aesthetic medicine and surgery may evolve, a market closely linked to the French people's desire to take care of themselves.

Beauty care market sales, APE code **.**B France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

The graph above shows that the beauty care market has been growing steadily since ****, with just one dip during the health crisis, when sales fell by over **%. However, between **** and ****, the market grew by **. *%.

By ...

1.4 The phenomenon of patients fleeing abroad

Mexico, Turkey and Colombia recorded the highest proportion of foreign patients: **.*%, **.*% and **.*% respectively in ****. Thailand, which ranked first in ****, was fourth, with **.*%. Figures for **** are not revealed by ISAPS, but these four countries remain those with the highest proportion of foreign patients. [***]

Ranking of countries with the most foreign patients for aesthetic medicine France, ****, as % of total Source: ****

At the same time, the French are also among the nationalities flocking to these countries for this type of operation, with the aim of paying less. An article in the November **** issue of LaDepeche newspaper claims that every year, more than **,*** French people travel abroad for plastic surgery. In Turkey alone, the chairman of the Health Tourism Development Board, Emin Çakmak, claimed that in ****, of the ***,*** foreigners coming to the country for plastic surgery, **,*** were French .other popular destinations are Tunisia and Eastern Europe (***).

These countries attract customers in a number of ways, the first being much lower prices than in France. In addition, these countries are increasingly offering package deals. In the case of Turkey, for example, there are offers where, in addition to traveling for a cosmetic procedure, individuals are encouraged to visit and enjoy the country in which they find ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Socio-demographic factors driving market growth

In France, demand in the aesthetics market has been growing steadily for several decades, thanks to various socio-demographic factors such as an aging population, the growing importance of physical appearance in French society, a steadily increasing female population, and the expansion of the market to include men and young people.these include an aging population, the growing importance of physical appearance in French society, a steadily increasing female population, and the expansion of the market to include men and young people.

An aging population: already a reality...

Proportion of French population aged ** or over France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

...which will continue to be a growth driver for the future of the sector

Population projections to **** in millions of inhabitants, France, ****-****, as a % of total population Source: CNSA (***) based on INSEE The aging of the French population is real, as this graph shows. While those aged ** and over willrepresent only *.*% of the population in ****, their weight in the French population will double to **.*% in ****. This aging is linked to longer life expectancy and the arrival of the baby-boom generation at retirement age: * factors favoring the number of potential consumers for dental implants and prostheses.

The growing importance of physical appearance ...

2.2 Demand driven by a small part of the population

However, demand is very intensely concentrated in a small proportion of the population that carries the aesthetic market. Indeed, as shown in the graph below, which incorporates the results of an IFOP survey carried out in June **** in France, the proportion of people considering cosmetic surgery or medicine was already very low . the sample studied was *,*** women aged ** and over.

You personally, do you think you will resort to cosmetic surgery or medicine in the future? France, ****, % Source: ****

The graph below reveals the types of cosmetic surgery procedures that the women surveyed have had recourse to.

What type of cosmetic surgery procedure have you had? France, ****, % among women who have already had cosmetic surgery Source: ****

As previously stated, the need for cosmetic surgery has tripled among men in a decade (***). The most common requests from men France, ****, in Source: ****

2.3 The most popular operations

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards (***) has released its **** report on the global aesthetic care business. In order to obtain more recent and accurate data on certain products, we will study the data in this report.

Breakdown of most popular surgical procedures World, ****, as % of total Source: ****

In terms of aesthetic surgical procedures, breast augmentation was the most popular worldwide in ****, accounting for **% of all operations, followed by liposuction (***). Breakdown of main non-surgical procedures World, ****, as % of total Source : ISAPS In terms of non-surgical procedures, botulinum toxin, better known as botox, dominated by far, accounting for **.*% of all operations. This was followed by hyaluronic acid (***).

These data are not available for France, but broadly follow the same trend.

3 Market structure

3.1 A market structured around equipment manufacturers and practitioners

There are two main types of players in the aesthetic medicine and surgery market: upstream manufacturers of equipment for aesthetic purposes, and downstream practitioners or treatment establishments.

*) Equipment manufacturers

The French market for manufacturers is characterized by a high degree of specialization, due to the demanding technology and cost of medical and surgical equipment for aesthetic purposes. There are four main segments within the equipment manufacturers' market: injectables, breast implants, energy-based devices and cosmeceuticals.

