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Summary and extracts

1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of the study

Household linen refers to all fabrics for domestic use. They can be segmented into six product types:

  • Bed linen;
  • Bedding items;
  • Bathroom linen;
  • Table linen;
  • Kitchen linen;
  • Textile decoration.

Household linen manufacturers have only partially benefited from the French public's growing interest in interior design in recent years. In fact, consumption patterns based on frequent renewal of medium-quality products at attractive prices have benefited more from imported products (mainly from Asia).

French manufacturers, who produce high-quality but much more expensive decorative textile products, are increasingly focusing on top-of-the-range products and exports: notions of tradition and know-how are more appreciated in countries with higher incomes than in France, such as Switzerland or Germany.

Once the preserve of specialist stores, the distribution of household linen such as toiletries and table linen is now multi-channel. While mass retailers offering their own brands have made great strides (30% of sales), distance selling (30%) remains important thanks to the expansion of e-commerce.

All major brands now offer an online sales site. In France, market leaders include Linvosges, the Fremaux-Delorme group, Anne de Solène, Alexandre Turpault, Garnier-Thiebaut and Beauvillé.

1.2 A growing global market

The global linen market is valued at $***.* billion in ****, and is expected to reach $***.* billion by ****. The market is therefore expected to grow at a rate of *.**% per year between **** and ****. It is one of the most profitable markets in the global textile industry. [***]

Linen market size and forecasts World, ****-****, in billions of US dollars Source: ****

China maintains its dominant position in the global linen market. The Chinese market will reach **.* billion dollars in ****, representing a **.*% market share. {Fibre*Fashion}

Global linen market size, by region France, ****-****, in billions of US dollars Source: ****

According to the same source, the global household linen market is driven by bed linen, with nearly $**.* billion in ****, rising to over $**.* billion by ****, representing a CAGR of *.*% over the period.

Global bed linen market, by product category World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

The second largest segment is bathroom linen, with a market segment expected to reach over $**.* billion by ****. With average annual growth of *.*%, the global bathroom linen market was valued at **.* billion in ****, representing a **.*% market share.

Similarly, the global kitchen linen market was valued at $**.* billion in **** (***).

Share of linen sales, by product type World, ****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

It ...

1.3 The European market is losing momentum

The European market is growing, but appears less dynamic than the Asian and North American markets. It is also in the process of being overtaken by North America. Bed linen and bathroom linen account for the majority of the market, with respectively **.*% and **.*% of European market share.

Breakdown of the European household linen market, by product Europe, ****, in Source: ****

Germany, Russia and the UK are the three largest European markets, together accounting for around $**.* billion or **.*% of the European market.

Breakdown of the European household linen market, by country Europe, ****, in Source: ****

1.4 Le commerce extérieur du linge de maison

La France est majoritairement importatrice de linge de maison toutes gammes confondues. [***]

En ****, le montant total des importations de linge de maison est estimée à près de *,** milliard de dollars contre *** millions de dollars d'exportations, soit un taux de couverture de près de **%. 

Le taux de couverture augmente tendanciellement depuis **** puisque les importations augmentent moins vite (***) que les exportations. 

Commerce extérieur de linge de maison France, ****-****, en milliards de dollars US Source: ****

L'Allemagne est le principal importateur de linge de maison français (***), devant l'Espagne et la Belgique comme le montre le graphique ci-dessous. Les exportations sont relativement atomisées avec un grand nombre de pays qui importent du linge de maison depuis l'hexagone. 

Principaux pays de destination des exportations de linge de maison France, ****, en pourcentage de la valeur des exportations Source: ****

Du côté des importations, le Pakistan apparaît comme le principal fournisseur sur le graphique ci-dessous. Les importations sont plus concentrées que les exportations et proviennent majoritairement de pays d'Asie.

