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Summary and extracts
1 Market overview
1.1 Definition and scope of the study
There are many varieties of mushrooms, but the most cultivated species in the world are among the following:
- Button mushroom (also called white mushroom in the Spanish market) occupies the first place: it is the most cultivated variety in the world by far. China accounts for more than 50% of the world production;
- Shiitake, from Asia, is the second most produced variety in the world;
- The oyster mushroom occupies the third place in this ranking;
Although Spanish consumption of mushrooms is still well below that of many European countries, there is a definite upward trend in this consumption. The Spanish mushroom market thus offers very promising prospects for growth. although the white mushroom is still the most represented on the Spanish market, its consumption is growing less rapidly than other types of mushrooms such as Shiitake, which is gaining in popularity.
The Spanish mushroom market is supported by a few national production giants, such as the Neofungi group, which is strongly dominant in the national production of button mushrooms. Other groups are asserting more innovative positions, such as the Ayecue group (Riberebro), which markets the first range of organic mushrooms under the Riofresh brand. [FreshPlaza]
1.2 A stable world market dominated by China
The many health benefits of mushrooms are driving a growing worldwide demand. Especially in Asia Pacific, which dominates the market with an extremely high demand for mushrooms from Japan, China and even India.
North America and Europe have significant markets for the sale of exotic mushrooms, both in terms of imports ...
1.3 The European market dominated by Poland
In Europe, the production of mushrooms has remained fairly stable over the last few years, at around *,***,*** tons per year. A distinction is made between fresh and processed mush rooms (***). The desired shelf life, the clientele and the transport time determine the fate of the mushroom production.
European mushroom production Europe, ...
1.4 The Spanish market
Mushroom market:
In ****, the sale of mushrooms in Spain amounted to *** million euros in ****, up **.* million euros compared to ****, but down from ****, which was a record year, with more than *** million euros of mushrooms sold.
Turnover of mushroom sales Spain, ****-****, in millions of euros Source: ****
Note that this turnover is ...
1.5 Foreign trade
The UN HS nomenclature includes mushrooms and truffles prepared and preserved in ways other than with acids or vinegar.
Spain appears as a competitive producer of this product category. In the period **** to ****, it has a trade surplus. Between **** and ****, this surplus has increased by **.**% to reach the value of **,*** million ...
2 Analysis of the demand
2.1 A strong demand for mushrooms in Spain
Evolution of consumption:
In recent years, the consumption of mushrooms by Spanish households has been increasing. In total, **.* million kg of fresh mushrooms were consumed in the Spanish territory, down from the record year **** (***), but up from ****.
Evolution of mushroom consumption Spain, ****-****, in million kg Source: ****
As a result, the ...
2.2 The case of truffles: domestic demand is still weak
The demand for truffles in Spain is still quite limited because this ingredient is not yet part of the culinary traditions of the country, and has not been as much integrated into the gastronomic culture as in other neighboring countries such as France or Italy.
The following graph highlights the interest ...
2.3 Shiitake, a new trend?
Unknown in the European and Spanish markets until a few years ago, even though it is the second most consumed mushroom in the world (***), Shiitake is gradually making its appearance in food supplements and in several products.a trend that is confirmed as more and more Spaniards are interested in so-called ...
2.4 le Shiitake
Le shiitake a connu une croissance exponentielle en Espagne depuis son introduction dans les années **. Initialement difficile à vendre, avec seulement ** kilos par semaine en ****, sa consommation est passée à environ * *** à * *** kilos par semaine aujourd'hui.Le prix du shiitake est particulièrement attractif pour les producteurs, car il est environ trois ...
2.5 La truffe
La truffe est un type de champignon luxueux comportant une large valeur ajoutée et dont la production est majoritairement effectuée en Espagne, notamment concernant la truffe noire. Le principal avantage de ce champignon est sont prix de vente.
En effet, même si les données historiques des prix ...
3 Market structure
3.1 Méthodes de production et conservation
Méthode de production :
La production de champignons, notamment l'Agaricus bisporus (***), implique plusieurs étapes soigneusement contrôlées pour garantir une culture réussie. Voici les principales étapes du processus :
Préparation du compost : Le compost utilisé pour la culture des champignons est généralement un mélange de fumier ...
3.2 Production de champignons
En ****, **% des champignons produits en Espagne correpondaient à des champignons de Paris.
Production de champignons en Espagne Espagne, ****, % Source : Financial food Entre **** et ****, la superficie dédiée à la production de champignons en Espagne a légèrement fluctué, mais a globalement diminué. En ****, la production couvrait **,** hectares, et en ****, elle a ...
3.3 Distribution
Les dernières données disponibles concernant la distribution de champignons datent de l'année ****. Après cette année, les statistiques spécifiques aux champignons sont inclues au sein du segment des légumes frais ou transformés. Afin d'approcher au mieux la distribution sur ce marché, nous avons ainsi ...
4 Analysis of the offer
4.1 The main species of mushrooms
There are hundreds of thousands of species of mushrooms in the world, the most popular cultivated varieties are (***)
Mushrooms or Prataiolo (***), also known as Portobello, characterized by its hazelnut-colored cap, is the most suitable for risottos, but it is also delicious breaded. The oyster mushroom (***) has a characteristic shape, which is ...
4.2 Prix
Evolution des prix :
Entre **** et ****, le prix moyen des champignons frais en Espagne a connu une augmentation constante. En ****, le prix moyen était de *,** €/kg, puis il a légèrement augmenté en **** à *,** €/kg (***), marquant une augmentation constante sur les cinq années.
Evolution du prix moyen des champignons frais Espagne, ...
4.3 L'offre de champignons bio
Le marché des champignons biologiques est en pleine croissance, bien que son développement varie selon les pays. Aux Pays-Bas, par exemple, la demande de champignons bio est encore relativement faible par rapport à d'autres pays européens, mais elle connaît une tendance stable avec des perspectives de croissance. Des marchés ...
4.4 Utilisations alternatives des champignons : mycothérapie ou fongothérapie
La thérapie fongique est une forme de médecine alternative dérivée de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise et repose sur l'utilisation de certains types de champignons pour traiter et prévenir les maladies La thérapie fongique est également utilisée dans d'autres médecines traditionnelles orientales comme ...
5 Regulation
5.1 Marketing standards and regulations
As vegetables often processed or frozen, the mushroom in its forms must comply with a number of standards.
The international food standards for fruits and vegetables are listed in this book:[***].
The European Union standards for cultivated mushrooms are available in this document [***]
The UN and EEC standards:[***]
In general ...
5.2 Evolution of the Spanish legislation
Until ****, the sale of mushrooms for consumption in Spain was governed by a legal framework established in ****, the Spanish Food Code, which established a list of edible and poisonous species, complemented by commercial quality standards for mushrooms, truffles and ceps. In recent years, the general interest in collecting and consuming wild ...
5.3 Labels de qualité
Les marques suivantes assurent une qualité supplémentaire aux champignons produits en Espagne :
Setas de Casilla y León :
La Marque de Garantie :"Setas de Castilla y León" certifie que les champignons frais, congelés ou transformés portant ce label proviennent exclusivement des forêts de la région ...
6 Positioning of the actors
6.1 Segmentation of actors
- Riberebro
- Arotz
- Mercadona
- Congalsa
- Champinter
- Laumont
- Frutas E. Sánchez
- Hifas da Terra
List of charts presented in this market study
- Main mushroom-producing countries after China
- Le marché mondial des champignons
- Répartition mondiale de la production de truffes et champignons
- European mushroom production
- Evolution du chiffre d'affaires du secteur du champignon en Espagne
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