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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

A wine cellar is a space dedicated to preserving and aging wine. It can be integrated into the home or be a freestanding structure, and is usually air-conditioned to maintain optimum temperature and humidity for the wine. Some wine cellars are equipped with shelving and racks to store bottles in an organized fashion, while others are simply empty spaces where bottles can be stacked. Most wine cellars are designed to be dark and quiet to protect the wine from light and noise, which can affect its quality over time. Wine cellars were invented in France by the EuroCave company, which marketed a "refrigerated wine cabinet" in 1975. thereare cellars for service, ageing, preservation and some with multi-temperature functionality, and the offer is segmented into wine cellars for the general public and wine cellars for professionals. Aging wine cellars last between 10 and 15 years, and are generally used to age wines for more than three years, with more advanced functionalities than aging and service cellars. The latter are often used by wine professionals, wine bars and restaurants to warm up wines to the ideal tasting temperature.

The wine cellar market is growing worldwide, with a forecast CAGR of 3.4% over the period 2023-2032. This growth is mainly driven by the United States, which is the world's leading wine consumer ahead of France, accounting for 86% of market share in 2023.

France's wine-growing tradition and high wine consumption make it a particularly well-equipped country, with 9% of households owning a wine cellar. La Sommelière is the main player in the French market, which is dominated by large groups specializing in wine cellars, such as Frio and Eurocave. on the one hand, and by household appliance specialists who have developed a wine cellar offer, such as Liebherr or Haier, on the other. The main trend in this market is innovation in connected wine cellars, which can remotely control temperature, automatically keep an inventory of bottles in the cellar, or notify the buyer when his or her bottles are ready for consumption.

While wine cellars showed very encouraging growth up to 2021, they are now in decline, with sales down 11.5% in 2023, a drop far greater than the decline in large refrigeration appliances in the same year. This market downturn can be explained by rising electricity prices in recent years, as wine cellars are energy-hungry appliances, lower purchasing power in France and complications in French wine production.

1.2 A global market driven by the United States

According to GlobalMarketInsight, the global wine cellar market stood at US$*.** million in **** and is expected to grow at a CAGR of *.*% over the period ****-****, reaching sales of US$*.** in ****. This growth will be driven by rising global wine consumption, which requires bottle storage cabinets. The market presented here includes ...

1.3 The national market in decline from 2021

The large electrical appliance market (***)

According to the GIFAM (***). On the other hand, the growing interest of the French in connected appliances could help the industry to boost its sales in the coming years, since the connected appliance sector in the GEM was up **%, or an additional ** million. [***]

**** was an ...

2 Demand analysis

2.1 Alcohol and wine consumption

The demand for wine cellars is directly linked to French alcohol consumption. obviously, not all wine consumers have a wine cellar at home, but given that *% of households were equipped with a wine cellar in ****, which still represents a substantial proportion of the population, it seems that alcohol consumption trends will ...

2.2 Demand for wine cellars

Wine cellars have been popular in France for years. However, in the ****s, market specialists say they have seen an evolution in demand for more aesthetic solutions. Indeed, wine cellars, which were previously generally placed in secondary rooms such as the garage or cellar, now have their place in living rooms ...

2.3 Rising electricity prices

Winecellars are appliances with a very high electricity consumption, which comes on the one hand from the cooling system and on the other from the LEDs placed in the wine cellar. Factors such as size, temperature, hygrometry and anti-vibration system influence the power consumption of a wine cellar.

The energy efficiency ...

2.4 Growth in the connected wine cellar segment

The main market trend is the demand for connected appliances. The connected major appliance segment has grown by **% in value in ****, and this trend is reflected in new connected wine cellar offerings.As the graph below shows, with over half of all households already equipped with connected home automation equipment, the ...

2.5 Favourite wine cellar brands

In ****, OpinionWay carried out a study on the favorite brands of the French. In the wine cellar category, the only brand specializing in wine cellars is La Sommelière. We're going to analyze the popularity of this brand, which is the market leader among the French. The first striking fact is ...

3 Market structure

3.1 Value chain

A wine cellar is a space specially designed for storing and preserving bottles of wine. Here are some important features of a wine cellar:

Controlled temperature: The temperature is generally maintained around ** to ** degrees Celsius, which is ideal for optimal wine aging. Adequate humidity: A relative humidity of around **% is desirable ...

3.2 Wine cellar production and distribution

Wine cellar production

Despite the numerous relocations of household appliance factories to Asia, some wine cellar manufacturers manage to maintain their production in France. For example, the Eurocave group designs and manufactures its top-of-the-range wine cellars in Fourmies, in the Hauts-de-France region. EuroCave recently made major investments, including the opening of ...

4 Offer analysis

4.1 Demand typology

There are several types of wine cellar on the market, each offering specific features adapted to different needs, whether for long-term storage, temperature control for tasting, or both.

Types of Wine Cellars

Aging cellars: These cellars are designed for long-term wine storage and maintain optimal conditions for aging. They feature precise ...

4.2 Supply trends

Connected wine cellars

The most talked-about wine cellar trend of recent times is the release of connected cellars. The first model has been developed by La Sommelière, a leading company in the wine cellar market, and will go on sale in **** for a price starting at ****€.

A series of sensors ...

5 Regulations

5.1 Sector regulations

The sale and manufacture of household appliances are governed by European directives - listed on the DGCCRF website.

for example, the production of vacuum cleaners must comply with the prerogatives of European Commission directive ****/**/EU.

These European norms set standards for labelling, technical characteristics, energy consumption classification, noise or energy efficiency ...

6 Positioning the players

6.1 Player segmentation

  • Witradis Caravin
  • Eurocave
  • La Sommelière
  • Climadiff
  • Avintage
  • ArteVino
  • Groupe Frio
  • Boulanger
  • Miele
  • Liebherr
  • Haier
  • Darty

List of charts presented in this market study

  • Poll: what does investing in wine mean to you?
  • Number of wine cellars in France
  • Market trends and projections for wine cellars
  • Sales trends for refrigeration and wine cellars
  • Sales trend, Major electrical appliances
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Latest news

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Witradis Caravin
La Sommelière
Groupe Frio

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The wine cellar market | France

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