Principaux pays d'origine des importations de linge de maison France, ****, en pourcentage de la valeur des importations Source: ****

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Timid growth in household linen consumption, and seasonal interest

Household and professional volume demand for household linen increased in ****, after declining slightly over the previous four years.

Household and professional linen consumption France, ****-****, in % of annual change in volume Source: ****

In addition, the graph below represents the proportion of searches for a given keyword in a given region and for a specific period, in relation to the time when the rate of use of this keyword was highest (***). Thus, a value of ** means that the keyword was used less often in the region concerned, and a value of * means that there is insufficient data for this keyword.

Interest peaks every year in the first weeks of January. The beginning of the year therefore seems particularly propitious for household linen renewal. We also note that the peak was less marked than in other years in ****, but that the renewed interest seems to be confirmed in subsequent years.

We can also observe the drop in searches for this term with containment since the lowest level is reached in April ****.

Search interest for the term "Linen France, ****-****, google trends index Source: ****

2.2 Determinants of household demand

Among the determining factors in demand for interior decoration and household linen, the rise in purchasing power of French households plays a predominant role. However, unlike the needs of professionals, which have increased due to a rise in their activity, particularly in the hotel-restaurant sector, household spending remains limited due to a weak rise in their purchasing power in recent years.

Indeed, there has been a rather timid recovery in household purchasing power since ****, despite an increase of just +*.*% between **** and ****, with the recovery seemingly underway for **** (***). The collapse predicted at the time of the emergence of covid-** has not taken place, purchasing power having been maintained by the State with the help of an aid package for businesses and households.

Purchasing power of French households' gross disposable income France, ****-****, in % Source: ****

It is estimated that households spent an average of ** euros a year on household linen in **** according to the latest Insee report on household spending in mainland France[***]

Another determining factor in the demand for linens is the evolution of the real estate market and the dynamics of the furniture market in France. Indeed, a household investing in a home will tend to buy new furniture and consequently ...

2.3 A sector sensitive to professional spending on household linen

Professional sectors concerned

The renewal of household linen is an unavoidable expense for professionals in the hotel, restaurant, healthcare and retirement home sectors, because of the impeccable hygiene conditions required.

This is why all these sectors are essential outlets for the home textiles industry, while also ensuring a certain stability over time.

Characteristics of the hotel industry in France

According toInsee, there will be ***,*** hotel rooms in mainland France in ****. Three regions offer significant potential in terms of household linen (***), with a larger-than-average number of hotel rooms:

Île-de-France: over ***,*** rooms Auvergne Rhône-Alpes: over **,*** rooms PACA region: over **,*** rooms

As the world's leading tourist destination, France attracts ** million tourists a year[***], and hotel occupancy has grown strongly over the past two years (***), which undoubtedly benefits the linen sector.

Number of hotel rooms by region France, ****, in thousands Source: ****

2.4 Les marques préférées des français

Analysons dans un premier temps les marques préférées des français en termes de linge de maison

Les marques préférées des Français France, ****, en % Source: ****

Maintenant, analysons la répartition genrée des marques préférées de linge de maison. 

Marques de linges préférées selon les genres France, ****, en % Source: ****

Analysons les marques de linge de maison préférées des français en fonction de l'âge des Français. 

Marques de linge de maison préférées des francais par rapport à l'âge France, ****, en % Source: ****

3 Market structure

3.1 A concentrated industrial base

Stable sales

sales trends in the manufacture of other textile articles France, ****-****, in billions of euros Source: ****

This stability in total sales, combined with the decline in the number of players present on the market, leads to an increase in sales per company. The average sales index for companies in the sector thus increased by *.*% between **** and ****.

Declining number of players

The number of companies in the household linen sector, referenced under NAF code **.**Z "Manufacture of textile articles, except apparel" (***). However, it appears to have stabilized since ****.

Number of companies in the household linen sector France, ****-**** CAGR: -**% Source: ****

Similarly, the number of employees in the sector has fallen, from **,*** in **** to **,*** in ****, a decline of *. *%. Nevertheless, the number of employees has been rising since ****, particularly in **** (***).

