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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

The total closure of nuclear operations, the demolition of buildings, the deployment of radiation safety measures for site employees and staff, and the containment, conditioning, and disposal of radioactive or hazardous waste are all part of nuclear decommissioning. The nuclear decommissioning sector is quickly expanding around the world and has emerged as a separate industry. As nuclear power reactors age around the world, many countries are being pressured to shut them down (decommission) and demolish them. These countries will have to deal with concerns such as the release and/or reuse of materials, buildings, and sites, as well as radioactive waste management. It is commonly acknowledged that the removal of regulatory constraints is influenced by a variety of circumstances and may include several stages and intermediate uses. National policies differ in terms of the exact goals that must be met during this process. Each Decommissioning is divided in several phases that manage the different part of the nuclear plants. 

As a result, by 2021, the world will have about 193 shutdown nuclear reactors (energy generators), the majority of which have not yet been decommissioned. States have progressively realized the enormity of the challenge of decommissioning the world's numerous old nuclear power reactors. Europe is the world's largest market, with a projected value of €95 billion between 2020 and 2050.  

The exploitation of nuclear energy in Italy took place between 1963 and 1990. The five Italian nuclear power plants were closed due to reaching age limits or following the 1987 referendum. In Italy, Sogin is the firm responsible for the decommissioning of the four Italian nuclear power plants of Trino, Caorso, Latina and Garigliano. The Latina nuclear power facility is the fourth and final Italian nuclear power reactor to receive a decommissioning decree. The first phase of decommissioning is planned to be completed in 2027, with a total asset value of 270 million euros. The radioactive waste from a former power plant is transported to the National Repository, and the area's temporary storage facilities are dismantled. When the procedure is finished. The site is decommissioned and returned to the community for reuse, with no radiological restrictions.

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the nuclear decommissioning market | Italy

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