Among the players present in this market, Allergan is a historical leader positioned in the four segments mentioned above. Since April ****, Allergan has had its authorization to offer its Biocell textured breast implants, a widespread model linked to a rare cancer of the immune system, on the French market withdrawn (***), with sales of **.* million euros and ** million euros respectively in ****.

In the injectables market, L'Oréal and its three active cosmetics brands (***) dominate. Manufacturers of energy-based devices, such as Syneron-Candela and Lumenis, come mainly from abroad, with the exception of France's Deleo, which is in the process of establishing itself on the global market.

Finally, the cosmeceuticals market is divided between two types of players: pharmaceutical laboratories, dominated by Allergan and Merz, and cosmetology laboratories and ...

3.2 Production of medical and cosmetic surgery equipment

The production of aesthetic equipment includes breast prostheses, injectables, equipment and cosmeceuticals. As the aesthetic market requires high entry costs and cutting-edge technology, most manufacturers specialize in one of these segments.

As the main market players are international groups, the majority of production sites are located abroad, with the exception of a few French groups.with the exception of a few French groups specializing in the cosmeceuticals and injectables segment (***), such as L'Oréal and Les Laboratoires Vivacy. These companies have their production sites in France. Foreign manufacturers may not have production sites in France, but most of them have sales subsidiaries responsible for logistics and distribution to clinics, centers and practitioners.

If these groups do not have subsidiaries, specialized wholesalers are responsible for distribution in France.

Each product requires its own manufacturing chain:

The manufacture of breast prostheses is a process involving a dozen or so stages that are difficult to automate; the work at each stage is extremely meticulous. Most factories are divided into several sections, the first of which is used to process silicone, the core material of the prosthesis (***). The steps are as follows: the molds are hand-dipped in silicone, then the envelopes are demolded, the gel ...

3.3 A trend towards diversification

Players in the distribution market

The aesthetic products distribution market comprises three main types of player: the group in charge of production, a subsidiary of the group specialized in distribution, and finally a wholesaler specialized in the distribution of aesthetic medicine and surgery products.

The integrated model, in which the company in charge of distribution is the same as the one in charge of production, is tending to disappear on the market with the internationalization of players. In the case of French groups, some remain vertically integrated, while others, such as Medicor, have adopted a subsidiary model specialized in the manufacture and marketing of surgical implants and silicone-based devices. It divides its value chain among three subsidiaries: two are in charge of manufacturing (***). [***]

It is this model of specialized subsidiaries that prevails today in major international groups, such as Syneron Candela, which specializes in the manufacture of energy-based equipment. Its subsidiary Syneron Candela France, based in Ulis (***), is in charge of distributing its products on the French market: lasers, body contouring devices and non-surgical liposuction equipment. [***]

Forinjectables, prostheses, aesthetic equipment and materials, products are distributed to three types of customer: cosmetic surgery clinics, aesthetic medicine centers and practitioners. If we consider ...

3.4 Multi-channel distribution and growing consumer autonomy

Thegrowth of various distribution channels has prompted manufacturers to gear their distribution towards a multi-channel strategy. Today, the main distribution channels on the rise are selective perfumeries, web merchants, mail order and large-scale distribution specialized in home appliances. Talika's home devices, for example, have been sold since **** at Marionnaud and in beauty salons, while the Luminescence anti-aging skincare program can be ordered on the La Redoute website[***].

We are also witnessing the rise of end-consumers as direct customers of laboratories, but also of manufacturers of aesthetic devices. Indeed, the rise of cosmeceuticals and "medicine like" products underscores the growing demand for non-invasive, autonomous treatments. In addition, distribution to end-consumers via pharmacies and parapharmacies has become a strategic channel, as it is constantly growing.

In addition, we are witnessing the rise of pocket beauty devices or "home devices", inspired by those used by aesthetic doctors and dermatology practices. These changes in consumer habits and preferences are prompting companies to adapt their distribution strategies to the empowerment and democratization of aesthetic medicine.

This consumer autonomy is also aided by new technologies, which make beauty care more transparent. Indeed, the rise of platforms such as, the TripAdvisor of aesthetics, enables patients to ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Typology of aesthetic medicine services

Aesthetic medicine

In France, aesthetic medicine was mainly composed of injection procedures (***) [***]. The census of procedures carried out in France dates from ****, but there have been no drastic changes since then, so the figures still make sense in ****.

Wrinkle-filling injections, on the other hand, are much less regulated, allowing over *** brands to compete on the French market, held by some twenty manufacturers, such as Allergan or Ateis.