Number of employees in the household linen sector France, ****-**** CAGR: -** Source: ****

These figures testify to a trend towards concentration in the sector, due to competition from Asian countries and the relocation of French manufacturers' production facilities.

Many companies in difficulty are being taken over, such as Couleur Chanvre by entrepreneur Thierry Bonhomme in ****. [***] The company has been pursuing a strategy of external growth in made-in-France companies since the ****s. ...

3.2 Strategies for further growth

Sales for household linen manufacturers are up +*.*% over the ****-**** period. This growth is driven by buoyant demand, itself driven by new gains in purchasing power on the part of consumers, as well as increased requirements on the part of particularly in the hotel-restaurant, retirement home and healthcare sectors, where linen needs to be replaced regularly. It should be noted that the manufacture of other textile articles has been only slightly impacted by the health crisis, since the sales index for companies in the sector continues to be above the **** level.

for information, between **** and ****, the sales index remained above ***, and it was only after **** that a significant decline began for the sector's players. However, the upturn seems to have been confirmed, with steady growth since ****.

Sales index for companies manufacturing other textile articles France, ****-**** Source: ****

French players are adopting very specific strategies to return to growth, including the following three:

Strengthening their national logistics base

This enables players to position themselves internationally and boost exports. For example, in **** Linvosges inaugurated a new *,*** m* building in Gérardmer, Vosges, designed to export its products to Germany. [***]

Betting on exports

French household linen manufacturers are betting on exports to boost their ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Overview of the different types of household linen

Household linen can be segmented into six product types:

Bed linen: sheets, comforter covers, pillowcases; Bedding: comforters, pillows, plaids, blankets, bedspreads, eiderdowns, etc. ; Bathroom linen: towels, gloves, bathrobes; Table linen: tablecloths, napkins; Kitchen linen: tea towels, hand towels; Textile decoration: upholstery fabrics, curtains, net curtains.

According to **** data, almost **% of the French household linen market is dedicated to bed linen and accessories, ahead of bathroom linen (***).

Share of household linen sales by product type France, ****, % Source: ****

Bed linen: the best-selling items in France

Consumers very frequently buy bed linen online. Consequently, it is possible to establish a panel of the best-selling bed linen items in France by searching for the best-selling bed linen items on Amazon. Prices vary according to two factors: the item's dimensions and its characteristics (***).

Top-selling bed linen itemsFrance, January ****

4.2 Rising producer and consumer prices

Prices in the household linen sector have risen sharply in recent years, due to higher production and raw material costs: the producer price index reached ***.* in March ****, based on ****.having reached its lowest point in January **** (***), the producer price index has risen by **% since then.

Linen producer price index for the French market France, ****-****, in index base *** **** Source: ****

Consumer prices for bed linen have remained relatively stable since ****.

Prices for table linen and toiletries, on the other hand, have risen slightly from year to year. The CPI for these products has therefore risen by *.*% between **** and ****.

Consumer price index for bed linen, table linen and bathroom linen France, ****-****, in index base *** **** Source: ****

4.3 High price differentials according to linen range

There are quite significant price differences depending on the product range (***): top-of-the-range linens are much more expensive than entry-level linens, due to their higher quality.

Example of bed linen

The Ooreka website allows you to compare the prices of entry-level bed linen with those of top-of-the-range bed linen. This comparison shows that top-of-the-range bed linen is between * and ** times more expensive than entry-level bed linen.

This is the segmentation given by the site:

Examples of household linen

Source: ****

4.4 Synthetic fibers are making steady progress, crushing traditional natural fibers

There are different types of linen fabrics. Fabric refers to the supple surface obtained by assembling interwoven and woven threads. The yarns themselves are produced from natural, synthetic or man-made fibers. Global production of textile fibers of all types reached *** million tons in ****, up *.*% on the previous year. [***]

Share of textile fibers in global production, by fiber type World, **** vs. ****, % [Fashion Network Source: ****

Natural fibers

They can be of plant origin (***).

