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1 Market overview

1.1 Definition and scope of study

Industrial cleaning defines a paid cleaning service of premises for professional use. These premises can be places where a tertiary activity is carried out (offices and administrations), places that receive the general public (shopping malls and stores), places related to industry (plants and laboratories), places of health or transport. Unlike ordinary cleaning, industrial cleaning requires very specific machinery and more specialized know-how.

It is therefore an exclusively "business-to-business" market. It is an area where competition is intense because it is extremely complex to differentiate a cleaning offering.

The global industrial cleaning market is expected to continue to grow at a rate of 4.5% through 2024. The main drivers of the market are the growth of the manufacturing and healthcare industries, and the increased importance placed on hygiene and cleanliness in the workplace.

Metal cleaners are expected to be the fastest growing industrial cleaning segment during the forecast period. High demand for metal cleaners in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, and aerospace is one of the major factors that will drive the market growth.

In Italy, the market is registered under Ateco code 81.22, which identifies the specialized cleaning activities of buildings and industrial plants and machinery. Since 2014, the turnover has grown by 15%, which indicates a growth of the national market.

In Italy, there are many companies that offer industrial cleaning services and may offer other services, such as waste management. The national market is fragmented, but the number of companies has grown strongly in recent years. In fact, in just 4 years, from 2014 to 2018, the number of companies operating in this sector has grown by 29%.

Thus, the industrial cleaning market was booming when it faced the coronavirus emergency. However, the market adapted to the new needs due to the health emergency and operators started offering new cleaning services aimed at sanitizing air and surfaces.

It is important to note that industrial cleaning refers to a method of cleaning rather than cleaning that takes place exclusively at industrial premises.

1.2 The global market

The global industrial cleaning market was valued at **.* billion dollars in ****. It is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (***) of *.*% and reach a value of **.* billion dollars by ****.

Size of the global industrial cleaning market World, ****-****, in billions of dollars Source: ****

This growth in market size is ...

1.3 The Italian market

Industrial cleaning is a subsegment of the cleaning and disinfestation sector. As mentioned above, industrial cleaning refers to a method of cleaning rather than cleaning on industrial premises. The cleaning and disinfestation services market was worth almost *.* billion euros in **** (***). The graph below breaks down this sector in more detail.

Cleaning ...

1.4 The impact of COVID-19

In early **** the COVID-** hit the world. Italy was the first European country to experience it, and the first to impose severe lockdowns. These lockdowns were strictly enforced, which halted all economic activity for a period of almost two months. This put a strain on many industries, including the cleaning one. ...

2 Demand Analysis

2.1 Main consumers and their habits

Industrial cleaning services are very useful for a variety of end-users. These range from hospitals, to factories, to the public administration, to SMEs and occasionally residences. The graph below outlines which type of establishments are the main consumers of industrial cleaning.

Main consumers of industrial cleaning services Italy, ****, in % Source: ****

The ...

2.2 Individual consumption and opinions

Industrial cleaning takes place mostly in offices, warehouses, factories and hospitals. Nonetheless, individuals and households are still significant consumers of these type of services and products. In fact, Istat conducted a study which analysed household consumptions for a variety of goods and services (***). 

Average monthly expenditure by Italian families on different ...

2.3 Latest trends in demand

Environmental performance

The conscious effort to preserve the environment and adhere to ecological standards has not escaped the industrial cleaning market. Other than obvious demands such as effective performance and affordability a new trend in demand is environmental performance of industrial cleaning services and products. This is being increasingly focused on ...

3 Market structure

3.1 A fragmented market

The industrial cleaning market is very fragmented and this is mainly due to two reasons:

This market is very broad since it includes manufacturers of industrial cleaning, products, equipment, and supplies but also industrial cleaning services providers (***) Companies that provide industrial cleaning services also operate in other segments of the cleaning ...

3.2 Main players

As mentioned above, this market is highly fragmented with numerous SMEs, auto-entrepreneurs and artisans. However, on the scene there are also some larger players which are outlined in the graph below.

Biggest industrial cleaning companies, by revenue Italy, ****, in millions of euros Source: ****

There are also some niche players that specialise ...

3.3 Trade fairs and shows: a way for brands to promote their products

There are two exhibitions which industrial cleaning product manufacturers and service suppliers attend in Italy: Host Fiera Milano and EcoMan Rimini. These shows are a way for brands to showcase their new products and innovations.

Host Fiera Milano

Host Milano is the world trade fair dedicated to the world of catering ...

4 Analysis of the offer

4.1 Typology of the offer

The offer of industrial cleaning can be categorized in two sections: services and equipment & products

Industrial cleaning services

This category can be further segmented into the type of service provided by function, or the type of service provided by location in which the service is provided.

Some of the most common ...

4.2 Pricing

The two tables below outline average prices in Italy for industrial cleaning services and machinery.

Source: ****

4.3 Innovative offers

Electrochemically Active Solutions (***)

ECAS have been used in the treatment of drinking water for more than a century, but in recent years a number of companies have been exploring new applications for these water-based solutions. Among them, Envirolyte provides ECAS systems a powerful biocidal liquid, capable of killing bacteria and viruses ...

4.4 Rental services

In recent years, following growing customer demand and in response to market developments, alongside the more traditional financial solutions of sale and financing, there have been increasing proposals for short and long-term professional rental solutions, culminating in the articulated "Full Rent" formula which includes maintenance and assistance for the entire duration ...

5 Regulation

5.1 Regulations

Article * of Ministerial Decree ***/**** defines what cleaning is:

cleaning activities: those that concern the set of procedures and operations aimed at removing dust, unwanted material or dirt from surfaces, objects, confined environments and pertinent areas;  disinfection activities: those concerning the set of procedures and operations aimed at making certain confined environments ...

6 Positioning of the players

6.1 Segmentation

  • GAP S.P.A
  • Vivaldi & Cardinio S.P.A
  • Pulitecnica Friulana
  • Tennant Company
  • Columbus
  • Karcher

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Companies quoted in this study

This study contains a complete overview of the companies in the market, with the latest figures and news for each company. :

Vivaldi & Cardinio S.P.A
Pulitecnica Friulana
Tennant Company

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