According to the IFOP survey mentioned above, carried out on *,*** French women aged ** and over, hair removal is the leading aesthetic medical practice (***)[***].


Cosmeceuticals are products sold by health professionals or via distribution channels halfway between health and cosmetics (***). Their main aim is to protect against the signs of skin aging.

Aesthetic surgery

As mentioned earlier in our analysis, among the practices carried out as part of cosmetic surgery, a distinction is made between operations on the body, which account for around **% of the market in ****, and those on the face, around **%. Of the procedures performed on patients' bodies, almost half are breast operations, making breast operations in France the leading operation with **% of the market.In France, according to theiFOP surveybreast surgery is the most popular procedure among French women (***)[***].

4.2 Prices for aesthetic medicine services

According to the French Association of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine (***), average prices for various aesthetic medicine procedures on the silhouette by the end of **** are as follows:

Source: ****

For cosmetic surgery on the body, the results are as follows:

Source: ****

Prices for cosmetic surgery on the face and neck are as follows:

Source: ****

The very high cost of cosmetic surgery is still the number one reason why French people avoid it, ahead of health risks.

The rise of aesthetic medicine, with injections of botulinum toxin (***) and hyaluronic acid, has intensified competition and democratized cosmetic procedures.

However, prices can vary for the same procedure, particularly for non-invasive procedures where regulations are not so restrictive as to allow beauty salons to offer much lower prices. For example, some institutes offer cryolipolysis sessions for less than €***, whereas they still cost €*** in doctors' surgeries.

Cosmeceuticals, on the other hand, are in a price range that combines accessibility with a guarantee of quality and medical effect : the price of an anti-aging product such as an anti-wrinkle cream can vary between €** and €***, depending on the brand.

5 Regulations

5.1 Regulations governing aesthetic medicine and surgery

Law no. ****-*** of March *, ****, on patients' rights and the quality of the healthcare system, also known as the Kouchner law, is partly intended to regulate the practice of aesthetic medicine and surgery. [***]

The quality and safety of care are thus ensured by :

*) Controlling surgeons' competence[***]

The practice of aesthetic surgery is only authorized for :

specialists in aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery

Aesthetic medical procedures may only be performed by :

aesthetic surgeons, who have integrated aesthetic medicine techniques into their practice dermatologists, who are naturally close to aesthetic medicine through their medical knowledge of the skin so-called aesthetic doctors, who are often originally general practitioners who have trained themselves in aesthetic medicine

In fact, there are no legal rules delimiting the competencies of aesthetic medicine practitioners. As a result, there are now between *,*** and *,*** practitioners practicing both general and aesthetic medicine. This rapid growth is facilitating access to aesthetic treatments and helping to democratize the market. [***]

What's more, beauticians can perform certain aesthetic medicine procedures in a highly regulated manner. In ****, for example, the president of the Syndicat National des Médecins Esthétiques stated that "superficial peels using fruit acids, for example, can be carried out by an esthetician, ...

5.2 Even stricter regulations in the wake of the PIP scandal

The medical and cosmetic surgery market continues to grow despite the PIP affair, which began in in ****, when the prostheses were withdrawn from the market following the first case of cancer detected due to anomalies in the product. In ****, the certifying body for these prostheses, TÜV, was ordered to pay compensation of *,*** euros to the victims.

In May ****, the French Supreme Court upheld the liability of German certifier TÜV Rheinland in this case, stating that it had failed "in its obligations of control, prudence and vigilance". The number of women with PIP implants. TÜV Rheinland was estimated at ***, *** worldwide.[***]

This scandal, coupled with the discovery of cases of lymphoma prompted market regulation to tighten up with new medical device regulations in ****. Since April *, ****, many textured breast implants suspected of causing breast cancer have been banned in France [***]. This tightening of regulations has therefore had a negative impact on the revenues of manufacturers, clinics and doctors, and has given rise to a feeling of mistrust because of the potential health risks. However, in the long term, this affair could reinforce market growth, having given particular importance to reinforcing product quality.

Every * years, the GMED, the French certification body for ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Allergan plc (Abbvie)
  • Galderma
  • Merz Pharmaceuticals
  • La Roche-Posay
  • Filorga Cosmétiques (Colgate Palmolive)
  • Lierac (Laboratoire Native)
  • Laboratoires Sebbin
  • Arion
  • Candela Medical
  • Deleo
  • Ipsen
  • Clinique des Champs Elysées
  • Lazeo
  • Maison Lutetia
  • Skincareagency
  • Healshape

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