Worldwide, **.* million tons of natural fibers are produced every year. The share of natural fibers in global textile fiber production has fallen sharply in recent years, from **% in **** to **% in ****, gradually being replaced by chemical fibers (***). [***] They remain the most expensive and upmarket, and have the advantage of being breathable, absorbent and antibacterial.

Historically, linens were woven from these fibers, notably hemp fibers.

Today, cotton fabrics are the most widespread: global cotton production is estimated at ** million tonnes in ****, representing **% of natural fibers and over **% of all textile fibers. [***]

Synthetic fibers

These fibers are produced by the chemical industry and are derived from petroleum. They represent **% of all textile fibers produced worldwide in ****, i.e. **.* million tons produced in ****. The share of synthetics in total textile fibers produced worldwide has ...

4.5 Zoom sur le linge de lit en lin

Le lin est un des tissus les plus populaires utilisés pour le linge de lit. C'est une plante cousine du chanvre qui permet de réaliser des tissus fins et légers, particulièrement agréables lorsqu’il fait chaud [***]. La France est réputée pour sa production de lin destiné à l'industrie textile. En effet, la superficie française des cultures destinées au lin fibre occupaient *** *** hectares en ***, ce qui représentait **% de la surface totale de culture de lin fibre en Europe. Entre **** et ****, les surfaces de lin fibres ont enregistré une augmentation significative de ***%. La production française s'élevait à *** *** tonnes de fibres de lin en ****. 

Le marché des fibres naturelles connaît une croissance, propulsée par un regain d'intérêt pour ces matériaux comparativement aux fibres synthétiques et artificielles. La crise sanitaire a agi à la fois comme un accélérateur et un amplificateur de cette tendance, qui était déjà en cours depuis une décennie. En France, ce secteur est en pleine réindustrialisation, un phénomène qui aurait été difficile à envisager il y a quelques années. Entre janvier et juillet ****, trois filatures de lin sont devenues ...

5 Regulations

5.1 NAF nomenclature

The manufacture of home textiles is referenced by Insee under code **.**Z entitled "Manufacture of textile articles, except apparel".

It covers all the following items:

Articles made from all textile materials, including knitted fabrics: blankets and plaids, household linen (***), comforters, quilts, cushions, poufs, pillows, sleeping bags, etc... ; Textile furnishings: curtains, drapes, blinds, bedspreads, machine and furniture covers, tarpaulins, awnings and outdoor blinds;

Tents, textile camping equipment, boat sails, protective covers for cars, appliances or furniture, flags, banners, streamers and pennants, dust cloths, floor cloths, tea towels, life jackets, parachutes, etc.

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • Linvosges
  • Fremaux-Delorme (Yves Delorme, Olivier Desforges)
  • Descamps
  • BHV Exploitation
  • La Redoute AMPM
  • Home Heritage Dodo Groupe
  • Anne de Solène (Dodo Groupe)
  • Blanche Porte
  • Tisseray
  • Carré Blanc
  • Harmony Textile
  • Vanderschooten
  • O Linge de Maison
  • Les 3 Suisses
  • Alexandre Turpault
  • Alinéa
  • Beauvillé
  • Becquet
  • Blanc Cerise
  • Blanc des Vosges
  • Drouault (Groupe Dodo)
  • Essix (Vanderschooten Groupe)
  • Françoise Saget
  • Garnier-Thiebaut
  • H&M Groupe
  • La fabrique hexagonale
  • Le Jacquard français
  • Le Monde Sauvage
  • Linder
  • Linge Mat
  • Madura
  • Simone et Georges
  • Maison Thevenon
  • Zara Home Espagne
  • Jean Vier
  • Lestra
  • Tissages Denantes HDM Groupe
  • Pyrenex
  • Bonsoirs Home

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